Exemple #1
def get_directions():
    api_key = 'AIzaSyAyspF7tDu4Tv0X23RQDjoCoVewalLRv4Q'
    gmaps = GoogleMaps(api_key)
    start = ",".join(driver_start_latlng())
    end = ",".join(rider_start_latlng())
    start2 = ",".join(rider_end_latlng())
    end2 = ",".join(driver_end_latlng())
    dirs = gmaps.directions(start, end)
    time = dirs['Directions']['Duration']['seconds']
    dist = dirs['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
    route = dirs['Directions']['Routes'][0]
    dirs1 = gmaps.directions(end, start2)
    time1 = dirs1['Directions']['Duration']['seconds']
    dist1 = dirs1['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
    route1 = dirs1['Directions']['Routes'][0]
    dirs2 = gmaps.directions(start2, end2)
    time2 = dirs2['Directions']['Duration']['seconds']
    dist2 = dirs2['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
    route2 = dirs2['Directions']['Routes'][0]
    for step in route['Steps']:
        #print step['Point']['coordinates'][1], step['Point']['coordinates'][0]
        print step['descriptionHtml']
    for step in route1['Steps']:
        #print step['Point']['coordinates'][1], step['Point']['coordinates'][0]
        print step['descriptionHtml']
    for step in route2['Steps']:
       # print step['Point']['coordinates'][1], step['Point']['coordinates'][0]
        print step['descriptionHtml']
def direcs(loc1, loc2):
    ret = ""
    gmaps = GoogleMaps()
        directions = gmaps.directions(loc1, loc2)
        return "At least one invalid address. Please try again."
    ret += "Will take about " + directions['Directions']['Duration']['html'] + "\n"
    for step in directions['Directions']['Routes'][0]['Steps']:
        if "Destination will be on the" in step['descriptionHtml']:
            idx = step['descriptionHtml'].index("Destination")
            s = step['descriptionHtml'][:idx] + "\n" + step['descriptionHtml'][idx:]
            ret += s
            ret += step['descriptionHtml'] + "\n"
    a = ""
    inBracks = False
    for i in range(len(ret)):
        if ret[i] == "<":
            inBracks = True
        elif ret[i] == ">":
            inBracks = False;
            if inBracks == False:
                a += ret[i]
    return a
Exemple #3
def verify_restaurant(start):
	api_key = settings.GOOGLE_MAPS
	geo = GoogleMaps(api_key)
	error = "Unfortunately, we are not yet delivering in your area."
	wrong_addr = False

	for r in Restaurant.objects.all():
		end = r.get_address_string()
			dirs = geo.directions(start, end)
			wrong_addr = True
			error = "Please enter a valid address."

		dist = float("inf")

		if not wrong_addr:
			dist = dirs['Directions']['Distance']['meters']

		good_radii = ['LaSalle', 'lasalle', 'laSalle', 'LaSalle', 'Lasalle', 'Morreene']

		start_split = start.split(" ")

		for radius in good_radii:
			if radius in start_split:
				return (True, r)

		if dist < r.max_radius:
			return (True, r)

	return (False, error)
def miles(date):
    if not session.get('logged_in'):
        return redirect(url_for('register'))

    # look for any visits
    g.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM visits v, destinations d WHERE v.day = %s AND v.dest_id = d.id AND v.user_id = %s ORDER BY v.time ASC", (date, g.user_id))
    visits = g.cursor.fetchall()

    if not visits:
        return jsonify(miles=0)

    gmaps = GoogleMaps(GDATA_API_KEY)

    # look for a cached count of the miles
    last_visit = None
    miles = 0.0
    for visit in visits:
        visit = decode_destination(visit)
        if last_visit is None:
            last_visit = visit
        g.cursor.execute("SELECT miles FROM miles WHERE start_dest_id = %s AND end_dest_id = %s", (last_visit['dest_id'], visit['dest_id']))
        trip_miles = g.cursor.fetchone()
        if trip_miles:
            miles += float(trip_miles['miles'])
            directions = gmaps.directions(last_visit['address'], visit['address'])
            trip_meters = directions['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
            trip_miles = int(trip_meters * (1/1609.344))
            miles += trip_miles
            g.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO miles (start_dest_id, end_dest_id, miles) VALUES(%s, %s, %s)", (last_visit['dest_id'], visit['dest_id'], trip_miles))
        last_visit = visit

