Exemple #1
        help="Use spherical harmonic fits instead of raw data",
    parser.add_argument("--plotname", dest="plotname", help="Output plot filename")
    parser.add_argument("--noshow", action="store_true", dest="noshow", default=False, help="Do not display plots")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    opts = vars(args).copy()

    alpha = 1 / 20.0
    config = "IC"
    maps = getEnergyMaps(config)
    energy_bin_median = [4.12, 4.38, 4.58, 4.85, 5.12, 5.38, 5.77, 6.13, 6.73]
    energy_err_lower = [0.62, 0.65, 0.68, 0.73, 0.74, 0.75, 0.6, 0.52, 0.46]
    energy_err_upper = [0.5, 0.54, 0.55, 0.64, 0.72, 0.78, 0.83, 0.63, 0.58]

    # Right ascension projection of relative intensity map
    data, bg, local = hp.read_map(maps[0][0], range(3), verbose=False)
    nside = hp.get_nside(data)
    dec, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside, [i for i in range(hp.nside2npix(nside))])
    rad2deg = 180.0 / np.pi
    deg2rad = np.pi / 180.0
    dec = np.array([rad2deg * i for i in dec])
    decmin = 115.0
    decmax = 180.0
    deccut = (dec >= decmin) * (dec <= decmax)
    ra = np.array([rad2deg * i for i in ra])
Exemple #2
    p.add_argument("--offset", dest="offset", type=int, help="Shift phase by some offset value")
        "-b", "--batch", dest="batch", default=False, action="store_true", help="Execute without interaction"
    p.add_argument("-o", "--out", dest="out", default=None, help="Option to write to file")
    args = p.parse_args()

    if args.files == "config":
        files = glob.glob("%s/IC?*_24H_sid.fits" % my.ani_maps)
        configs = np.array([os.path.basename(f).split("_")[0] for f in files])
        csort = configs.argsort()
        configs, files = configs[csort], np.asarray(files)[csort]
        x = range(len(configs))
        smooth = 5
    if args.files == "energy":
        files = getEnergyMaps("IC")
        ebins = [float(i) for i in getEbins()]
        nbins = len(ebins) - 1
        x = [readDist_IC("IC", ebins[i], ebins[i + 1])[0] for i in range(nbins)]
        xL = [readDist_IC("IC", ebins[i], ebins[i + 1])[1] for i in range(nbins)]
        xR = [readDist_IC("IC", ebins[i], ebins[i + 1])[2] for i in range(nbins)]
        # x = getMids(ebins, infvalue=100)
        smooth = 20
        # Custom treatment of IT map
        files += [["{}/IT_24H_sid_STA8.fits".format(my.ani_maps)]]
        # x = np.append(x, np.log10(2*10**6))
        median, sigL, sigR = readDist_IT("IT", 8, 100)
        x += [median]
        xL += [sigL]
        xR += [sigR]
    if args.files == "comp":