Exemple #1
def test_generating_network_graph_geodataframe(network):
    gdfs = gngeojson.generate_geodataframes(network.graph)
    nodes, links = gdfs['nodes'], gdfs['links']
    correct_nodes = {
        'x': {'0': 528704.1425925883, '1': 528804.1425925883},
        'y': {'0': 182068.78193707118, '1': 182168.78193707118}}
    correct_links = {'u': {'link_0': '0', 'link_1': '0', 'link_2': '1'},
                     'v': {'link_0': '1', 'link_1': '1', 'link_2': '0'},
                     'length': {'link_0': 123, 'link_1': 123, 'link_2': 123},
                     'attributes': {'link_0': float('nan'), 'link_1': {
                         'osm:way:highway': {'name': 'osm:way:highway', 'class': 'java.lang.String',
                                             'text': 'unclassified'}}, 'link_2': float('nan')},
                     'to': {'link_0': '1', 'link_1': '1', 'link_2': '0'},
                     'from': {'link_0': '0', 'link_1': '0', 'link_2': '1'},
                     'freespeed': {'link_0': 10.0, 'link_1': float('nan'), 'link_2': float('nan')},
                     'id': {'link_0': 'link_0', 'link_1': 'link_1', 'link_2': 'link_2'},
                     'capacity': {'link_0': 5.0, 'link_1': float('nan'), 'link_2': float('nan')},
                     'modes': {'link_0': ['car', 'walk'], 'link_1': ['bike'], 'link_2': ['rail']}}

    assert_semantically_equal(nodes[set(nodes.columns) - {'geometry'}].to_dict(), correct_nodes)
    assert_semantically_equal(links[set(links.columns) - {'geometry'}].to_dict(), correct_links)

    assert round(nodes.loc['0', 'geometry'].coords[:][0][0], 7) == round(528704.1425925883, 7)
    assert round(nodes.loc['0', 'geometry'].coords[:][0][1], 7) == round(182068.78193707118, 7)
    assert round(nodes.loc['1', 'geometry'].coords[:][0][0], 7) == round(528804.1425925883, 7)
    assert round(nodes.loc['1', 'geometry'].coords[:][0][1], 7) == round(182168.78193707118, 7)

    points = links.loc['link_0', 'geometry'].coords[:]
    assert round(points[0][0], 7) == round(528704.1425925883, 7)
    assert round(points[0][1], 7) == round(182068.78193707118, 7)
    assert round(points[1][0], 7) == round(528804.1425925883, 7)
    assert round(points[1][1], 7) == round(182168.78193707118, 7)

    assert nodes.crs == "EPSG:27700"
    assert links.crs == "EPSG:27700"
Exemple #2
def test_generating_schedule_graph_geodataframe(network):
    gdfs = gngeojson.generate_geodataframes(network.schedule.graph())
    nodes, links = gdfs['nodes'], gdfs['links']
    correct_nodes = {'services': {'0': {'service'}, '1': {'service'}},
                     'routes': {'0': {'1', '2'}, '1': {'1', '2'}},
                     'id': {'0': '0', '1': '1'}, 'x': {'0': 529455.7452394223, '1': 529350.7866124967},
                     'y': {'0': 182401.37630677427, '1': 182388.0201078112},
                     'epsg': {'0': 'epsg:27700', '1': 'epsg:27700'},
                     'lat': {'0': 51.525696033239186, '1': 51.52560003323918},
                     'lon': {'0': -0.13530998708775874, '1': -0.13682698708848137},
                     's2_id': {'0': 5221390668020036699, '1': 5221390668558830581},
                     'linkRefId': {'0': '1', '1': '2'},
                     'name': {'0': '', '1': ''}
    correct_links = {'services': {0: {'service'}},
                     'routes': {0: {'1', '2'}},
                     'u': {0: '0'},
                     'v': {0: '1'}}

    assert_semantically_equal(nodes[set(nodes.columns) - {'geometry'}].to_dict(), correct_nodes)
    assert_semantically_equal(links[set(links.columns) - {'geometry'}].to_dict(), correct_links)