    return jsonify(miles=miles)
Exemple #5
	def time_to_user_profile(self):
		api_key = settings.GOOGLE_MAPS
		gmaps = GoogleMaps(api_key)
		start = self.get_address_string
		stop = self.restaurant.get_address_string
		dirs = gmaps.directions(start, stop)
		time = dirs['Directions']['Duration']['seconds']
		return time
Exemple #6
	def dist_to_restaurant(self):
		api_key = settings.GOOGLE_MAPS
		gmaps = GoogleMaps(api_key)
		start = self.get_address_string
		stop = self.restaurant.get_address_string
		dirs = gmaps.directions(start, stop)
		dist = dirs['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
		dist_in_miles = float(dist*.000621371)
		return dist_in_miles
Exemple #7
def find_Path(MAP, model):
    gmaps = GoogleMaps()
    home = raw_input("Enter your starting address: ")
    end =  raw_input("Enter your destination address: ")
    results = Geocoder.geocode(home)
    results2 = Geocoder.geocode(end)
    #results = Geocoder.reverse_geocode(41.96786329,-87.71349889)
    #results2 = Geocoder.reverse_geocode(41.763258, -87.61172601)

    print '---Finding Path from ', results, ' to ', results2

    dirs  = gmaps.directions(results, results2)

    time  = dirs['Directions']['Duration']['seconds']
    dist  = dirs['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
    route = dirs['Directions']['Routes'][0]
    PATH = []
    for step in route['Steps']:
        position = (step['Point']['coordinates'][1], step['Point']['coordinates'][0])
        if position in MAP:
            for i in range(4): PATH.append('H')
            for i in range(4):PATH.append('L')
        with open("predict.arff", "a") as myfile:
            for elem in PATH:
                if elem == 'yes' or elem == 'no': myfile.write(elem)
                else: myfile.write(elem  + ',')
        PATH = []

    EVALUATION = model.TestClassifier("predict.arff")
    #mark current place as SAFE since you're already at that location anyways
    EVALUATION[0] = 'yes'
    #Print Final Results At this Point
    k = 0
    for step in route['Steps']:
        position = (step['Point']['coordinates'][1], step['Point']['coordinates'][0])
        print step['Point']['coordinates'][1], step['Point']['coordinates'][0] ,  '===========================>SAFE? ', EVALUATION[k]
        print step['descriptionHtml']
        k +=1
    filename2 = "predict.arff"
    shutil.copy("predict_start.arff", filename2)
    if os.path.isfile (filename2): print "Have a Safe Journey"
    else: print "#####Problem Here: Error 99. Engineeer Will Fix the Bug ASAP"
 def test_directions(self):
     gmaps = GoogleMaps(GMAPS_API_KEY)
     origin = 'Constitution Ave NW & 10th St NW, Washington, DC'
     destination = 'Independence and 6th SW, Washington, DC 20024, USA'
     results = gmaps.directions(origin, destination, units='metric')
     leg = results[0]['legs'][0]
     self.assertIn(leg['duration']['value'], range(300, 400))
     self.assertIn(leg['distance']['value'], range(2500, 3000))
     self.assertIn('Constitution Ave NW', leg['steps'][0]['html_instructions'])
     self.assertIn('Independence', leg['steps'][-1]['html_instructions'])
def FindPizza():
	print "Enter in an address to find Pizza places near it"
	address = raw_input()
	gmaps = GoogleMaps("AIzaSyA5R4PnzAcoe2vpVRKyWWby-d6RrMmIwtQ")
	lat, lng = gmaps.address_to_latlng(address)
	destination = gmaps.latlng_to_address(lat, lng)
	Pizza = gmaps.local_search('pizza near ' + destination)
	directions = gmaps.directions(address, destination)
	print "The nearest Pizza place is " + Pizza['responseData']['results'][0]['titleNoFormatting']
	for step in directions['Directions']['Routes'][0]['Steps']:
		print step['descriptionHtml']
def time_from_coords(src_coords, dst_coords):
    gmaps = GoogleMaps()
    src_addr = gmaps.latlng_to_address(*src_coords).encode('utf-8')
    dst_addr = gmaps.latlng_to_address(*dst_coords).encode('utf-8')
    dirs = gmaps.directions(src_addr,dst_addr)
    #returns - distance km, time min
    dist = dirs.get('Directions',{}).get('Distance',{}).get('html','')
    duration =  dirs.get('Directions',{}).get('Duration',{}).get('html','')
    return (dist,duration)
Exemple #11
    def get_travel_time_between(self, address1, address2):
        gmaps = GoogleMaps()
            directions = gmaps.directions(address1, address2)
        except GoogleMapsError:
            return None

