def get_attributes(self,device=None,attribute=None): """Both device and attribute are regexps""" getattr(self,'attributes',self.load_attributes()) result = CaselessDict((n,f) for n,f in self.attributes.items() if (not device or fun.matchCl(device,n.rsplit('/',1)[0],terminate=True)) and (not attribute or fun.matchCl(attribute,n.rsplit('/',1)[-1],terminate=True)) ) return result
def get_attributes(self, device=None, attribute=None): """Both device and attribute are regexps""" getattr(self, 'attributes', self.load_attributes()) result = CaselessDict( (n, f) for n, f in self.attributes.items() if (not device or fun.matchCl(device, n.rsplit('/', 1)[0], terminate=True)) and (not attribute or fun.matchCl( attribute, n.rsplit('/', 1)[-1], terminate=True))) return result
def set_property(self, *args): """ set_property(property,value) or set_property(device_regexp,property,value) """ property, value = args[-2:] devs = self.get_all_devices() if len(args) == 3: devs = [d for d in devs if fun.matchCl(args[0], d)] return [(d, self.db.put_device_property(d, {property: value}))[0] for d in devs]
def get_property(self,*args): """ get_property(property) or get_property(device_regexp,property) """ property = args[-1] devs = self.get_all_devices() if len(args)==2: devs = [d for d in devs if fun.matchCl(args[0],d)] r = dict((d,list(fun.toList(self.db.get_device_property(d,[property])[property]))) for d in devs) return r # if len(r)>1 else r.values()[0]
def read_Pressure(self, attr): self.debug("In " + self.get_name() + "::read_Pressure()") # Add your own code here #attr_Pressure_read = self.ChannelValue #attr.set_value(attr_Pressure_read) state = self.dev_state() #av = self.ExternalAttributes[(self.GaugeController+'/'+self.Channel).lower()].read() #Reading from Tau or Cache should be the same av = self.Cache[self.ChannelName] value, date = av.value, av.time if not hasattr( av.time, 'totime') else av.time.totime() if not self.LowRange or not fun.matchCl( 'lo.*', str(self.Cache['ChannelState'].value)): quality = fun.matchMap([ ('ON|MOVING', PyTango.AttrQuality.ATTR_VALID), ('ALARM', PyTango.AttrQuality.ATTR_ALARM), ('.*', PyTango.AttrQuality.ATTR_INVALID), ], state) else: #If Status==LOW, then the pressure value is replaced by the LowRange value (wanted like this for pressure profile visualization) value, quality = min([self.LowRange, (value or self.LowRange) ]), PyTango.AttrQuality.ATTR_ALARM date = self.Cache['ChannelState'].time if not hasattr( self.Cache['ChannelState'].time, 'totime') else self.Cache['ChannelState'].time.totime() self.debug( 'read_Pressure(): state is %s, value is %s, quality is %s.' % (state, value, quality)) if 'set_attribute_value_date_quality' in dir(PyTango): PyTango.set_attribute_value_date_quality(attr, float(value), date, quality) else: attr.set_value_date_quality(float(value), date, quality)
def get_property(self, *args): """ get_property(property) or get_property(device_regexp,property) """ property = args[-1] devs = self.get_all_devices() if len(args) == 2: devs = [d for d in devs if fun.matchCl(args[0], d)] r = dict( (d, list( fun.toList( self.db.get_device_property(d, [property])[property]))) for d in devs) return r # if len(r)>1 else r.values()[0]
def init_device(self): try: PseudoDev.init_device(self) self.ChannelValue = None self.ChannelDate = 0 if not self.check_Properties(['IonPumpController', 'Channel']): self.init_error += "IonPumpController and Channel properties are mandatory, edit them and launch Init()" self.error(self.init_error) self.set_state(PyTango.DevState.UNKNOWN) return else: self.ChannelName = fun.first( c for c in self.Channel if not fun.matchCl('(*state*|*status*)', c)) targets = ['State', self.ChannelName.split('[')[0]] self.debug('Creating cache values for %s:%s' % (self.IonPumpController, targets)) for attribute in targets: da = PyTango.DeviceAttribute(), da.time, da.value = ( self.IonPumpController + '/' + attribute), PyTango.TimeVal.fromtimestamp(0), None self.Cache[attribute] = da self.Errors[attribute] = 0 self.subscribe_external_attributes(self.IonPumpController, targets)'Ready to accept request ...')'-' * 80) except Exception, e: self.init_error += traceback.format_exc() self.error(self.init_error) self.set_state(PyTango.DevState.UNKNOWN)
