Exemple #1
    def findSequencesOnDisk(cls, dirpath, include_hidden=False):
        Yield the sequences found in the given directory.

        :param dirpath: directory to scan
        :type include_hidden: bool
        :param include_hidden: if true, show .hidden files as well
        :rtype: list
        # reserve some functions we're going to need quick access to
        _not_hidden = lambda f: not f.startswith('.')
        _join = os.path.join

        # Get just the immediate files under the dir.
        # Avoids testing the os.listdir() for files as
        # a second step.
        ret = next(os.walk(dirpath), None)
        files = ret[-1] if ret else []

        # collapse some generators to get us the files that match our regex
        if not include_hidden:
            files = ifilter(_not_hidden, files)

        # Ensure our dirpath ends with a path separator, so
        # that we can control which sep is used during the
        # os.path.join
        sep = utils._getPathSep(dirpath)
        if not dirpath.endswith(sep):
            dirpath += sep

        files = (_join(dirpath, f) for f in files)
        files = list(files)

        return list(FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(files))
Exemple #2
    def setDirname(self, dirname):
        Set a new directory name for the sequence.

            dirname (str): the new directory name
        # Make sure the dirname always ends in
        # a path separator character
        sep = utils._getPathSep(dirname)
        if not dirname.endswith(sep):
            dirname += sep

        self._dir = utils.asString(dirname)
Exemple #3
    def setDirname(self, dirname):
        Set a new directory name for the sequence.

        :type dirname: str
        :param dirname: the new directory name
        :rtype: None
        # Make sure the dirname always ends in
        # a path separator character
        sep = utils._getPathSep(dirname)
        if not dirname.endswith(sep):
            dirname += sep

        self._dir = utils.asString(dirname)
Exemple #4
    def setDirname(self, dirname):
        Set a new directory name for the sequence.

            dirname (str): the new directory name
        # Make sure the dirname always ends in
        # a path separator character
        dirname = utils.asString(dirname)
        sep = utils._getPathSep(dirname)
        if not dirname.endswith(sep):
            dirname += sep

        self._dir = dirname
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, sequence):
        if not hasattr(self, '_frameSet'):

            self._frameSet = None

                # the main case, padding characters in the path.1-100#.exr
                path, frames, self._pad, self._ext = SPLIT_RE.split(
                    sequence, 1)
                self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path)
                self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames)
            except ValueError:
                # edge case 1; we've got an invalid pad
                for placeholder in PAD_MAP.keys():
                    if placeholder in sequence:
                        msg = "Failed to parse FileSequence: {0}"
                        raise ParseException(msg.format(sequence))
                # edge case 2; we've got a single frame of a sequence
                a_frame = DISK_RE.match(sequence)
                if a_frame:
                    self._dir, self._base, frames, self._ext = a_frame.groups()
                    # edge case 3: we've got a single versioned file, not a sequence
                    if frames and not self._base.endswith('.'):
                        self._base = self._base + frames
                        self._pad = ''
                    elif not frames:
                        self._pad = ''
                        self._frameSet = None
                        self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames)
                        if self._frameSet:
                            self._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars(
                            self._pad = ''
                            self._frameSet = None
                # edge case 4; we've got a solitary file, not a sequence
                    path, self._ext = os.path.splitext(sequence)
                    self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path)
                    self._pad = ''

        if self._dir:
            sep = utils._getPathSep(sequence)
            if not self._dir.endswith(sep):
                self._dir += sep

        self._zfill = self.__class__.getPaddingNum(self._pad)
Exemple #6
    def findSequencesOnDisk(cls, pattern, include_hidden=False, strictPadding=False):
        Yield the sequences found in the given directory.