        if directions:
                return directions["Directions"]["summaryHtml"]
            except KeyError:
                return None
Exemple #12
def dist_from(destination, location):
    gmaps = GoogleMaps('ABQIAAAAAPMmDP4HCUrLtqjxnhTeXRQV_yMSNSvbo2tmQzi3qOzMvFrzcRTFTor1bOkU8NE2pW1HDlgjEDlcIQ')
        origin = location
        destination = '6224 Agricultural Road Vancouver, B.C. CA V6T 1Z1'
        dirs = gmaps.directions(origin, destination, mode='walking')
        time = dirs['Directions']['Duration']['html']
        dist = dirs['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
        route = dirs['Directions']['Routes'][0]
        return dist
    except GoogleMapsError:
        return 10000
Exemple #13
def pegar_coordenadas_rotas(arquivo_rotas):
    Função que retorna uma lista contendo um dicionário com as informações 
    das rotas passada no arquivo, este dicionário contém as seguinte informações:
    'rotas' -> Contem 
    'distancia' -> Distância em metros entre a origem e o destino
    'tempo' -> Tempo em segundos entre a origem e o destino
    'origem' -> Origem
    'destino' -> Destino
    'velocidade' -> Velocidade em metros por segundos
    maps = GoogleMaps()
    rotas = []
        with open(arquivo_rotas, 'r') as f:
            content = f.readlines()

        for i in content:
                source = re.search('from:(.*?)to:(.*)', i).group(1)
                dest = re.search('from:(.*?)to:(.*)', i).group(2)
                sys.stderr.write("Sintaxe do arquivo de rotas errada, verifique a documentação\n\n")
                info = maps.directions(source, dest)
                routes = info['Directions']['Routes'][0]['Steps']
                Distancia = info['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
                Tempo = info['Directions']['Duration']['seconds']
                Origem = info['Placemark'][0]['address']
                Destino = info['Placemark'][1]['address']
                corigem = info['Placemark'][0]['Point']['coordinates']
                cdestino = info['Placemark'][1]['Point']['coordinates']
                Velocidade = Distancia/Tempo
                rotas.append({'rotas':routes, 'distancia':Distancia, 'tempo':Tempo, 'origem':Origem, 'destino':Destino, 'velocidade':Velocidade, 'corigem': corigem, 'cdestino': cdestino})
                sys.stderr.write('Rota inexistente para: Origem: {} Destino: {}\n'.format(source, dest))
    except IOError:
        sys.stderr.write('Não foi possível abrir o arquivo de rotas\n')        
    return rotas
Exemple #14
	def get_directions(self):
		api_key = "AIzaSyAUYyU_aUoW5iu_pZZ30U0V_bfdPHQMBQM"
		gmaps = GoogleMaps(api_key)
		addr_string = str(self.address) + " " + str(self.city) + " " + str(self.state)
		restaurant_addr = str(self.restaurant.address1) + " " + str(self.restaurant.city) + " " + str(self.restaurant.state)
		dirs = gmaps.directions(restaurant_addr, addr_string)
		time = dirs['Directions']['Duration']['seconds']
		mins = time/60
		secs = time%60
		time_reformatted = str(mins)+":"+str(secs)
		dist = dirs['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
		in_miles = float(dist*.000621371)
		in_miles_reformatted = str(in_miles)
		return (time_reformatted, in_miles_reformatted)
Exemple #15
def dist_from(destination, location):
    gmaps = GoogleMaps(
        origin = location
        destination = '6224 Agricultural Road Vancouver, B.C. CA V6T 1Z1'
        dirs = gmaps.directions(origin, destination, mode='walking')
        time = dirs['Directions']['Duration']['html']
        dist = dirs['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
        route = dirs['Directions']['Routes'][0]
        return dist
    except GoogleMapsError:
        return 10000
Exemple #16
def listStates(source, destination):
    gmaps = GoogleMaps()
    stateList = []
    # Finding a route from the source to the destination address
    route = gmaps.directions(source, destination)
    for step in route['Directions']['Routes'][0]['Steps']:
        # For each step in the route, find the latitude-longitude coordinates
        latlong = Geocoder.reverse_geocode(step['Point']['coordinates'][1],step['Point']['coordinates'][0])
        # Finding the state corresponding to the lat-long coordinates
        state = latlong.state
        # Checking to avoid duplicates
        if state not in stateList:
            print state
Exemple #17
def find_restaurant(request, address, city, state):
	start = address + " " + city + " " + state
	for restaurant in Restaurant.objects.all():
		api_key = "AIzaSyAUYyU_aUoW5iu_pZZ30U0V_bfdPHQMBQM"
		gmaps = GoogleMaps(api_key)
		end = restaurant.get_address()
		dirs = gmaps.directions(start, end)
		dist = dirs['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
		print "Dist: " + str(dist)
		if dist < restaurant.max_radius:
			print restaurant
			return (True, restaurant)
			#print "getting false"
			return (False, "")
 def test_directions(self):
     """Test googlemaps directions()"""
     gmaps = GoogleMaps(GMAPS_API_KEY)
     results = gmaps.directions('Constitution Ave NW & 10th St NW, Washington, DC',
                                'Independence and 6th SW, Washington, DC 20024, USA')
     self.assertEqual(results['Status']['code'], googlemaps.STATUS_OK)
     self.assert_(results['Directions']['Duration']['seconds'] in range(100, 130))
     self.assert_(results['Directions']['Distance']['meters'] in range(1000, 1050))
     routes = results['Directions']['Routes']
     self.assert_(len(routes) >= 1)
     self.assertEqual(routes[0]['Duration'], results['Directions']['Duration'])
     self.assertEqual(routes[0]['Distance'], results['Directions']['Distance'])
     self.assert_(routes[0]['Steps'][0]['descriptionHtml'].find('Constitution Ave') >= 0)
     self.assert_(routes[0]['Steps'][1]['descriptionHtml'].find('7th St') >= 0)
     self.assert_(routes[0]['Steps'][2]['descriptionHtml'].find('Independence Ave') >= 0)
Exemple #19
def hello_monkey():
    def chooseSymbol(line):
        if 'head' in line:
            return "head"
        elif 'roundabout' in line:
            return 'roundabout'
        elif 'right' in line:
            return "right"
        elif 'left' in line:
            return "left"
        elif 'merge' in line:
            return "merge"
            return 'none'

