def submit_transaction_v1(
        transaction: Dict[str, Any], callback_url: Optional[str],
        api_key: "api_key_model.APIKeyModel") -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Formats and enqueues individual transaction (from user input) to the webserver queue
        String of the submitted transaction id
    """"[TRANSACTION] Parsing and loading user input")
    txn_model = _generate_transaction_model(transaction)

    # Check if allowed to create transaction of this type
    if not api_key.is_key_allowed(
            extra_data={"requested_types": {txn_model.txn_type}}):
        raise exceptions.ActionForbidden(
            f"API Key is not allowed to create transaction of type {txn_model.txn_type}"
        )"[TRANSACTION] Txn valid. Queueing txn object")

    if callback_url:"[TRANSACTION] Registering callback for queued txn")
        callback.register_callback(txn_model.txn_id, callback_url)

    return {"transaction_id": txn_model.txn_id}
def submit_transaction_v1(transaction: Dict[str, Any], callback_url: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Formats and enqueues individual transaction (from user input) to the webserver queue
        String of the submitted transaction id
    """"[TRANSACTION] Parsing and loading user input")
    txn_model = _generate_transaction_model(transaction)"[TRANSACTION] Txn valid. Queueing txn object")
    queue.enqueue_item(txn_model.export_as_queue_task())"[TRANSACTION] insert transaction stub for pending transaction")

    if callback_url:"[TRANSACTION] Registering callback for queued txn")
        callback.register_callback(txn_model.txn_id, callback_url)

    return {"transaction_id": txn_model.txn_id}
 def test_register_if_callback_url_is_not_none(self, mock_hset):
     register_callback("banana", "NotNone")
     mock_hset.assert_called_once_with("dc:tx:callback", "banana",