Exemple #1
def test_dataset_only_includes_unused_flows_in_elsewhere_bundles():
    # Bundle 0 should include flow 0, bundle 1 should include flow 1
    nodes = {
        'a': ProcessGroup(selection=['a']),
        'x': ProcessGroup(selection=['x']),
    bundles = {
        0: Bundle('a', 'x'),
        1: Bundle(Elsewhere, 'x'),

    # Dataset
    flows = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
            ('a', 'x', 'm', 1),
            ('b', 'x', 'm', 1),
        columns=('source', 'target', 'material', 'value'))
    dataset = Dataset(flows)

    bundle_flows, _ = dataset.apply_view(nodes, bundles)

    def get_source_target(b):
        return [(row['source'], row['target'])
                for i, row in bundle_flows[b].iterrows()]

    assert get_source_target(0) == [('a', 'x')]
    assert get_source_target(1) == [('b', 'x')]

    # Check it works with duplicated flow index values (old bug)
    flows.index = [0, 0]
    dataset = Dataset(flows)
    bundle_flows, _ = dataset.apply_view(nodes, bundles)
    assert get_source_target(0) == [('a', 'x')]
    assert get_source_target(1) == [('b', 'x')]
def test_sankey_definition_as_script_with_partitions():
    nodes = {
        ProcessGroup(selection=['a1', 'a2']),
        ProcessGroup(selection=['c1', 'c2'],
                     partition=Partition.Simple('process', ['c1', 'c2'])),
        Waypoint(partition=Partition.Simple('material', ['m', 'n'])),
    bundles = [
        Bundle('a', 'c', waypoints=['via']),
        Bundle('b', 'c', waypoints=['via']),
    ordering = [[['a', 'b']], [['via']], [['c']]]
    sdd = SankeyDefinition(nodes,
                               'material', ['m', 'n']))
    code = sdd.to_code()

    # Check roundtrip
    ctx = {}
    exec(code, ctx)
    assert ctx["sdd"] == sdd
def test_view_graph_does_short_bundles_last():
    """Return loops are inserted immediately below the source node, so work from
    the outside in."""
    #  ,a -- b -- c-,
    #  |      `----`|
    #   `-----------'
    nodes = {
        'a': ProcessGroup(selection=('a', )),
        'b': ProcessGroup(selection=('b', )),
        'c': ProcessGroup(selection=('c', )),
    order = [[['a']], [['b']], [['c']]]
    bundles = [
        Bundle('a', 'b'),
        Bundle('b', 'c'),
        Bundle('c', 'b'),
        Bundle('c', 'a'),
    G = view_graph(SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order))

    assert G.ordering == Ordering([
        [['a', '__c_a_0']],
        [['b', '__c_b_1', '__c_a_1']],
        [['c', '__c_b_2', '__c_a_2']],

    # order of bundles doesn't affect it
    G2 = view_graph(SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles[::-1], order))
    assert G.ordering == G2.ordering
def test_view_graph_does_non_dummy_bundles_first():
    """It's important to do bundles that don't require adding dummy nodes first, so
    when it comes to return loops, they are better placed."""
    nodes = {
        'a': ProcessGroup(selection=('a', )),
        'b': ProcessGroup(selection=('b', )),
        'c': ProcessGroup(selection=('c', )),
        'd': ProcessGroup(selection=('d', )),
    order = [[['a', 'c']], [['b', 'd']]]
    bundles = [
        Bundle('a', 'b'),
        Bundle('c', 'd'),
        Bundle('b', 'a'),
    G = view_graph(SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order))

    assert G.ordering == Ordering([
        [['a', '__b_a_0', 'c']],
        [['b', '__b_a_1', 'd']],

    # order of bundles doesn't affect it
    G2 = view_graph(SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles[::-1], order))
    assert G2.ordering == G.ordering
def test_view_graph_bundle_flow_partitions_must_be_equal():
    material_partition_mn = Partition.Simple('material', ['m', 'n'])
    material_partition_XY = Partition.Simple('material', ['X', 'Y'])
    nodes = {
        'a': ProcessGroup(selection=['a1']),
        'b': ProcessGroup(selection=['b1']),
        'c': ProcessGroup(selection=['c1']),
        'via': Waypoint(),
    order = [['a', 'b'], ['via'], ['c']]
    bundles = [