    body_message = str(request.values.get('Body', None))
    latitude = body_message.split('_')[0]
    longitude = body_message.split('_')[1]
    destination = body_message.split('_')[2]
    mapService = GoogleMaps()
    directions = mapService.directions('RG7 5ND', 'RG7 5NN')
    message = ""
    #for step in directions['Directions']['Routes'][0]['Steps']:
    #	message = message + step['descriptionHtml']
    mapsUrl = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=' + str(
        latitude) + ',' + str(longitude) + '&destination=' + str(
            destination) + '&mode=walking'
    response = urllib.urlopen(mapsUrl)

    data = yaml.load(response.read())
    leg = data.get('routes')[0].get('legs')[0]
    general_data = leg.get('distance').get('text') + '_' + leg.get(
    stepMessage = ""
    stepsArray = leg.get('steps')
    for step in stepsArray:
        line = step.get('html_instructions')
        stepMessage = stepMessage + line + '_' + step.get('distance').get(
            'text') + '_' + chooseSymbol(line) + '/n'

    #message = str(directions)[0:100]
    #message = "Latitude: " + str(latitude) + " Longitude: " + str(longitude) + " Destination: " + str(destination)
    message = str(stepMessage)
    resp = twilio.twiml.Response()
    return str(resp)
def findDistances(currentDirectory):

    gmaps = GoogleMaps('AIzaSyBeqGD2H871THYBWdlep9eY_jo9EU8dwGI')

    statesTsv = open(currentDirectory + '/states.tsv', 'r')

    states = []
    # Get everything and populate the array
    with statesTsv as f:
        for line in f.readlines()[1:]:

    # Let's check that everything is ok        
    for state in states: 
        for i,key in enumerate(state):
            print i," - ",key

    # Let's keep going...

    # Open a new file to store everytthing
    statesDistancesTsv = open(currentDirectory + '/stateDistances.tsv', 'w')
    statesDistancesTsv.write("ids   states  time    distance\n")

    # Find all the combinations for each state 
    for index,stateCombination in enumerate(itertools.combinations(states, 2)):
        #For each combination, get their LAT/LONG and Query GOogle Maps on the distnace/time for that
        latLong1 = stateCombination[0][3]+ ", "+ stateCombination[0][4]
        latLong2 = stateCombination[1][3]+ ", "+ stateCombination[1][4]
        print latLong1
        # Let's talk to GMaps
        dirs  = gmaps.directions(latLong1, latLong2) 
        time  = dirs['Directions']['Duration']['seconds']
        dist  = dirs['Directions']['Distance']['meters']

