Exemple #1
    def test_scale_polygon_by_one_has_same_vertices(self):
        vertices = make_square_vertices(side_length=2, center=(2, 2))
        polygon = geom.Polygon(vertices)

        expected = vertices
        actual = polygon.vertices
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected, actual)
Exemple #2
 def get_square(self, pos):
     return is a square polygon around position as defined in the paper, with segments starting 
     from right top vertex of the square moving clockwise
     return geom.Polygon([pos + 1/2 * (1+1j), pos + 1/2 * (1-1j), pos + 1/2 * (-1-1j), pos + 1/2 * (-1+1j)])
Exemple #3
    def convertGeom(self):
        '''This function converts a Shape class object to the appropriate Geometry.'''

        import geometry  # A module with a bunch of spatial classes
        if self.geometryType == 'POINT' or self.geometryType == 'MULTIPOINT':
            pointList = []
            for k in self.features.keys():
                pt = self.features[k]
                pointList.append(geometry.Point(pt[0], pt[1]))
            if len(pointList) > 1:
                return pointList
            else: return pointList[0]   # Just the single Point
        elif self.geometryType == 'LINESTRING' or self.geometryType == 'MULTILINESTRING':
            lineList = self.features.values()   # A list of lists of coords
            ptlnList = []
            for line in lineList:
                ptlist = []
                for pt in line:
                    ptlist.append(geometry.Point(pt[0], pt[1]))
            if len(ptlnList) > 1:
                geoInstance = geometry.MultiLineString(ptlnList)
                return geoInstance
                geoInstance = geometry.LineString(ptlnList[0])
                return GeoInstance     # Just the single LineString
        elif self.geometryType == 'POLYGON' or self.geometryType == 'MULTIPOLYGON':
            geomList = self.features.values()   # A list of lists of coords
            polyList = []
            for poly in geomList:
                ptlnList = []
                for ring in poly:
                    ptlist = []
                    for pt in ring:
                        ptlist.append(geometry.Point(pt[0], pt[1]))
                if len(ptlnList) > 1: # If there are holes
                    polyList.append(geometry.Polygon(ptlnList[0], ptlnList[1:]))
            if len(polyList) > 1:   # it's a multiPolygon
                geoInstance = geometry.MultiPolygon(polyList)
                return geoInstance
                return polyList[0]  # Just the polygon
Exemple #4
    def test_scale_polygon_by_ten(self):
        polygon = geom.Polygon(
            make_square_vertices(side_length=2, center=(2, 2)))

        expected = make_square_vertices(side_length=20, center=(2, 2))
        actual = polygon.vertices

        np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected, actual)
Exemple #5
    def test_point_in_nonconvex_polygon_throws(self):
        # Arrange
        vertices = make_square_vertices(side_length=2,
                                        center=(0, 0)) + [[0, 0]]
        nonconvex = geom.Polygon(vertices)

        # Assert
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, nonconvex.point_in_convex_polygon,
                          (0, 0))
Exemple #6
	def get_square(self, pos):
		return is the square polygon which contains pos as defined in the paper, with segments starting 
		from right top vertex of the square moving clockwise
		pos = round(pos.real, 0) + round(pos.imag, 0) * 1j
		return geom.Polygon([pos + 1/2 * (1+1j), pos + 1/2 * (1-1j), pos + 1/2 * (-1-1j), pos + 1/2 * (-1+1j)])
Exemple #7
    def test_point_on_polygon_corner(self):
        # Arrange
        square = geom.Polygon(
            make_square_vertices(side_length=2, center=(0, 0)))

        # Act
        expected = True
        actual = square.point_in_convex_polygon((1, 1))

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self, key, contour):
     self.id = key
     self.contour = contour
     self.polygon = geo.Polygon(contour)
     self.circumcircle = self.polygon.circumcircle
     self.circumcenter = self.circumcircle.c
     self.circumdiameter = self.polygon.circumdiameter
     self.area = self.polygon.area
     self.cables = []
     self.ncables = 0
     self.naxons = 0
Exemple #9
    def build_contours(self):
		Build the contours of the nerve
		Contour processing
		We obtain five contour variables:
		1. contour: The actual contours dictionary we are going to use. Its number of
						points may be lower than it contains in the file.
		2. contour_hd: The contours with all their points, no reduction.
		3. contour_pslg: The contours in PSLG format
		4. contour_nerve: Contour for the nerve only, in order to triangulate it and
						fill it with points.
		5. contour_pslg_nerve: Contour for the nerve only in PSLG format.

