Exemple #1
def transform_direction(obj, v):
    Get local position of vector transformed from world space of Transform
    Inputs: string, Vector3
    Returns: Vector3

    current_matrix = get_world_matrix(obj)
    current_matrix.m = 0
    current_matrix.n = 0
    current_matrix.o = 0

    s = Vector3.Create(mc.getAttr('%s.scale' % obj)[0])

    transform_matrix = EUCLID.Matrix4()
    transform_matrix.m = v.x
    transform_matrix.n = v.y
    transform_matrix.o = v.z

    scale_matrix = EUCLID.Matrix4()
    scale_matrix.a = s.x
    scale_matrix.f = s.y
    scale_matrix.k = s.z
    scale_matrix.p = 1

    result_matrix = transform_matrix * current_matrix * scale_matrix

    result_vector = Vector3(
        result_matrix.m, result_matrix.n, result_matrix.o) - Vector3(
            current_matrix.m, current_matrix.n, current_matrix.o)

    return result_vector
Exemple #2
    def computeBoneTransformRecursive(self, bone, transforms, stack):
        parent, parentMatrix, parentDamping, parentTransparency = stack[-1]

        transform = euclid.Matrix4() * parentMatrix

        pivot = bone.pivot
        xMove = pivot[0]
        yMove = pivot[1]

        transform.translate(xMove, yMove, 0)
        transform.translate(bone.translation.x, bone.translation.y, 0)

        rotation = bone.rotation
        if rotation.y != 0.0:
        if rotation.x != 0.0:
        if rotation.z != 0.0:

        transform.scale(bone.scale.x, bone.scale.y, bone.scale.z)

        transform.translate(-xMove, -yMove, 0)

        damping = max(bone.damping, parentDamping)
        transparency = 1 - ((1 - bone.transparency) * (1 - parentTransparency))
        transforms.append(BoneTransform(bone, transform, damping, transparency))
        stack.append((bone, transform, damping, transparency))

        for childName in bone.children:
            self.computeBoneTransformRecursive(self.bones[childName], transforms, stack)

Exemple #3
    def getProjection(self):
        flipY = -1
        projection = utils.createPerspectiveOrtho(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0 * flipY, -1.0 * flipY, -1.0, 1.0)

        result = euclid.Matrix4()
        for i, attr in enumerate("abcdefghijklmnop"):
            setattr(result, attr, projection[i])
        return result
Exemple #4
 def intersects(self, selectRay):
     # This is the slow way
     m = euclid.Matrix4()
     m *= self.orientation.get_matrix()
     size = self.size
     m.scale(size, size, 1)
     vertlist = [m * v for v in self.vertlist]
     for i in range(1, len(vertlist) - 1):
         poly = euclid.Triangle(vertlist[0], vertlist[i], vertlist[i + 1])
         result = poly.intersect(selectRay)
         if result: return result
     else: return False
Exemple #5
    def computeBoneTransforms(self):
        transforms = []
        stack = []
        stack.append((None, euclid.Matrix4(), 0.0, 0.0))
        self.computeBoneTransformRecursive(self.root, transforms, stack)
        transforms.sort(key=lambda t: t.bone.zOrder)

        if len(stack) != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Unbalanced stack size: %i" % len(stack))

        if len(transforms) > skin.MAX_BONES:
            raise RuntimeError("Too many bones, maximum is %i" % skin.MAX_BONES)

        return transforms
Exemple #6
    def get_card_from_hit(self, select_ray):
        hits = []
        m = euclid.Matrix4()
        m.translate(*tuple(-self.pos))  # 0, 0, -self.z)
        select_ray = m * select_ray
        for card in self.cards:
            result = card.intersects(select_ray)
            if result:
                hits.append((card, result))

        if not hits: return
        hits.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(abs(x[1] - select_ray.p),
                                       abs(y[1] - select_ray.p)))
        selected = hits[0][0]
        spot = hits[0][1]
        return selected
Exemple #7
    def loadModel(self, tag, path, textures, matrix=None):
        if not matrix:
            matrix = euclid.Matrix4()