    # Do partition based on flows stored in bundles
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        G = view_graph(SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order))

    bundles[1] = Bundle('b',
    assert view_graph(SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order))
def test_view_graph_merges_bundles_between_same_nodes():
    nodes = {
        'n1': ProcessGroup(selection=['n1']),
        'n2': ProcessGroup(selection=['n2']),
        'n3': ProcessGroup(selection=['n3']),
        'via': Waypoint(),
    order0 = [['n1', 'n2'], ['via'], ['n3']]
    bundles = [
        Bundle('n1', 'n3', waypoints=['via']),
        Bundle('n2', 'n3', waypoints=['via']),
    G = view_graph(SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order0))

    assert G.nodes['n3'] == {'node': nodes['n3']}
    assert sorted(edges_ignoring_elsewhere(G, data=True)) == [
        ('n1', 'via', {
            'bundles': [0]
        ('n2', 'via', {
            'bundles': [1]
        ('via', 'n3', {
            'bundles': [0, 1]
Exemple #7
def test_unused_flows():
    """Unused flows are between *used* nodes

    # view definition:
    # Elsewhere --> [a] --> Elsewhere
    # Elsewhere --> [b] --> Elsewhere
    # dataset:
    # other --> a --> other
    # other --> b --> other
    # a --> b --> c
    # The a --> b flow in the dataset is "unused"
    # The b --> c flow is not unused since c isn't visible
    nodes = {
        'other': ProcessGroup(selection=['other']),
        'a': ProcessGroup(selection=['a']),
        'b': ProcessGroup(selection=['b']),
    bundles = {
        0: Bundle(Elsewhere, 'a'),
        1: Bundle(Elsewhere, 'b'),
        2: Bundle('a', Elsewhere),
        3: Bundle('b', Elsewhere),

    # Dataset
    flows = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
            ('other', 'a', 'm', 1),
            ('other', 'b', 'm', 1),
            ('a', 'other', 'm', 1),
            ('b', 'other', 'm', 1),
            ('a', 'b', 'm', 1),
            ('b', 'c', 'm', 1),
        columns=('source', 'target', 'material', 'value'))
    dim_process = pd.DataFrame(
        {'id': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'other']}).set_index('id')
    dataset = Dataset(flows, dim_process)

    bundle_flows, unused = dataset.apply_view(nodes, bundles)

    def get_source_target(b):
        return [(row['source'], row['target'])
                for i, row in bundle_flows[b].iterrows()]

    assert get_source_target(0) == [('other', 'a')]
    assert get_source_target(1) == [('other', 'b'), ('a', 'b')]
    assert get_source_target(2) == [('a', 'other'), ('a', 'b')]
    assert get_source_target(3) == [('b', 'other'), ('b', 'c')]

    assert len(unused) == 1
    assert unused.iloc[0].equals(flows.iloc[4])
Exemple #8
def _twonodes(xrank, xdir, yrank, ydir, **kwargs):
    G = LayeredGraph()
    G.add_node('x', node=ProcessGroup(direction=xdir))
    G.add_node('y', node=ProcessGroup(direction=ydir))
    layers = [[[]] for i in range(max(xrank, yrank) + 1)]
    G.ordering = Ordering(layers)
    kwargs.setdefault('bundle_key', None)
    return add_dummy_nodes(G, 'x', 'y', **kwargs)
Exemple #9
def _twonode_viewgraph():
    view_graph = LayeredGraph()
    view_graph.add_node('a', node=ProcessGroup())
    view_graph.add_node('b', node=ProcessGroup())
    view_graph.add_edge('a', 'b', bundles=[0])
    view_graph.ordering = Ordering([
    return view_graph
Exemple #10
def test_results_graph_material_key():
    # Mock flow data
    flows = pd.DataFrame.from_records([
        ('a1', 'c1', 'm', 'long', 3),
        ('a1', 'c1', 'n', 'long', 1),
                                      columns=('source', 'target',
                                               'material_type', 'shape',

    view_graph = LayeredGraph()
    view_graph.add_node('a', node=ProcessGroup())
    view_graph.add_node('c', node=ProcessGroup())
    view_graph.add_edge('a', 'c', bundles=[0])
    view_graph.ordering = Ordering([[['a']], [['c']]])
    bundle_flows = {0: flows}

    material_partition = Partition.Simple('material_type', ['m', 'n'])
    shape_partition = Partition.Simple('shape', ['long', 'thin'])