def load_attributes(self, servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter, warn=True, exclude=('dserver', 'tango*admin', 'sys*database', 'tmp', 'archiving')): tracer('In load_attributes(%s,%s,%s)' % (servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter)) servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter = servfilter.replace( ' ', '*').strip(), devfilter.replace(' ', '*'), attrfilter.replace(' ', '*') attrfilter = attrfilter or 'state' devfilter = devfilter or attrfilter archive = self.archivecheck.isChecked() all_devs = self.all_devices if not archive else self.archdevs all_devs = [ d for d in all_devs if not any(d.startswith(e) for e in exclude) or any( d.startswith(e) and fun.matchCl(e, devfilter) for e in exclude) ] if servfilter.strip('.*'): sdevs = map(str.lower, fandango.Astor(servfilter).get_all_devices()) all_devs = [d for d in all_devs if d in sdevs] #print('In load_attributes(%s,%s,%s): Searching through %d %s names' #%(servfilter,devfilter,attrfilter,len(all_devs), #'server' if servfilter else 'device')) if devfilter.strip().strip('.*'): devs = [ d for d in all_devs if (fandango.searchCl(devfilter, d, extend=True)) ] print('\tFound %d devs, Checking alias ...' % (len(devs))) alias, alias_devs = [], [] if '&' in devfilter: alias = self.all_alias else: for df in devfilter.split('|'): alias.extend( self.tango.get_device_alias_list('*%s*' % df.strip())) if alias: print('\t%d alias found' % len(alias)) alias_devs.extend(self.alias_devs[a] for a in alias if fun.searchCl(devfilter, a, extend=True)) print('\t%d alias_devs found' % len(alias_devs)) #if not self.alias_devs: #self.alias_devs = dict((str(self.tango.get_device_alias(a)).lower(),a) for a in self.all_alias) #devs.extend(d for d,a in self.alias_devs.items() if fandango.searchCl(devfilter,a) and (not servfilter or d in all_devs)) devs.extend(d for d in alias_devs if not servfilter.strip('.*') or d in all_devs) else: devs = all_devs devs = sorted(set(devs)) self.matching_devs = devs print('In load_attributes(%s,%s,%s): %d devices found' % (servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter, len(devs))) if False and not len(devs) and not archive: #Devices do not actually exist, but may exist in archiving ... #Option disabled, was mostly useless self.archivecheck.setChecked(True) return self.load_attributes(servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter, warn=False) if len(devs) > self.MAX_DEVICES and warn: Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Warning", "Your search (%s,%s) matches too many devices!!! (%d); please refine your search\n\n%s\n..." % (devfilter, attrfilter, len(devs), '\n'.join(devs[:30]))) return {} elif warn and len(devs) > 15: r = Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Message", "Your search (%s,%s) matches %d devices." % (devfilter, attrfilter, len(devs)), Qt.QMessageBox.Ok | Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel) if r == Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel: return {} self.matching_attributes = { } #{attribute: (device,alias,attribute,label)} failed_devs = [] for d in sorted(devs): try: dp = taurus.Device(d) if not archive: tcs = [t for t in dp.get_attribute_list()] else: tcs = [ a.split('/')[-1] for a in self.archattrs if a.startswith(d + '/') ] matches = [ t for t in tcs if fandango.searchCl(attrfilter, t, extend=True) ] for t in sorted(tcs): if not self.archivecheck.isChecked() or not matches: label = dp.get_attribute_config(t).label else: label = t if t in matches or fandango.searchCl( attrfilter, label, extend=True): if d in self.alias_devs: alias = self.alias_devs[d] else: try: alias = str(self.tango.get_alias(d)) except: alias = '' self.matching_attributes['%s/%s' % (d, t)] = (d, alias, t, label) if warn and len(self.matching_attributes ) > self.MAX_ATTRIBUTES: Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Warning", "Your