Exemple #1
    def solve(self, **arguments):

        t_start = time.clock()

        # definig Function space on this mesh using Lagrange
        #polynoimals of degree 1.
        H = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "CG", 1)

        # Setting up the variational problem
        v = TrialFunction(H)
        w = TestFunction(H)

        coeff_dx2 = Constant(1)
        coeff_v = Constant(1)

        f = Expression("(4*pow(pi,2))*exp(-(1/coeff_v)*t)*sin(2*pi*x[0])",
                       {'coeff_v': coeff_v},

        v0 = Expression("sin(2*pi*x[0])", degree=2)

        f.t = 0

        def boundary(x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary

        bc = DirichletBC(H, v0, boundary)

        v1 = interpolate(v0, H)
        dt = self.steps.time

        a = (dt * inner(grad(v), grad(w)) + dt * coeff_v * inner(v, w)) * dx
        L = (f * dt - coeff_v * v1) * w * dx

        A = assemble(a)
        v = Function(H)

        T = self.domain.time[-1]
        t = dt

        # solving the variational problem.
        while t <= T:
            b = assemble(L, tensor=b)
            vo.t = t
            bc.apply(A, b)

            solve(A, v.vector(), b)
            t += dt



        return [self.solution, time.clock() - t_start]
def solve_wave_equation(u0, u1, u_boundary, f, domain, mesh, degree):
    """Solving the wave equation using CG-CG method.

        u0: Initial data.
        u1: Initial velocity.
        u_boundary: Dirichlet boundary condition.
        f: Right-hand side.
        domain: Space-time domain.
        mesh: Computational mesh.
        degree: CG(degree) will be used as the finite element.
        uh: Numerical solution.
    # Element
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", degree)
    # Measures on the initial and terminal slice
    mask = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1, 0)
    domain.get_initial_slice().mark(mask, 1)
    ends = ds(subdomain_data=mask)
    # Form
    g = Constant(((-1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0)))
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    v = TestFunction(V)
    a = dot(grad(v), dot(g, grad(u))) * dx
    L = f * v * dx + u1 * v * ends(1)
    # Assembled matrices
    A = assemble(a, keep_diagonal=True)
    b = assemble(L, keep_diagonal=True)
    # Spatial boundary condition
    bc = DirichletBC(V, u_boundary, domain.get_spatial_boundary())
    bc.apply(A, b)
    # Temporal boundary conditions (by hand)
    (A, b) = apply_time_boundary_conditions(domain, V, u0, A, b)
    # Solve
    solver = LUSolver()
    uh = Function(V)
    solver.solve(uh.vector(), b)
    return uh