Exemple #1
    def test_email_full_width_image(self):
        # An existing static image
        filepath = "asso_tn/belvederes.jpg"
        alt_text = "Belvederes"
        link = "https://mobilitains.fr"
        template_string = ("{% load static %}{% load email_tags %}"
                           "{% static "
                           " as filepath %}"
                           "{% email_full_width_image filepath "
                           f"'{alt_text}' '{link}'"
                           " %}")
        context = Context()
        rendered_template = Template(template_string).render(context)
        # Exepcted result is from email_full_width_image's code.
        expected_template = f"""
                <a href="{link}" style="text-decoration:none;">
                    <img src="{settings.STATIC_URL}{filepath}" width="600" alt="{alt_text}"
        """.format(  # noqa
            filepath=filepath, alt_text=alt_text, link=link)

        # Get rid of the whitespaces
        rendered_template = " ".join(rendered_template.split())
        expected_template = " ".join(expected_template.split())

        self.assertEqual(rendered_template, expected_template)
    def test_in_context(self):
        text = "{% load in_context %}"
        text += "1. {{ f1 }}{{ f2 }}{{ f3 }}{{ f4 }}\n"
        text += "{% begincontext c1 %}\n"
        text += "2. {{ f1 }}{{ f2 }}{{ f3 }}{{ f4 }}\n"
        text += "{% endcontext %}{% begincontext c1 c2 %}\n"
        text += "3. {{ f1 }}{{ f2 }}{{ f3 }}{{ f4 }}\n"
        text += "{% begincontext c2a %}\n"
        text += "4. {{ f1 }}{{ f2 }}{{ f3 }}{{ f4 }}\n"
        text += "{% endcontext %}{% endcontext %}\n"
        text += "5. {{ f1 }}{{ f2 }}{{ f3 }}{{ f4 }}"

        context = {
            'f1': 'f1',
            'c1': {
                'f2': 'c1.f2',
                'f1': 'c1.f1'
            'c2': {
                'f2': 'c2.f2',
                'f3': 'c2.f3',
                'c2a': {
                    'f4': 'c2a.f4'

        output = Template(text).render(Context(context))
        lines = output.split("\n")
        self.assertEqual("1. f1", lines[0])
        self.assertEqual("2. c1.f1c1.f2", lines[2])
        self.assertEqual("3. c1.f1c2.f2c2.f3", lines[4])
        self.assertEqual("4. c2a.f4", lines[6])
        self.assertEqual("5. f1", lines[8])
Exemple #3
    def test_email_cta_button(self):

        slug = "index"
        label = "Go to the homepage"
        expected_template = """
            <td style="padding-right:30px;padding-left:30px;padding-bottom:15px;
                    <a href="{slug}" class="btn
                    donation-button btn-lg">
                    {label} <i class="fa fa-arrow-right" area-hidden="true"></i>

        template_string = ("{% load email_tags %}"
                           "{% email_cta_button slug label %}")
        context = Context({"slug": slug, "label": label})
        rendered_template = Template(template_string).render(context)
        # Get rid of the whitespaces
        rendered_template = " ".join(rendered_template.split())
        expected_template = " ".join(expected_template.split())

        self.assertEqual(rendered_template, expected_template)
Exemple #4
    def gather(self, **kwargs):
        retval = []
        if hasattr(self,'gather_%s'%self.slug):
        if self.template:
            rendering = Template('{%% autoescape off %%}%s{%% endautoescape %%}'%self.template).render(Context(kwargs))
            if rendering:
                retval.extend([x.strip() for x in rendering.split(',')])

        return clean_duplicates(retval)
    def test_in_context_cascade(self):
        """Make sure fields that are not dicts get passed along"""
        text = "{% load in_context %}{% begincontext c1 f2 %}"
        text += "{{ f1 }}{{ f2 }}\n"
        text += "{% endcontext %}"
        text += "{{ f1 }}{{ f2 }}"

        context = {'f1': 'f1', 'f2': 'f2', 'c1': {'f1': 'c1.f1'}}
        output = Template(text).render(Context(context))
        lines = output.split("\n")
        self.assertEqual("c1.f1f2", lines[0])
        self.assertEqual("f1f2", lines[1])
Exemple #6
    def gather(self, **kwargs):
        retval = []
        if hasattr(self, 'gather_%s' % self.slug):
            retval.extend(eval('self.gather_%s(**kwargs)' % self.slug))
        if self.template:
            rendering = Template(
                '{%% autoescape off %%}%s{%% endautoescape %%}' %
            if rendering:
                retval.extend([x.strip() for x in rendering.split(',')])

