Exemple #1
    def getThumbUrl(self, media_type, media_id, max_width=None, max_height=None):
        Get the URL to an image representation of the media. For images, this
        may be used for getting a thumbnail. Specify max width and height in
        that case. Otherwise you'll probably just get a generic file image.

        return mProject.getAttachmentThumbUrl(media_type, media_id, 'small')
Exemple #2
    def newFile(self):
        Controller for the ``/create/attachment`` endpoint.


        ``qqfile`` (required)
            Contains the file to be uploaded.

            The maximum width and height to use for the thumbnail image.

        # Upload the file to the server
        file_info = self.uploadFile()

        if not file_info['id']:
            log.error("*** createProject.newFile: Failed to create file.")
            return self.json({ 'success' : False })

        # Save an attachment record to the database
        attachment_id = mProject.createAttachment(self.db,

        if attachment_id is None:
            log.error(("*** createProject.newFile: Failed insert row for file "
                       "with info %s into the attachments table." % file_info))
            return self.json({ 'success' : False })

        return self.json({
            'id' : attachment_id,
            'media_id' : file_info['id'],
            'media_type' : file_info['type'],
            'title' : file_info['name'],
            'small_thumb_url' : mProject.getAttachmentThumbUrl(file_info['type'], file_info['id'], 'small'),
            'medium_thumb_url' : mProject.getAttachmentThumbUrl(file_info['type'], file_info['id'], 'medium'),
            'large_thumb_url' : mProject.getAttachmentThumbUrl(file_info['type'], file_info['id'], 'large'),
            'success' : (file_info['id'] != None)
            #TODO add url