Exemple #1
def read_eqpt_library(filename):
    """build global dictionnary eqpt_library that stores all eqpt characteristics:
    edfa type type_variety, fiber type_variety
    from the eqpt_config.json (filename parameter)
    also read advanced_config_from_json file parameters for edfa if they are available:
    typically nf_ripple, dfg gain ripple, dgt and nf polynomial nf_fit_coeff
    if advanced_config_from_json file parameter is not present: use nf_model:
    requires nf_min and nf_max values boundaries of the edfa gain range
    global eqpt_library
    eqpt_library = load_json(filename)
    for i, el in enumerate(eqpt_library['Edfa']): 
        dict_nf_model = {}
        if 'advanced_config_from_json' in el:
            #use advanced amplifier model with full ripple characterization
            config_json_filename = el.pop(ADVANCED_CONFIG_JSON_FILENAME)
            dict_nf_model['nf_model'] = {'enabled': False}
            #use a default ripple model (only default dgt is defined)
            config_json_filename = DEFAULT_CONFIG_JSON_FILENAME
            (nf1, nf2, delta_p) = nf_model(el)
            #remove nf_min and nf_max field and replace by nf1, nf2 & delta_p
            nf_min = el.pop('nf_min','')
            nf_max = el.pop('nf_max','')
            dict_nf_model['nf_model'] = {"enabled": True, "nf1": nf1, "nf2": nf2, "delta_p": delta_p}
        json_data = load_json(Path(filename).parent / config_json_filename)
        eqpt_library['Edfa'][i] = {**el, **json_data, **dict_nf_model}
Exemple #2
def load_network(filename, equipment, name_matching = False):
    json_filename = ''
    if filename.suffix.lower() == '.xls':
        logger.info('Automatically generating topology JSON file')
        json_filename = convert_file(filename, name_matching)
    elif filename.suffix.lower() == '.json':
        json_filename = filename
        raise ValueError(f'unsuported topology filename extension {filename.suffix.lower()}')
    json_data = load_json(json_filename)
    return network_from_json(json_data, equipment)
def main(args):
    input_filename = str(args.filename)
    split_filename = input_filename.split(".")
    json_filename = split_filename[0] + '.json'
        assert split_filename[1] in ('json', 'xls', 'csv', 'xlsm')
    except AssertionError as e:
        print(f'invalid file extension .{split_filename[1]}')
        raise e
    if split_filename[1] != 'json':
        print(f'parse excel input to {json_filename}')

    json_data = load_json(json_filename)

    network = network_from_json(json_data)

    spacing = 0.05  #THz
    si = SpectralInformation()  # !! SI units W, Hz
    si = si.update(carriers=tuple(
        Channel(f, (191.3 + spacing * f) * 1e12, 32e9, 0.15, Power(1e-3, 0, 0))
        for f in range(1, 97)))

    trx = [n for n in network.nodes() if isinstance(n, Transceiver)]
    if args.list >= 1:
        print(*[el.uid for el in trx], sep='\n')
            source = next(el for el in trx if el.uid == args.source)
        except StopIteration as e:
            source = trx[0]
                f'invalid souce node specified: {args.source!r}, replaced with {source}'

            sink = next(el for el in trx if el.uid == args.sink)
        except StopIteration as e:
            sink = trx[1]
                f'invalid destination node specified: {args.sink!r}, replaced with {sink}'

        path = dijkstra_path(network, source, sink)
            f'There are {len(path)} network elements between {source} and {sink}'

        for el in path:
            si = el(si)
Exemple #4
def test_no_amp_feature(node_uid):
    ''' Check that booster is not placed on a roadm if fused is specified
        test_parser covers partly this behaviour. This test should guaranty that the
        feature is preserved even if convert is changed
    equipment = load_equipment(EQPT_LIBRARY_NAME)
    json_network = load_json(NETWORK_FILE_NAME)

    for elem in json_network['elements']:
        if elem['uid'] == node_uid:
            #replace edfa node by a fused node in the topology
            elem['type'] = 'Fused'
            elem['params'] = {'loss': 0}

            next_node_uid = next(conn['to_node'] for conn in json_network['connections'] \
                                 if conn['from_node'] == node_uid)
            previous_node_uid = next(conn['from_node'] for conn in json_network['connections'] \
                                 if conn['to_node'] == node_uid)

    network = network_from_json(json_network, equipment)
    # Build the network once using the default power defined in SI in eqpt config
    # power density : db2linp(ower_dbm": 0)/power_dbm": 0 * nb channels as defined by
    # spacing, f_min and f_max
    p_db = equipment['SI']['default'].power_dbm
    p_total_db = p_db + lin2db(automatic_nch(equipment['SI']['default'].f_min,\
        equipment['SI']['default'].f_max, equipment['SI']['default'].spacing))

    build_network(network, equipment, p_db, p_total_db)

    node = next(nd for nd in network.nodes() if nd.uid == node_uid)
    next_node = next(network.successors(node))
    previous_node = next(network.predecessors(node))

