Exemple #1
        def iterate():
            # `var_args` is typically an Array, and not a list.
            for stmt in self.var_args:
                if not isinstance(stmt, pr.Statement):
                    if stmt is None:
                        yield None, None
                    old = stmt
                    # generate a statement if it's not already one.
                    module = builtin.Builtin.scope
                    stmt = pr.Statement(module, [], (0, 0), None)
                    stmt._commands = [old]

                # *args
                commands = stmt.get_commands()
                if not len(commands):
                if commands[0] == '*':
                    arrays = evaluate.follow_call_list(commands[1:])
                    # *args must be some sort of an array, otherwise -> ignore

                    for array in arrays:
                        if isinstance(array, Array):
                            for field_stmt in array:  # yield from plz!
                                yield None, field_stmt
                        elif isinstance(array, Generator):
                            for field_stmt in array.iter_content():
                                yield None, helpers.FakeStatement(field_stmt)
                # **kwargs
                elif commands[0] == '**':
                    arrays = evaluate.follow_call_list(commands[1:])
                    for array in arrays:
                        if isinstance(array, Array):
                            for key_stmt, value_stmt in array.items():
                                # first index, is the key if syntactically correct
                                call = key_stmt.get_commands()[0]
                                if isinstance(call, pr.Name):
                                    yield call, value_stmt
                                elif isinstance(call, pr.Call):
                                    yield call.name, value_stmt
                # Normal arguments (including key arguments).
                    if stmt.assignment_details:
                        key_arr, op = stmt.assignment_details[0]
                        # named parameter
                        if key_arr and isinstance(key_arr[0], pr.Call):
                            yield key_arr[0].name, stmt
                        yield None, stmt
        def iterate():
            # `var_args` is typically an Array, and not a list.
            for stmt in self.var_args:
                if not isinstance(stmt, pr.Statement):
                    if stmt is None:
                        yield None, None
                    old = stmt
                    # generate a statement if it's not already one.
                    module = builtin.Builtin.scope
                    stmt = pr.Statement(module, [], [], [], (0, 0), None)
                    stmt._commands = [old]

                # *args
                commands = stmt.get_commands()
                if not len(commands):
                if commands[0] == '*':
                    arrays = evaluate.follow_call_list(commands[1:])
                    # *args must be some sort of an array, otherwise -> ignore

                    for array in arrays:
                        if isinstance(array, Array):
                            for field_stmt in array:  # yield from plz!
                                yield None, field_stmt
                        elif isinstance(array, Generator):
                            for field_stmt in array.iter_content():
                                yield None, helpers.FakeStatement(field_stmt)
                # **kwargs
                elif commands[0] == '**':
                    arrays = evaluate.follow_call_list(commands[1:])
                    for array in arrays:
                        if isinstance(array, Array):
                            for key_stmt, value_stmt in array.items():
                                # first index, is the key if syntactically correct
                                call = key_stmt.get_commands()[0]
                                if isinstance(call, pr.Name):
                                    yield call, value_stmt
                                elif type(call) is pr.Call:
                                    yield call.name, value_stmt
                # Normal arguments (including key arguments).
                    if stmt.assignment_details:
                        key_arr, op = stmt.assignment_details[0]
                        # named parameter
                        if key_arr and isinstance(key_arr[0], pr.Call):
                            yield key_arr[0].name, stmt
                        yield None, stmt
Exemple #3
    def iter_content(self):
        The index is here just ignored, because of all the appends, etc.
        lists/sets are too complicated too handle that.
        items = []
        for array in evaluate.follow_call_list(self.var_args):
            if isinstance(array, evaluate.Instance) and len(array.var_args):
                temp = array.var_args[0][0]
                if isinstance(temp, ArrayInstance):
                    # prevent recursions
                    # TODO compare Modules
                    if self.var_args.start_pos != temp.var_args.start_pos:
                        items += temp.iter_content()
                        debug.warning('ArrayInstance recursion', self.var_args)
            items += evaluate.get_iterator_types([array])

        if self.var_args.parent_stmt is None:
            return []  # generated var_args should not be checked for arrays

        module = self.var_args.parent_stmt.get_parent_until()
        is_list = str(self.instance.name) == 'list'
        items += _check_array_additions(self.instance, module, is_list)
        return items
Exemple #4
    def iter_content(self):
        The index is here just ignored, because of all the appends, etc.
        lists/sets are too complicated too handle that.
        items = []
        for array in evaluate.follow_call_list(self.var_args):
            if isinstance(array, evaluate.Instance) and len(array.var_args):
                temp = array.var_args[0][0]
                if isinstance(temp, ArrayInstance):
                    # prevent recursions
                    # TODO compare Modules
                    if self.var_args.start_pos != temp.var_args.start_pos:
                        items += temp.iter_content()
                        debug.warning('ArrayInstance recursion', self.var_args)
            items += evaluate.get_iterator_types([array])

        if self.var_args.parent_stmt is None:
            return []  # generated var_args should not be checked for arrays

        module = self.var_args.parent_stmt.get_parent_until()
        is_list = str(self.instance.name) == 'list'
        items += _check_array_additions(self.instance, module, is_list)
        return items
Exemple #5
    def check_calls(calls, add_name):
        Calls are processed here. The part before the call is searched and
        compared with the original Array.
        result = []
        for c in calls:
            call_path = list(c.generate_call_path())
            separate_index = call_path.index(add_name)
            if add_name == call_path[-1] or separate_index == 0:
                # this means that there is no execution -> [].append
                # or the keyword is at the start -> append()
            backtrack_path = iter(call_path[:separate_index])

            position = c.start_pos
            scope = c.parent_stmt.parent

            found = evaluate.follow_call_path(backtrack_path, scope, position)
            if not compare_array in found:

            params = call_path[separate_index + 1]
            if not params.values:
                continue  # no params: just ignore it
            if add_name in ['append', 'add']:
                result += evaluate.follow_call_list(params)
            elif add_name in ['insert']:
                    second_param = params[1]
                except IndexError:
                    result += evaluate.follow_call_list([second_param])
            elif add_name in ['extend', 'update']:
                iterators = evaluate.follow_call_list(params)
                result += evaluate.get_iterator_types(iterators)
        return result
Exemple #6
    def check_calls(calls, add_name):
        Calls are processed here. The part before the call is searched and
        compared with the original Array.
        result = []
        for c in calls:
            call_path = list(c.generate_call_path())
            separate_index = call_path.index(add_name)
            if add_name == call_path[-1] or separate_index == 0:
                # this means that there is no execution -> [].append
                # or the keyword is at the start -> append()
            backtrack_path = iter(call_path[:separate_index])

            position = c.start_pos
            scope = c.parent_stmt.parent

            found = evaluate.follow_call_path(backtrack_path, scope, position)
            if not compare_array in found:

            params = call_path[separate_index + 1]
            if not params.values:
                continue  # no params: just ignore it
            if add_name in ['append', 'add']:
                result += evaluate.follow_call_list(params)
            elif add_name in ['insert']:
                    second_param = params[1]
                except IndexError:
                    result += evaluate.follow_call_list([second_param])
            elif add_name in ['extend', 'update']:
                iterators = evaluate.follow_call_list(params)
                result += evaluate.get_iterator_types(iterators)
        return result