        c_reduction = self.c_reduction
        # Open contour
        contour = cth.load_contours(self.cpath)
        # Save the original contours, I will need them to prevent axons from protruding
        # out of the fascicles
        contour_hd = copy.deepcopy(contour)
        # Take just one fraction of the points in case they are too many
        contour = cth.reduce_points(contour, c_reduction)
        # Convert to PSLG
        contour_pslg = cth.c2pslg(contour)
        # Ony the nerve
        contour_nerve = {'Nerve': contour['Nerve']}
        contour_pslg_nerve = cth.c2pslg(contour_nerve)

        # Save all the types of contours
        self.contour = contour
        self.contour_nerve = contour_nerve
        self.contour_hd = contour_hd
        self.contour_pslg = contour_pslg
        self.contour_pslg_nerve = contour_pslg_nerve

        # Save other properties
        self.polygon = geo.Polygon(np.array(contour_nerve['Nerve']))
        # self.centroid = self.polygon.centroid
        self.crss_area = self.polygon.area
        # self.polygon.get_circumcircle()
        self.circumcircle = self.polygon.circumcircle
        self.circumcenter = self.circumcircle.c
        self.circumradius = self.circumcircle.r
        self.circumdiameter = self.polygon.circumdiameter

        # Instantiate fascicles
Exemple #10
def mouseClick(button, state, x, y):
    global helpActive
    global polygons
    global nails
    global isDrawingPolygon
    global windowHeight
    global mouseX
    global mouseY
    global grabbedPoint
    global grabbedPolygon

    # The user can only draw while the help menu isn't shown.
    if not helpActive:
        if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON and state == GLUT_DOWN):
            if not isDrawingPolygon:
                # Grabs the polygon clicked by the mouse that is closest to the viewer.
                for polygon in reversed(polygons):
                    if geometry.Polygon(polygon.vertexes).contains(
                            geometry.Point(x, windowHeight - y)):
                        grabbedPolygon = polygon
                        grabbedPoint = Vertex(x, windowHeight - y)

                # If no polygon was clicked, begins drawing a new polygon.
                polygons.append(Polygon(x, windowHeight - y))
                isDrawingPolygon = True

            # If the user is currently drawing a polygon and clicks once more.
                # Tests whether the current polygon can be finished, and if it can, it becomes a complete polygon and the drawing ends.
                if polygons[-1].vertexes[0] == Vertex(
                        windowHeight - y) and len(polygons[-1].vertexes) > 2:
                    if polygons[-1].canFinishPolygon():
                        isDrawingPolygon = False
                # If not, the position the user clicked becomes a new vertex of the polygon, as long as it does not intersect with one of its sides.
                    polygons[-1].addVertex(x, windowHeight - y)

        # When the mouse button is raised, the polygon isn't moved anymore.
        if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON and state == GLUT_UP):
            if grabbedPolygon != None:
                grabbedPoint = None
                grabbedPolygon = None
                rotationPoint = None

        if (button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON and state == GLUT_DOWN):
            if not isDrawingPolygon:
                # Remove a nail in the location
                for nail in nails:
                    if Vertex(nail.x, nail.y) == Vertex(x, windowHeight - y):
                        nail.child.father = None
                        nail.child.fatherNail = None

                # Add a nail to a pair of polygons
                for i in reversed(range(0, len(polygons))):
                    if geometry.Polygon(polygons[i].vertexes).contains(
                            geometry.Point(x, windowHeight - y)):
                        for j in reversed(range(0, i)):
                            if geometry.Polygon(polygons[j].vertexes).contains(
                                    geometry.Point(x, windowHeight - y)):
                                if polygons[i].father == None:
                                    polygons[i].father = polygons[j]
                                    polygons[i].fatherNail = Nail(
                                        x, windowHeight - y, polygons[j],