    if not isinstance(node, Fused):
        raise AssertionError()
    if not node.params.loss == 0.0:
        raise AssertionError()
    if not next_node_uid == next_node.uid:
        raise AssertionError()
    if not previous_node_uid == previous_node.uid:
        raise AssertionError()
Exemple #5
    def post(self):
        data = request.get_json()
        equipment = load_equipment('examples/2019-demo-equipment.json')
        topo_json = load_json('examples/2019-demo-topology.json')
        network = network_from_json(topo_json, equipment)
            propagatedpths, reversed_propagatedpths, rqs = compute_requests(
                network, data, equipment)
            # Generate the output
            result = []
            #assumes that list of rqs and list of propgatedpths have same order
            for i, pth in enumerate(propagatedpths):
                    Result_element(rqs[i], pth, reversed_propagatedpths[i]))

            return {"result": path_result_json(result)}, 201
        except ServiceError as this_e:
            msg = f'Service error: {this_e}'
            return {"result": msg}, 400
Exemple #6
def load_equipment(filename):
    json_data = load_json(filename)
    return equipment_from_json(json_data, filename)
Exemple #7
def test_restrictions(restrictions, equipment):
    ''' test that restriction is correctly applied if provided in eqpt_config and if no Edfa type
    were provided in the network json
    # add restrictions
    equipment['Roadm']['default'].restrictions = restrictions
    # build network
    json_network = load_json(NETWORK_FILE_NAME)
    network = network_from_json(json_network, equipment)

    amp_nodes_nobuild_uid = [nd.uid for nd in network.nodes() \
        if isinstance(nd, Edfa) and isinstance(next(network.predecessors(nd)), Roadm)]
    preamp_nodes_nobuild_uid = [nd.uid for nd in network.nodes() \
        if isinstance(nd, Edfa) and isinstance(next(network.successors(nd)), Roadm)]
    amp_nodes_nobuild = {nd.uid : nd for nd in network.nodes() \
        if isinstance(nd, Edfa) and isinstance(next(network.predecessors(nd)), Roadm)}
    preamp_nodes_nobuild = {nd.uid : nd for nd in network.nodes() \
        if isinstance(nd, Edfa) and isinstance(next(network.successors(nd)), Roadm)}
    # roadm dict with restrictions before build
    roadms = {nd.uid: nd for nd in network.nodes() if isinstance(nd, Roadm)}
    # Build the network once using the default power defined in SI in eqpt config
    # power density : db2linp(ower_dbm": 0)/power_dbm": 0 * nb channels as defined by
    # spacing, f_min and f_max
    p_db = equipment['SI']['default'].power_dbm
    p_total_db = p_db + lin2db(automatic_nch(equipment['SI']['default'].f_min,\
        equipment['SI']['default'].f_max, equipment['SI']['default'].spacing))

    build_network(network, equipment, p_db, p_total_db)

    amp_nodes = [nd for nd in network.nodes() \
        if isinstance(nd, Edfa) and isinstance(next(network.predecessors(nd)), Roadm)\
           and next(network.predecessors(nd)).restrictions['booster_variety_list']]

    preamp_nodes = [nd for nd in network.nodes() \
        if isinstance(nd, Edfa) and isinstance(next(network.successors(nd)), Roadm)\
           and next(network.successors(nd)).restrictions['preamp_variety_list']]

    # check that previously existing amp are not changed
    for amp in amp_nodes:
        if amp.uid in amp_nodes_nobuild_uid:
            print(amp.uid, amp.params.type_variety)
            if not amp.params.type_variety == amp_nodes_nobuild[
                raise AssertionError()
    for amp in preamp_nodes:
        if amp.uid in preamp_nodes_nobuild_uid:
            if not amp.params.type_variety == preamp_nodes_nobuild[
                raise AssertionError()
    # check that restrictions are correctly applied
    for amp in amp_nodes:
        if amp.uid not in amp_nodes_nobuild_uid:
            # and if roadm had no restrictions before build:
            if restrictions['booster_variety_list'] and \
               not roadms[next(network.predecessors(amp)).uid]\
                if not amp.params.type_variety in restrictions[

                    raise AssertionError()
    for amp in preamp_nodes:
        if amp.uid not in preamp_nodes_nobuild_uid:
            if restrictions['preamp_variety_list'] and\
            not roadms[next(network.successors(amp)).uid].restrictions['preamp_variety_list']:
                if not amp.params.type_variety in restrictions[
                    raise AssertionError()
Exemple #8
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from gnpy.core.utils import (load_json,
from gnpy.core import network

topology = load_json('edfa_example_network.json')
nw = network.network_from_json(topology)
pch2d_legend_data = np.loadtxt('Pchan2DLegend.txt')
pch2d = np.loadtxt('Pchan2D.txt')

ch_spacing = 0.05
fc = itufs(ch_spacing)
lc = freq2wavelength(fc) / 1000
nchan = np.arange(len(lc))
df = np.ones(len(lc)) * ch_spacing

edfa1 = [n for n in nw.nodes() if n.uid == 'Edfa1'][0]
edfa1.gain_target = 20.0
edfa1.tilt_target = -0.7

results = []
for Pin in pch2d:
Exemple #9
def load_sim_params(filename):
    sim_params = load_json(filename)
    return SimParams(params=sim_params)