Exemple #1
def make_udiff(a, b):
    import urllib
    dm = diff_match_patch()
    diffs = dm.diff_main(a,b)
    patches = dm.patch_make(diffs)
    out = []
    for patch in patches:
        if patch.length1 == 0:
            coords1 = str(patch.start1) + ",0"
        elif patch.length1 == 1:
            coords1 = str(patch.start1 + 1)
            coords1 = str(patch.start1 + 1) + "," + str(patch.length1)
        if patch.length2 == 0:
            coords2 = str(patch.start2) + ",0"
        elif patch.length2 == 1:
            coords2 = str(patch.start2 + 1)
            coords2 = str(patch.start2 + 1) + "," + str(patch.length2)
        text = ["@@ -", coords1, " +", coords2, " @@\n"]
        # Escape the body of the patch with %xx notation.
        for (op, data) in patch.diffs:
            data = data.encode("utf-8")
            txt = urllib.quote(data, "\"!~*'();/?:@&=+$,# ")
            #txt = (data.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;").replace("\n", "<br>"))            
            if op == diff_match_patch.DIFF_INSERT:
                text.append("<ins class=\"diff_add\">+%s</ins>" % txt)
            elif op == diff_match_patch.DIFF_DELETE:
                text.append("<del class=\"diff_sub\">-%s</del>" % txt)
            elif op == diff_match_patch.DIFF_EQUAL:
                text.append("<span>%s</span>" % txt)
            # High ascii will raise UnicodeDecodeError.  Use Unicode instead.
    return "".join(out)        
Exemple #2
def make_diff(a, b):
    dm = diff_match_patch()
    diffs = dm.diff_main(a,b)
    out = []
    for (op, data) in diffs:
        text = (data.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;").replace("\n", "<br>"))
        if op == diff_match_patch.DIFF_INSERT:
            out.append("<ins class=\"diff_add\">%s</ins>" % text)
        elif op == diff_match_patch.DIFF_DELETE:
            out.append("<del class=\"diff_sub\">%s</del>" % text)
        elif op == diff_match_patch.DIFF_EQUAL:
            out.append("<span>%s</span>" % text)
    return "".join(out)