        print "From ",stateCombination[0][1], " to ", stateCombination[1][1], " -- ",((float(time)/60.0)/60.0)," hours / ",float(dist)/1000," km"
        # For every combination, populate a row in a file
        buildString =  stateCombination[0][0] + ","+stateCombination[1][0] + "\t"
        buildString += stateCombination[0][1] + ","+stateCombination[1][1] + "\t"
        buildString += str(time) + "\t"
        buildString += str(dist) + "\t"
        buildString += "\n"
        print buildString
    print "findDistances - Done"
Exemple #21
def verify_address(address_string):
	api_key = settings.GOOGLE_MAPS
	geo = GoogleMaps(api_key)

	components = address_string.split(" ")

	start = "902 Sedgefield Street, Durham, NC"

		directions = geo.directions(address_string, start)
		error = "Please enter a valid address."
		return (False, error)

	split = str(address_string).split(",")
	addr = split[0]
	city = split[1]
	state = split[2]
	return (True, addr, city, state)
Exemple #22
def hello_monkey():
	def chooseSymbol(line):
		if 'head' in line:
			return "head"
		elif 'roundabout' in line:
			return 'roundabout' 
		elif 'right' in line:
			return "right"
		elif 'left' in line:
			return "left"
		elif 'merge' in line:
			return "merge"
			return 'none'

	body_message = str(request.values.get('Body', None))
	latitude = body_message.split('_')[0]
	longitude = body_message.split('_')[1]
	destination = body_message.split('_')[2]
	mapService = GoogleMaps()
	directions = mapService.directions('RG7 5ND', 'RG7 5NN')
	message = ""
	#for step in directions['Directions']['Routes'][0]['Steps']:
	#	message = message + step['descriptionHtml']
	mapsUrl = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=' + str(latitude) + ',' + str(longitude) + '&destination=' + str(destination) + '&mode=walking'
	response = urllib.urlopen(mapsUrl)

	data = yaml.load(response.read())
	leg = data.get('routes')[0].get('legs')[0]
	general_data = leg.get('distance').get('text') + '_' + leg.get('duration').get('text')
	stepMessage = ""
	stepsArray = leg.get('steps')
	for step in stepsArray:
		line = step.get('html_instructions')
		stepMessage =  stepMessage + line + '_' + step.get('distance').get('text') + '_' + chooseSymbol(line) + '/n'

	#message = str(directions)[0:100]
	#message = "Latitude: " + str(latitude) + " Longitude: " + str(longitude) + " Destination: " + str(destination)
	message = str(stepMessage)
	resp = twilio.twiml.Response()
	return str(resp)
Exemple #23
    def test_directions(self):
        """Test googlemaps directions()"""

        gmaps = GoogleMaps(GMAPS_API_KEY)
        results = gmaps.directions(
            'Constitution Ave NW & 10th St NW, Washington, DC',
            'Independence and 6th SW, Washington, DC 20024, USA')
        self.assertEqual(results['Status']['code'], googlemaps.STATUS_OK)
            results['Directions']['Duration']['seconds'] in range(100, 130))
            results['Directions']['Distance']['meters'] in range(1000, 1050))
        routes = results['Directions']['Routes']
        self.assert_(len(routes) >= 1)
            'Constitution Ave') >= 0)
            routes[0]['Steps'][1]['descriptionHtml'].find('7th St') >= 0)
            'Independence Ave') >= 0)
Exemple #24
from googlemaps import GoogleMaps

gmaps = GoogleMaps("AIzaSyCRDgKn8OlRrLCaiSKkrNjNPKCuqnsUa4o")

start = 'Constitution Ave NW & 10th St NW, Washington, DC'

end = 'Independence and 6th SW, Washington, DC 20024, USA'

dirs = gmaps.directions(start, end)

time = dirs['Directions']['Duration']['seconds']

print time
Exemple #25
def dist_calc(from_add, to_add):
    my_map = GoogleMaps("")
    direct = my_map.directions(from_add, to_add)
    dist_meter = direct['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
    return dist_meter
    businesslist = list()
    print 'num business in this contect', ' ', len(js['businesses'])
    for business in js['businesses']:
        if business.get('gmaptime') is not None:

        destlat = float(str(business['location']['coordinate']['latitude']))
        destlong = float(str(business['location']['coordinate']['longitude']))
        dest = gmap.latlng_to_address(destlat, destlong)
        originlat = float(context.attribute['lat'])
        originlong = float(context.attribute['long'])
        orig = gmap.latlng_to_address(originlat, originlong)
        directions = None
            directions = gmap.directions(orig, dest)
            print 'problem with ', ' ', orig, '  ', dest
        if directions is None:
        meters = directions['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
        timesec = directions['Directions']['Duration']['seconds']
        business['gmapdistance'] = meters
        business['gmaptime'] = timesec
        if timesec is not None:

    sortedlist = sorted(businesslist, key=lambda busi: busi['gmaptime'])
    fh = open(
Exemple #27
#Python Get Directions Script
from googlemaps import GoogleMaps