    assert round(nodes.loc['0', 'geometry'].coords[:][0][0], 7) == round(529455.7452394223, 7)
    assert round(nodes.loc['0', 'geometry'].coords[:][0][1], 7) == round(182401.37630677427, 7)
    assert round(nodes.loc['1', 'geometry'].coords[:][0][0], 7) == round(529350.7866124967, 7)
    assert round(nodes.loc['1', 'geometry'].coords[:][0][1], 7) == round(182388.0201078112, 7)

    points = links.loc[0, 'geometry'].coords[:]
    assert round(points[0][0], 7) == round(529455.7452394223, 7)
    assert round(points[0][1], 7) == round(182401.37630677427, 7)
    assert round(points[1][0], 7) == round(529350.7866124967, 7)
    assert round(points[1][1], 7) == round(182388.0201078112, 7)

    assert nodes.crs == "EPSG:27700"
    assert links.crs == "EPSG:27700"
def test_generating_edge_vph_geodataframe_for_route(schedule):
    nodes, links = gngeojson.generate_geodataframes(schedule.route('2').graph())
    df = schedule.route('2').generate_trips_dataframe()
    df = use_schedule.generate_edge_vph_geodataframe(df, links)

    correct_df = GeoDataFrame({'hour': {0: Timestamp('1970-01-01 17:00:00'), 1: Timestamp('1970-01-01 19:00:00'),
                                        2: Timestamp('1970-01-01 17:00:00'), 3: Timestamp('1970-01-01 19:00:00'),
                                        4: Timestamp('1970-01-01 17:00:00'), 5: Timestamp('1970-01-01 18:00:00')},
                               'from_stop': {0: '2', 1: '2', 2: '3', 3: '3', 4: '4', 5: '4'},
                               'to_stop': {0: '1', 1: '1', 2: '2', 3: '2', 4: '3', 5: '3'},
                               'route_name': {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1},
                               'from_stop_name': {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1},
                               'to_stop_name': {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1},
                               'vph': {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1},
                               'geometry': {0: LineString([(-7.557148039524952, 49.766825803756994),
                                                           (-7.557106577683727, 49.76682779861249)]),
                                            1: LineString([(-7.557148039524952, 49.766825803756994),
                                                           (-7.557106577683727, 49.76682779861249)]),
                                            2: LineString([(-7.557121424907424, 49.76683608549253),
                                                           (-7.557148039524952, 49.766825803756994)]),
                                            3: LineString([(-7.557121424907424, 49.76683608549253),
                                                           (-7.557148039524952, 49.766825803756994)]),
                                            4: LineString([(-7.5570681956375, 49.766856648946295),
                                                           (-7.557121424907424, 49.76683608549253)]),
                                            5: LineString([(-7.5570681956375, 49.766856648946295),
                                                           (-7.557121424907424, 49.76683608549253)])}})

    assert_geodataframe_equal(df, correct_df, check_less_precise=True)
Exemple #4
def test_modal_subset(network):
    gdfs = gngeojson.generate_geodataframes(network.graph)
    nodes, links = gdfs['nodes'], gdfs['links']
    car = links[links.apply(lambda x: gngeojson.modal_subset(x, {'car'}), axis=1)]

    assert len(car) == 1
    assert car.loc['link_0', 'modes'] == ['car', 'walk']
Exemple #5
def _generate_requests_for_simplified_network(n):
    Generates a dictionary describing pairs of nodes for which we need to request
    directions from Google directions API. For a simplified network n
    :param n: genet.Network
    gdf_links = geojson.generate_geodataframes(n.modal_subgraph(modes='car'))['links'].to_crs("epsg:4326")
    gdf_links['path_polyline'] = gdf_links['geometry'].apply(lambda x: spatial.swap_x_y_in_linestring(x))
    gdf_links['path_polyline'] = gdf_links['path_polyline'].apply(
        lambda x: spatial.encode_shapely_linestring_to_polyline(x))

    gdf_links['path_nodes'] = gdf_links.apply(lambda x: (x['from'], x['to']), axis=1)
    gdf_links['origin'] = gdf_links['from'].apply(lambda x: n.node(x))
    gdf_links['destination'] = gdf_links['to'].apply(lambda x: n.node(x))