            # Cancel drawing a polygon.
                isDrawingPolygon = False

Exemple #11
import geometry

pt1 = geometry.Point(1, 1)
pt2 = geometry.Point(1, 3)
pt3 = geometry.Point(2, 5)
pt4 = geometry.Point(3, 2)
pt5 = geometry.Point(3, 4)
pt6 = geometry.Point(5, 4)
pt7 = geometry.Point(7, 1)
pt8 = geometry.Point(2, 2)
pt9 = geometry.Point(3, 3)
pt10 = geometry.Point(4, 2)

# Lines
line1 = geometry.LineString([pt1, pt2, pt5, pt7, pt1])
line2 = geometry.LineString([pt8, pt9, pt10, pt8])
line1.draw('red', mapwin, 1)

# Polygons
poly1 = geometry.Polygon(line1)

poly1.draw('blue', mapwin)

poly2 = geometry.Polygon(line1, [line2])
poly2.draw('red', mapwin)
def crop_diagram(gc, pairs, segments, pvpts, lines, contour):
	Crop the diagram using a contour

    segments = get_far_points(gc, segments, pvpts, lines)

    # Calculate limits
    cont_xy = contour['vertices']
    # cont_sg = cont_xy[contour['segments']]
    contour_polygon = geo.Polygon(cont_xy)
    x, y = np.array(cont_xy).T
    xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max()
    ymin, ymax = y.min(), y.max()
    dx = xmax - xmin
    dy = ymax - ymin

    # Now get the intersection between a pair's segment and the contour
    for pair in pairs:

        seg = segments[pair]
        if isinstance(seg, geo.Segment):

            # First off, if the segment is completely outside the contour,
            # remove it
            a, b = seg.a, seg.b
            discard = (not contour_polygon.contains_point(a)) and (
                not contour_polygon.contains_point(b))
            if not discard:
                for cs in contour_polygon.segments.values():
                    # xyint = geo.intersection_segments(seg, geo.Segment(cs))
                    xyint = geo.intersection_segments(seg, cs)

                    if xyint != (np.nan, np.nan):
                        # We found an intersection between the segment and the
                        # contour
                        # Now the point to be replaced is the one falling outside
                        if contour_polygon.contains_point(a):
                            change = 1
                        elif contour_polygon.contains_point(b):
                            change = 0
                        # the contour
                        seg.change_point(change, xyint)
                        # We're done with this loop

                # Sanity Check after cutting it
                # If any segment is even partially outside the contour, remove it
                # I've seen this happen when a segment has one point
                # outside and one right on the contour, for which no
                # intersection is found and hence it's left as is

                # Check if any point is detected to be outside the contour (being
                # on it may yield True, unfortunately), so in that case,
                check = (not contour_polygon.contains_point(a)) or (
                    not contour_polygon.contains_point(b))
                if check:
                    # roughly check if it's really outside. In that
                    # case, it may be really really far (thus be a
                    # long segment)
                    discard = seg.length > 10. * np.hypot(dx, dy)
                    if discard:
                        ws.log('Discarding %s' % str(pair))
                        ws.log('length = %s, dx = %s, dy = %s' %
                               (str(seg.length), str(dx), str(dy)))
                        segments[pair] = [None]
                        # Add the segment
                        segments[pair] = seg
                    # Add the segment
                    segments[pair] = seg
                # This is not good doing anymore
                # segments[pair] = [None]

    # List pairs again
    pairs = list(segments.keys())

    return segments
    def get_polygons(self):
		Create the polygons for each cell

        segments = self.segments
        x, y = self.x, self.y
        nc = self.nc
        cellverts = OrderedDict()
        polygons = OrderedDict()
        polg_areas = np.zeros(nc)
        # Add vertices to the cells
        for (i, j), seg in segments.items():
                a, b = seg.a, seg.b
            except AttributeError:
                # This means that some segment was [None]
                print("None segment for (%i, %i)" % (i, j))
                cellverts = tools.append_items(cellverts, i, [a, b])
                cellverts = tools.append_items(cellverts, j, [a, b])