    # Partition based on material_type
    view_graph.edges['a', 'c']['flow_partition'] = material_partition
    Gr, groups = results_graph(view_graph, bundle_flows)
    assert sorted(Gr.edges(keys=True, data=True)) == [
        ('a^*', 'c^*', ('m', '*'), {
            'measures': {
                'value': 3
            'original_flows': [0],
            'bundles': [0]
        ('a^*', 'c^*', ('n', '*'), {
            'measures': {
                'value': 1
            'original_flows': [1],
            'bundles': [0]

    # Partition based on shape
    view_graph.edges['a', 'c']['flow_partition'] = shape_partition
    Gr, groups = results_graph(view_graph, bundle_flows)
    assert sorted(Gr.edges(keys=True, data=True)) == [
        ('a^*', 'c^*', ('long', '*'), {
            'measures': {
                'value': 4
            'original_flows': [0, 1],
            'bundles': [0]
def test_view_graph_adds_waypoints():
    nodes = {
        'n1': ProcessGroup(selection=['n1']),
        'n2': ProcessGroup(selection=['n2']),
        'w1': Waypoint(),
    bundles = [
        Bundle('n1', 'n2', waypoints=['w1']),
    order0 = [['n1'], [], ['w1'], [], [], ['n2']]
    G = view_graph(SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order0))

    assert sorted(nodes_ignoring_elsewhere(G, data=True)) == [
        ('__n1_w1_1', {
            'node': Waypoint(title='')
        ('__w1_n2_3', {
            'node': Waypoint(title='')
        ('__w1_n2_4', {
            'node': Waypoint(title='')
        ('n1', {
            'node': ProcessGroup(selection=['n1'])
        ('n2', {
            'node': ProcessGroup(selection=['n2'])
        ('w1', {
            'node': Waypoint()
    assert sorted(edges_ignoring_elsewhere(G, data=True)) == [
        ('__n1_w1_1', 'w1', {
            'bundles': [0]
        ('__w1_n2_3', '__w1_n2_4', {
            'bundles': [0]
        ('__w1_n2_4', 'n2', {
            'bundles': [0]
        ('n1', '__n1_w1_1', {
            'bundles': [0]
        ('w1', '__w1_n2_3', {
            'bundles': [0]
    assert G.ordering == Ordering([[['n1']], [['__n1_w1_1']], [['w1']],
                                   [['__w1_n2_3']], [['__w1_n2_4']], [['n2']]])
Exemple #12
def test_results_graph_with_extra_or_not_enough_groups():
    # Mock flow data
    bundle_flows = {
            ('a1', 'b1', 'm', 3),
            ('a2', 'b1', 'm', 1),
                                  columns=('source', 'target', 'material',

    # Group 'a3' not used. ProcessGroup 'a2' isn't in any group.
    node_a = ProcessGroup(partition=Partition.Simple('process', ['a1', 'a3']))
    node_b = ProcessGroup(partition=Partition.Simple('process', ['b1']))
    view_graph = LayeredGraph()
    view_graph.add_node('a', node=node_a)
    view_graph.add_node('b', node=node_b)
        ('a', 'b', {
            'bundles': [0]
    view_graph.ordering = Ordering([[['a']], [['b']]])

    # Do partition based on flows stored in bundles
    Gr, groups = results_graph(view_graph, bundle_flows)

    assert set(Gr.nodes()) == {'a^a1', 'a^_', 'b^b1'}
    assert sorted(Gr.edges(keys=True, data=True)) == [
        ('a^_', 'b^b1', ('*', '*'), {
            'measures': {
                'value': 1
            'original_flows': [1],
            'bundles': [0]
        ('a^a1', 'b^b1', ('*', '*'), {
            'measures': {
                'value': 3
            'original_flows': [0],
            'bundles': [0]

    assert Gr.ordering == Ordering([
        [['a^a1', 'a^_']],
Exemple #13
def test_sankey_definition_checks_nodes_exist():
    nodes = {
        'a': ProcessGroup(selection=('a1')),
        'b': ProcessGroup(selection=('b1')),
        'waypoint': ProcessGroup(),
    ordering = Ordering([])

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        bundles = [Bundle('does not exist', 'b')]
        SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, ordering)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        bundles = [Bundle('a', 'b', waypoints=['does not exist'])]
        SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, ordering)
Exemple #14
def test_dummy_nodes_merge_bundles():
    G = LayeredGraph()
    G.add_node('a', node=ProcessGroup())
    G.add_node('b', node=ProcessGroup())
    G.ordering = Ordering([[['a']], [['b']]])

