Exemple #1
def get_ticket_messages(ticket_id):
    Retrieve messages in ticket.
    current_identity = get_current_user()
    ticket = Ticket.query.get(ticket_id)
    if is_user_relevant_to_ticket(current_identity, ticket):
        return rp_message.retrieve_all_request(ticket_id,
        return Iresponse.create_response('Unauthorized', 403)
Exemple #2
def retrieve_user():
    Returns the user model of the current user.
    current_identity = get_current_user()
    if current_identity is None:
        return Iresponse.create_response("", 404)

    student, ta, supv, usr = {}, {}, {}, {}
    student = database.serialize_list(current_identity.student_courses)
    ta = database.serialize_list(current_identity.ta_courses)
    supv = database.serialize_list(current_identity.supervisor_courses)

    usr = current_identity.serialize
    usr['student'] = student
    usr['ta'] = ta
    usr['supervisor'] = supv
    usr['roles'] = []

    if len(usr['student']) >= 1:
    if len(usr['ta']) >= 1:
    if len(usr['supervisor']) >= 1:

    return Iresponse.create_response({'user': usr}, 200)
Exemple #3
def unread_messages():
    Retrieve all unread messages of this user.
    If in the url the param course_id is specified
    only the unread messages with a course_id matching
    the specified course_id will be returned.
    specified_course = request.args.get('course_id')
    current_identity = get_current_user()
    tmp = {}
    unread = current_identity.unread
    for msg in unread:
        if str(msg.ticket_id) not in tmp:
            if specified_course is not None:
                tick = Ticket.query.filter_by(id=msg.ticket_id).first()
                if str(tick.course_id) != str(specified_course):
            ticket_id = str(msg.ticket_id)
            tmp[ticket_id] = {'ticket': msg.ticket.serialize, 'n': 0}
            if current_identity in msg.ticket.bound_tas:
                tmp[ticket_id]['ta'] = True
                tmp[ticket_id]['ta'] = False
        tmp[ticket_id]['n'] += 1
    return Iresponse.create_response(tmp, 200)
Exemple #4
        def verify_ta_rights_in_course(*args, **kwargs):
            Function that verifies that an user has ta rights in the specified
            course. This function required that the course_id is specified
            in the decorator.

            Returns on failure:
            - Iresponse 400: if the user can not be extracted from the jwt.
            - Iresponse 404: if the course can not be found.
            - Iresponse 403: if the user is not a teaching assistant
            in the course.

            Returns on succes:
            - Calls the decorated function, with the following params:
            (course, user, *args, **kwargs).
            So the decorated function should always accept atleast two params,
            namely the course and user, in that order.
            Extra params, should come after the course and user.
            curr_user = get_current_user()
            course = Course.Course.query.get(course_id)
            if curr_user is None:
                return Iresponse.create_response("", 400)
            if course is None:
                return Iresponse.create_response("Course not found", 404)
            if curr_user not in course.ta_courses:
                if curr_user not in course.supervisors:
                    return Iresponse.create_response("", 403)
            return func(course, curr_user, *args, **kwargs)
Exemple #5
def create_message(ticket_id):
    Create a new message.
    json_data = request.get_json()
    if request is None:
        return Iresponse.empty_json_request()

    current_identity = get_current_user()
    json_data["studentid"] = current_identity.id

    userId = escape(json_data["studentid"])
    msg = rp_message.create_request(json_data, ticket_id)

    ticket = Ticket.query.get(ticket_id)
    user = User.query.get(userId)

    if (ticket.user_id != user.id):
        message = createdEmailMessage(ticket.title, [ticket.email], ticket_id,
                                      json_data['message'], user.name)
        if current_app.config['SEND_MAIL_ON_MESSAGE']:
            print("send email")
            app = current_app._get_current_object()
            thr = Thread(target=sendAsyncEmail, args=[message, app])
    return msg
Exemple #6
def get_user(user_id):
    Retrieve user credentials.
    user = get_current_user()
    if user is None:
        return Iresponse.create_response("", 404)
    return Iresponse.create_response(user.serialize, 200)
Exemple #7
def retrieve_user_tickets():
    Returns all the tickets of the user.