        # Set vertices
        for i in range(nc):
            points = np.array(cellverts[i])
            # Reshape
            if points.shape[-1] == 1:
                points = points.reshape(points.shape[:-1])
            # Set them
            points = np.unique(points, axis=0)
            # Sort points by angle
            cellpoint = (x[i], y[i])

            # Sort them by angle. Use some averaged centroid rather than
            # the cellpoint itself. Because if cellpoint is included, it
            # may be confusing and the sorting can go wrong
            # This is OK, since the polygon is always convex
            points = geo.sort_by_angle(points)
            cellverts[i] = points

            # Create polygon
            pol = geo.Polygon(points)

            # Check that the polygon contains the point or this is on
            # the contour, at least. If not, add it to the polygon
            polccell = pol.contains_point(cellpoint)

            # if False:
            if not polccell:
                points = np.append(points.tolist(), [list(cellpoint)], axis=0)
                points = geo.sort_by_angle(points)
                cellverts[i] = points
                pol = geo.Polygon(points)

                polg_areas[i] = pol.area
            except AttributeError:
                # This is not a polygon
                # If it is, save it
                polygons[i] = pol

        # Store in attributes
        self.cellverts = cellverts
        self.polygons = polygons
        self.polg_areas = polg_areas
        self.free_areas = polg_areas - self.circ_areas
Exemple #14
def mill_lenses(outdir, order):
    def to_polar(polyline):
        return [[-math.sqrt(p[0]**2 + p[1]**2), math.degrees(math.atan2(p[1],p[0])) + 180] for p in polyline]

    """ Creates g-code for milling the left and right lenses for the frames."""
    lens = g.Polygon(order['lhole_con'])
    x = lens.bounding_box()
    box = lens.bounding_box()
    center = g.Point((box.p2.x+box.p1.x)/2, (box.p2.y+box.p1.y)/2)
    shift_to_origin = g.Vector(-center.x, -center.y)
    lens = g.translate_polygon(lens, shift_to_origin)
    polar = g.polygon_to_uniform_polar(lens, 1500)

    # Inflate the polar form by 1/2 the diameter of the cutter, and convert
    # the angles to degrees
    tau = math.pi * 2
    conv = 360/tau
    roughing = [(pt.theta*conv, pt.r+4.77) for pt in polar]

    # Expand for the roughing cut
#    left_lens_rough = poly.dilate(4.77, left_lens)
    # Convert to polar coordinates
#    left_lens_roughing_polar = to_polar(left_lens_rough)
    # Start the cut from 0 degrees
#    angle_list = [p[1] for p in left_lens_roughing_polar]
#    zero_idx = angle_list.index(min(angle_list))
#    left_lens_roughing_polar = left_lens_roughing_polar[zero_idx:] + left_lens_roughing_polar[:zero_idx]
    # Cut it down to every 0.2 degrees
#    coarse = []
#    for idx, pt in enumerate(left_lens_roughing_polar):
#        if idx == 0 or (pt[1]-coarse[-1][1]) >= 0.2:
#            coarse.append(pt)

    # The polar distances aren't correct quite.  That's because the conversion assumed a flat
    # surface, but we'll actually be bending that contour around a sphere.  The lens is already
    # spherical.  So we need to adjust inwards a bit to account for the x distance actually being an arc
    # distance.

    # The radius of the sphere is 88mm (base 6 lens).  ArcLength = Radius * angle, and chord
    # length is sin(angle) * radius.
    roughing = [(p[0], math.sin(-p[1]/88) * 88) for p in roughing]
    roughing.sort(key=lambda pt: pt[0])
    closest = max([p[1] for p in roughing])
    if abs(closest) < 22.5:
        print "Error!  Cannot cut lens, it's too small.", closest

    roughing_reversed = [[-1*(math.degrees(-math.radians(p[1]))+360), p[1]] for p in roughing]

