def update_buttons(self):
        global solved

        g2d.set_color((0, 0, 0))
        cols, rows = self._game.cols(), self._game.rows()
        for y in range(1, rows):
            g2d.draw_line((0, y * H), (cols * W, y * H))
        for x in range(1, cols):
            g2d.draw_line((x * W, 0), (x * W, rows * H))
        for y in range(rows):
            for x in range(cols):
                value = self._game.value_at(x, y)

                if '#' not in value:
                    center = x * W + W // 2, y * H + H // 2

                    if '!' in value:
                        g2d.set_color((0, 0, 200))
                        g2d.fill_circle(center, 14)
                        g2d.set_color((255, 255, 255))
                        g2d.fill_circle(center, 12)
                        g2d.set_color((0, 0, 0))
                    g2d.draw_text_centered(value[:-1], center, H // 2)
                    g2d.fill_rect((x * W, y * H, W, H))

        if self._game.finished() and not solved:
Exemple #2
 def update_buttons(self):
     g2d.set_color((0, 0, 0))
     cols, rows = self._game.cols(), self._game.rows()
     for y in range(1, rows):
         g2d.draw_line((0, y * H), (cols * W, y * H))
     for x in range(1, cols):
         g2d.draw_line((x * W, 0), (x * W, rows * H))
     for y in range(rows):
         for x in range(cols):
             value = self._game.value_at(x, y)
             if self._game.checkblack(x,y):
                 g2d.fill_rect((x * W, y * H, W, H))
             center = x * W + W//2, y * H + H // 2
             if self._game.checkcircle(x,y):
                 g2d.fill_circle((center), W // 2)
                 g2d.fill_circle((center), W // 2 - 1)
             g2d.draw_text_centered(value, center, H//2)
     if self._game.finished():
Exemple #3
def drawline(origin: int, size: int, gridsize: int, pos: int):
    Disegna una linea in base all origine, dimensione delle caselle e la riga/colonna date
        (origin + size * pos, origin),
        (origin + size * pos, origin + size * gridsize))  # Linea verticale
        (origin, origin + size * pos),
        (origin + size * gridsize, origin + size * pos))  # Linea orizzontale
 def update_buttons(self):
     g2d.fill_canvas((255, 255, 255))
     rows, cols = self._game.rows(), self._game.cols()
     for y in range(1, rows):
         g2d.draw_line((0, 0, 0), (0, y * H), (cols * W, y * H))
     for x in range(1, cols):
         g2d.draw_line((0, 0, 0), (x * W, 0), (x * W, rows * H))
     for y in range(rows):
         for x in range(cols):
             g2d.draw_text_centered(self._game.get_val(x, y), (0, 0, 0),
                                    (x * W + W // 2, y * H + H // 2),
                                    H // 2)
Exemple #5
def htree(rect: (int, int, int, int), level: int):
    x, y, w, h = rect
    if level == 0 or w < 3 or h < 3:
    if level % 2 == 0:
        rect1 = x, y, w / 2, h
        rect2 = x + w / 2, y, w / 2, h
        rect1 = x, y, w, h / 2
        rect2 = x, y + h / 2, w, h / 2

    g2d.draw_line(center(rect1), center(rect2))
    htree(rect1, level - 1)
    htree(rect2, level - 1)
def htree(rect: (int, int, int, int), level: int):
    x, y, w, h = rect
    if level == 0 or w < 3 or h < 3:  #terminazione
    if level % 2 == 0:  #livello pari dimezzo larghezza
        rect1 = x, y, w / 2, h  #primo rettangolo sn
        rect2 = x + w / 2, y, w / 2, h  #secondo rettangolo ds
        #print(level,'sn',rect1,'ds',rect2)	#debug
    else:  #livello dispari dimezzo altezza
        rect1 = x, y, w, h / 2  #alto
        rect2 = x, y + h / 2, w, h / 2  #basso
        #print(level,'up',rect1,'down',rect2)	#debug