        The pattern can also specify glob-like shell wildcards including the following:
            ?         - 1 wildcard character
            *         - 1 or more wildcard character
            {foo,bar} - either 'foo' or 'bar'
        Exact frame ranges are not considered, and padding characters are converted to
        wildcards (# or @)

            findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files/imag?_*_{left,right}.@@@.jpg', strictPadding=True)
        :param pattern: directory to scan, or pattern to filter in directory
        :type include_hidden: bool
        :param include_hidden: if true, show .hidden files as well
        :type strictPadding: bool
        :param strictPadding: if True, ignore files with padding length different from pattern
        :rtype: list
        # reserve some functions we're going to need quick access to
        _not_hidden = lambda f: not f.startswith('.')
        _match_pattern = None
        _filter_padding = None
        _join = os.path.join

        dirpath, filepat = pattern, None

        # Support the pattern defining a filter for the files
        # in the existing directory
        if not os.path.isdir(pattern):
            dirpath, filepat = os.path.split(pattern)

            if not os.path.isdir(dirpath):
                return []

            # Start building a regex for filtering files
            seq = cls(filepat)
            patt = seq.basename().replace('.', r'\.')
            if seq.padding():
                patt += '\d+'
            if seq.extension():
                patt += seq.extension()

            # Convert braces groups into regex capture groups
            view = bytearray(patt)
            matches = re.finditer(r'{(.*?)(?:,(.*?))*}', patt)
            for match in reversed(list(matches)):
                i, j = match.span()
                view[i:j] = '(%s)' % '|'.join([m.strip() for m in match.groups()])
            view = view.replace('*', '.*')
            view = view.replace('?', '.')
            view += '$'
                _match_pattern = re.compile(str(view)).match
            except re.error:
                msg = 'Invalid file pattern: {}'.format(filepat)
                raise FileSeqException(msg)

            if seq.padding() and strictPadding:
                _filter_padding = functools.partial(cls._filterByPaddingNum, num=seq.zfill())

        # Get just the immediate files under the dir.
        # Avoids testing the os.listdir() for files as
        # a second step.
        ret = next(os.walk(dirpath), None)
        files = ret[-1] if ret else []

        # collapse some generators to get us the files that match our regex
        if not include_hidden:
            files = ifilter(_not_hidden, files)

        # Filter by files that match the provided file pattern
        if _match_pattern:
            files = ifilter(_match_pattern, files)

        # Filter by files that match the frame padding in the file pattern
        if _filter_padding:
            # returns a generator
            files = _filter_padding(files)

        # Ensure our dirpath ends with a path separator, so
        # that we can control which sep is used during the 
        # os.path.join
        sep = utils._getPathSep(dirpath)
        if not dirpath.endswith(sep):
            dirpath += sep

        files = (_join(dirpath, f) for f in files)
        files = list(files)

        return list(FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(files))
Exemple #7
    def findSequencesOnDisk(cls,
        Yield the sequences found in the given directory.



        The `pattern` can also specify glob-like shell wildcards including the following:
            * ``?``         - 1 wildcard character
            * ``*``         - 1 or more wildcard character
            * ``{foo,bar}`` - either 'foo' or 'bar'

        Exact frame ranges are not considered, and padding characters are converted to
        wildcards (``#`` or ``@``)


            FileSequence.findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files/imag?_*_{left,right}.@@@.jpg', strictPadding=True)

            pattern (str): directory to scan, or pattern to filter in directory
            include_hidden (bool): if true, show .hidden files as well
            strictPadding (bool): if True, ignore files with padding length different from pattern
            pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style
            allow_subframes (bool): if True, handle subframe filenames

        # reserve some functions we're going to need quick access to
        _not_hidden = lambda f: not f.startswith('.')
        _match_pattern = None
        _filter_padding = None
        _join = os.path.join

        seq = None
        dirpath = pattern

        # Support the pattern defining a filter for the files
        # in the existing directory
        if not os.path.isdir(pattern):
            dirpath, filepat = os.path.split(pattern)

            if not os.path.isdir(dirpath):
                return []

            # Start building a regex for filtering files
            seq = cls(filepat,
            patt = r'\A'
            patt += cls._globCharsToRegex(seq.basename())
            if seq.padding():
                patt += '('
                if seq.framePadding():
                    patt += r'\d+'
                    if seq.subframePadding():
                        patt += r'\.\d+'
                patt += ')'
            if seq.extension():
                patt += cls._globCharsToRegex(seq.extension())

            # Convert braces groups into regex capture groups
            matches = re.finditer(r'{(.*?)(?:,(.*?))*}', patt)
            for match in reversed(list(matches)):
                i, j = match.span()
                regex = '(?:%s)' % '|'.join(
                    [m.strip() for m in match.groups()])
                patt = "".join((patt[0:i], regex, patt[j:]))
            patt += r'\Z'
                _match_pattern = re.compile(patt).match
            except re.error:
                msg = 'Invalid file pattern: {!r}'.format(filepat)
                raise FileSeqException(msg)

            if seq.padding() and strictPadding:
                get_frame = lambda f: _match_pattern(f).group(1)
                _filter_padding = functools.partial(