search (%s,%s) matches too many attributes!!! (%d); please refine your search\n\n%s\n..." % (devfilter, attrfilter, len(self.matching_attributes), '\n'.join( sorted(self.matching_attributes.keys()) [:30]))) return {} except: print('load_attributes(%s,%s,%s => %s) failed!' % (servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter, d)) failed_devs.append(d) if attrfilter in ('state', '', '*', '**'): self.matching_attributes[d + '/state'] = ( d, d, 'state', None ) #A None label means device-not-readable if warn and len(self.matching_attributes) > 30: r = Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Message", "(%s) matches %d attributes." % (attrfilter, len(self.matching_attributes)), Qt.QMessageBox.Ok | Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel) if r == Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel: return {} if not len(self.matching_attributes): Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Warning", "No matching attribute has been found in %s." % ('Archiving DB' if archive else 'Tango DB (try Archiving option)')) if failed_devs: print('\t%d failed devs!!!: %s' % (len(failed_devs), failed_devs)) if warn: Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Warning", "%d devices were not running:\n" % len(failed_devs) + '\n'.join(failed_devs[:10] + (['...'] if len(failed_devs) > 10 else []))) tracer('\t%d attributes found' % len(self.matching_attributes)) return self.matching_attributes
class AttributesPanel(PARENT_KLASS): _domains = ['ALL EPS'] + ['LI', 'LT'] + [ 'LT%02d' % i for i in range(1, 3) ] + ['SR%02d' % i for i in range(1, 17)] _fes = [ f for f in get_distinct_domains( fandango.get_database().get_device_exported('fe*')) if fun.matchCl('fe[0-9]', f) ] LABELS = 'Label/Value Device Attribute Alias Archiving Check'.split() SIZES = [500, 150, 90, 90, 120, 40] STRETCH = [8, 4, 4, 4, 2, 1] def __init__(self, parent=None, devices=None): #print '~'*80 tracer('In AttributesPanel()') PARENT_KLASS.__init__(self, parent) self.setSizePolicy( Qt.QSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Ignored, Qt.QSizePolicy.Ignored)) self.worker = SingletonWorker(parent=self, cursor=True, sleep=50., start=True) #self.worker.log.setLogLevel(self.worker.log.Debug) self.filters = ('', '', '') #server/device/attribute self.devices = devices or [] self.setValues(None) self.models = [] self.current_item = None #self.connect(self, Qt.SIGNAL('customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)'), self.onContextMenu) self.popMenu = Qt.QMenu(self) self.actions = { 'TestDevice': self.popMenu.addAction(Qt.QIcon(), "Test Device", self.onTestDevice), 'ShowDeviceInfo': self.popMenu.addAction(Qt.QIcon(), "Show Device Info", self.onShowInfo), #'ShowDevicePanel': self.popMenu.addAction(Qt.QIcon(),"Show Info",self.onShowPanel), 'ShowArchivingInfo': self.popMenu.addAction(Qt.QIcon(), "Show Archiving Info", self.onShowArchivingModes), 'AddToTrend': self.popMenu.addAction(Qt.QIcon(), "Add attribute to Trend", self.addAttributeToTrend), 'AddSelected': self.popMenu.addAction(Qt.QIcon(), "Add selected attributes to Trend", self.addSelectedToTrend), 'CheckAll': self.popMenu.addAction(Qt.QIcon(), "Select all attributes", self.checkAll), 'UncheckAll': self.popMenu.addAction(Qt.QIcon(), "Deselect all attributes", self.uncheckAll), #'Test Device': self.popMenu.addAction(Qt.QIcon(),"Test Device",self.onTestDevice) } #if hasattr(self,'setFrameStyle'): #self.setFrameStyle(self.Box) try: import PyTangoArchiving self.reader = PyTangoArchiving.Reader('*') #self.hreader = self.reader.configs['hdb'] #self.treader = self.reader.configs.get('tdb',self.hreader) except: traceback.print_exc() def __del__(self): print 'AttributesPanel.__del__' QGridTable.