Exemple #1
    def get_text(self, start=None, end=None, include_hidden_chars=True):
        Return the buffer text.
        .. note:: ``s_`` prefix means StyledText*, while ``g_`` prefix means
        if start is None:
            start = self.get_start_iter()
        if end is None:
            end = self.get_end_iter()

        txt = super(StyledTextBuffer, self).get_text(start, end,
        txt = str(txt)

        # extract tags out of the buffer
        g_tags = self._get_tag_from_range()
        s_tags = []

        for g_tagname, g_ranges in g_tags.items():
            if g_tagname.startswith('link'):
                tag = self.get_tag_table().lookup(g_tagname)
                s_ranges = [(start, end + 1) for (start, end) in g_ranges]
                s_value = tag.data
                s_tag = StyledTextTag(_('Link'), s_value, s_ranges)
                style_and_value = g_tagname.split(' ', 1)

                    style = int(style_and_value[0])
                    if len(style_and_value) == 1:
                        s_value = None
                        s_value = StyledTextTagType.STYLE_TYPE[style]\

                    if style in ALLOWED_STYLES:
                        s_ranges = [(start, end + 1)
                                    for (start, end) in g_ranges]
                        s_tag = StyledTextTag(style, s_value, s_ranges)

                except ValueError:
                    _LOG.debug("silently skipping Gtk.TextTag '%s'" %

        return StyledText(txt, s_tags)
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        string = self._string[key]
        if isinstance(key, slice):
            #Get the start, stop, and step from the slice
            if key.step:
                raise IndexError("Invalid step size")
            key_start = 0 if key.start is None else key.start
            key_stop = len(self._string) if key.stop is None else key.stop
            new_tags = []

            for tag in self._tags:
                new_tag = StyledTextTag(int(tag.name), tag.value)
                for (start_tag, end_tag) in tag.ranges:
                    start = max(key_start, start_tag)
                    end = min(key_stop, end_tag)

                    if start < end:
                            (start - key_start, end - key_start))

                if new_tag.ranges:
            return self.__class__(string, new_tags)

#         elif isinstance(key, int):
#             if key < 0:  # Handle negative indices
#                 key += len(self)
#             if key < 0 or key >= len(self):
#                 raise IndexError("The index (%d) is out of range." % key)
#             return self.getData(key)  # Get the data from elsewhere
            raise TypeError("Invalid argument type.")
Exemple #3
def _get_styled(name, callname, placeholder=False,
                trans_text=glocale.translation.sgettext, name_format=None):
    Return a StyledText object with the name formatted according to the

    @param callname: whether the callname should be used instead of the first
        name (CALLNAME_REPLACE), underlined within the first name
        (CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD) or not used at all (CALLNAME_DONTUSE).
    @param placeholder: whether a series of underscores should be inserted as a
        placeholder if first name or surname are missing.
    @param trans_text: allow deferred translation of strings
    @type trans_text: a GrampsLocale sgettext instance
    trans_text is a defined keyword (see po/update_po.py, po/genpot.sh)
    :param name_format: optional format to control display of person's name
    :type name_format: None or int

    # Make a copy of the name object so we don't mess around with the real
    # data.
    n = Name(source=name)

    # Insert placeholders.
    if placeholder:
        if not n.first_name:
            n.first_name = "____________"
        if not n.surname:
            n.surname = "____________"

    if n.call:
        if callname == CALLNAME_REPLACE:
            # Replace first name with call name.
            n.first_name = n.call
        elif callname == CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD:
            if n.call not in n.first_name:
                # Add call name to first name.
                # translators: used in French+Russian, ignore otherwise
                n.first_name = trans_text('"%(callname)s" (%(firstname)s)') % {
                                             'callname':  n.call,
                                             'firstname': n.first_name }

    real_format = name_displayer.get_default_format()
    if name_format is not None:
    text = name_displayer.display_name(n)
    tags = []

    if n.call:
        if callname == CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD:
            # "name" in next line is on purpose: only underline the call name
            # if it was a part of the *original* first name
            if n.call in name.first_name:
                # Underline call name
                callpos = text.find(n.call)
                tags = [StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.UNDERLINE, True,
                            [(callpos, callpos + len(n.call))])]

    return StyledText(text, tags)
Exemple #4
def _get_styled(name, callname, placeholder=False, name_format=None):
    Return a StyledText object with the name formatted according to the

