def get_connectivity_description(connectivity_matrix, polyhedra, structure, sites_diff, radius=2.6, anions=None):
    Writes a verbal description of the connectivity between cations in a structure; connections between cation
    polyhedra and reflections of itself (and reflections of other cation polyhedra) are also counted; different
    sites of the same species are not differentiated (that is, connectivity for cations with different sites, not
    including reflections, are not counted separately)

    :param connectivity_matrix: (dict) dictionary of dictionaries containing connectivities between different cation
    polyhedra (should be output from get_connectivity_matrix)
    :param polyhedra: (List of Polyhedra) list of all Polyhedra in the supercell structure
    :param structure: (Structure) target structure
    :param sites_diff: (Boolean) whether sites with the same cation species should be differentiated
    :param radius: (float) radius within which to determine whether a nearby atom is a peripheral ion
    :param anions: (List of Strings) list of species strings of what we consider anions in the structure
    :return: (dict) dictionary of strings containing verbal descriptions of connectivites between cations in the given
    structure; keys = cation tag (eg: Li1, Na2, where the letters represent the species and the number distinguishes
    the species from the other instances of that same species in the unit cell); dict values = String descriptions of

    if anions is None:
        anions = ['O2-', 'O', 'F-', 'F', 'Cl-', 'Cl', 'I-', 'I', 'Br-', 'Br', 'S2-', 'S', 'N', 'N3-']

    cn_list = EffectiveCoordFinder(structure).get_avg_cn(radius, anions)
    descriptions = {}
    for cation_1 in connectivity_matrix.keys():
        descriptions[cation_1] = ""
    for cation_1 in connectivity_matrix.keys():
        if sites_diff:
            cn1 = get_effective_cn(get_ex_poly(polyhedra, cation_1))
            cn1 = cn_list[cation_1]
        descriptions[cation_1] += cation_1 + " are " + get_cn_description(cn1) + ". \n"
        for cation_2 in connectivity_matrix[cation_1].keys():
            connected = False
            for connectivity_type in connectivity_matrix[cation_1][cation_2].keys():
                if connectivity_matrix[cation_1][cation_2][connectivity_type] != 0:
                    connected = True
            if connected:
                descriptions[cation_1] += "They are "
                first = True
                for connectivity_type in connectivity_matrix[cation_1][cation_2].keys():
                    if connectivity_matrix[cation_1][cation_2][connectivity_type] != 0:
                        if first:
                            descriptions[cation_1] += connectivity_type + "-connected "
                            first = False
                            descriptions[cation_1] += "and " + connectivity_type + "-connected "
                if sites_diff:
                    cn2 = get_effective_cn(get_ex_poly(polyhedra, cation_2))
                    cn2 = cn_list[cation_2]
                descriptions[cation_1] += "to " + get_cn_description(cn2) + " " + cation_2 + ". "
    return descriptions
    def test_econ_on_polyhedra(self):
        """Test Routine econ for single Polyhedra"""

        licoo2_matrix, licoo2_polyhedra = connectivity.get_connectivity_matrix(self.licoo2_structure, False)
        for polyhedra in licoo2_polyhedra:
            if polyhedra.central_ion_name == "Li":
                test_poly = polyhedra

        cn = econ.get_effective_cn(test_poly)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cn, 6.0, 2, "Li polyhedra should be 6-fold coordinated")