Exemple #1
def get_residue_num_list(cg, d):
    Get a list of nucleotides identifying a loop within
    this element. If it's a stem, then pick a cycle
    in the middle.

    @param cg: A CoarseGrainRNA structure.
    @param d: The name of the coarse-grain element

    return list(cg.define_residue_num_iterator(d, adjacent=True))

    if d[0] == 'm':
        return sorted(cg.shortest_bg_loop(d))
    if (d[0] != 's'):
        return list(cg.define_residue_num_iterator(d, adjacent=True))

    stem_length = cg.stem_length(d)
    start_res = cg.defines[d][0] + int(stem_length / 2)

    pt = fus.dotbracket_to_pairtable(cg.to_dotbracket_string())
    other_res = pt[start_res]

    nucleotide_list = [start_res, start_res + 1, other_res - 1, other_res]

    return nucleotide_list
Exemple #2
def get_residue_num_list(cg, d):
    Get a list of nucleotides identifying a loop within
    this element. If it's a stem, then pick a cycle
    in the middle.

    @param cg: A CoarseGrainRNA structure.
    @param d: The name of the coarse-grain element

    return list(cg.define_residue_num_iterator(d, adjacent=True))

    if d[0] == 'm':
        return sorted(cg.shortest_bg_loop(d))
    if (d[0] != 's'):
        return list(cg.define_residue_num_iterator(d, adjacent=True))

    stem_length = cg.stem_length(d)
    start_res = cg.defines[d][0] + stem_length / 2

    pt = fus.dotbracket_to_pairtable(cg.to_dotbracket_string())
    other_res = pt[start_res]

    nucleotide_list = [start_res, start_res+1,
                       other_res-1, other_res]

    return nucleotide_list
    def test_get_sides_plus(self):
        db = ".((.).(.)).."
        tuples = fus.pairtable_to_tuples(fus.dotbracket_to_pairtable(db))
        c = _BulgeGraphConstruction(tuples)

        p1 = c._get_sides_plus('s0', 'm0')
        self.assertEquals(p1[0], 1)

        p1 = c._get_sides_plus('s0', 'm2')
        self.assertEquals(p1[0], 2)

        p1 = c._get_sides_plus('s1', 'm0')
        self.assertEquals(p1[0], 0)
Exemple #4
    def test_pairtable_to_elements(self):
        db = "((((....))..))"
        #     12345678901234
        pt = fus.dotbracket_to_pairtable(db)
        print("pt:", pt, file=sys.stderr)
        elements = fus.pairtable_to_elements(pt, 0, 1, len(db))

        self.assertTrue(['s', 2, [1, 2, 13, 14]] in elements)
        self.assertTrue(['s', 4, [3, 4, 9, 10]] in elements)

        self.assertTrue(['i', 3, [2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, ]])
        self.assertTrue(['h', 5, [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]])

        print("pairtable_to_elements:", elements, file=sys.stderr)
 def test_construction_ml(self):
     db = "(.(.).(.).).."
     tuples = fus.pairtable_to_tuples(fus.dotbracket_to_pairtable(db))
     c = _BulgeGraphConstruction(tuples)
         c.defines, {
             "s0": [1, 1, 11, 11],
             "s1": [3, 3, 5, 5],
             "s2": [7, 7, 9, 9],
             "m0": [2, 2],
             "m1": [6, 6],
             "m2": [10, 10],
             "h0": [4, 4],
             "h1": [8, 8],
             "t0": [12, 13]
     self.assertEqual(c.edges["s1"], {"m0", "m1", "h0"})
 def test_construction_rod(self):
     db = "(((.(((...)))..)))"
     tuples = fus.pairtable_to_tuples(fus.dotbracket_to_pairtable(db))
     c = _BulgeGraphConstruction(tuples)
         c.defines, {
             "s0": [1, 3, 16, 18],
             "i0": [4, 4, 14, 15],
             "s1": [5, 7, 11, 13],
             "h0": [8, 10]
     self.assertEqual(c.edges, {
         "s0": {"i0"},
         "i0": {"s0", "s1"},
         "s1": {"i0", "h0"},
         "h0": {"s1"}
Exemple #7
    def inverse_fold():
        if not request.json:
            abort(400, "Request has no json.")

        if 'struct' not in request.json:
            abort(400, "Request has no structure in the json.")

        if re.match("^[\(\)\.]+$", request.json['struct']) is None:
            abort(400, "Invalid structure for inverse fold: {}".format(request.json['struct']))
            pt = fus.dotbracket_to_pairtable(str(request.json['struct'])) 
        except Exception as ex:
            abort(400, "Unbalanced brackets: {}".format(ex))

        result = RNA.inverse_fold("", str(request.json['struct']))[0]
        return json.dumps(result), 201
Exemple #8
    def inverse_fold():
        if not request.json:
            abort(400, "Request has no json.")

        if 'struct' not in request.json:
            abort(400, "Request has no structure in the json.")

        if re.match("^[\(\)\.]+$", request.json['struct']) is None:
                400, "Invalid structure for inverse fold: {}".format(

            pt = fus.dotbracket_to_pairtable(str(request.json['struct']))
        except Exception as ex:
            abort(400, "Unbalanced brackets: {}".format(ex))

        result = RNA.inverse_fold("", str(request.json['struct']))[0]
        return json.dumps(result), 201
Exemple #9
 def test_dotbracket_to_pairtable3(self):
     db = "((((....))..)).((..)))"
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         pt = fus.dotbracket_to_pairtable(db)
Exemple #10
 def test_dotbracket_to_pairtable1(self):
     db = "....(((((.....((((((((((((.....(..(((....)))..)....))))))))))))......))))).."
Exemple #11
 def test_dotbracket_to_pairtable(self):
     Convert a dotbracket string to a pair table.
     for pt, db in self.pt_dbs:
         self.assertEqual(fus.dotbracket_to_pairtable(db), pt)
Exemple #12
 def test_pairtable_to_elements1(self):
     db = "(.[.).]"
     #     12345678901234
     pt = fus.dotbracket_to_pairtable(db)
     print("pt:", pt, file=sys.stderr)
Exemple #13
def main():
    usage = """
    python scripts/dotplus.py sequence

    Create a file for displaying as a dotplot using the provided sequence.