    @param callname: whether the callname should be used instead of the first
        name (CALLNAME_REPLACE), underlined within the first name
        (CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD) or not used at all (CALLNAME_DONTUSE).
    @param placeholder: whether a series of underscores should be inserted as a
        placeholder if first name or surname are missing.

    # Make a copy of the name object so we don't mess around with the real
    # data.
    n = Name(source=name)

    # Insert placeholders.
    if placeholder:
        if not n.first_name:
            n.first_name = "____________"
        if not n.surname:
            n.surname = "____________"

    if n.call:
        if callname == CALLNAME_REPLACE:
            # Replace first name with call name.
            n.first_name = n.call
        elif callname == CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD:
            if n.call not in n.first_name:
                # Add call name to first name.
                n.first_name = "\"%(call)s\" (%(first)s)" % {
                    'call': n.call,
                    'first': n.first_name

    real_format = name_displayer.get_default_format()
    if name_format is not None:
    text = name_displayer.display_name(n)
    tags = []

    if n.call:
        if callname == CALLNAME_UNDERLINE_ADD:
            # "name" in next line is on purpose: only underline the call name
            # if it was a part of the *original* first name
            if n.call in name.first_name:
                # Underline call name
                callpos = text.find(n.call)
                tags = [
                    StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.UNDERLINE, True,
                                  [(callpos, callpos + len(n.call))])

    return StyledText(text, tags)
 def create_note(self, place, data, trans):
     new_note = Note()
     tag = StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.FONTFACE, 'Monospace',
                         [(0, len(data))])
     text = StyledText(data, [tag])
     note_type = NoteType()
     note_type.set((NoteType.CUSTOM, _("Place titles")))
     handle = self.db.add_note(new_note, trans)
Exemple #6
def linkst(text, url):
    """ Return text as link styled text
    tags = [StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.LINK, url, [(0, len(text))])]
    return StyledText(text, tags)
Exemple #7
def boldst(text):
    """ Return text as bold styled text
    tags = [StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.BOLD, True, [(0, len(text))])]
    return StyledText(text, tags)
Exemple #8
    def convert_to_styled(self, data):
        This scans incoming notes for possible html.  It converts a select few
        tags into StyledText and removes the rest of the tags.  Notes of this
        type occur in data from FTM and ancestry.com.  Result is a much
        cleaner note.

        @param data: a string of text possibly containg html
        @type data: str

        token_specification = [
            # Italics: must not be nested, any tag terminates
            ('ITALIC',  r'<i>.*?(?=<)'),
            # bolds: must not be nested, any tag terminates
            ('BOLD',    r'<b>.*?(?=<)'),
            # Underlines: must not be nested, any tag terminates
            ('UNDER',   r'<u>.*?(?=<)'),
            # Table Header Begin (start Bold)
            ('TBLHDRB', r'<tr><th>'),
            # Table Header End (end Bold and \n)
            ('TBLHDRE', r'</th></tr>'),
            # Table Header Cell (repl with ': ')
            ('TBLHDRC', r'(<\th>)?<th>'),
            # Table Cell break (repl with ':  ')
            ('TBLCELL', r'</td><td>'),
            # Table
            ('TABLE',   r'</?table.*?>'),
            # Href start to end
            ('HREF',    r'<+a .*?href=["\' ]*(?P<HREFL>.*?)'\
                        r'["\' ].*?>(?P<HREFT>.*?)</a>+'),
            # HTTP start to end (have to rstrip(' .:') for link)
            ('HTTP',    r'https?:.*?(\s|$)'),
            # Paragraph end
            ('PARAEND', r'</p>|</li>|<tr>|<br>'),
            # Skip over these tags
            ('SKIP',    r'<ul>|</ul>|<li>|<p>|</tr>|<td>|</td>|<th>|'\
            # Unimplemented HTTP tags
            ('UNKNWN',  r'<.*?>'), ]
        tok_regex = '|'.join('(?P<%s>%s)' % pair for
                             pair in token_specification)