    program = [
        cam.change_tool("1/4in endmill"),
        cam.rapid([-50, 0]),
        ["G1 Z0 F500"],
        ["G1 X-50"],
        ["G1 A0"],
    open(outdir + "/left_lens.ngc", "w").write(to_string(program))
    program = [
        cam.change_tool("1/4in endmill"),
        cam.rapid([-50, 0]),
        ["G1 Z0 F500"],
        ["G1 X-50"],
        ["G1 A0"],
    open(outdir + "/right_lens.ngc", "w").write(to_string(program))
Exemple #15
def process_results(path, ec_key, dataset_name):
	""" Read and process the results from this dataset"""
	print(path, dataset_name, ec_key)

	# Results folder
	results_folder = os.path.join(path, 'data/results')
	# List all the items in the results folder
	items = sorted(os.listdir(results_folder))
	# Select the csv files
	items = [item for item in items if ".csv" in item]
	# Select the axon recording files
	items = [item for item in items if item[:4] == "Axon"]

	# Array for the axons' activity maxima
	maxima = []

	# AP peak times
	appt_ = {}
	# AP latency times
	aplt_ = {}

	# Flags indicating which axons did fire and which not
	hasAP = {}

	# Voltage data
	data = {}

	# Geometrical properties
	xx_ = []
	yy_ = []
	rr_ = []

	# Iterate over the files and read them
	for filename in items:
		# Actually, i is taken from the file name
		i = int(filename.replace('Axon', '').replace('.csv', ''))
		data[i] = {}
		with open(os.path.join(results_folder, filename), "r") as f:
			fr = csv.reader(f)
			for row in fr:
				r0 = row[0]
				if ("NODE" in r0) or ("node" in r0):
					data[i][key].append([float(x) for x in row[1:]])
				elif len(row) == 3:
				elif len(row) == 1:
						# print(key)
						data[i][key] = np.array(data[i][key])
					except NameError:
						# There's no key yet
					key = r0
					data[i][key] = []

		# When the last key is read, don't forget storing it
		data[i][key] = np.array(data[i][key])
		del key

	# Check maxima and relevant stuff
	vcrit = 15.
	for i, data_ in data.items():
		axondata = data_["v"]
		# Check if the maximum is an AP
		# print(axondata)
		maximum = axondata.max()
		if maximum > 0:
			# Regions where v is greater than vcrit
			whereAPs = np.where(axondata > vcrit)
			# Time when the first AP is fired (v rises above vcrit mV)
			when1stAP = whereAPs[1].min()
			where1stAP = whereAPs[0][np.where(whereAPs[1] == when1stAP)][0]
			segment_maxima = argrelextrema(axondata[where1stAP], np.greater)[0]
			# Local maxima
			local_maxima = axondata[where1stAP][segment_maxima]
			# Local maxima greater than vcrit mV
			# IMPORTANT: I named the following variable when1stAP_ just so 
			# it doesn't overwrite when1stAP, but I can make it overwrite 
			# it if I want
			when1stAP_ = segment_maxima[np.where(local_maxima > vcrit)][0]
			if True:
				APpeaktime = dt * (when1stAP - 1)
				appt_[i] = APpeaktime
				aplt_[i] = APpeaktime - 0.01
			hasAP[i] = True
			hasAP[i] = False
			aplt_[i] = 'nan'
		i += 1

	# Maxima to array
	maxima = np.array(maxima)

	# AP peak times to array
	# And subtract the pulse delay from them
	appt_values = np.array(list(appt_.values())) - 0.01

	if len(appt_values) == 0:
		# print("No axon fired an AP")
		# sys.exit()

	# Geometrical properties to array
	xx_ = np.array(xx_)
	yy_ = np.array(yy_)
	rr_ = np.array(rr_)

	# Topology

	# Open and read topology file
	topo_path = os.path.join(path, 'data/load/created_nerve_internal_topology.json')
	with open(topo_path, 'r') as f:
		topology = json.load(f)