        return clean_duplicates(retval)
    def test_in_context_cascade(self):
        """Make sure fields that are not dicts get passed along"""
        text = "{% load in_context %}{% begincontext c1 f2 %}"
        text += "{{ f1 }}{{ f2 }}\n"
        text += "{% endcontext %}"
        text += "{{ f1 }}{{ f2 }}"

        context = {'f1': 'f1', 'f2': 'f2', 'c1': {'f1': 'c1.f1'}}
        output = Template(text).render(Context(context))
        lines = output.split("\n")
        self.assertEqual("c1.f1f2", lines[0])
        self.assertEqual("f1f2", lines[1])
Exemple #8
 def get_fqdn(self, object):
     if self.fqdn_template:
         # Render template
         ctx = Context({"object": object})
         f = Template(self.fqdn_template).render(ctx)
         # Remove spaces
         f = "".join(f.split())
         f = object.name
     # Check resulting fqdn
     if not is_fqdn(f):
         raise ValueError("Invalid FQDN: %s" % f)
     return f
Exemple #9
    def test_email_body_text_md(self):

        text = "This is a test"
        expected_template = \
                <td style="padding:30px;background-color:#ffffff;">
                    <p style="margin:0;">
        template_string = ("{% load email_tags %}"
                           "{% email_body_text_md text %}")
        context = Context({"text": text})
        rendered_template = Template(template_string).render(context)
        # Get rid of the whitespaces
        rendered_template = " ".join(rendered_template.split())
        expected_template = " ".join(expected_template.split())
        self.assertEqual(rendered_template, expected_template)
Exemple #10
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        # Find the definitions file
            definition_file = settings.DYNCONF_DEF_FILE
            # If not found, choose a default
            definition_file = os.path.join(settings.CONF_DIR,

        # Choose a default directory, in case an entry in the definitions is a relative path
        self.default_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(definition_file))

        # Get the context that will be given to all templates
        context = self._get_default_context()

        # Load the definitions and process them through the template engine
        with open(definition_file, 'r') as file:
            contents = file.read()
        output = Template(contents).render(context)
        self.stdout.write("Loaded definition file: {}".format(definition_file))

        # Loop through each line
        lines = output.split("\n")
        num_configs = 0
        for line in lines:
            # Skip any that aren't key=value format
            line = line.strip()
            if line.startswith('#') or len(line) == 0:
            parts = line.split('=')
            if len(parts) != 2:
            self._generate_config_file(parts[0].strip(), parts[1].strip(),
            num_configs += 1

        if num_configs == 0:
            self.stderr.write("No dynamic configs defined")
    def test_in_context(self):
        text = "{% load in_context %}"
        text += "1. {{ f1 }}{{ f2 }}{{ f3 }}{{ f4 }}\n"
        text += "{% begincontext c1 %}\n"
        text += "2. {{ f1 }}{{ f2 }}{{ f3 }}{{ f4 }}\n"
        text += "{% endcontext %}{% begincontext c1 c2 %}\n"
        text += "3. {{ f1 }}{{ f2 }}{{ f3 }}{{ f4 }}\n"
        text += "{% begincontext c2a %}\n"
        text += "4. {{ f1 }}{{ f2 }}{{ f3 }}{{ f4 }}\n"
        text += "{% endcontext %}{% endcontext %}\n"
        text += "5. {{ f1 }}{{ f2 }}{{ f3 }}{{ f4 }}"

        context = {'f1': 'f1',
                   'c1': {'f2': 'c1.f2', 'f1': 'c1.f1'},
                   'c2': {'f2': 'c2.f2',
                          'f3': 'c2.f3', 'c2a': {'f4': 'c2a.f4'}}}

        output = Template(text).render(Context(context))
        lines = output.split("\n")
        self.assertEqual("1. f1", lines[0])
        self.assertEqual("2. c1.f1c1.f2", lines[2])
        self.assertEqual("3. c1.f1c2.f2c2.f3", lines[4])
        self.assertEqual("4. c2a.f4", lines[6])
        self.assertEqual("5. f1", lines[8])