Exemple #1
def add(volname, bricks, stripe=None, replica=None, arbiter=None, force=False):
    Add Bricks

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :param bricks: List of Bricks
    :param stripe: Stripe Count
    :param replica: Replica Count
    :param arbiter: Arbiter Count
    :param force: True|False Force Add Bricks
    :returns: Output of add-brick command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["add-brick", volname]
    if stripe is not None:
        cmd += ["stripe", "{0}".format(stripe)]

    if replica is not None:
        cmd += ["replica", "{0}".format(replica)]

    if arbiter is not None:
        cmd += ["arbiter", "{0}".format(arbiter)]

    cmd += bricks

    if force:
        cmd += ["force"]

    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #2
def clear_locks(volname,
    Clear locks held on path

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :param path: Locked Path
    :param kind: Lock Kind(blocked|granted|all)
    :param inode_range: Inode Range
    :param entry_basename: Entry Basename
    :param posix_range: Posix Range
    :returns: Output of Clear locks command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    if kind.lower() not in LOCK_KINDS:
        raise GlusterCmdException((-1, "", "Invalid Lock Kind"))
    cmd = ["clear-locks", volname, "kind", kind.lower()]

    if inode_range is not None:
        cmd += ["inode", inode_range]

    if entry_basename is not None:
        cmd += ["entry", entry_basename]

    if posix_range is not None:
        cmd += ["posix", posix_range]

    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #3
def fix_layout_start(volname):
    Fix Layout Rebalance Start

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :returns: Output of the command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["rebalance", volname, "fix-layout", "start"]
    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #4
def profile_stop(volname):
    Stop Profile

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :return: Output of Profile command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["profile", volname, "stop"]
    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #5
def inode_quota_enable(volname):
    Enable Inode Quota

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :returns: Output of inode-quota Enable command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["inode-quota", volname, "enable"]
    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #6
def delete(volname):
    Delete Gluster Volume

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :returns: Output of Delete command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["delete", volname]
    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #7
def stop(volname):
    Rebalance Stop

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :returns: Output of the command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["rebalance", volname, "stop"]
    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #8
def barrier_disable(volname):
    Disable Barrier

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :returns: Output of Barrier command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["barrier", volname, "disable"]
    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #9
def create(volname,
    Create Gluster Volume

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :param volbricks: List of Brick paths(HOSTNAME:PATH)
    :param replica: Number of Replica bricks
    :param stripe: Number of Stripe bricks
    :param arbiter: Number of Arbiter bricks
    :param disperse: Number of disperse bricks
    :param disperse_data: Number of disperse data bricks
    :param redundancy: Number of Redundancy bricks
    :param transport: Transport mode(tcp|rdma|tcp,rdma)
    :param force: (True|False) Create Volume with Force option
    :returns: Output of Create command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["create", volname]
    if replica != 0:
        cmd += ["replica", "{0}".format(replica)]

    if stripe != 0:
        cmd += ["stripe", "{0}".format(stripe)]

    if arbiter != 0:
        cmd += ["arbiter", "{0}".format(arbiter)]

    if disperse != 0:
        cmd += ["disperse", "{0}".format(disperse)]

    if disperse_data != 0:
        cmd += ["disperse-data", "{0}".format(disperse_data)]

    if redundancy != 0:
        cmd += ["redundancy", "{0}".format(redundancy)]

    if transport != "tcp":
        cmd += ["transport", transport]

    cmd += volbricks

    if force:
        cmd += ["force"]

    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #10
def restart(volname, force=False):
    Restart Gluster Volume, Wrapper around two calls stop and start

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :param force: (True|False) Restart Volume with Force option
    :returns: Output of Start command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["stop", volname]
    if force:
        cmd += ["force"]


    cmd = ["start", volname]
    if force:
        cmd += ["force"]

    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #11
def log_rotate(volname, brick):
    Brick log rotate

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :param brick: Brick Path
    :returns: Output of Log rotate command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["log", volname, "rotate", brick]
    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #12
def start(volname, force=False):
    Rebalance Start

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :param force: True|False Force start the rebalance
    :returns: Output of the command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["rebalance", volname, "start"]
    if force:
        cmd += ["force"]
    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #13
def sync(hostname, volname=None):
    Sync the volume information from a peer

    :param hostname: Hostname to sync from
    :param volname: Volume Name
    :returns: Output of Sync command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["sync", hostname]
    if volname is not None:
        cmd += [volname]
    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #14
def optset(volname, opts):
    Set Volume Options

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :param opts: Dict with config key as dict key and config value as value
    :returns: Output of Volume Set command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["set", volname]
    for key, value in opts.items():
        cmd += [key, value]

    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #15
def stop(volname, force=False):
    Stop Gluster Volume

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :param force: (True|False) Stop Volume with Force option
    :returns: Output of Stop command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["stop", volname]
    if force:
        cmd += ["force"]

    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #16
def replace_commit(volname, source_brick, new_brick):
    Replace Bricks

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :param source_brick: Source Brick
    :param new_brick: New Replacement Brick
    :returns: Output of replace-brick command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = [
        "replace-brick", volname, source_brick, new_brick, "commit", "force"

    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #17
def remove_commit(volname, bricks, replica=None):
    Remove Bricks Commit

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :param bricks: List of Bricks
    :param replica: Replica Count
    :returns: Output of remove-brick commit command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["remove-brick", volname]
    if replica is not None:
        cmd += ["replica", "{0}".format(replica)]

    cmd += bricks
    cmd += ["commit"]

    return volume_execute(cmd)
Exemple #18
def optreset(volname, opt=None, force=False):
    Reset Volume Options

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :param opt: Option name to reset, else reset all
    :param force: Force reset options
    :returns: Output of Volume Reset command, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["reset", volname]

    if opt is not None:
        cmd += [opt]

    if force:
        cmd += ["force"]

    return volume_execute(cmd)