Exemple #1
    def test_TreeIterator_iterate_mutations(self):
        tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                                  [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)])
        sites = np.array(self.pop.tables.sites, copy=False)
        nsites_visited = 0
        for tree in tv:
            for m in tree.mutations():
                self.assertTrue(sites['position'][m.site] >= tree.left)
                self.assertTrue(sites['position'][m.site] < tree.right)
                nsites_visited += 1
        self.assertEqual(len(self.pop.tables.sites), nsites_visited)

        for i in np.arange(0., 1., 0.1):
            tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                                      [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)],
                                      False, i, i + 0.1)
            nsites_visited = 0
            idx = np.where((sites['position'] >= i)
                           & (sites['position'] < i + 0.1))[0]
            nsites_in_interval = len(idx)
            for tree in tv:
                for m in tree.mutations():
                    self.assertTrue(sites['position'][m.site] >= tree.left)
                    self.assertTrue(sites['position'][m.site] < tree.right)
                    nsites_visited += 1
            self.assertEqual(nsites_visited, nsites_in_interval)
Exemple #2
    def test_TreeIterator(self):
        # The first test ensures that TreeIterator
        # simply holds a reference to the input tables,
        # rather than a (deep) copy, which would have
        # a different address
        tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                                  [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)], True, 0,
        self.assertTrue(tv.tables is self.pop.tables)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                                      [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)], True,
                                      1, 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                                      [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)],
                                      False, 1, 0)

        for i in np.arange(0., 1., 0.1):
            tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                                      [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)], True,
                                      i, i + 0.1)
            for ti in tv:
                a = ti.left < i + 0.1
                b = i < ti.right
                self.assertTrue(a and b)

            tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                                      [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)],
                                      False, i, i + 0.1)
            for ti in tv:
                a = ti.left < i + 0.1
                b = i < ti.right
                self.assertTrue(a and b)
Exemple #3
    def test_TreeIterator_iterate_sites(self):
        # TODO: need test of empty tree sequence
        # and tree sequence where mutations aren't
        # on every tree
        tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                                  [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)])
        nsites_visited = 0
        for tree in tv:
            for s in tree.sites():
                self.assertTrue(s.position >= tree.left)
                self.assertTrue(s.position < tree.right)
                nsites_visited += 1
        self.assertEqual(len(self.pop.tables.sites), nsites_visited)

        site_table = np.array(self.pop.tables.sites, copy=False)
        for i in np.arange(0., 1., 0.1):
            tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                                      [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)],
                                      False, i, i + 0.1)
            nsites_visited = 0
            idx = np.where((site_table['position'] >= i)
                           & (site_table['position'] < i + 0.1))[0]
            nsites_in_interval = len(idx)
            for tree in tv:
                for s in tree.sites():
                    self.assertTrue(s.position >= tree.left)
                    self.assertTrue(s.position < tree.right)
                    nsites_visited += 1
            self.assertEqual(nsites_visited, nsites_in_interval)
Exemple #4
    def test_TreeIterator(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                                      [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)], True,
                                      1, 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                                      [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)],
                                      False, 1, 0)

        for i in np.arange(0., 1., 0.1):
            tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                                      [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)], True,
                                      i, i + 0.1)
            for ti in tv:
                a = ti.left < i + 0.1
                b = i < ti.right
                self.assertTrue(a and b)

            tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                                      [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)],
                                      False, i, i + 0.1)
            for ti in tv:
                a = ti.left < i + 0.1
                b = i < ti.right
                self.assertTrue(a and b)
Exemple #5
    def test_simplify_to_sample(self):
        Simplify to a sample using fwdpy11 and
        tskit, then test that total time on output
        is the same from both sources and that
        the mutation tables contain the same
        positions after simplification.
        dumped_ts = self.pop.dump_tables_to_tskit()
        tt = 0.0
        for i in self.pop.tables.nodes:
            tt += i.time
        samples = np.arange(0, 2 * self.pop.N, 50, dtype=np.int32)
        mspts = dumped_ts.simplify(samples=samples.tolist())
        fp11ts, idmap = fwdpy11.simplify(self.pop, samples)
        for i in range(len(fp11ts.edges)):
            self.assertTrue(fp11ts.edges[i].parent < len(fp11ts.nodes))
            self.assertTrue(fp11ts.edges[i].child < len(fp11ts.nodes))
        for s in samples:
            self.assertEqual(fp11ts.nodes[idmap[s]].time, self.pop.generation)
        tt_fwd = 0.0
        tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(fp11ts, [i for i in range(len(samples))])
        for t in tv:
            tt_fwd += t.total_time(fp11ts.nodes)
        tt_tskit = 0.0
        for t in mspts.trees():
            tt_tskit += t.get_total_branch_length()
        self.assertEqual(tt_fwd, tt_tskit)