    G = add_dummy_nodes(G, 'a', 'b', bundle_key=1)
    assert G['a']['b']['bundles'] == [1]

    G = add_dummy_nodes(G, 'a', 'b', bundle_key=2)
    assert G['a']['b']['bundles'] == [1, 2]

    assert set(G.nodes()) == {'a', 'b'}
    assert set(G.edges()) == {('a', 'b')}
    assert G.ordering == Ordering([[['a']], [['b']]])
Exemple #15
def test_weave_accepts_dataframe_as_dataset():
    nodes = {
        'a': ProcessGroup(selection=['a']),
        'b': ProcessGroup(selection=['b']),
    bundles = [
        Bundle('a', 'b'),
    ordering = [['a'], ['b']]
    sdd = SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, ordering)

    flows = pd.DataFrame.from_records([('a', 'b', 'm', 3)],
                                      columns=('source', 'target', 'material',

    result = weave(sdd, flows)
def test_elsewhere_bundles_not_added_at_minmax_rank_when_one_bundle_defined():
    nodes = {'a': ProcessGroup(selection=['a1'])}
    bundles = {0: Bundle('a', Elsewhere)}
    order = [['a']]
    vd = SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order)
    new_waypoints, new_bundles = elsewhere_bundles(vd)
    assert len(new_waypoints) == 0
    assert len(new_bundles) == 0
def test_sankey_definition_as_script():
    nodes = {
        'a': ProcessGroup(selection=['a1']),
        'b': ProcessGroup(selection=['b1']),
        'waypoint': Waypoint(),
    ordering = [['a'], ['waypoint'], ['b']]
    bundles = [Bundle('a', 'b')]
    sdd = SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, ordering)
    code = sdd.to_code()

    assert code == dedent("""
    from floweaver import (

    nodes = {
        'a': ProcessGroup(selection=['a1']),
        'b': ProcessGroup(selection=['b1']),
        'waypoint': Waypoint(),

    ordering = [

    bundles = [
        Bundle(source='a', target='b'),

    sdd = SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, ordering)

    # Check roundtrip
    ctx = {}
    exec(code, ctx)
    assert ctx["sdd"] == sdd
def test_elsewhere_bundles_are_not_added_when_disabled():
    nodes = {'a': ProcessGroup(selection=['a1'])}
    bundles = {}
    order = [['a']]
    vd = SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order)
    new_waypoints, new_bundles = elsewhere_bundles(
        vd, add_elsewhere_waypoints=False)
    assert len(new_bundles) == 2
    assert new_waypoints == {}
def test_view_graph_does_not_mutate_definition():
    nodes = {
        'n1': ProcessGroup(selection=['n1']),
        'n2': ProcessGroup(selection=['n2']),
    bundles = [
        Bundle('n1', 'n2'),
    order0 = [['n1'], [], ['n2']]
    vd = SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order0)
    G = view_graph(vd)
    assert vd.nodes == {
        'n1': ProcessGroup(selection=['n1']),
        'n2': ProcessGroup(selection=['n2']),
    assert vd.bundles == {
        0: Bundle('n1', 'n2'),
    assert vd.ordering == Ordering([[['n1']], [[]], [['n2']]])
def test_elsewhere_bundles():
    nodes = {'a': ProcessGroup(selection=['a1']), }
    bundles = {}
    order = [[], ['a'], []]  # not at min/max rank
    vd = SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order)
    new_waypoints, new_bundles = elsewhere_bundles(vd)
    assert set(new_waypoints.keys()) == {'__a>', '__>a'}
    assert set(new_bundles.values()) == {
        Bundle('a', Elsewhere, waypoints=['__a>']),
        Bundle(Elsewhere, 'a', waypoints=['__>a']),
Exemple #21
def test_internal_flows_elsewhere():
    """Internal flows should not be included in to/from Elsewhere bundles.