    If the provided sequence is '-', then read the sequence from stdin.
    num_args = 1
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)

        help="The probability cutoff for displaying base pair points",
    #parser.add_option('-u', '--useless', dest='uselesss', default=False, action='store_true', help='Another useless option')

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) < num_args:

    if args[0] == '-':
        seq = sys.stdin.read()
        seq = args[0].strip()

    # pf_fold returns the MFE as well as the partition function energy
    mfe, pfe = RNA.pf_fold(seq)
    prob_matrix = RNA.export_bppm()

    bp_to_seq = {}

    # get all of the suboptimal structures
    subopts = RNA.zukersubopt(seq)
    for i in range(0, subopts.size()):
        s = subopts.get(i)
        pt = fus.dotbracket_to_pairtable(s.structure)

        # go through each base pair and store the sequence
        # it came from so that it can be output later
        for j in range(1, pt[0] + 1):
            bp = tuple(sorted([j, pt[j]]))

            if bp in bp_to_seq:

            bp_to_seq[bp] = (s.structure, s.energy)

        #print s.structure, s.energy

    bps = []
    structs = []

    counter = 0
    struct_dict = {}
    base_probs = col.defaultdict(float)

    print >> sys.stderr, "probability:", options.probability
    for i, j in it.combinations(range(1, len(seq) + 1), 2):
        prob = RNA.doubleP_getitem(prob_matrix,
                                   RNA.intP_getitem(RNA.cvar.iindx, i) - j)

        base_probs[i] += prob
        base_probs[j] += prob

        if prob > options.probability:
            struct, energy = bp_to_seq[(i, j)]
            pp = math.exp((pfe - (energy / 100.)) / .616310776)

            if struct not in struct_dict:
                struct_dict[struct] = (struct, pp, counter)
                index = counter
                counter += 1
                index = struct_dict[struct][2]

            print >> sys.stderr, "ix:", index, "struct:", struct, "pp:", pp
            bps += [{
                "i": i,
                "j": j,
                "p": "{:.3f}".format(math.sqrt(prob)),
                "ix": index

    structs = struct_dict.values()
    structs.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1])
    base_probs = dict([(i, "{:.3f}".format(j))
                       for (i, j) in base_probs.items()])

    structs = [{
        "struct": st[0],
        "sprob": st[1],
        "ix": st[2]
    } for st in structs]
    print json.dumps(
            "seq": seq,
            "structs": structs,
            "bps": bps,
            "baseProbs": base_probs.items()
Exemple #14
def main():
    usage = """
    python scripts/dotplus.py sequence

    Create a file for displaying as a dotplot using the provided sequence.

    If the provided sequence is '-', then read the sequence from stdin.
    num_args= 1
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)

    parser.add_option('-p', '--probability', dest='probability', default=0.01, help="The probability cutoff for displaying base pair points", type='float')
    #parser.add_option('-u', '--useless', dest='uselesss', default=False, action='store_true', help='Another useless option')

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) < num_args:

    if args[0] == '-':
        seq = sys.stdin.read()
        seq = args[0].strip()

    # pf_fold returns the MFE as well as the partition function energy
    mfe, pfe = RNA.pf_fold(seq)
    prob_matrix = RNA.export_bppm()

    bp_to_seq = {}

    # get all of the suboptimal structures
    subopts = RNA.zukersubopt(seq)
    for i in range(0, subopts.size()):
        s = subopts.get(i)
        pt = fus.dotbracket_to_pairtable(s.structure)

        # go through each base pair and store the sequence
        # it came from so that it can be output later
        for j in range(1, pt[0]+1):
            bp = tuple(sorted([j, pt[j]]))

            if bp in bp_to_seq:

            bp_to_seq[bp] = (s.structure, s.energy)

        #print s.structure, s.energy

    bps = []
    structs = []

    counter = 0
    struct_dict = {}
    base_probs = col.defaultdict(float)

    print >>sys.stderr, "probability:", options.probability
    for i,j in it.combinations(range(1, len(seq)+1), 2):
        prob = RNA.doubleP_getitem(prob_matrix, 
                                   RNA.intP_getitem(RNA.cvar.iindx, i) - j)

        base_probs[i] += prob
        base_probs[j] += prob

        if prob > options.probability:
            struct, energy = bp_to_seq[(i,j)]
            pp = math.exp((pfe - (energy / 100.)) / .616310776)

            if struct not in struct_dict:
                struct_dict[struct] = (struct, pp, counter)
                index = counter
                counter += 1
                index = struct_dict[struct][2]

            print >>sys.stderr, "ix:", index, "struct:", struct, "pp:", pp
            bps += [{"i": i, "j": j, "p": "{:.3f}".format(math.sqrt(prob)), "ix": index}]

    structs = struct_dict.values()
    structs.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1])
    base_probs = dict([(i, "{:.3f}".format(j)) for (i,j) in base_probs.items()])

    structs = [{"struct": st[0], "sprob": st[1], "ix": st[2]} for st in structs]
    print json.dumps({"seq": seq, "structs": structs, "bps": bps, "baseProbs": base_probs.items()}, indent=2)
Exemple #15
 def test_dotbracket_to_pairtable3(self):
     db = "((((....))..)).((..)))"
     pt = fus.dotbracket_to_pairtable(db)