        self.assertEqual(len(fp11ts.mutations), len(mspts.tables.mutations))
        fp11_pos = np.array(
            [self.pop.mutations[i.key].pos for i in fp11ts.mutations])
        fp11_pos = np.sort(fp11_pos)
        msp_pos = np.sort(mspts.tables.sites.position)
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(fp11_pos, msp_pos))
 def test_mutation_counts_with_indexing_suppressed_no_neutral_muts_in_genomes(
     A sim w/ and w/o putting neutral variants in genomes
     should give the same mutation counts.
     pop2 = copy.deepcopy(self.pop)
     rng = fwdpy11.GSLrng(101 * 45 * 110 * 210)  # Use same seed!!!
     self.params.prune_selected = False
     params = copy.deepcopy(self.params)
     fwdpy11.evolvets(rng, pop2, params, 100, suppress_table_indexing=True)
     ti = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                               [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)])
     mc = _count_mutations_from_diploids(self.pop)
     for t in ti:
         for m in t.mutations():
             # Have to skip neutral mutations b/c they won't
             # end up in mc b/c it is obtained from genomes
             if pop2.mutations[m.key].neutral is False:
                 self.assertEqual(mc[m.key], self.pop.mcounts[m.key])
             self.assertEqual(t.leaf_counts(m.node), pop2.mcounts[m.key])
Exemple #7
 def test_dump_to_tskit(self):
     # TODO: test leaf counts of mutations in msprmie
     # vs fwdpy11 and cross-references with self.pop.mcounts
     dumped_ts = self.pop.dump_tables_to_tskit()
     eview = np.array(self.pop.tables.edges, copy=False)
     tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                               [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)])
     tt_fwd = 0
     for t in tv:
         tt_fwd += t.total_time(self.pop.tables.nodes)
     tt_tskit = 0
     for t in dumped_ts.trees():
         tt_tskit += t.get_total_branch_length()
     self.assertEqual(tt_fwd, tt_tskit)
Exemple #8
def runsim(argtuple):
    seed = argtuple

    rng = fwdpy11.GSLrng(seed)

    pdict = {
        'rates': (0., U / 2., R),  # The U/2. is from their eqn. 2.
        'nregions': [],
        'sregions': [
            fwdpy11.ConstantS(0, 1. / 3., 1, -0.02, 1.),
            fwdpy11.ConstantS(2. / 3., 1., 1, -0.02, 1.)
        [fwdpy11.Region(0, 1. / 3., 1),
         fwdpy11.Region(2. / 3., 1., 1)],
        np.array([N] * 20 * N, dtype=np.uint32)
    params = fwdpy11.ModelParams(**pdict)

    pop = fwdpy11.DiploidPopulation(N, GENOME_LENGTH)

    fwdpy11.evolvets(rng, pop, params, 100, suppress_table_indexing=True)

    rdips = np.random.choice(N, NSAM, replace=False)
    md = np.array(pop.diploid_metadata, copy=False)
    rdip_nodes = md['nodes'][rdips].flatten()
    nodes = np.array(pop.tables.nodes, copy=False)
    # Only visit trees spanning the
    # mutation-free segment of the genome
    tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(pop.tables,
                              begin=1. / 3.,
                              end=2. / 3.)
    plist = np.zeros(len(nodes), dtype=np.int8)
    sum_pairwise_tmrca = 0
    for t in tv:
        for i in range(len(rdip_nodes) - 1):
            u = rdip_nodes[i]
            while u != fwdpy11.NULL_NODE:
                plist[u] = 1
                u = t.parent(u)
            for j in range(i + 1, len(rdip_nodes)):
                u = rdip_nodes[j]
                while u != fwdpy11.NULL_NODE:
                    if plist[u] == 1:
                        sum_pairwise_tmrca += 2 * \
                        u = fwdpy11.NULL_NODE
                        u = t.parent(u)
    return 2 * sum_pairwise_tmrca / (len(rdip_nodes) * (len(rdip_nodes) - 1))
Exemple #9
 def test_leaf_counts_vs_mcounts(self):
     tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                               [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)])
     mv = np.array(self.pop.tables.mutations, copy=False)
     muts = self.pop.mutations_ndarray
     p = muts['pos']
     for t in tv:
         l, r = t.left, t.right
         mt = [i for i in mv if p[i[1]] >= l and p[i[1]] < r]
         for i in mt:
             self.assertEqual(t.leaf_counts(i[0]), self.pop.mcounts[i[1]])
def process_pop(pop):
    data = []
    nodes = np.array(pop.tables.nodes, copy=False)
    # Get the metadata for ancient samples
    amd = np.array(pop.ancient_sample_metadata, copy=False)
    # Get the ancient sample time points
    times = nodes['time'][amd['nodes'][:, 0]]
    utimes = np.unique(times)