    # view definition:
    # Elsewhere --> [a,b] --> Elsewhere
    # dataset:
    # other --> a --> b --> other
    nodes = {
        'other': ProcessGroup(selection=['other']),
        'ab': ProcessGroup(selection=['a', 'b']),
    bundles = {
        0: Bundle(Elsewhere, 'ab'),
        1: Bundle('ab', Elsewhere),

    # Dataset
    flows = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
            ('other', 'a', 'm', 1),
            ('a', 'b', 'm', 1),
            ('b', 'other', 'm', 1),
        columns=('source', 'target', 'material', 'value'))
    dim_process = pd.DataFrame({'id': ['a', 'b', 'other']}).set_index('id')
    dataset = Dataset(flows, dim_process)

    bundle_flows, unused = dataset.apply_view(nodes, bundles)

    def get_source_target(b):
        return [(row['source'], row['target'])
                for i, row in bundle_flows[b].iterrows()]

    assert get_source_target(0) == [('other', 'a')]
    assert get_source_target(1) == [('b', 'other')]

    assert len(unused) == 0
def test_elsewhere_bundles_are_added_when_no_bundles_defined():
    # make it easier to get started
    nodes = {'a': ProcessGroup(selection=['a1'])}
    bundles = {}
    order = [['a']]
    vd = SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order)
    new_waypoints, new_bundles = elsewhere_bundles(vd)
    assert len(new_bundles) == 2
    assert new_waypoints == {
        '__>a': Waypoint(title='→'),
        '__a>': Waypoint(title='→'),

    # when direction is to left
    nodes['a'] = ProcessGroup(selection=['a1'], direction='L')
    vd = SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order)
    new_waypoints, new_bundles = elsewhere_bundles(vd)
    assert new_waypoints == {
        '__>a': Waypoint(direction='L', title='←'),
        '__a>': Waypoint(direction='L', title='←'),
Exemple #23
def test_results_graph_bands():
    bundles = [
        Bundle('a', 'b'),

    # Mock flow data
    bundle_flows = {
            ('a1', 'b1', 'm', 3),
                                  columns=('source', 'target', 'material',

    view_graph = LayeredGraph()
    view_graph.add_node('a', node=ProcessGroup())
    view_graph.add_node('b', node=ProcessGroup())
        ('a', 'b', {
            'bundles': bundles

    view_graph.ordering = Ordering([
        [['a'], []],
        [[], ['b']],

    # Do partition based on flows stored in bundles
    Gr, groups = results_graph(view_graph, bundle_flows)

    assert Gr.ordering == Ordering([
        # rank 1
        [['a^*'], []],
        # rank 2
        [[], ['b^*']],
def test_view_graph_adds_waypoints_partition():
    nodes = {
        'n1': ProcessGroup(selection=['n1']),
        'n2': ProcessGroup(selection=['n2']),
    g = Partition.Simple('test', ['x'])
    bundles = [
        Bundle('n1', 'n2', default_partition=g),
    order0 = [['n1'], [], ['n2']]
    G = view_graph(SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order0))

    assert sorted(nodes_ignoring_elsewhere(G, data=True)) == [
        ('__n1_n2_1', {
            'node': Waypoint(title='', partition=g)
        ('n1', {
            'node': ProcessGroup(selection=['n1'])
        ('n2', {
            'node': ProcessGroup(selection=['n2'])
def test_elsewhere_bundles_does_not_duplicate():
    nodes = {
        'a': ProcessGroup(selection=('a1')),
        'in': Waypoint(),
        'out': Waypoint()
    bundles = {
        0: Bundle(Elsewhere, 'a', waypoints=['in']),
        1: Bundle('a', Elsewhere, waypoints=['out']),
    order = [['in'], ['a'], ['out']]  # not at min/max rank
    vd = SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order)
    new_waypoints, new_bundles = elsewhere_bundles(vd)
    assert new_bundles == {}
Exemple #26
def test_internal_flows():
    nodes = {
        'a': ProcessGroup(selection=['a']),
        'bcd': ProcessGroup(selection=['b', 'c', 'd']),
        'e': ProcessGroup(selection=['e']),
    bundles = {
        0: Bundle('a', 'bcd'),
        1: Bundle('bcd', 'e'),
        2: Bundle('bcd', 'bcd', flow_selection='source == "c"'),
    ordering = [['a'], ['bcd'], ['e']]

    # Dataset
    flows = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
            ('a', 'b', 'm', 4),
            ('b', 'c', 'm', 3),
            ('b', 'd', 'm', 1),
            ('c', 'b', 'm', 2),
            ('c', 'e', 'm', 1),
        columns=('source', 'target', 'material', 'value'))
    dataset = Dataset(flows)

    bundle_flows, unused = dataset.apply_view(nodes, bundles)

    def get_source_target(b):
        return [(row['source'], row['target'], row['value'])
                for i, row in bundle_flows[b].iterrows()]

    assert get_source_target(0) == [('a', 'b', 4)]
    assert get_source_target(1) == [('c', 'e', 1)]
    assert get_source_target(2) == [('c', 'b', 2)]

    assert len(unused) == 0
Exemple #27
def test_sankey_definition_checks_bundles():
    nodes = {
        'a': ProcessGroup(selection=('a1')),
        'b': ProcessGroup(selection=('b1')),
        'waypoint': Waypoint(),
    ordering = Ordering([])