__del__(self) def setItem(self, x, y, item, spanx=1, spany=1, align=None, model=None): align = align or Qt.Qt.AlignLeft try: if model: item._model = model except: pass self.layout().addWidget(item, x, y, spany, spanx, Qt.Qt.AlignCenter) if item not in self._widgets: self._widgets.append(item) def mousePressEvent(self, event): point = event.pos() widget = Qt.QApplication.instance().widgetAt(self.mapToGlobal(point)) if hasattr(widget, '_model'): print('onMouseEvent(%s)' % (getattr(widget, 'text', lambda: widget)())) self.current_item = widget if event.button() == Qt.Qt.RightButton: self.onContextMenu(point) getattr(super(type(self), self), 'mousePressEvent', lambda e: None)(event) def onContextMenu(self, point): print('onContextMenu()') try: self.actions['TestDevice'].setEnabled( '/' in self.current_item._model) self.actions['ShowDeviceInfo'].setEnabled( '/' in self.current_item._model) self.actions['ShowArchivingInfo'].setEnabled( '/' in self.current_item._model) self.actions['AddToTrend'].setEnabled(hasattr(self, 'trend')) self.actions['AddSelected'].setEnabled(hasattr(self, 'trend')) self.popMenu.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(point)) except: traceback.print_exc() def getCurrentModel(self): return '/'.join(str(self.current_item._model).split('/')[-4:]) def getCurrentDevice(self): return str(self.current_item._model.rsplit('/', 1)[0]) def onTestDevice(self, device=None): from PyTangoArchiving.widget.panel import showTestDevice showTestDevice(device or self.getCurrentDevice()) def onShowInfo(self, device=None): from PyTangoArchiving.widget.panel import showDeviceInfo showDeviceInfo(device=device or self.getCurrentDevice(), parent=self) def onShowArchivingModes(self, model=None): try: from PyTangoArchiving.widget.panel import showArchivingModes model = model or self.getCurrentModel() showArchivingModes(model, parent=self) except: Qt.QMessageBox.warning(self, "ups!", traceback.format_exc()) def addAttributeToTrend(self, model=None): try: model = model or self.getCurrentModel() self.trend.addModels([model]) except: Qt.QMessageBox.warning(self, "ups!", traceback.format_exc()) def addSelectedToTrend(self): try: y = self.columnCount() - 1 models = [] for x in range(self.rowCount()): item = self.itemAt(x, y).widget() m = getattr(item, '_model', '') if m and item.isChecked(): models.append(m) if len(models) > 20: Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "warning", "To avoid performance issues, dynamic scale will be disabled" ) self.trend.setXDynScale(False) self.trend.addModels(models) except: Qt.QMessageBox.warning(self, "ups!", traceback.format_exc()) def checkAll(self): y = self.columnCount() - 1 for x in range(self.rowCount()): self.itemAt(x, y).widget().setChecked(True) def uncheckAll(self): y = self.columnCount() - 1 for x in range(self.rowCount()): self.itemAt(x, y).widget().setChecked(False) def setValues(self, values, filters=None): """ filters will be a tuple containing several regular expressions to match """ #print('In AttributesPanel.setValues([%s])'%len(values or [])) if values is None: self.generateTable([]) elif True: #filters is None: self.generateTable(values) #print 'In AttributesPanel.setValues(...): done' return def generateTable(self, values): #thermocouples = thermocouples if thermocouples is not None else self.thermocouples self.setRowCount(len(values)) self.setColumnCount(5) #self.vheaders = [] self.offset = 0 self.widgetbuffer = [] for i, tc in enumerate(sorted(values)): #print 'setTableRow(%s,%s)'%(i,tc) model, device, attribute, alias, archived, ok = tc model, device, attribute, alias = map( str.upper, (model, device, attribute, alias)) #self.vheaders.append(model) def ITEM(m, model='', size=0): q = fandango.qt.Draggable(Qt.QLabel)(m) if size is not 0: q.setMinimumWidth(size) #(.7*950/5.) q._model = model q._archived = archived q.setDragEventCallback(lambda s=q: s._model) return q ################################################################### qf = Qt.QFrame() qf.setLayout(Qt.QGridLayout()) qf.setMinimumWidth(self.SIZES[0]) qf.setSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, Qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed) #Order changed, it is not clear if it has to be done before or after adding TaurusValue selfect self.setCellWidget(i + self.offset, 0, qf) #print('Adding item: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % (model,device,attribute,alias,archived)) if