        prev = 0
        chunkpos = 0
        chunks = []
        italics = []
        bolds = []
        unders = []
        links = []
        reds = []
        bldpos = -1
        data = html.unescape(data)      # clean up escaped html "&lt;" etc.
        for mo in re.finditer(tok_regex, data, flags=(re.DOTALL | re.I)):
            kind = mo.lastgroup
            st_txt = mo.group(kind)
            in_start = mo.start()
            in_end = mo.end()
            if kind == 'SKIP' or kind == 'TABLE':
                if prev != in_start:
                    chunkpos += (in_start - prev)
            elif kind == 'PARAEND':
                chunks.append(data[prev:in_start] + '\n')
                chunkpos += (in_start - prev + 1)
            elif kind == 'ITALIC':
                chunks.append(data[prev:in_start] +
                              data[(in_start + 3):in_end])
                newpos = chunkpos - prev + in_end - 3
                italics.append((chunkpos + in_start - prev, newpos))
                chunkpos = newpos
            elif kind == 'BOLD':
                chunks.append(data[prev:in_start] +
                              data[(in_start + 3):in_end])
                newpos = chunkpos - prev + in_end - 3
                bolds.append((chunkpos + in_start - prev, newpos))
                chunkpos = newpos
            elif kind == 'UNDER':
                chunks.append(data[prev:in_start] +
                              data[(in_start + 3):in_end])
                newpos = chunkpos - prev + in_end - 3
                unders.append((chunkpos + in_start - prev, newpos))
                chunkpos = newpos
            elif kind == 'HTTP':      # HTTP found
                st_txt = mo.group('HTTP')
                oldpos = chunkpos + in_start - prev
                chunks.append(data[prev:in_start] + st_txt)
                chunkpos += (in_start - prev + len(st_txt))
                st_txt = st_txt.rstrip(' .:)')
                newpos = oldpos + len(st_txt)
                links.append((st_txt, oldpos, newpos))
            elif kind == 'HREF':      # HREF found
                st_txt = mo.group('HREFT')
                lk_txt = mo.group('HREFL')
                # fix up relative links emmitted by ancestry.com
                if(lk_txt.startswith("/search/dbextra") or
                    lk_txt = "http://search.ancestry.com" + lk_txt
                oldpos = chunkpos + in_start - prev
                # if tag (minus any trailing '.') is substring of link
                if st_txt[0:-1] in lk_txt:
                    st_txt = lk_txt   # just use the link
                else:                 # use link and tag
                    st_txt = " " + lk_txt + " (" + st_txt + ")"
                newpos = oldpos + len(st_txt)
                chunks.append(data[prev:in_start] + st_txt)
                chunkpos += (in_start - prev + len(st_txt))
                links.append((lk_txt, oldpos, newpos))
            elif kind == 'TBLCELL' or kind == 'TBLHDRC':     # Table cell break
                chunks.append(data[prev:in_start] + ':  ')
                chunkpos += (in_start - prev + 3)
            elif kind == 'TBLHDRB':      # header start
                if prev != in_start:
                    chunkpos += (in_start - prev)
                bldpos = chunkpos
            elif kind == 'TBLHDRE':      # Header end
                if bldpos == -1:
                    if prev != in_start:
                        newpos = chunkpos - prev + in_end
                        reds.append((chunkpos + in_start - prev, newpos))
                        chunkpos = newpos
                    print('Invalid table header, no start tag found')
                    if prev != in_start:
                        chunkpos += (in_start - prev)
                    bolds.append((bldpos, chunkpos))
                    bldpos = -1
            elif kind == 'UNKNWN':
                if prev != in_start:
                    newpos = chunkpos - prev + in_end
                    reds.append((chunkpos + in_start - prev, newpos))
                    chunkpos = newpos
                print('Unexpected or unimplemented HTML tag', st_txt)
                print("shouldn't get here")

