Exemple #1
def install_geotaxi():
    with cd('GeoTaxi'):
Exemple #2
def install_swagger_ui():
    with cd('~'):
        if not files.exists('APITaxi_swagger'):
        return path.join(run('pwd'), 'APITaxi_swagger')
Exemple #3
def install():
    sudo('rm -rf {}'.format(SETTINGS['proj']['remote-root']))
    sudo('rm -rf {}'.format(SETTINGS['proj']['remote-venv']))


    git.checkout(SETTINGS['proj']['remote-root'], branch='api-revamp')



    with python.virtualenv(SETTINGS['proj']['remote-venv']):
        python.install_requirements(os.path.join(COMPROOT, 'requirements.txt'))


    sudo('mkdir -p {}'.format(os.path.dirname(SETTINGS['gunicorn']['proj-remote'])))
    put(SETTINGS['gunicorn']['proj-local'], SETTINGS['gunicorn']['proj-remote'], use_sudo=True)

    with python.virtualenv(SETTINGS['proj']['remote-venv']):
Exemple #4
def working_copy(remote_url, path=None, branch="master", update=True,
                 use_sudo=False, user=None):
    Require a working copy of the repository from the ``remote_url``.

    Clones or pulls from the repository under ``remote_url`` and checks out

    :param remote_url: URL of the remote repository (e.g.
                       https://github.com/ronnix/fabtools.git).  The given URL
                       will be the ``origin`` remote of the working copy.
    :type remote_url: str

    :param path: Absolute or relative path of the working copy on the
                 filesystem.  If this directory doesn't exist yet, a new
                 working copy is created through ``git clone``.  If the
                 directory does exist *and* ``update == True``, a
                 ``git pull`` is issued.  If ``path is None`` the ``git clone``
                 is issued in the current working directory and the directory
                 name of the working copy is created by ``git``.
    :type path: str

    :param branch: Branch to switch to after cloning or pulling.
    :type branch: str

    :param update: Whether or not to update an existing working copy via
                   ``git pull``.
    :type update: bool

    :param use_sudo: If ``True`` execute ``git`` with
                     :func:`fabric.operations.sudo`, else with
    :type use_sudo: bool

    :param user: If ``use_sudo is True``, run :func:`fabric.operations.sudo`
                 with the given user.  If ``use_sudo is False`` this parameter
                 has no effect.
    :type user: str

    if is_dir(path, use_sudo=use_sudo) and update:
        # git pull
        git.pull(path=path, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)

    elif is_dir(path, use_sudo=use_sudo) and not update:
        # do nothing

    elif not is_dir(path, use_sudo=use_sudo):
        # git clone
        git.clone(remote_url, path=path, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)
        if path is None:
            path = remote_url.split('/')[-1].replace('.git', '')

        raise ValueError("Invalid combination of parameters.")

    git.checkout(path=path, branch=branch, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)
Exemple #5
def setup_server():
    Setup project on clean Ubuntu server

    sudo('apt-get update')


    # Creating project paths
    sudo('mkdir {env.project_path:s} -p'.format(env=env))
    sudo('chown {env.project_user:s} {env.project_path:s}'.format(env=env))
    sudo('mkdir {env.venv_path:s} -p'.format(env=env))
    sudo('chown {env.project_user:s} {env.venv_path:s}'.format(env=env))

    git.clone(env.repository_url, path=env.project_path, use_sudo=False, user=env.project_user)
    git.checkout(path=env.project_path, branch=env.branch, use_sudo=False, user=env.project_user)

    require.python.virtualenv(env.venv_path, use_sudo=False)

    with virtualenv(env.venv_path):
        require.python.requirements(os.path.join(env.project_path, 'requirements.txt'))

    require.postgres.user(env.db_user, password=env.db_pass, createdb=False, createrole=True)
    require.postgres.database(env.db_name, env.db_user)

        destination='%(settings_path)s/local.py' % env,
            'db_name': env.db_name,
            'db_pass': env.db_pass,
            'db_user': env.db_user,

    with cd(env.manage_path):
        run('chmod ogu+x manage.py')

    sudo('rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default')

    manage('collectstatic --noinput')
Exemple #6
def run_tests():
    """Run all tests for the project"""

    with virtualenv(env.virtualenv_path):

        if env.has_key("deploy_branch"):
            checkout(env.app_path, env.deploy_branch)

        with cd(env.source_root):
            sudo("./manage.py test")
Exemple #7
def run_tests():

