Exemple #1
class Gamin(FileMonitor):
    """ file monitor with gamin support """
    __priority__ = 10

    def __init__(self, ignore=None, debug=False):
        FileMonitor.__init__(self, ignore=ignore, debug=debug)
        self.mon = None
        self.counter = 0
        self.add_q = []

    def start(self):
        self.mon = WatchMonitor()
        for monitor in self.add_q:
        self.add_q = []

    def fileno(self):
        return self.mon.get_fd()

    def queue(self, path, action, request_id):
        """queue up the event for later handling"""
        self.events.append(GaminEvent(request_id, path, action))

    def AddMonitor(self, path, obj, handle=None):
        """Add a monitor to path, installing a callback to obj."""
        if handle is None:
            handle = self.counter
            self.counter += 1

        if not self.started:
            self.add_q.append((path, obj, handle))
            return handle

        mode = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE]

        # Flush queued gamin events
        while self.mon.event_pending():

        if stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
            self.mon.watch_directory(path, self.queue, handle)
            self.mon.watch_file(path, self.queue, handle)
        self.handles[handle] = obj
        return handle

    def pending(self):
        return FileMonitor.pending(self) or self.mon.event_pending()

    def get_event(self):
        if self.mon.event_pending():
        return FileMonitor.get_event(self)
Exemple #2
    class Gamin(FileMonitor):
        The fam object is a set of callbacks for
        file alteration events (Gamin support)

        def __init__(self, debug=False):
            FileMonitor.__init__(self, debug)
            self.mon = WatchMonitor()
            self.counter = 0
            self.events = []

        def fileno(self):
            return self.mon.get_fd()

        def queue(self, path, action, request_id):
            """queue up the event for later handling"""
            self.events.append(GaminEvent(request_id, path, action))

        def AddMonitor(self, path, obj):
            """Add a monitor to path, installing a callback to obj.HandleEvent."""
            handle = self.counter
            self.counter += 1
            mode = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE]

            # Flush queued gamin events
            while self.mon.event_pending():

            if stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
                self.mon.watch_directory(path, self.queue, handle)
                self.mon.watch_file(path, self.queue, handle)
            self.handles[handle] = obj
            return handle

        def pending(self):
            return len(self.events) > 0 or self.mon.event_pending()

        def get_event(self):
            if self.mon.event_pending():
            return self.events.pop(0)
Exemple #3
    class Gamin(FileMonitor):
        The fam object is a set of callbacks for
        file alteration events (Gamin support)
        def __init__(self, debug=False):
            FileMonitor.__init__(self, debug)
            self.mon = WatchMonitor()
            self.counter = 0
            self.events = []

        def fileno(self):
            return self.mon.get_fd()

        def queue(self, path, action, request_id):
            """queue up the event for later handling"""
            self.events.append(GaminEvent(request_id, path, action))

        def AddMonitor(self, path, obj):
            """Add a monitor to path, installing a callback to obj.HandleEvent."""
            handle = self.counter
            self.counter += 1
            mode = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE]

            # Flush queued gamin events
            while self.mon.event_pending():

            if stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
                self.mon.watch_directory(path, self.queue, handle)
                self.mon.watch_file(path, self.queue, handle)
            self.handles[handle] = obj
            return handle

        def pending(self):
            return len(self.events) > 0 or self.mon.event_pending()

        def get_event(self):
            if self.mon.event_pending():
            return self.events.pop(0)
Exemple #4
class Gamin(FileMonitor):
    """ File monitor backend with `Gamin
    <http://people.gnome.org/~veillard/gamin/>`_ support. **Deprecated.** """

    #: The Gamin backend is deprecated, but better than pseudo, so it
    #: has a medium priority.
    __priority__ = 50

    def __init__(self):

        #: The :class:`Gamin.WatchMonitor` object for this monitor.
        self.mon = None

        #: The counter used to produce monotonically increasing
        #: monitor handle IDs
        self.counter = 0

        #: The queue used to record monitors that are added before
        #: :func:`start` has been called and :attr:`mon` is created.
        self.add_q = []

        self.logger.warning("The Gamin file monitor backend is deprecated. "
                            "Please switch to a supported file monitor.")
    __init__.__doc__ = FileMonitor.__init__.__doc__

    def start(self):
        """ The Gamin watch monitor in :attr:`mon` must be created by
        the daemonized process, so is created in ``start()``. Before
        the :class:`Gamin.WatchMonitor` object is created, monitors
        are added to :attr:`add_q`, and are created once the watch
        monitor is created."""
        self.mon = WatchMonitor()
        for monitor in self.add_q:
        self.add_q = []

    def fileno(self):
        if self.started:
            return self.mon.get_fd()
            return None
    fileno.__doc__ = FileMonitor.fileno.__doc__

    def queue(self, path, action, request_id):
        """ Create a new :class:`GaminEvent` and add it to the
        :attr:`events` queue for later handling. """
        self.events.append(GaminEvent(request_id, path, action))

    def AddMonitor(self, path, obj, handle=None):
        if handle is None:
            handle = self.counter
            self.counter += 1

        if not self.started:
            self.add_q.append((path, obj, handle))
            return handle

        mode = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE]

        # Flush queued gamin events
        while self.mon.event_pending():

        if stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
            self.mon.watch_directory(path, self.queue, handle)
            self.mon.watch_file(path, self.queue, handle)
        self.handles[handle] = obj
        return handle
    AddMonitor.__doc__ = FileMonitor.AddMonitor.__doc__

    def pending(self):
        return FileMonitor.pending(self) or self.mon.event_pending()
    pending.__doc__ = FileMonitor.pending.__doc__

    def get_event(self):
        if self.mon.event_pending():
        return FileMonitor.get_event(self)
    get_event.__doc__ = FileMonitor.get_event.__doc__
Exemple #5
def monitor(path, event):
	if event == GAMExists:
	if event == GAMChanged:
		for l in ultimasL:
			dfields = logfields(l)
			if logfilter(dfields, dfilters):
				if opts.filtrables:
					sys.stderr.write(l[:24]+" "+l.split()[6]+" "+l.split()[8]+" "+l.split()[13]+"\n")
				elif opts.completo: 
	return True

mon = WatchMonitor()
mon.watch_file(opts.logfile, monitor)
fd = mon.get_fd()

while True:
	if mon.event_pending():

del mon

#para probarlo abro otra terminal y hago echo "xxxx" >> vsftpd.log
#Si quiero meter varias lineas en bloque hago echo "xxxx" >> vsftpd.log && echo "yyyyy" >> vsftpd.log
Exemple #6
ret = 'oi'

if __name__ == '__main__':
	def callback(path, event , mon):
		print "Got callback: %s, %s" % (path, event) ;
		print mon
		mon = event
	mon = WatchMonitor() ;
	file = raw_input() ;
	mon.watch_file( file , callback , ret ) ;
	print ret ;
	print 'oi2'
	f = open( file ) ;
	#log = open("log",'w') ;
	F_read = mon.get_fd() ;
	s = f.readline() ;
	while s :
		print s ;
		s = f.readline() ;
		while True :
			(re, spi, spe) = select( [F_read] , [] , [] );
			if re:
				ret = mon.event_pending()
				print "pending: ", ret
				if ret > 0:
					ret = mon.handle_one_event() ;
					print "processed %d event" % (ret) ;
					if ret == 1 :
						print "alteracoes:"