            prev = in_end

        result = ''.join(chunks)
        tags = []
        for link in links:
            tags.append(StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.LINK, link[0],
                                      [(link[1], link[2])]))
        if italics:
            tags.append(StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.ITALIC, False ,
        if bolds:
            tags.append(StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.BOLD, False , bolds))
        if unders:
            tags.append(StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.UNDERLINE, False ,
        if reds:
            tags.append(StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.HIGHLIGHT, '#FFFF00',
        return StyledText(result, tags)
def tag_merge(old_tags, tag_list):
    styles = {}  # key:name  value:quad
    outstyles = {}  # key:tuple(name, value), value:list(ranges)
    tags = []
    for (prior, tags) in enumerate((old_tags, tag_list)):
        for tag in tags:
            if tag.name.value not in styles:
                styles[tag.name.value] = []
            out_range = outstyles.get((tag.name.value, tag.value))
            if out_range is None:
                out_range = outstyles[(tag.name.value, tag.value)] = []
            quads = styles[tag.name.value]
            for rang in tag.ranges:
                # quad: Value, priority, Start or Stop, True if Stop
                quads.append((tag.value, prior, rang[0], False))
                quads.append((tag.value, prior, rang[1], True))

    for tagname, quads in styles.items():
        quads.sort(key=lambda quad: quad[2])  # sort by start/stop index
        # start, end are current range
        start = value = prior = None
        # open_low; list of low priority open (nested) values
        # open_high; list of high priority open (nested) values
        openst = [[], []]
        for quad in quads:
            if not quad[3]:  # We have a start
                if start is None:  # we can start up
                    value = quad[0]
                    prior = quad[1]
                    start = quad[2]
                elif value == quad[0]:
                    # we have an overlap with same
                else:  # we have a nest or overlap with different
                    openst[prior].append(value)  # save current in open
                    # close out current, and start new
                    outstyles[(tagname, value)].append((start, quad[2]))
                    value = quad[0]
                    prior = quad[1]
                    start = quad[2]
            else:  # we have an end
                if start is None:  # end with no start
                if quad[0] == value:  # current finished
                    outstyles[(tagname, value)].append((start, quad[2]))
                    if openst[1]:  # high priority nested to restart
                        value = openst[1].pop()
                        prior = 1
                        start = quad[2]
                    elif openst[0]:  # low priority nested to restart
                        value = openst[0].pop()
                        prior = 0
                        start = quad[2]
                    else:  # no nest to restart, just close out
                        start = value = prior = None

                else:  # clear out overlap
                    except ValueError:
        end = None
    msg = ("Bad Style range!  Do not save, "
           "if you do your db will be corrupted.")
    for ((name, value), ranges) in outstyles.items():
        new_range = []
        start = None
        for rang in ranges:
            if start is not None:
                if rang[0] == end:
                    # should merge two ranges together
                    end = rang[1]
                    new_range.append((start, end))
                    if start is None or end is None:
                        raise ValueError(msg)
            start = rang[0]
            end = rang[1]
        new_range.append((start, end))
        if start is None or end is None:
            raise ValueError(msg)
        tags.append(StyledTextTag(name, value, new_range))
    return tags
    def convert_to_styled(self, data):
        This scans incoming notes for possible html.  It converts a select few
        tags into StyledText and removes the rest of the tags.  Notes of this
        type occur in data from FTM and ancestry.com.  Result is a much
        cleaner note.