    return gdf_links.set_index(['from', 'to'])[['path_polyline', 'path_nodes', 'origin', 'destination']].T.to_dict()
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self,
        self.service_modes = modes
        self.distance_threshold = distance_threshold
        self.step_size = step_size
        self.network_spatial_tree = network_spatial_tree
        self.pt_graph = pt_graph
        _gdf = gngeojson.generate_geodataframes(pt_graph)
        self.stops, self.pt_edges = _gdf['nodes'].to_crs(
            'epsg:4326'), _gdf['links'].to_crs('epsg:4326')
        self.edges = self.pt_edges.loc[:, ['u', 'v', 'geometry']].copy()
        self.nodes = self.find_closest_links()
        if self.nodes.empty or len(set(self.nodes['id'])) == 1:
                'The problem did not find closest links for enough stops. If partial solution is allowed,'
                'the stops will not be snapped and the routes will be entirely artificial.'
            self.is_partial = True
            self.problem_graph = nx.DiGraph()
            self.is_partial = False
            self.problem_graph = self.generate_problem_graph()
        if not self.is_viable():
            self.is_partial = self.is_partially_viable()
            if self.is_partial:
                    'This Maximum Stable Set Problem is partially viable.')
                raise InvalidMaxStableSetProblem(
                    'This Maximum Stable Set Problem has at least one completely connected'
                    'catchment and cannot proceed to the solver.')

        self.solution = {}
        self.artificial_stops = {}
        self.artificial_links = {}
        self.unsolved_stops = set()
def test_generating_edge_vph_geodataframe(schedule):
    gdfs = gngeojson.generate_geodataframes(schedule.graph())
    nodes, links = gdfs['nodes'], gdfs['links']
    df = schedule.trips_with_stops_to_dataframe()
    df = use_schedule.generate_edge_vph_geodataframe(df, links)

    correct_df = GeoDataFrame({'hour': {0: Timestamp('1970-01-01 17:00:00'), 1: Timestamp('1970-01-01 18:00:00'),
                                        2: Timestamp('1970-01-01 17:00:00'), 3: Timestamp('1970-01-01 19:00:00'),
                                        4: Timestamp('1970-01-01 17:00:00'), 5: Timestamp('1970-01-01 19:00:00'),
                                        6: Timestamp('1970-01-01 17:00:00'), 7: Timestamp('1970-01-01 19:00:00'),
                                        8: Timestamp('1970-01-01 17:00:00'), 9: Timestamp('1970-01-01 19:00:00'),
                                        10: Timestamp('1970-01-01 17:00:00'), 11: Timestamp('1970-01-01 18:00:00')},
                               'from_stop': {0: '1', 1: '1', 2: '2', 3: '2', 4: '2', 5: '2', 6: '3', 7: '3', 8: '3',
                                             9: '3', 10: '4', 11: '4'},
                               'from_stop_name': {0: 'Stop_1', 1: 'Stop_1', 2: 'Stop_2', 3: 'Stop_2', 4: 'Stop_2',
                                                  5: 'Stop_2', 6: 'Stop_3', 7: 'Stop_3', 8: 'Stop_3', 9: 'Stop_3',
                                                  10: '', 11: ''},
                               'to_stop': {0: '2', 1: '2', 2: '1', 3: '1', 4: '3', 5: '3', 6: '2', 7: '2', 8: '4',
                                           9: '4', 10: '3', 11: '3'},
                               'to_stop_name': {0: 'Stop_2', 1: 'Stop_2', 2: 'Stop_1', 3: 'Stop_1', 4: 'Stop_3',
                                                5: 'Stop_3', 6: 'Stop_2', 7: 'Stop_2', 8: '', 9: '', 10: 'Stop_3',
                                                11: 'Stop_3'},
                               'vph': {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 1, 9: 1, 10: 1, 11: 1},
                               'geometry': {
                                   0: LineString([(4,2), (1,2)]),
                                   1: LineString([(4,2), (1,2)]),
                                   2: LineString([(1,2), (4,2)]),
                                   3: LineString([(1,2), (4,2)]),
                                   4: LineString([(1,2), (3,3)]),
                                   5: LineString([(1,2), (3,3)]),
                                   6: LineString([(3,3), (1,2)]),
                                   7: LineString([(3,3), (1,2)]),
                                   8: LineString([(3,3), (7,5)]),
                                   9: LineString([(3,3), (7,5)]),
                                   10: LineString([(7,5), (3,3)]),
                                   11: LineString([(7,5), (3,3)])}}, crs='epsg:27700')