    """Run all tests for the project"""

    with virtualenv(env.virtualenv_path):

        if env.has_key("deploy_branch"):
            checkout(env.app_path, env.deploy_branch)

        with cd(env.source_root):
            sudo("./manage.py test")
Exemple #8
def deploy_code(repo_url='', app_dir='', user='', remote='origin', branch='master'):

    raw_branch = ''
    if '/' in branch:
        remote, raw_branch = branch.split('/')

    print(green('Fetching {}'.format(remote)))
    git.fetch(app_dir, remote=remote)

    print(green('Checking out {}'.format(branch)))
    git.checkout(app_dir, branch=branch)

    print(green('Pulling updates from {}'.format(branch)))
    if raw_branch:
        git.pull(app_dir, remote=remote, branch=raw_branch)
        git.pull(app_dir, remote=remote, branch=branch)
def clone_repository():
    if not exists(os.path.join(env.app_root, "requirements.txt")):
        clone(env.git_url, env.app_root, use_sudo=True)

    if env.has_key("deploy_branch"):
        checkout(env.app_root, env.deploy_branch, use_sudo=True)
Exemple #10
def working_copy(remote_url, path=None, branch="master", update=True,
                 use_sudo=False, user=None):
    Require a working copy of the repository from the ``remote_url``.

    The ``path`` is optional, and defaults to the last segment of the
    remote repository URL, without its ``.git`` suffix.

    If the ``path`` does not exist, this will clone the remote
    repository and check out the specified branch.

    If the ``path`` exists and ``update`` is ``True``, it will fetch
    changes from the remote repository, check out the specified branch,
    then merge the remote changes into the working copy.

    If the ``path`` exists and ``update`` is ``False``, it will only
    check out the specified branch, without fetching remote changesets.

    :param remote_url: URL of the remote repository (e.g.
                       https://github.com/ronnix/fabtools.git).  The given URL
                       will be the ``origin`` remote of the working copy.
    :type remote_url: str

    :param path: Absolute or relative path of the working copy on the
                 filesystem.  If this directory doesn't exist yet, a new
                 working copy is created through ``git clone``.  If the
                 directory does exist *and* ``update == True``, a
                 ``git fetch`` is issued.  If ``path is None`` the
                 ``git clone`` is issued in the current working directory and
                 the directory name of the working copy is created by ``git``.
    :type path: str

    :param branch: Branch to check out.
    :type branch: str

    :param update: Whether or not to fetch and merge remote changesets.
    :type update: bool

    :param use_sudo: If ``True`` execute ``git`` with
                     :func:`fabric.operations.sudo`, else with
    :type use_sudo: bool

    :param user: If ``use_sudo is True``, run :func:`fabric.operations.sudo`
                 with the given user.  If ``use_sudo is False`` this parameter
                 has no effect.
    :type user: str


    if path is None:
        path = remote_url.split('/')[-1].rstrip('.git')

    if is_dir(path, use_sudo=use_sudo) and update:
        git.fetch(path=path, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)
        git.checkout(path=path, branch=branch, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)
        git.pull(path=path, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)

    elif is_dir(path, use_sudo=use_sudo) and not update:
        git.checkout(path=path, branch=branch, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)

    elif not is_dir(path, use_sudo=use_sudo):
        git.clone(remote_url, path=path, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)
        git.checkout(path=path, branch=branch, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)

        raise ValueError("Invalid combination of parameters.")
Exemple #11
def working_copy(remote_url,
    Require a working copy of the repository from the ``remote_url``.