	# Open and read the contours file
	contours_file = os.path.join(path, 'data/load/created_nerve_contour.csv')
	contours = {}
	with open(contours_file, "r") as f:
		fr = csv.reader(f)
		for row in fr:
				# Try to get numbers
				x = float(row[0])
			except ValueError:
				# It's a string
				key = row[0]
				contours[key] = []
				y = float(row[1])
				# Append the point to the corresponding contour
				contours[key].append([x, y])

	# Delete the key for tidyness
	del key

	# Polygons for each fascicle and the nerve
	polygons = {}
	for k, c in contours.items():
		pol = geo.Polygon(c)
		polygons[k] = pol.plpol

	# Fired axons per fascicle and in total in the nerve
	fascicle_ap_counter = {}
	for k in contours:
		if 'ascicle' in k:
			fascicle_ap_counter[k] = 0

	# Find them
	for i, b in hasAP.items():
		if b:
			# Find fascicle of this axon
			for k, p in polygons.items():
				if 'ascicle' in k:
					if p.contains_point((xx_[i], yy_[i])):
						# print('Axon %i is in %s'%(i, k))
						fascicle_ap_counter[k] += 1

	# Read electrode settings
	settings_path = os.path.join(path, 'settings/electrodes.json')
	with open(settings_path, 'r') as f:
		stim_settings = json.load(f)

	current = list(list(stim_settings.values())[0]['stimulation protocol'].values())[0]['currents'][0]

	total_number_APs = sum(list(fascicle_ap_counter.values()))

	# Dictionary to gather all the important data
	data_final = OrderedDict()
	data_final['dataset_name'] = dataset_name
	data_final['current'] = current
	data_final['fascicle_ap_counter'] = fascicle_ap_counter
	data_final['total_number_APs'] = total_number_APs
	data_final['AP times'] = aplt_

	# Save the data in the 'all data' dictionary
	data_all[dataset_name] = data_final

	# Save data into the data_recruitment dictionary
	for k, n in fascicle_ap_counter.items():

	# Save results in a json file
	with open('stim_results_%s%s'%(dataset_name, '.json'), 'w') as f:
		json.dump(data_final, f, indent=4)
import unittest

# build the board in the example at
# https://github.com/CBCJVM/CBCJVM/wiki/pathfinding_proposal
# This is kind of an s-curve
# (0, 0) ______________     ________ (5, 0)
#       |        (3, 0)| E |(4, 0)  |
#       |              |   |        |
#       | (1, 1) ______|   |        |
#       |       |   (3, 1) |        |
#       |       |    ______|(4, 2)  |
#       |       |   |(2, 2)         |
#       |       |   |               |
#       |_(1,_3)| S |(2,_3)___(5,_3)|
# (0, 3)
s_left_side = geometry.Polygon((0, 0), (3, 0), (3, 1), (1, 1), (1, 3), (0, 3),
s_right_side = geometry.Polygon((4, 0), (5, 0), (5, 3), (2, 3), (2, 2), (4, 2),
s_board = mapping.Board()
s_start = Node(1.5, 3)
s_end = Node(3.5, 0)
# del left_side; del right_side

# A simple rectangular board, to test that a path cannot pass through a polygon
# (0, 0) ________ (1, 0)
#       |        |
#       |        |
#       |________|
# (0, 1)          (1, 1)
Exemple #17
def _polygon_to_kml(polygon, kmlcolor="ff0000ff", outline=0):  ###problematic
    """return the KML equivalent for a geometry.Polygon"""
    coords = [v[:2] + (0, ) for v in polygon.vertices]  # lat./long. only
    kml_coords = '\n' + '\n'.join(
        [','.join([str(e) for e in c]) + '.' + '\n' for c in coords])
    return ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
                        KML.extrude(1), KML.altitudeMode("relativeToGround"),

def triangulate(*circles):  #####contingent upon geometry.Circle.intersect
    """triangulate a polygon based on a set of circles"""

def triangulate_to_kml(*circles):
    """return a KML document based on triangulation results"""
    return _polygon_to_kml(triangulate(*circles))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    kml = _polygon_to_kml(geometry.Polygon((-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1)))
    print kml
    print >> open("triangulate-test.kml", "w"), kml
    print "Written to triangulate-test.kml"