    assert_geodataframe_equal(df.sort_index(axis=1), correct_df.sort_index(axis=1), check_less_precise=True)
def test_sanitising_geodataframes_with_ids_list(tmpdir):
    n = Network('epsg:27700')
    n.add_node('0', attribs={'x': 528704.1425925883, 'y': 182068.78193707118})
    n.add_node('1', attribs={'x': 528804.1425925883, 'y': 182168.78193707118})
                   'length': 123,
                   'modes': ['car', 'walk'],
                   'ids': ['1', '2']

    correct_nodes = {
        'x': {
            '0': 528704.1425925883,
            '1': 528804.1425925883
        'y': {
            '0': 182068.78193707118,
            '1': 182168.78193707118
    correct_links = {
        'length': {
            0: 123
        'modes': {
            0: 'car,walk'
        'from': {
            0: '0'
        'to': {
            0: '1'
        'id': {
            0: 'link_0'
        'ids': {
            0: '1,2'
        'u': {
            0: '0'
        'v': {
            0: '1'
        'key': {
            0: 0

    nodes, links = gngeojson.generate_geodataframes(n.graph)
    nodes = sanitiser.sanitise_geodataframe(nodes)
    links = sanitiser.sanitise_geodataframe(links)

    assert_semantically_equal(nodes[['x', 'y']].to_dict(), correct_nodes)
        links[['length', 'from', 'to', 'id', 'ids', 'u', 'v', 'key',
               'modes']].to_dict(), correct_links)
Exemple #9
def test_generating_network_graph_geodataframe(network):
    nodes, links = gngeojson.generate_geodataframes(network.graph)
    correct_nodes = {
        'x': {
            '0': 528704.1425925883,
            '1': 528804.1425925883
        'y': {
            '0': 182068.78193707118,
            '1': 182168.78193707118
    correct_links = {
        'length': {
            0: 123,
            1: 123,
            2: 123
        'modes': {
            0: ['car', 'walk'],
            1: ['bike'],
            2: ['rail']
        'freespeed': {
            0: 10.0,
            1: float('nan'),
            2: float('nan')
        'capacity': {
            0: 5.0,
            1: float('nan'),
            2: float('nan')
        'from': {
            0: '0',
            1: '0',
            2: '1'
        'to': {
            0: '1',
            1: '1',
            2: '0'
        'id': {
            0: 'link_0',
            1: 'link_1',
            2: 'link_2'
        'u': {
            0: '0',
            1: '0',
            2: '1'
        'v': {
            0: '1',
            1: '1',
            2: '0'
        'key': {
            0: 0,
            1: 1,
            2: 0
        'attributes': {
            0: float('nan'),
            1: {
                'osm:way:highway': {
                    'name': 'osm:way:highway',
                    'class': 'java.lang.String',
                    'text': 'unclassified'
            2: float('nan')

        nodes[set(nodes.columns) - {'geometry'}].to_dict(), correct_nodes)
        links[set(links.columns) - {'geometry'}].to_dict(), correct_links)

    assert round(nodes.loc['0', 'geometry'].coords[:][0][0],
                 7) == round(-0.14625948709424305, 7)
    assert round(nodes.loc['0', 'geometry'].coords[:][0][1],
                 7) == round(51.52287873323954, 7)
    assert round(nodes.loc['1', 'geometry'].coords[:][0][0],
                 7) == round(-0.14478238148334213, 7)
    assert round(nodes.loc['1', 'geometry'].coords[:][0][1],
                 7) == round(51.523754629002234, 7)

    points = links.loc[0, 'geometry'].coords[:]
    assert round(points[0][0], 7) == round(-0.14625948709424305, 7)
    assert round(points[0][1], 7) == round(51.52287873323954, 7)
    assert round(points[1][0], 7) == round(-0.14478238148334213, 7)
    assert round(points[1][1], 7) == round(51.523754629002234, 7)

    assert nodes.crs == "EPSG:4326"
    assert links.crs == "EPSG:4326"