    Clones or pulls from the repository under ``remote_url`` and checks out

    :param remote_url: URL of the remote repository (e.g.
                       https://github.com/ronnix/fabtools.git).  The given URL
                       will be the ``origin`` remote of the working copy.
    :type remote_url: str

    :param path: Absolute or relative path of the working copy on the
                 filesystem.  If this directory doesn't exist yet, a new
                 working copy is created through ``git clone``.  If the
                 directory does exist *and* ``update == True``, a
                 ``git pull`` is issued.  If ``path is None`` the ``git clone``
                 is issued in the current working directory and the directory
                 name of the working copy is created by ``git``.
    :type path: str

    :param branch: Branch to switch to after cloning or pulling.
    :type branch: str

    :param update: Whether or not to update an existing working copy via
                   ``git pull``.
    :type update: bool

    :param use_sudo: If ``True`` execute ``git`` with
                     :func:`fabric.operations.sudo`, else with
    :type use_sudo: bool

    :param user: If ``use_sudo is True``, run :func:`fabric.operations.sudo`
                 with the given user.  If ``use_sudo is False`` this parameter
                 has no effect.
    :type user: str

    if is_dir(path, use_sudo=use_sudo) and update:
        # git pull
        git.pull(path=path, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user, stash=stash)

    elif is_dir(path, use_sudo=use_sudo) and not update:
        # do nothing

    elif not is_dir(path, use_sudo=use_sudo):
        # git clone
        git.clone(remote_url, path=path, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)
        if path is None:
            path = remote_url.split('/')[-1].replace('.git', '')

        raise ValueError("Invalid combination of parameters.")

    git.checkout(path=path, branch=branch, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)
Exemple #12
def working_copy(remote_url, path=None, branch="master", update=True,
                 use_sudo=False, user=None):
    Require a working copy of the repository from the ``remote_url``.

    The ``path`` is optional, and defaults to the last segment of the
    remote repository URL, without its ``.git`` suffix.

    If the ``path`` does not exist, this will clone the remote
    repository and check out the specified branch.

    If the ``path`` exists and ``update`` is ``True``, it will fetch
    changes from the remote repository, check out the specified branch,
    then merge the remote changes into the working copy.

    If the ``path`` exists and ``update`` is ``False``, it will only
    check out the specified branch, without fetching remote changesets.

    :param remote_url: URL of the remote repository (e.g.
                       https://github.com/ronnix/fabtools.git).  The given URL
                       will be the ``origin`` remote of the working copy.
    :type remote_url: str

    :param path: Absolute or relative path of the working copy on the
                 filesystem.  If this directory doesn't exist yet, a new
                 working copy is created through ``git clone``.  If the
                 directory does exist *and* ``update == True``, a
                 ``git fetch`` is issued.  If ``path is None`` the
                 ``git clone`` is issued in the current working directory and
                 the directory name of the working copy is created by ``git``.
    :type path: str

    :param branch: Branch to check out.
    :type branch: str

    :param update: Whether or not to fetch and merge remote changesets.
    :type update: bool

    :param use_sudo: If ``True`` execute ``git`` with
                     :func:`fabric.operations.sudo`, else with
    :type use_sudo: bool

    :param user: If ``use_sudo is True``, run :func:`fabric.operations.sudo`
                 with the given user.  If ``use_sudo is False`` this parameter
                 has no effect.
    :type user: str

    if path is None:
        path = remote_url.split('/')[-1].rstrip('.git')

    if is_dir(path, use_sudo=use_sudo) and update:
        git.fetch(path=path, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)
        git.checkout(path=path, branch=branch, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)
        git.pull(path=path, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)

    elif is_dir(path, use_sudo=use_sudo) and not update:
        git.checkout(path=path, branch=branch, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)

    elif not is_dir(path, use_sudo=use_sudo):
        git.clone(remote_url, path=path, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)
        git.checkout(path=path, branch=branch, use_sudo=use_sudo, user=user)

        raise ValueError("Invalid combination of parameters.")
def clone_repository():
    if not exists(os.path.join(env.app_root, "requirements.txt")):
        clone(env.git_url, env.app_root, use_sudo=True)

    if env.has_key("deploy_branch"):
        checkout(env.app_root, env.deploy_branch, use_sudo=True)