Exemple #1
def test02_multiple_values(pkg, variant):
    p = get_class(pkg)

    i = ek.arange(p.Int, 0, 10)
    v = ek.zero(p.Array3f, 10)

    if variant == 1:
        v.y = p.Float(0)

    loop = p.Loop(i, v)
    while loop.cond(i < 5):
        i.assign(i + 1)
        f = p.Float(i)
        v.x += f
        v.y += 2 * f
        v.z += 4 * f

    if variant == 0:
        ek.eval(i, v)

    assert i == p.Int(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
    assert v.y == p.Int(30, 28, 24, 18, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Exemple #2
        def eval(self, pos, vel):
            pos, vel = m.Array2f(pos), m.Array2f(vel)

            # Run for 100 iterations
            it, max_it = m.UInt32(0), 100

            # Allocate scratch space
            n = max(ek.width(pos), ek.width(vel))
            self.temp_pos = ek.empty(m.Array2f, n * max_it)
            self.temp_vel = ek.empty(m.Array2f, n * max_it)

            loop = m.Loop(pos, vel, it)
            while loop.cond(it < max_it):
                # Store current loop variables
                index = it * n + ek.arange(m.UInt32, n)
                ek.scatter(self.temp_pos, pos, index)
                ek.scatter(self.temp_vel, vel, index)

                # Update loop variables
                pos_out, vel_out = self.timestep(pos, vel)

                it += 1

            # Ensure output and temp. arrays are evaluated at this point
            ek.eval(pos, vel)

            return pos, vel
Exemple #3
def test16_custom(cname):
    t = get_class(cname)

    v1 = ek.zero(t, 100)
    v2 = ek.empty(t, 100)
    assert len(v1.state) == 100
    assert len(v2.inc) == 100

    v2.state = v1.state
    v1.state = ek.arange(type(v1.state), 100)
    v3 = ek.select(v1.state < 10, v1, v2)
    assert v3.state[3] == 3
    assert v3.state[11] == 0

    assert ek.width(v3) == 100
    v4 = ek.zero(t, 1)
    ek.resize(v4, 200)
    assert ek.width(v4) == 200

    assert ek.width(v3) == 100
    v4 = ek.zero(t, 1)
    ek.resize(v4, 200)
    assert ek.width(v4) == 200

    index = ek.arange(type(v1.state), 100)
    ek.scatter(v4, v1, index)
    v5 = ek.gather(t, v4, index)
    assert v5.state == v1.state and v5.inc == v1.inc
Exemple #4
def test07_loop_nest(pkg, variant):
    p = get_class(pkg)

    def collatz(value: p.Int):
        counter = p.Int(0)
        loop = p.Loop(value, counter)
        while (loop.cond(ek.neq(value, 1))):
            is_even = ek.eq(value & 1, 0)
            value.assign(ek.select(is_even, value // 2, 3 * value + 1))
            counter += 1
        return counter

    i = p.Int(1)
    buf = ek.full(p.Int, 1000, 16)

    if variant == 0:
        loop_1 = p.Loop(i)
        while loop_1.cond(i <= 10):
            ek.scatter(buf, collatz(p.Int(i)), i - 1)
            i += 1
        for i in range(1, 11):
            ek.scatter(buf, collatz(p.Int(i)), i - 1)
            i += 1

    assert buf == p.Int(0, 1, 7, 2, 5, 8, 16, 3, 19, 6, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000,
                        1000, 1000)
Exemple #5
def export_(a, migrate_to_host, version):
    shape = _ek.shape(a)
    ndim = len(shape)
    shape = tuple(reversed(shape))

    if not a.IsJIT:
        # F-style strides
        temp, strides = a.Type.Size, [0] * ndim
        for i in range(ndim):
            strides[i] = temp
            temp *= shape[i]

        # Array is already contiguous in memory -- document its structure
        return {
            'shape': shape,
            'strides': tuple(strides),
            'typestr': '<' + a.Type.NumPy,
            'data': (a.data_(), False),
            'version': version,
            'device': -1,
            'owner': a
        # C-style strides
        temp, strides = a.Type.Size, [0] * ndim
        for i in reversed(range(ndim)):
            strides[i] = temp
            temp *= shape[i]

        # JIT array -- requires extra transformations
        b = _ek.ravel(_ek.detach(a) if a.IsDiff else a)

        if b.IsCUDA and migrate_to_host:
            if b is a:
                b = type(a)(b)
            b = b.migrate_(_ek.AllocType.Host)
        elif b.IsLLVM:

        record = {
            'shape': shape,
            'strides': tuple(strides),
            'typestr': '<' + a.Type.NumPy,
            'data': (b.data_(), False),
            'version': version,
            'device': _ek.device(b),
            'owner': b

        return record
Exemple #6
def test22_scatter_rev(m):
    for i in range(3):
        idx1 = ek.arange(m.UInt, 5)
        idx2 = ek.arange(m.UInt, 4) + 3

        x = ek.linspace(m.Float, 0, 1, 5)
        y = ek.linspace(m.Float, 1, 2, 4)
        buf = ek.zero(m.Float, 10)