    g2d.draw_line(center(rect1), center(rect2))
    htree(rect1, level - 1)
    htree(rect2, level - 1)
Exemple #7
 def update_buttons(self):
     g2d.set_color((0, 0, 0))
     rows, cols = self._game.rows(), self._game.cols()
     for y in range(1, rows):
         g2d.draw_line((0, y * H), (cols * W, y * H))
     for x in range(1, cols):
         g2d.draw_line((x * W, 0), (x * W, rows * H))
     for y in range(rows):
         for x in range(cols):
             value = self._game.value_at(x, y)
             center = x * W + W // 2, y * H + H // 2
             g2d.draw_text_centered(value, center, H // 2)
     if self._game.finished():
Exemple #8
 def update_buttons(self):
     g2d.set_color((0, 0, 0))
     rows, cols = self._game.rows(), self._game.cols()
     for y in range(1, rows):
         g2d.draw_line((0, y * H), (cols * W, y * H))
     for x in range(1, cols):
         g2d.draw_line((x * W, 0), (x * W, rows * H))
     for y in range(rows):
         for x in range(cols):
             value = self._game.value_at(x, y)
             center = x * W + W//2, y * H + H//2
             g2d.draw_text_centered(value, center, H//2)
     if self._game.finished():
 def update_buttons(self):
     g2d.fill_canvas((255, 255, 255))
     rows, cols, flag = self._game.rows(), self._game.cols(), 0
     cellevuote = 0
     for y in range(1, rows):
         g2d.draw_line((0, 0, 0), (0, y * H), (cols * W, y * H))
     for x in range(1, cols + 1):
         g2d.draw_line((0, 0, 0), (x * W, 0), (x * W, rows * H))
     for y in range(rows):
         for x in range(cols):
             if (self._game.get_valpos(y, x) == 0):
                 g2d.draw_text_centered(" ", (0, 0, 0),
                                        (x * W + W // 2, y * H + H // 2),
                                        H // 2)
                 cellevuote = cellevuote + 1
             elif (self._game.get_valpos(y, x) == 2):
                 g2d.draw_image(flag1, (x * W + W // 8, y * H + H // 8))
                 #g2d.draw_text_centered("<|", (0, 0, 0),(x * W + W//2, y * H + H//2), H//2)
                 flag = flag + 1
             elif (self._game.get_val(y, x) == -1):
                 g2d.draw_image(bomb, (x * W + W // 8, y * H + H // 8))
                 g2d.draw_text_centered(str(self._game.get_val(y, x)),
                                        (0, 0, 0),
                                        (x * W + W // 2, y * H + H // 2),
                                        H // 2)
     g2d.draw_text_centered("MINE RIMANENTI DA SEGNALARE", (0, 0, 0),
                            ((x * W) + 160, H // 2), H // 2)
     g2d.draw_text_centered(str(self._game.mines() - flag), (0, 0, 0),
                            ((x * W) + 160, H), H // 2)
     g2d.draw_text_centered("CELLE VUOTE RIMANENTI", (0, 0, 0),
                            ((x * W) + 160, H * 2), H // 2)
     g2d.draw_text_centered(str((cellevuote + flag) - self._game.mines()),
                            (0, 0, 0), ((x * W) + 160, H * 3), H // 2)
     if (self._game.finished() == True):
         g2d.draw_text_centered(self._game.message(), (0, 0, 255),
                                (cols * W // 2, rows * H // 2), H // 2)
Exemple #10
#!/usr/bin/env python3
@author Michele Tomaiuolo -
@license This software is free -

import g2d
from math import pi, sin, cos

R = 200

g2d.init_canvas((2*R, 2*R))
g2d.set_color((0, 0, 0))
i, angle, r = 0, 0.0, R - 20
while i < 12:
    angle = i * 2 * pi / 12
    pt1 = R + int(r*cos(angle)), R + int(r*sin(angle))
    pt2 = R + int(R*cos(angle)), R + int(R*sin(angle))
    g2d.draw_line(pt1, pt2)
    i += 1

i, angle, r = 0, 0.0, R - 5
while i < 60:
    angle = i * 2 * pi / 60
    pt1 = R + int(r*cos(angle)), R + int(r*sin(angle))
    pt2 = R + int(R*cos(angle)), R + int(R*sin(angle))
    g2d.draw_line(pt1, pt2)
    i += 1

Exemple #11
#!/usr/bin/env python3
@author  Michele Tomaiuolo -
@license This software is free -

import g2d
from math import pi, sin, cos

R = 200

g2d.init_canvas((2 * R, 2 * R))
g2d.set_color((0, 0, 0))
i, angle, r = 0, 0.0, R - 20
while i < 12:
    angle = i * 2 * pi / 12
    pt1 = R + int(r * cos(angle)), R + int(r * sin(angle))
    pt2 = R + int(R * cos(angle)), R + int(R * sin(angle))
    g2d.draw_line(pt1, pt2)
    i += 1

i, angle, r = 0, 0.0, R - 5
while i < 60:
    angle = i * 2 * pi / 60
    pt1 = R + int(r * cos(angle)), R + int(r * sin(angle))
    pt2 = R + int(R * cos(angle)), R + int(R * sin(angle))
    g2d.draw_line(pt1, pt2)
    i += 1

Exemple #12
centro = dim / 2  # centro dell'orologio
r = 100  # raggio interno tacche
l1 = 10  # lunghezza prime tacche
l2 = 5  # lunghezza tacche minuti

g2d.init_canvas((dim, dim))
angolo = 0
while angolo < 360:
    # coordinate
    x = centro + r * sin(angolo * pi / 180)
    y = centro + r * cos(angolo * pi / 180)
    x2 = centro + (r + l1) * sin(angolo * pi / 180)
    y2 = centro + (r + l1) * cos(angolo * pi / 180)
    # disegno
    g2d.draw_line((x, y), (x2, y2))
    angolo = angolo + 30

colore = 255, 0, 0  # colore seconde tacche
angolo = 0
while angolo < 360:
    # coordinate
    x = centro + r * sin(angolo * pi / 180)
    y = centro + r * cos(angolo * pi / 180)
    x2 = centro + (r + l2) * sin(angolo * pi / 180)
    y2 = centro + (r + l2) * cos(angolo * pi / 180)
    # disegno
    if angolo % 30 != 0:  # non sovrascrive tacche precedenti
        g2d.draw_line((x, y), (x2, y2))
    angolo = angolo + 6
Exemple #13
#!/usr/bin/env python3
@author  Michele Tomaiuolo -
@license This software is free -

import g2d

g2d.init_canvas((600, 400))  # width, height

g2d.set_color((255, 255, 0))  # red + green = yellow
g2d.fill_rect((150, 100, 250, 200))  # left, top, width, height

g2d.set_color((0, 255, 0))
g2d.draw_line((150, 100), (400, 300))  # point1, point2

g2d.set_color((0, 0, 255))
g2d.fill_circle((400, 300), 20)  # center, radius

g2d.set_color((255, 0, 0))
g2d.draw_text("Hello", (150, 100), 40)  # text, left-top, font-size

g2d.main_loop()  # manage the window/canvas