    fpos = []
    ftimes = []
    origins = []
    sites = np.array(pop.tables.sites, copy=False)
    muts = np.array(pop.tables.mutations, copy=False)
    for i, j in zip(pop.fixation_times, pop.fixations):
        if i > 10 * pop.N and j.g <= 10 * pop.N + 200:
            ftimes.append((i, j.pos))
            origins.append((j.g, j.pos))
    ftimes = np.array([i[0] for i in sorted(ftimes, key=lambda x: x[1])])
    origins = np.array([i[0] for i in sorted(origins, key=lambda x: x[1])])
    fpos = np.array(sorted(fpos))
    for ut in utimes:
        mdidx = np.where(times == ut)[0]
        samples = amd['nodes'][mdidx].flatten()
        tables, idmap = fwdpy11.simplify_tables(pop.tables, samples)
        sites = np.array(tables.sites, copy=False)
        muts = np.array(tables.mutations, copy=False)
        tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(tables, idmap[samples], update_samples=True)
        for t in tv:
            l = t.left
            r = t.right
            f = np.where((fpos >= l) & (fpos < r))[0]
            for i in f:
                idx = np.where(sites['position'] == fpos[i])[0]
                if len(idx) > 0:
                    mut_idx = np.where(muts['site'] == idx)[0]
                    assert len(mut_idx == 1), "Bad mutation table error"
                    sbelow = t.samples_below(muts['node'][mut_idx])
                    individuals = np.unique(sbelow // 2)
                    mg = amd['g'][mdidx[individuals]].mean()
                    gbar = amd['g'][mdidx].mean()
                    vg = amd['g'][mdidx].var()
                    mw = amd['w'][mdidx[individuals]].mean()
                    wbar = amd['w'][mdidx].mean()
                    esize = pop.mutations[muts['key'][mut_idx[0]]].s
                        Datum(ut, fpos[i], origins[i], ftimes[i], esize,
                              len(sbelow), mw, mg, wbar, gbar, vg))
    return data
Exemple #11
def count_frequencies(pop, num_neutral):
    N = pop.N
    fixations = []
    for i, j in zip(pop.fixation_times, pop.fixations):
        if i >= 10*pop.N and j.g <= 10*pop.N + 200:
            fixations.append((j.g, j.pos))

    if num_neutral > 0:
        # Add neutral fixations, if there are any
        # NOTE: we have no idea about fixation times
        # for neutral mutations, as they were not simulated!
        for i, j in enumerate(pop.mcounts):
            if j == 2*pop.N and pop.mutations[i].neutral is True:
                # Neutral mutations have an origin time
                # randomly assigned based on branch lengths.
                # It is just uniform along the branch.
                g = pop.mutations[i].g
                if g >= 10*pop.N and g <= 10*pop.N + 200:
                    fixations.append((g, pop.mutations[i].pos))