        if i % 2 == 0:
        if i // 2 == 0:
            ek.enable_grad(x, y)

        x.label = "x"
        y.label = "y"
        buf.label = "buf"

        buf2 = m.Float(buf)
        ek.scatter(buf2, x, idx1)
        ek.scatter(buf2, y, idx2)

        ref_buf = m.Float(0.0000, 0.2500, 0.5000, 1.0000, 1.3333, 1.6667,
                          2.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)

        assert ek.allclose(ref_buf, buf2, atol=1e-4)
        assert ek.allclose(ref_buf, buf, atol=1e-4)

        s = ek.dot_async(buf2, buf2)


        ref_x = m.Float(0.0000, 0.5000, 1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
        ref_y = m.Float(2.0000, 2.6667, 3.3333, 4.0000)

        if i // 2 == 0:
            assert ek.allclose(ek.grad(y), ek.detach(ref_y), atol=1e-4)
            assert ek.allclose(ek.grad(x), ek.detach(ref_x), atol=1e-4)
            assert ek.grad(x) == 0
            assert ek.grad(y) == 0

        if i % 2 == 0:
            assert ek.allclose(ek.grad(buf), 0, atol=1e-4)
            assert ek.grad(buf) == 0
Exemple #7
def test04_side_effect(pkg):
    p = get_class(pkg)

    i = ek.zero(p.Int, 10)
    j = ek.zero(p.Int, 10)
    buf = ek.zero(p.Float, 10)

    loop = p.Loop(i, j)
    while loop.cond(i < 10):
        j += i
        i += 1
        ek.scatter_add(target=buf, value=p.Float(i), index=0)

    ek.eval(i, j)
    assert i == p.Int([10] * 10)
    assert buf == p.Float(550, *([0] * 9))
    assert j == p.Int([45] * 10)
Exemple #8
def test04_side_effect(pkg):
    p = get_class(pkg)

    i = ek.zero(p.Int, 10)
    j = ek.zero(p.Int, 10)
    buf = ek.zero(p.Float, 10)

    loop = p.Loop("MyLoop", lambda: (i, j))
    while loop(i < 10):
        j += i
        i += 1

    ek.eval(i, j)
    assert i == p.Int([10] * 10)
    assert buf == p.Float(550, *([0] * 9))
    assert j == p.Int([45] * 10)
Exemple #9
def test06_test_collatz(pkg, variant):
    p = get_class(pkg)

    def collatz(value: p.Int):
        counter = p.Int(0)
        loop = p.Loop(value, counter)
        while (loop.cond(ek.neq(value, 1))):
            is_even = ek.eq(value & 1, 0)
            value.assign(ek.select(is_even, value // 2, 3 * value + 1))
            counter += 1
        return value, counter

    value, ctr = collatz(ek.arange(p.Int, 1, 11))
    if variant == 0:
        ek.eval(value, ctr)
    elif variant == 1:
    elif variant == 2:

    assert value == p.Int([1] * 10)
    assert ctr == p.Int([0, 1, 7, 2, 5, 8, 16, 3, 19, 6])
Exemple #10
def test46_loop_ballistic_2(m):
    class Ballistic2(ek.CustomOp):
        def timestep(self, pos, vel, dt=0.02, mu=.1, g=9.81):
            acc = -mu * vel * ek.norm(vel) - m.Array2f(0, g)
            pos_out = pos + dt * vel
            vel_out = vel + dt * acc
            return pos_out, vel_out

        def eval(self, pos, vel):
            pos, vel = m.Array2f(pos), m.Array2f(vel)

            # Run for 100 iterations
            it, max_it = m.UInt32(0), 100

            loop = m.Loop(pos, vel, it)
            while loop.cond(it < max_it):
                # Update loop variables
                pos_out, vel_out = self.timestep(pos, vel)

                it += 1

            self.pos = pos
            self.vel = vel

            return pos, vel

        def backward(self):
            grad_pos, grad_vel = self.grad_out()
            pos, vel = self.pos, self.vel

            # Run for 100 iterations
            it = m.UInt32(0)

            loop = m.Loop(it, pos, vel, grad_pos, grad_vel)
            while loop.cond(it < 100):
                # Take reverse step in time
                pos_rev, vel_rev = self.timestep(pos, vel, dt=-0.02)

                # Take a forward step in time, keep track of derivatives
                ek.enable_grad(pos_rev, vel_rev)
                pos_fwd, vel_fwd = self.timestep(pos_rev, vel_rev, dt=0.02)
                ek.set_grad(pos_fwd, grad_pos)
                ek.set_grad(vel_fwd, grad_vel)
                ek.enqueue(pos_fwd, vel_fwd)
                ek.traverse(m.Float, reverse=True)

                it += 1

            self.set_grad_in('pos', grad_pos)
            self.set_grad_in('vel', grad_vel)

    pos_in = m.Array2f([1, 2, 4], [1, 2, 1])
    vel_in = m.Array2f([10, 9, 4], [5, 3, 6])

    for i in range(20):
        ek.eval(vel_in, pos_in)
        pos_out, vel_out = ek.custom(Ballistic2, pos_in, vel_in)
        loss = ek.squared_norm(pos_out - m.Array2f(5, 0))