ok: tv = TaurusValue() #TaurusValueLabel() qf.layout().addWidget(tv, 0, 0) tv.setParent(qf) else: self.setItem(i + self.offset, 0, ITEM(model, model)) devlabel = ITEM(device, model, self.SIZES[1]) self.setItem(i + self.offset, 1, devlabel) self.setItem(i + self.offset, 2, ITEM(attribute, model, self.SIZES[2])) self.setItem(i + self.offset, 3, ITEM(alias, model, self.SIZES[3])) from PyTangoArchiving.widget.panel import showArchivingModes, show_history if archived: active = self.reader.is_attribute_archived(model, active=True) txt = '/'.join(a.upper() if a in active else a for a in archived) else: txt = '...' q = Qt.QPushButton(txt) q.setFixedWidth(self.SIZES[-2]) q.setToolTip("""%s<br><br><pre> 'HDB' : Archived and updated, push to export values 'hdb' : Archiving stopped, push to export values '...' : Not archived </pre>""" % txt) self.connect(q, Qt.SIGNAL("pressed ()"), lambda a=self.reader.get_attribute_alias( model), o=q: setattr(q, 'w', show_history(a)) ) #showArchivingModes(a,parent=self))) self.setItem(i + self.offset, 4, q) qc = Qt.QCheckBox() qc.setFixedWidth(self.SIZES[-1]) self.setItem(i + self.offset, 5, qc, 1, 1, Qt.Qt.AlignCenter, model) if ok: #print('Setting Model %s'%model) #ADDING WIDGETS IN BACKGROUND DIDN'T WORKED, I JUST CAN SET MODELS FROM THE WORKER try: if self.worker: self.worker.put([(lambda w=tv, m=model: w.setModel(m)) ]) #print 'worker,put,%s'%str(model) else: tv.setModel(model) except: print traceback.format_exc() self.models.append(tv) #self.widgetbuffer.extend([qf,self.itemAt(i+self.offset,1),self.itemAt(i+self.offset,2),self.itemAt(i+self.offset,3),self.itemAt(i+self.offset,4)]) fandango.threads.Event().wait(.02) if len(values): def setup(o=self): [o.setRowHeight(i, 20) for i in range(o.rowCount())] #o.setColumnWidth(0,350) o.update() o.repaint() #print o.rowCount() setup(self) if self.worker: print('' % (self.worker)) #threading.Event().wait(10.) tracer('Out of generateTable()') def clear(self): try: #print('In AttributesPanel.clear()') for m in self.models: m.setModel(None) self.models = [] self.setValues(None) #QGridTable.clear(self) def deleteItems(layout): if layout is not None: while layout.count(): item = layout.takeAt(0) widget = item.widget() if widget is not None: widget.deleteLater() else: deleteItems(item.layout()) deleteItems(self.layout()) #l = self.layout() #l.deleteLater() #self.setLayout(Qt.QGridLayout()) except: traceback.print_exc()
def main_report(): args = fandango.linos.sysargs_to_dict(['output','input','domains']) assert args, __doc__ print ' arguments are:\n\t%s'%args filename = args.get('output','/tmp/archiving_report.html') inputs = args.get('input','') domreg = fun.toRegexp(args.get('domains','')) restart = args.get('restart','') cycles, cycle_time = 1,6*3600 if restart is True: restart = '.*' if 'filters' in args: if ':' not in args['filters']: argfilters = {'name':args['filters']} else: argfilters = dict((f.split(':') for f in args['filters'].split(',') if ':' in f)) else: argfilters = {} if 'exclude' in args: if ':' not in args['exclude']: argexclude = {'name':args['exclude']} else: argexclude = dict((f.split(':') for f in args['exclude'].split(',') if ':' in f)) else: argexclude = {} if 'type' in argexclude: argexclude['type'] = '(stop|%s)'%argexclude['type'] else: argexclude['type'] = 'stop' if 'cycles' in args: cycles = int(args['cycles']) ######################################################################################################3 results = {} summary = {'hdb':{},'tdb':{}} failed = {} polizons = {} print 'The archiving check will be performed %s.' % (cycles<0 and 'forever' or '%s times'%cycles) while cycles!