Exemple #1
    def get(self, id, **kwargs):
        user = kwargs['user']
        plan = self.plan_repository.find(id)

        if not plan:
            abort(404, message="No plan with that id exists")

        if plan.user.id != user.id and not query(plan.shared_users).contains(user, lambda lhs, rhs: lhs.id == rhs.id):
            abort(404, message="No plan with that id exists")

        if 'include_polyline' in request.args and request.args['include_polyline']:
            polyline = get_polyline(plan)
            plan_dict = plan.as_dict()
            plan_dict['polylines'] = polyline
            return plan_dict

        return plan
Exemple #2
    def post(self, id, **kwargs):
        user = kwargs['user']
        plan = query(self.plan_repository.get(user=user, id=id)

        if plan is None:
            abort(404, message="No plan with that id was found")

        result = self.plan_repository.add_or_update(plan)

        if not result.success:
            on_error(error_message="Could not randomize plan", result=result)

        polyline = get_polyline(plan)
        plan_dict = plan.as_dict()
        plan_dict['polylines'] = polyline
        return plan_dict
Exemple #3
    def post(self, **kwargs):
        user = kwargs['user']
        json = request.json

        if 'categories' not in json or len(json['categories']) == 0:
            on_error(error_message="Categories were not provided")

        if 'plan' not in json:
            on_error(error_message="Plan details were not provided")

        categories = self.category_repository.get_from_list(json['categories'])
        plan = json['plan']

        plan = Plan.from_json(plan, user)
        result, failed_categories = populate_sample_plan(plan, categories)

        if not result:
            return failed_categories, 400

        polyline = get_polyline(plan)
        plan_dict = plan.as_dict()
        plan_dict['polylines'] = polyline
        return plan_dict