        vel_in = m.Array2f(ek.detach(vel_in) - 0.2 * ek.grad(vel_in))

    assert ek.allclose(loss, 0, atol=1e-4)
    assert ek.allclose(vel_in.x, [3.3516, 2.3789, 0.79156], atol=1e-3)
Exemple #11
def test46_loop_ballistic(m):
    class Ballistic(ek.CustomOp):
        def timestep(self, pos, vel, dt=0.02, mu=.1, g=9.81):
            acc = -mu * vel * ek.norm(vel) - m.Array2f(0, g)
            pos_out = pos + dt * vel
            vel_out = vel + dt * acc
            return pos_out, vel_out

        def eval(self, pos, vel):
            pos, vel = m.Array2f(pos), m.Array2f(vel)

            # Run for 100 iterations
            it, max_it = m.UInt32(0), 100

            # Allocate scratch space
            n = max(ek.width(pos), ek.width(vel))
            self.temp_pos = ek.empty(m.Array2f, n * max_it)
            self.temp_vel = ek.empty(m.Array2f, n * max_it)

            loop = m.Loop(pos, vel, it)
            while loop.cond(it < max_it):
                # Store current loop variables
                index = it * n + ek.arange(m.UInt32, n)
                ek.scatter(self.temp_pos, pos, index)
                ek.scatter(self.temp_vel, vel, index)

                # Update loop variables
                pos_out, vel_out = self.timestep(pos, vel)

                it += 1

            # Ensure output and temp. arrays are evaluated at this point
            ek.eval(pos, vel)

            return pos, vel

        def backward(self):
            grad_pos, grad_vel = self.grad_out()

            # Run for 100 iterations
            it = m.UInt32(100)

            loop = m.Loop(it, grad_pos, grad_vel)
            n = ek.width(grad_pos)
            while loop.cond(it > 0):
                # Retrieve loop variables, reverse chronological order
                it -= 1
                index = it * n + ek.arange(m.UInt32, n)
                pos = ek.gather(m.Array2f, self.temp_pos, index)
                vel = ek.gather(m.Array2f, self.temp_vel, index)

                # Differentiate loop body in reverse mode
                ek.enable_grad(pos, vel)
                pos_out, vel_out = self.timestep(pos, vel)
                ek.set_grad(pos_out, grad_pos)
                ek.set_grad(vel_out, grad_vel)
                ek.enqueue(pos_out, vel_out)
                ek.traverse(m.Float, reverse=True)

                # Update loop variables

            self.set_grad_in('pos', grad_pos)
            self.set_grad_in('vel', grad_vel)

    pos_in = m.Array2f([1, 2, 4], [1, 2, 1])
    vel_in = m.Array2f([10, 9, 4], [5, 3, 6])

    for i in range(20):
        ek.eval(vel_in, pos_in)
        pos_out, vel_out = ek.custom(Ballistic, pos_in, vel_in)
        loss = ek.squared_norm(pos_out - m.Array2f(5, 0))

        vel_in = m.Array2f(ek.detach(vel_in) - 0.2 * ek.grad(vel_in))

    assert ek.allclose(loss, 0, atol=1e-4)
    assert ek.allclose(vel_in.x, [3.3516, 2.3789, 0.79156], atol=1e-3)
Exemple #12
def export_(a, migrate_to_host, version, owner_supported=True):
    shape = _ek.shape(a)
    ndim = len(shape)
    shape = tuple(reversed(shape))

    if not a.IsJIT:
        # F-style strides
        temp, strides = a.Type.Size, [0] * ndim
        # Enoki represents 3D arrays as 4D to leverage SIMD instructions
        padding = 1 if a.IsScalar and a.IsMatrix and shape[0] == 3 else 0
        for i in range(ndim):
            strides[i] = temp
            temp *= shape[i] + padding

        # Array is already contiguous in memory -- document its structure
        return {
            'shape': shape,
            'strides': tuple(strides),
            'typestr': '<' + a.Type.NumPy,
            'data': (a.data_(), False),
            'version': version,
            'device': -1,
            'owner': a
        # C-style strides
        temp, strides = a.Type.Size, [0] * ndim

        # First dimension is the dynamic one, the rest should be in reversed order
        for i in reversed(range(1, ndim)):
            strides[ndim - i] = temp
            temp *= shape[i]
        strides[0] = temp

        # JIT array -- requires extra transformations
        b = _ek.ravel(_ek.detach(a) if a.IsDiff else a)

        if b.IsCUDA and migrate_to_host:
            if b is a:
                b = type(a)(b)
            b = b.migrate_(_ek.AllocType.Host)
        elif b.IsLLVM:

        if not owner_supported and a is not b:
            # If the caller cannot deal with the 'owner' field, use
            # a weak reference to keep 'b' alive while 'a' exists
            _wr.finalize(a, lambda arg: None, b)

        record = {
            'shape': shape,
            'strides': tuple(strides),
            'typestr': '<' + a.Type.NumPy,
            'data': (b.data_(), False),
            'version': version,
            'device': _ek.device(b),
            'owner': b

        return record