=0: tstart = time.time() # Getting the CSV input files if domreg: configs = [] elif inputs: if '/' in inputs: configs = sorted(files.GetConfigFiles(*inputs.rsplit('/',1))) else: configs = sorted(files.GetConfigFiles(mask=inputs)) else: configs = sorted(files.GetConfigFiles()) print '#'*80 print '%s, In reading %s, generating %s' % (time.ctime(),configs or domreg,filename) for schema in ('hdb','tdb'): print 'Checking %s configurations' % schema.upper() api = PyTangoArchiving.ArchivingAPI(schema,load=True) api.clean_attribute_modes() #Cleanup of amt table in database active = [a for a in api if api[a].archiver] if not active: #No attributes being archived in the database continue dedicated = list(set([a for a in active if api[a].dedicated])) print 'There are %d dedicated attributes' % (len(dedicated)) #Initializing variables results[schema] = {} summary[schema] = {'active':len(active),'dedicated':len(dedicated)} polizons[schema] = {} up,down,idle,archivers = [],[],[],api.check_archivers() for k,v in archivers.items(): {True:up,False:down,None:idle}[v].append(k) summary[schema].update({'up':up,'down':down,'idle':idle,'archivers':archivers.keys()}) ############################################################################ #Checking Attribute Configuration CSV files ############################################################################ if configs: polizons[schema] = active[:] for c in configs: filters = dict(argfilters.items()) exclude = dict(argexclude.items()) try: print '%s: Checking file %s' % (schema.upper(),c.split('/')[-1]) print 'filters: %s ; exclude: %s' % (filters,exclude) check = files.CheckArchivingConfiguration( c, api=api,schema=schema, restart=bool(restart and fun.matchCl(restart,c)), #Restart has to be done here as it is where the modes configuration is available filters=filters,exclude=exclude) if not any(check.values()): #No values returned? continue #Creating a summary of check results: results[schema][c] = check #check['rate'] = (float(len(check['ok']))/len(check['all'])) if (check['ok'] and check['all']) else 0. print ('\n'.join('%s: %s'%(k.upper(),summarize(v)) for k,v in results[schema][c].items() if v)) [polizons[schema].remove(a) for a in check['all'] if a in polizons[schema]] #Checking how many attributes are 'alien' to specs flie = open('/tmp/%s.%s.pck'%(c.split('/')[-1].rsplit('.',1)[0],schema),'w') pickle.dump((c,check),flie) flie.close() except Exception,e: if c in results[schema]: #results[schema].pop(c) results[schema][c] = dict((k,0) for k in 'all rate ok diff late hung lost retried unavailable missing triable dedicated polizon'.split()) failed['%s:%s'%(schema,c)] = traceback.format_exc() print failed['%s:%s'%(schema,c)] ############################################################################ #Doing a generic check of the archiving, ignoring configurations ############################################################################ elif domreg: domains = defaultdict(list) [domains[a.split('/')[0].lower()].append(a) for a in api if fun.matchCl(domreg,a.split('/')[0]) and api[a].archiver] print ('Checking %s attributes by domain(%s): %s'%(schema,domreg,[(k,len(v)) for k,v in domains.items()])) for d,attributes in domains.items(): print '%d attributes in domain %s' % (len(attributes),d) ok,lost,goods,bads,retried = [],[],[],[],[] try: [(goods if utils.check_attribute(a,readable=True) else bads).append(a) for a in attributes] if not goods: continue if goods: [(lost if v else ok).append(a) for k,v in api.check_attributes_errors(goods,hours=1,lazy=True).items()] print '%d attributes on time'%len(ok) if restart and lost: for att in lost: modes = api[att].modes if not modes: continue print 'Restarting archiving for %s' % att if api.start_archiving([att],modes,load=False): retried.append(att) check = {'all':attributes,'ok':ok,'lost':lost,'retried':retried,'unavailable':bads} results[schema][d] = check results[schema][d]['rate'] = (float(len(ok))/len(attributes)) if goods else 0 print ('\n'.join('%s: %s'%(k.upper(),summarize(v)) for k,v in results[schema][d].items() if v)) except Exception,e: if d in results[schema]: results[schema].pop(d) failed['%s:%s'%(schema,d)] = traceback.format_exc() print failed['%s:%s'%(schema,d)]
def set_property(self,*args): """ set_property(property,value) or set_property(device_regexp,property,value) """ property,value = args[-2:] devs = self.get_all_devices() if len(args)==3: devs = [d for d in devs if fun.matchCl(args[0],d)] return [(d,self.db.put_device_property(d,{property:value}))[0] for d in devs]