        # Get just the immediate files under the dir.
        # Avoids testing the os.listdir() for files as
        # a second step.
        ret = next(os.walk(dirpath), None)
        files = ret[-1] if ret else []

        # collapse some generators to get us the files that match our regex
        if not include_hidden:
            files = filter(_not_hidden, files)

        # Filter by files that match the provided file pattern
        if _match_pattern:
            files = filter(_match_pattern, files)

        # Filter by files that match the frame padding in the file pattern
        if _filter_padding:
            # returns a generator
            files = _filter_padding(files)

        # Ensure our dirpath ends with a path separator, so
        # that we can control which sep is used during the
        # os.path.join
        sep = utils._getPathSep(dirpath)
        if not dirpath.endswith(sep):
            dirpath += sep

        files = [_join(dirpath, f) for f in files]

        seqs = list(

        if _filter_padding and seq:
            frame_pad = cls.conformPadding(seq.framePadding(),
            subframe_pad = cls.conformPadding(seq.subframePadding(),
            # strict padding should preserve the original padding
            # characters in the found sequences.
            for s in seqs:

        return seqs
Exemple #8
    def findSequencesOnDisk(cls,
        Yield the sequences found in the given directory.


        The pattern can also specify glob-like shell wildcards including the following:
            ?         - 1 wildcard character
            *         - 1 or more wildcard character
            {foo,bar} - either 'foo' or 'bar'

        Exact frame ranges are not considered, and padding characters are converted to
        wildcards (# or @)

            findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files/imag?_*_{left,right}.@@@.jpg', strictPadding=True)

        :param pattern: directory to scan, or pattern to filter in directory
        :type include_hidden: bool
        :param include_hidden: if true, show .hidden files as well
        :type strictPadding: bool
        :param strictPadding: if True, ignore files with padding length different from pattern
        :rtype: list
        # reserve some functions we're going to need quick access to
        _not_hidden = lambda f: not f.startswith('.')
        _match_pattern = None
        _filter_padding = None
        _join = os.path.join

        dirpath, filepat = pattern, None

        # Support the pattern defining a filter for the files
        # in the existing directory
        if not os.path.isdir(pattern):
            dirpath, filepat = os.path.split(pattern)

            if not os.path.isdir(dirpath):
                return []

            # Start building a regex for filtering files
            seq = cls(filepat)
            patt = seq.basename().replace('.', r'\.')
            if seq.padding():
                patt += '\d+'
            if seq.extension():
                patt += seq.extension()

            # Convert braces groups into regex capture groups
            view = bytearray(patt)
            matches = re.finditer(r'{(.*?)(?:,(.*?))*}', patt)
            for match in reversed(list(matches)):
                i, j = match.span()
                view[i:j] = '(%s)' % '|'.join(
                    [m.strip() for m in match.groups()])
            view = view.replace('*', '.*')
            view = view.replace('?', '.')
            view += '$'
                _match_pattern = re.compile(str(view)).match
            except re.error:
                msg = 'Invalid file pattern: {}'.format(filepat)
                raise FileSeqException(msg)

            if seq.padding() and strictPadding:
                _filter_padding = functools.partial(cls._filterByPaddingNum,

        # Get just the immediate files under the dir.
        # Avoids testing the os.listdir() for files as
        # a second step.
        ret = next(os.walk(dirpath), None)
        files = ret[-1] if ret else []

        # collapse some generators to get us the files that match our regex
        if not include_hidden:
            files = filter(_not_hidden, files)

        # Filter by files that match the provided file pattern
        if _match_pattern:
            files = filter(_match_pattern, files)

        # Filter by files that match the frame padding in the file pattern
        if _filter_padding:
            # returns a generator
            files = _filter_padding(files)

        # Ensure our dirpath ends with a path separator, so
        # that we can control which sep is used during the
        # os.path.join
        sep = utils._getPathSep(dirpath)
        if not dirpath.endswith(sep):
            dirpath += sep

        files = (_join(dirpath, f) for f in files)
        files = list(files)

        return list(FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(files))