        m = mesh.MeshObj(path)

        entry = ModelEntry(m, matrix)
        for sampler, image in textures.items():
            entry.textureMap.setTexture(sampler, image)

        old = self.models.get(tag)
        if old:
        self.models[tag] = entry

        return entry
Exemple #8
def get_world_matrix(obj):
    matrix_a = mc.xform(obj, q=True, m=True, ws=True)
    current_matrix = EUCLID.Matrix4()
    current_matrix.a = matrix_a[0]
    current_matrix.b = matrix_a[1]
    current_matrix.c = matrix_a[2]
    current_matrix.d = matrix_a[3]
    current_matrix.e = matrix_a[4]
    current_matrix.f = matrix_a[5]
    current_matrix.g = matrix_a[6]
    current_matrix.h = matrix_a[7]
    current_matrix.i = matrix_a[8]
    current_matrix.j = matrix_a[9]
    current_matrix.k = matrix_a[10]
    current_matrix.l = matrix_a[11]
    current_matrix.m = matrix_a[12]
    current_matrix.n = matrix_a[13]
    current_matrix.o = matrix_a[14]
    current_matrix.p = matrix_a[15]

    return current_matrix
Exemple #9
def makeGripperMarker(angle=0.541, color=None, scale=1.0):
    Creates an InteractiveMarkerControl with the PR2 gripper shape. 
    angle: the aperture angle of the gripper (default=0.541)
    color: (r,g,b,a) tuple or None (default) if using the material colors
    scale: the scale of the gripper, default is 1.0

    The new gripper InteractiveMarkerControl

    T1 = euclid.Matrix4()
    T2 = euclid.Matrix4()

    T1.translate(0.07691, 0.01, 0.)
    T1.rotate_axis(angle, euclid.Vector3(0,0,1))
    T2.translate(0.09137, 0.00495, 0.)
    T1.rotate_axis(-angle, euclid.Vector3(0,0,1))

    T_proximal = T1.copy()
    T_distal = T1 * T2

    control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
    mesh = Marker()
    mesh.type = Marker.MESH_RESOURCE
    mesh.scale.x = scale
    mesh.scale.y = scale
    mesh.scale.z = scale
    if color is not None:
        mesh.color.r = color[0]
        mesh.color.g = color[1]
        mesh.color.b = color[2]
        mesh.color.a = color[3]
        mesh.mesh_use_embedded_materials = False
        mesh.mesh_use_embedded_materials = True

    mesh.mesh_resource = "package://pr2_description/meshes/gripper_v0/gripper_palm.dae"
    mesh.pose.orientation.w = 1
    mesh.mesh_resource = "package://pr2_description/meshes/gripper_v0/l_finger.dae"
    mesh.pose = matrix4ToPose(T_proximal)

    mesh.mesh_resource = "package://pr2_description/meshes/gripper_v0/l_finger_tip.dae"
    mesh.pose = matrix4ToPose(T_distal)

    T1 = euclid.Matrix4()
    T2 = euclid.Matrix4()

    T1.translate(0.07691, -0.01, 0.)
    T1.rotate_axis(numpy.pi, euclid.Vector3(1,0,0))
    T1.rotate_axis(angle, euclid.Vector3(0,0,1))
    T2.translate(0.09137, 0.00495, 0.)
    T1.rotate_axis(-angle, euclid.Vector3(0,0,1))

    T_proximal = T1.copy()
    T_distal = T1 * T2

    mesh.mesh_resource = "package://pr2_description/meshes/gripper_v0/l_finger.dae"
    mesh.pose = matrix4ToPose(T_proximal)

    mesh.mesh_resource = "package://pr2_description/meshes/gripper_v0/l_finger_tip.dae"
    mesh.pose = matrix4ToPose(T_distal)

    control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.BUTTON

    return control