def CheckAll(self, argin=None): print "In ", self.get_name(), "::CheckAll()" # Add your own code here confis,domreg,argfilters,argexclude = self.configs,self.domreg,self.argfilters,self.argexclude restart = self.Restart results = {} summary = {} failed = {} polizons = {} for schema in ('hdb','tdb'): print 'Checking %s configurations' % schema.upper() api = PyTangoArchiving.ArchivingAPI(schema,load=True) active = [a for a in api if api[a].archiver] if not active: #No attributes being archived in the database continue dedicated = list(set([a for a in active if api[a].dedicated])) print 'There are %d dedicated attributes' % (len(dedicated)) #Initializing variables results[schema] = {} summary[schema] = {'active':len(active),'dedicated':len(dedicated)} polizons[schema] = {} up,down,idle,archivers = [],[],[],api.check_archivers() for k,v in archivers.items(): {True:up,False:down,None:idle}[v].append(k) summary[schema].update({'up':up,'down':down,'idle':idle,'archivers':archivers.keys()}) ############################################################################ #Checking Attribute Configuration CSV files ############################################################################ if configs: polizons[schema] = active[:] for c in configs: filters = dict(argfilters.items()) exclude = dict(argexclude.items()) try: print '%s: Checking file %s' % (schema.upper(),c.split('/')[-1]) print 'filters: %s ; exclude: %s' % (filters,exclude) check = files.CheckArchivingConfiguration( c, api=api,schema=schema, restart=bool(restart and fun.matchCl(restart,c)), #Restart has to be done here as it is where the modes configuration is available filters=filters,exclude=exclude) if not any(check.values()): #No values returned? continue #Creating a summary of check results: results[schema][c] = check #check['rate'] = (float(len(check['ok']))/len(check['all'])) if (check['ok'] and check['all']) else 0. print ('\n'.join('%s: %s'%(k.upper(),self.summarize(v)) for k,v in results[schema][c].items() if v)) [polizons[schema].remove(a.lower()) for a in check['all'] if a.lower() in polizons[schema]] #Checking how many attributes are 'alien' to specs flie = open('/tmp/%s.%s.pck'%(c.split('/')[-1].rsplit('.',1)[0],schema),'w') pickle.dump((c,check),flie) flie.close() except Exception,e: if c in results[schema]: results[schema].pop(c) failed['%s:%s'%(schema,c)] = traceback.format_exc() print failed['%s:%s'%(schema,c)] ############################################################################ #Doing a generic check of the archiving, ignoring configurations ############################################################################ elif domreg: domains = defaultdict(list) [domains[a.split('/')[0].lower()].append(a) for a in api if fun.matchCl(domreg,a.split('/')[0]) and api[a].archiver] print ('Checking %s attributes by domain(%s): %s'%(schema,domreg,[(k,len(v)) for k,v in domains.items()])) for d,attributes in domains.items(): print '%d attributes in domain %s' % (len(attributes),d) ok,lost,goods,bads,retried = [],[],[],[],[] try: [(goods if utils.check_attribute(a,readable=True) else bads).append(a) for a in attributes] if not goods: continue if goods: [(lost if v else ok).append(a) for k,v in api.check_attributes_errors(goods,hours=1,lazy=True).items()] print '%d attributes on time'%len(ok) if restart and lost: for att in lost: modes = api[att].modes if not modes: continue print 'Restarting archiving for %s' % att if api.start_archiving([att],modes,load=False): retried.append(att) check = {'all':attributes,'ok':ok,'lost':lost,'retried':retried,'unavailable':bads} results[schema][d] = check results[schema][d]['rate'] = (float(len(ok))/len(attributes)) if goods else 0 print ('\n'.join('%s: %s'%(k.upper(),summarize(v)) for k,v in results[schema][d].items() if v)) except Exception,e: if d in results[schema]: results[schema].pop(d) failed['%s:%s'%(schema,d)] = traceback.format_exc() print failed['%s:%s'%(schema,d)]