    data = []
    pop_data = []
    # Iterate over all samaple nodes.
    # False means to exclude the "alive" individuals
    # at time pop.generation
    for t, n, metadata in pop.sample_timepoints(False):
        if t%N == 0:
        tables, idmap = fwdpy11.simplify_tables(pop.tables, n)
        muts_visited = 0
        # we remap the input/output nodes to get the leaves at a given timepoint that carries a mutation
        # below in ws_samples
        remap_nodes = []
        for i in range(len(metadata)):
        remap_nodes = np.ravel(remap_nodes)
        # Get the distribution of diploid fitnesses for this generation
        ws = metadata['w']
        pop_data.append(PopFitness(t, ws.mean(), ws.var()))
        # NOTE: do not update samples lists below nodes.
        for tree in fwdpy11.TreeIterator(tables, idmap[n], update_samples=True):
            for m in tree.mutations():
                assert m.key < len(pop.mutations)
                muts_visited += 1
                mut_node = m.node
                # NOTE: infinite sites means
                # leaf counts are the frequencies
                dac = tree.leaf_counts(mut_node)
                pos = tables.sites[m.site].position
                assert pos == pop.mutations[m.key].pos
                assert pos >= tree.left and pos < tree.right
                origin = pop.mutations[m.key].g
                fixed = int((origin, pos) in fixations)
                # Get the ws for the samples carrying the mutation
                m_samples = tree.samples_below(m.node)
                # There are two nodes per individual, hence the //2
                ws_samples = [metadata[np.where(remap_nodes == samp)[0][0]//2]['w'] for samp in m_samples]
                w_m = np.mean(ws_samples)
                # Edge case: we skip mutations that fixed prior
                # to any of these time points
                fixed_before = False
                if dac == 2*pop.N and fixed == 0:
                    fixed_before = True
                if not fixed_before:
                    data.append(AlleleFreq(t, pos, origin,
                                           dac, fixed, int(m.neutral),
                                           pop.mutations[m.key].s, w_m))
        assert muts_visited == len(tables.mutations)
    return data, pop_data
Exemple #12
 def testEvolve(self):
     # TODO: actually test something here :)
     fwdpy11.evolvets(self.rng, self.pop, self.params, 1, self.recorder)
     samples = [i for i in range(2*self.pop.N)] + \
     vi = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables, samples)
Exemple #13
    def test_dump_to_tskit(self):
        import tskit
        dumped_ts = self.pop.dump_tables_to_tskit()
        eview = np.array(self.pop.tables.edges, copy=False)
        tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(self.pop.tables,
                                  [i for i in range(2 * self.pop.N)])
        tt_fwd = 0
        for t in tv:
            tt_fwd += t.total_time(self.pop.tables.nodes)
        tt_tskit = 0
        for t in dumped_ts.trees():
            tt_tskit += t.get_total_branch_length()
        self.assertEqual(tt_fwd, tt_tskit)

        # Now, we make sure that the metadata can
        # be decoded
        md = tskit.unpack_bytes(dumped_ts.tables.individuals.metadata,
        for i, j in zip(self.pop.diploid_metadata, md):
            d = eval(j)
            self.assertEqual(i.g, d['g'])
            self.assertEqual(i.w, d['w'])
            self.assertEqual(i.e, d['e'])
            self.assertEqual(i.label, d['label'])
            self.assertEqual(i.parents, d['parents'])
            self.assertEqual(i.sex, d['sex'])
            self.assertEqual(i.deme, d['deme'])
            self.assertEqual(i.geography, d['geography'])

        # Test that we can go backwards from node table to individuals
        samples = np.where(
            dumped_ts.tables.nodes.flags == tskit.NODE_IS_SAMPLE)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(samples), 2 * self.pop.N)
        for i in samples[::2]:
            ind = i // 2
            d = eval(md[ind])
            fwdpy11_md = self.pop.diploid_metadata[ind]
            self.assertEqual(fwdpy11_md.g, d['g'])
            self.assertEqual(fwdpy11_md.w, d['w'])
            self.assertEqual(fwdpy11_md.e, d['e'])
            self.assertEqual(fwdpy11_md.label, d['label'])
            self.assertEqual(fwdpy11_md.parents, d['parents'])
            self.assertEqual(fwdpy11_md.sex, d['sex'])
            self.assertEqual(fwdpy11_md.deme, d['deme'])
            self.assertEqual(fwdpy11_md.geography, d['geography'])

        md = tskit.unpack_bytes(dumped_ts.tables.mutations.metadata,
        for i, j, k in zip(self.pop.tables.mutations,
                           dumped_ts.tables.mutations.site, md):
            d = eval(k)
            self.assertEqual(i.key, d['key'])
            site = dumped_ts.tables.sites[j]
            m = self.pop.mutations[d['key']]
            self.assertEqual(site.position, m.pos)
            self.assertEqual(d['s'], m.s)
            self.assertEqual(d['h'], m.h)
            self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(np.array(d['esizes']), m.esizes))
            self.assertEqual(d['label'], m.label)
            self.assertEqual(d['neutral'], m.neutral)

        self.assertEqual(mcounts_comparison(self.pop, dumped_ts), True)