#create googlemaps object
mapService = GoogleMaps()

#Get Directions from googlemaps
directions = mapService.directions('texarkana','atlanta')

#print each step in directions to console

for step in directions['Directions']['Routes'][0]['Steps']:
	print step['descriptionHtml']
del all_data[0]
print all_data

gmaps = GoogleMaps('gmaps api')
i1 = 0
for i in all_data:
	row = []
	i1 += 1
	if i1 > 78:
		for j in all_data:
			if i == j:
				distance = 0
				c1 = float(i[1]),float(i[2])
				c2 = float(j[1]),float(j[2])
				dirs = gmaps.directions(c1,c2)
				if not dirs:
					dirs = gmaps.directions(c1,c2)
					distance = float(dirs['Directions']['Distance']['meters'])
					distance = float(distance/1000)
					d1 = distance_points(float(dirs['Directions']['Routes'][0]['Steps'][0]['Point']['coordinates'][1]),float(dirs['Directions']['Routes'][0]['Steps'][0]['Point']['coordinates'][0]),float(i[1]),float(i[2]))
					d2 = distance_points(float(dirs['Directions']['Routes'][0]['End']['coordinates'][1]),float(dirs['Directions']['Routes'][0]['End']['coordinates'][0]),float(j[1]),float(j[2]))
					distance = distance + d1 + d2
					print i,j
					distance = float(dirs['Directions']['Distance']['meters'])
					distance = float(distance/1000)
					d1 = distance_points(float(dirs['Directions']['Routes'][0]['Steps'][0]['Point']['coordinates'][1]),float(dirs['Directions']['Routes'][0]['Steps'][0]['Point']['coordinates'][0]),float(i[1]),float(i[2]))
					d2 = distance_points(float(dirs['Directions']['Routes'][0]['End']['coordinates'][1]),float(dirs['Directions']['Routes'][0]['End']['coordinates'][0]),float(j[1]),float(j[2]))
					distance = distance + d1 + d2
Exemple #29
			 self.fed = []
		def handle_data(self,d):
	    def get_data(self):
		     return ''.join(self.fed)
def strip_tags(html):
       s = MLstripper()
	   return s.getdata()

#create Google map object

mapService = GoogleMaps()                              #mapservice will help in accessing function of GoogleMap Class

#get direction from Google 

directions = mapService.directions(argv[1], argv[2])        #using GoogleMap Method i.e Direction and passing argument

#Print each step in direction to Console 
with open('C:/Users/Supriya/Desktop/directions.txt','w') as f:
       for steps in directions['Directions']['Routes'][0] ['Steps']:
             f.write(print strip_tags(step['descriptionHtml'] + '\r\n'))

Exemple #30
print "1. Pokaz trase"
print "2. Pokaz w poblizu..."
print "3. Pokaz trase do sprecyzowanego celu."
wybor = input()
cel = ""
if wybor == 1:
		address1 = raw_input('Podaj nazwe miejscowosci startowej: ')
		address2 = raw_input('Podaj nazwe miejscowosci koncowej: ')
		if address1 == "" or address2 == "":
			print ""
			print "Prosze podac poprawne nazwy miejscowosci"
			print ""
			check = ""
			directions = gmaps.directions(address1,address2)
			print "Dystans: ",
			print float(directions['Directions']['Distance']['meters'])/1000, 'kilometrow'
			print ""
			print "Trasa: "
			for steps in directions['Directions']['Routes'][0]['Steps']:
				check = steps['descriptionHtml']
				check = remove_html_tags(check)
				print check
	    print "Wystapil nieznany blad! Przepraszamy."
elif wybor == 2:
		cel1 = raw_input('Czego poszukujesz?: ')
		address3 = raw_input('W jakiej okolicy?: ')
		if address3 == "" or cel1 == "":
Exemple #31
whitehouse = '1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC'
lat, lng = gmaps.address_to_latlng(whitehouse)
print lat, lng

destination = gmaps.latlng_to_address(38.897096, -77.036545)
print destination 

dlat, dlng = gmaps.address_to_latlng('326 Perkins Library, Durham, NC 27708')
print dlat, dlng 
duke = gmaps.latlng_to_address(dlat, dlng)
print duke 

local = gmaps.local_search('restaurant near ' + duke)
print local['responseData']['results'][0]['titleNoFormatting']

directions = gmaps.directions(duke, whitehouse)
print directions['Directions']['Distance']['meters']

for step in directions['Directions']['Routes'][0]['Steps']:
	print step['descriptionHtml']

embassies = [[38.917228,-77.0522365], 
	[38.9076502, -77.0370427], 
	[38.916944, -77.048739] ]