    curr_user = get_current_user()
    tickets = Ticket.query.filter_by(user_id=curr_user.id).all()
    return Iresponse.create_response(database.serialize_list(tickets), 200)
Exemple #8
def get_user_ticket_for_course(course_id):
    Function that gets all the tickets of a user in the course with
    id: <course_id>
    curr_user = get_current_user()
    tickets = Ticket.query.filter(Ticket.user_id == curr_user.id,
                                  Ticket.course_id == course_id).all()
    return Iresponse.create_response(database.serialize_list(tickets), 200)
Exemple #9
def get_courses_user_is_ta_in():
    Retrieve the courses where user is a teaching assistant.
    curr_user = get_current_user()
    if curr_user is None:
        return Iresponse.create_response("", 404)
    courses = curr_user.ta_courses
    return Iresponse.create_response(database.serialize_list(courses), 200)
Exemple #10
def retrieve_active_user_tickets(user_id):
    Gets all the active tickets of a user with id: <user_id>
    current_identity = get_current_user()
    user_id = current_identity.id
    tickets = Ticket.query.filter(
        Ticket.user_id == user_id,
        Ticket.status_id != TicketStatus.closed).all()
    return Iresponse.create_response(database.serialize_list(tickets), 200)
Exemple #11
def retrieve_user_leveldata():
    Retrieves the level and experience points of loged in user
    current_identity = get_current_user()
    user_id = current_identity.id
    user = User.query.get(user_id)
    response = {}
    response['level'] = level = user.level
    response['experience'] = user.experience
    return Iresponse.create_response(response, 200)
Exemple #12
def retrieve_single_ticket(ticket_id):
    Retrieve single ticket from database.
    current_identity = get_current_user()
    ticket = Ticket.query.get(ticket_id)
    if is_user_relevant_to_ticket(current_identity, ticket):
        ticketObj = Ticket.query.get(ticket_id)
        return Iresponse.create_response('Unauthorized', 403)
    if ticketObj is None:
        return Iresponse.create_response("", 404)
    return Iresponse.create_response(ticketObj.serialize, 200)
Exemple #13
def close_ticket(ticket_id):
    Close ticket when is has been handled.
    current_identity = get_current_user()
        ticket = Ticket.query.get(ticket_id)
        if is_user_relevant_to_ticket(current_identity, ticket):
            notifications.notify(current_identity.id, ticket, 'Closed ticket',
            return Iresponse.create_response('Unauthorized', 403)
    except Exception as e:
        print(e)  # LOGGING
        return Iresponse.create_response("Error", 400)
    return Iresponse.create_response(
            'status': "success",
            'message': 'ticket closed'
        }, 200)
Exemple #14
        def verify_roles(*args, **kwargs):
            Function that verifies that an user is a ta in the specified
            course. This function required that the course_id is specified
            in the decorator.

            Returns on failure:
            - Iresponse 400: if the user can not be extracted from the jwt.
            - Iresponse 404: if the course can not be found.
            - Iresponse 403: if the user is not a teaching assistant
            in the course.

            Returns on succes:
            - Calls the decorated function, with the following params:
            (course, user, *args, **kwargs).
            So the decorated function should always accept atleast two params,
            namely the course and user, in that order.
            Extra params, should come after the course and user.
            curr_user = get_current_user()

            c_ta = 'ta' in roles
            c_ta &= len(curr_user.ta_courses) > 0
            c_stud = 'student' in roles
            c_stud &= len(curr_user.student_courses) > 0
            c_super = 'supervisor' in roles
            c_super &= len(curr_user.supervisor_courses) > 0

            if curr_user is None:
                return Iresponse.create_response("", 400)
            if type(roles) != list:
                return Iresponse.create_response("", 500)
            if not c_ta and not c_stud and not c_super:
                return Iresponse.create_response(
                    "User doesn\'t have a correct role.", 403)

            return fn(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #15
def create_ticket():
    Check ticket submission and add to database.
    # Mandatory check to comply with incompatible testing.
    formdata = None
    if request.get_json():
        data = request.get_json()
        formdata = {
            'subject': data['subject'],
            'message': data['message'],
            'courseid': data['courseid'],
            'labelid': data['labelid'],
        formdata = request.form

    if hasattr(request, 'files'):
        if request.files != '':
            filecount = 0
            file_names = list()
            for file_id in request.files:
                filecount += 1
                if filecount > 5:
                    return Iresponse.create_response("Too many files", 400)
                file = request.files[file_id]

                if not rp_file.save_file(file, file_names):
                    print("invalid file")
                    return Iresponse.create_response("File too large", 400)

    if not json_validation.validate_json(
            formdata, ['message', 'subject', 'courseid', 'labelid']):
        return Iresponse.create_response("Malformed request", 400)

    message = escape(formdata['message'])
    subject = escape(formdata['subject'])
    courseid = escape(formdata['courseid'])
    labelid = escape(formdata['labelid'])
    ticket_data = {
        'message': message,
        'subject': subject,
        'courseid': courseid,
        'labelid': labelid,
        'files': file_names

    if not course_validation.check_course_validity(courseid, labelid):
        for file in file_names:
        return Iresponse.create_response("Invalid Course/Label", 400)

    current_identity = get_current_user()

    ticket_data['studentid'] = current_identity.id
    ticket_data['name'] = current_identity.name
    ticket_data['email'] = current_identity.email

    if not json_validation.validate_ticket_data(ticket_data):
        for file in file_names:
        return Iresponse.create_response("Invalid ticket data", 400)

    response = rp_ticket.create_request(ticket_data)

    return response
Exemple #16
def get_ta_tickets():
    Get tickets for given teaching assistant
    current_identity = get_current_user()
    return rp_ticket.get_assigned_tickets(current_identity)