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        bundles = {0: Bundle('waypoint', 'b')}
        SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, ordering)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        bundles = {0: Bundle('b', 'waypoint')}
        SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, ordering)

    # should work
    bundles = {0: Bundle('a', 'b')}
    assert SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, ordering)

    # also accepts a list
    bundles = [Bundle('a', 'b')]
    assert SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, ordering).bundles \
        == {0: Bundle('a', 'b')}
def test_view_graph_Elsewhere_bundles():
    nodes = {
        'a': ProcessGroup(selection=('a', )),
        'b': ProcessGroup(selection=('b', )),
    order = [[['a']], [['b']]]
    bundles = [
        Bundle('a', 'b'),
        Bundle(Elsewhere, 'b'),
    G = view_graph(SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order))

    assert sorted(G.nodes(data=True)) == [
        ('a', {
            'node': ProcessGroup(selection=('a', ))
        ('b', {
            'node': ProcessGroup(selection=('b', )),
            'from_elsewhere_bundles': [1]
    assert sorted(G.edges(data=True)) == [
        ('a', 'b', {
            'bundles': [0]

    # Now with a Waypoint on the Elsewhere bundle
    nodes['w'] = Waypoint()
    bundles[1] = Bundle(Elsewhere, 'b', waypoints=['w'])
    order = [[['a', 'w']], [['b']]]
    G2 = view_graph(SankeyDefinition(nodes, bundles, order))

    assert sorted(G2.nodes(data=True)) == [
        ('a', {
            'node': ProcessGroup(selection=('a', ))
        ('b', {
            'node': ProcessGroup(selection=('b', ))
        ('w', {
            'node': Waypoint()
    assert sorted(G2.edges(data=True)) == [
        ('a', 'b', {
            'bundles': [0]
        ('w', 'b', {
            'bundles': [1]
Exemple #29
def test_dummy_nodes_order_dependence():
    #  a   b
    #  c   d
    # bundles a-b, c-d, b-a

    G = LayeredGraph()
    G.add_nodes_from('abcd', node=ProcessGroup())
    G.ordering = Ordering([[['a', 'c']], [['b', 'd']]])

    # Correct G.order: a-b, c-d, b-a
    G1 = _apply_bundles(G, ('ab', 'cd', 'ba'))
    assert G1.ordering == Ordering(
        [[['a', '__b_a_0', 'c']], [['b', '__b_a_1', 'd']]])

    # Incorrect G.order: b-a first
    G2 = _apply_bundles(G, ('ba', 'ab', 'cd'))
    assert G2.ordering == Ordering(
        [[['a', 'c', '__b_a_0']], [['b', '__b_a_1', 'd']]])
def test_augment_waypoint_alignment():
    # j -- a -- x
    #      b
    # k -- c -- y
    # should insert "from b" betwen x and y
    # and "to b" between j and k
    G = LayeredGraph()
        ('a', {'node': ProcessGroup()}),
        ('b', {'node': ProcessGroup(selection=['b1'])}),
        ('c', {'node': ProcessGroup()}),
        ('x', {'node': ProcessGroup()}),
        ('y', {'node': ProcessGroup()}),
        ('j', {'node': ProcessGroup()}),
        ('k', {'node': ProcessGroup()}),
        ('a', 'x', {'bundles': [2]}),
        ('k', 'c', {'bundles': [1]}),
        ('j', 'a', {'bundles': [0]}),
        ('c', 'y', {'bundles': [3]}),
    G.ordering = Ordering([[['j', 'k']], [['a', 'b', 'c']], [['x', 'y']]])

    new_waypoints = {
        'from b': Waypoint(),
        'to b': Waypoint(),
    new_bundles = {
        'b>': Bundle('b', Elsewhere, waypoints=['from b']),
        '>b': Bundle(Elsewhere, 'b', waypoints=['to b']),

    G2 = augment(G, new_waypoints, new_bundles)

    assert set(G2.nodes()).difference(G.nodes()) == {'from b', 'to b'}
    assert G2.ordering == Ordering([
        [['j', 'to b', 'k']], [['a', 'b', 'c']], [['x', 'from b', 'y']]