# TODO: write code to answer the following questions: 
# which embassy is closest to the White House in meters? how far? 
# what is its address? 
# if I wanted to hold a morning meeting there, which cafe would you suggest?
# if I wanted to hold an evening meeting there, which bar would you suggest? 
del all_data[0]
print all_data

gmaps = GoogleMaps('gmaps api')
i1 = 0
for i in all_data:
    row = []
    i1 += 1
    if i1 > 78:
        for j in all_data:
            if i == j:
                distance = 0
                c1 = float(i[1]), float(i[2])
                c2 = float(j[1]), float(j[2])
                dirs = gmaps.directions(c1, c2)
                if not dirs:
                    dirs = gmaps.directions(c1, c2)
                    distance = float(dirs['Directions']['Distance']['meters'])
                    distance = float(distance / 1000)
                    d1 = distance_points(
                              ['Point']['coordinates'][0]), float(i[1]),
                    d2 = distance_points(
Exemple #33
def travelTime(start, dest):
	#return the travel time in seconds
	gmaps = GoogleMaps()
	directions = gmaps.directions(start, dest)
	time = directions['Directions']['Duration']['seconds']
	return time

from googlemaps import GoogleMaps

mapService = GoogleMaps()

directions1 = mapService.directions('1940 Cappelletti Ct, Mountain View, CA','Verde Tea Cafe, Villa Street, Mountain View, CA')

dist_meters = directions1['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
dist_miles = float(dist_meters / (1609.34))
dist_miles *= 100
dist_miles = int(dist_miles / 1)
dist_miles = float(dist_miles) / 100
print "meters", dist_meters
print "miles", dist_miles
for step in directions1['Directions']['Routes'][0]['Steps']:
	print step['descriptionHtml']
Exemple #35
def order_management(request):
	context = RequestContext(request)

	# Get the user profile of the session
	user = request.user

	# Still need to make sure that the current user is staff
	if user.is_staff:

		# Get today's date
		today = datetime.date.today()# + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

		# Current week will be this week unless it is Friday, Saturday, or Sunday
		current_week = datetime.date.today().isocalendar()[1]
		mon_date = today - datetime.timedelta(days=today.weekday())

		if datetime.date.today().isocalendar()[2] == 5 or datetime.date.today().isocalendar()[2] == 6 or datetime.date.today().isocalendar()[2] == 7:
			current_week = datetime.date.today().isocalendar()[1] + 1
			mon_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=-today.weekday(), weeks=1)

		# List of all dates
		dates = []

		# Place dates after monday into dates
		for i in range(0,7):
			dates.append(mon_date + datetime.timedelta(days=i))

		# Initialize a list of all orders
		orders = []

		# Initialize a directory of lat, lng tuples
		lat_lngs = []

		# Initialize a list of tuples (time, location, distance, estimated delivery time, assigned)
		table_info = []

		print today

		# Place all orders from today into that list
		for order in Order.objects.all():
			if order.entry.date == today:

				address = order.user_profile.address
				city = order.user_profile.city
				state = order.user_profile.state

				addr_string = str(address) + " " + str(city) + " " + str(state)
				api_key = "AIzaSyAUYyU_aUoW5iu_pZZ30U0V_bfdPHQMBQM"
				gmaps = GoogleMaps(api_key)
				geo = gmaps.directions(addr_string, addr_string)
				route = geo['Directions']['Routes'][0]	
				lat, lng = route['Steps'][0]['Point']['coordinates'][1], route['Steps'][0]['Point']['coordinates'][0]
				tupe = (lat, lng)
				restaurant_addr = str(order.restaurant.address1) + " " + str(order.restaurant.city) + " " + str(order.restaurant.state)
				dirs = gmaps.directions(restaurant_addr, addr_string)
				time = dirs['Directions']['Duration']['seconds']
				mins = time/60
				secs = time%60
				time_reformatted = str(mins)+":"+str(secs)

				dist = dirs['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
				in_miles = float(dist*.000621371)
				in_miles_reformatted = str(in_miles)

				driver = "NO DRIVER AT THIS HOUR"

				assigned = False
				for do in DispatchOrder.objects.all():
					if do.order == order:
						assigned = True

				if assigned == False:

				for do in DispatchOrder.objects.all():
					if do.order == order:
						driver = str(do.dispatch.driver.user.first_name)+str(do.dispatch.driver.user.last_name)

				tupe_to_add = (order.entry.start_time, address, in_miles_reformatted, time_reformatted, driver)

		gmap_code = generate_gmap_code(lat_lngs)

		return render_to_response("order_management.html",
			{'today':today, 'lat_lngs':lat_lngs, 'gmap_code':gmap_code, 'table_info':table_info},
	return HttpResponse("No Permission")
        G_GEO_BAD_KEY               : 'G_GEO_BAD_KEY',
	def __init__(self, status, url+None, response=None):
		Exception.__init__(self, status)
		self.status = status
		self.response = response
		self.url = url
	def __str__(self):
		if self.status in self.__STATUS_MESSAGES:
			if self.response is not None and 'responseDetails' in self.response:
				retrival = 'Error %d: %s' %(self.status, self.response['responseDetails'])
                                retrival = 'Error %d: %s' % (self.status, status._STATUS_MESSAGES[self.status])
				retrival = str(self.status)
			return retrival
        def __unicode__(self):
                return unicode(self.__str__())

mapService = GoogleMaps() #create GoogleMaps objects

directions = mapService.directions(argv[1], argv[2]) #get directions from google

for step in directions['Directions']['Routes'][0]['Steps']: #print each step in directions to console
	print strip_tags(step['descriptionHtml'])
Exemple #37
	print 'That is not an approved means... we will assume that you are driving yourself.'

#collecting waypoint of user
waypoint = []
sys.stdout.write("Would you like to use a waypoint? y/n \n")
if raw_input().lower() == 'y':
	sys.stdout.write("Enter the place through which you would like to travel... \n")


	#making googlemaps directions request and finding the list of possible legs of travel
	primRoute = gmaps.directions(start, end, mode, waypoint)
	route = primRoute['routes'][0]
	legs = route['legs']

	#some encouraging device
	print "\n \n***************************************************************************************************************"
	print "Hurry... we are routing you from " +start+ " to " +end+ ". Good luck!"

	#dealing with possible multiple legs due to utilization of a waypoint
	for trip in legs:
		#print primRoute['routes'][end_location]
		#printing time and distance of route
		routeTime = trip['duration']['value'] / 60
		routeDist = trip['distance']['value'] * 0.000621371
		print "\n\nThis route will take " +str(routeTime)+ " minutes to travel " +str(routeDist)+ " miles at legal speeds... think you can do better?"
		print "***************************************************************************************************************"
Exemple #38
__author__ = 'lenny'
I made this file so I can sample one piece of code at a time
Jesse Fitzjarrell

#import statements
from googlemaps import GoogleMaps

#create Googlemaps object
mapservice = GoogleMaps()

#get directions from google
directions = mapservice.directions("Portland", "Bend")

#print each step in directions to console
for step in directions['directions']["routes"][0]['steps']:
    print step['descriptionHtml']
Exemple #39
     miles = cursor.fetchone()
     trip_hash = hash_visits(day)
     if not miles or trip_hash != miles['hash']:
         # regenerate the distances
         gmaps = GoogleMaps(GDATA_API_KEY)
         cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM visits v, destinations d WHERE v.day = %s AND v.dest_id = d.id ORDER BY v.time ASC", [day])
         meters = 0
         trip_hash = 0
         start = None
         miles = {'day':day}
         for visit in cursor.fetchall():
             trip_hash = crc32(visit['address'], trip_hash)
             if not start:
                 start = visit['address']
             directions = gmaps.directions(start, visit['address'])
             meters += directions['Directions']['Distance']['meters']
             start = visit['address']
         miles['miles'] = int(meters * (1/1609.344))
         miles['hash'] = trip_hash & 0xffffffff
         cursor.execute("INSERT INTO miles (day, miles, hash) VALUES(%%s, %(miles)d, %(hash)d) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE miles = %(miles)d, hash = %(hash)d" % miles, [day])
         miles['day'] = str(miles['day'])
     print "Content-type: application/json\r\n"
     print json.dumps(miles)
 elif args[0] == 'report.txt':
     print "Content-type: text/plain\r\n"
     #print "<title> MT Milage Report </title>"
     cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM miles m ORDER BY m.day ASC")
     stats = {'total':0, 'week':0}