        @param data: a string of text possibly containg html
        @type data: str

        prev = 0
        chunkpos = 0
        chunks = []
        italics = []
        bolds = []
        unders = []
        links = []
        reds = []
        bldpos = -1
        # data = html.unescape(data)      # clean up escaped html "&lt;" etc.
        for mo in re.finditer(html._charref, data._string):
            out = html._replace_charref(mo)
            in_start = mo.start()
            in_end = mo.end()
            data._string = (data._string[:in_start] + out +
                            data._string[(in_start + len(out)):])
            if prev != in_start + len(out):
                chunks.append(data[prev:(in_start + len(out))])
                chunkpos += (in_start - prev + len(out))
            prev = in_end

        data = StyledText().join(chunks)
        prev = 0
        chunkpos = 0
        chunks = []
        for mo in re.finditer(self.tok_regex,
                              flags=(re.DOTALL | re.I)):
            kind = mo.lastgroup
            st_txt = mo.group(kind)
            in_start = mo.start()
            in_end = mo.end()
            if kind == 'SKIP' or kind == 'TABLE':
                if prev != in_start:
                    chunkpos += (in_start - prev)
            elif kind == 'PARAEND':
                chunks.append(data[prev:in_start] + '\n')
                chunkpos += (in_start - prev + 1)
            elif kind == 'ITALIC':
                chunks.append(data[prev:in_start] +
                              data[(in_start + 3):in_end])
                newpos = chunkpos - prev + in_end - 3
                italics.append((chunkpos + in_start - prev, newpos))
                chunkpos = newpos
            elif kind == 'BOLD':
                chunks.append(data[prev:in_start] +
                              data[(in_start + 3):in_end])
                newpos = chunkpos - prev + in_end - 3
                bolds.append((chunkpos + in_start - prev, newpos))
                chunkpos = newpos
            elif kind == 'UNDER':
                chunks.append(data[prev:in_start] +
                              data[(in_start + 3):in_end])
                newpos = chunkpos - prev + in_end - 3
                unders.append((chunkpos + in_start - prev, newpos))
                chunkpos = newpos
            elif kind == 'HTTP':  # HTTP found
                st_txt = mo.group('HTTP')
                oldpos = chunkpos + in_start - prev
                chunks.append(data[prev:in_start] + st_txt)
                chunkpos += (in_start - prev + len(st_txt))
                st_txt = st_txt.rstrip(' .:)')
                newpos = oldpos + len(st_txt)
                links.append((st_txt, oldpos, newpos))
            elif kind == 'HREF':  # HREF found
                st_txt = mo.group('HREFT')
                lk_txt = mo.group('HREFL')
                # fix up relative links emmitted by ancestry.com
                if (lk_txt.startswith("/search/dbextra")
                        or lk_txt.startswith("/handler/domain")):
                    lk_txt = "http://search.ancestry.com" + lk_txt
                oldpos = chunkpos + in_start - prev
                # if tag (minus any trailing '.') is substring of link
                if st_txt[0:-1] in lk_txt:
                    st_txt = lk_txt  # just use the link
                else:  # use link and tag
                    st_txt = " " + lk_txt + " (" + st_txt + ")"
                newpos = oldpos + len(st_txt)
                chunks.append(data[prev:in_start] + st_txt)
                chunkpos += (in_start - prev + len(st_txt))
                links.append((lk_txt, oldpos, newpos))
            elif kind == 'TBLCELL' or kind == 'TBLHDRC':  # Table cell break
                chunks.append(data[prev:in_start] + ':  ')
                chunkpos += (in_start - prev + 3)
            elif kind == 'TBLHDRB':  # header start
                if prev != in_start:
                    chunkpos += (in_start - prev)
                bldpos = chunkpos
            elif kind == 'TBLHDRE':  # Header end
                if bldpos == -1:
                    if prev != in_start:
                        newpos = chunkpos - prev + in_end
                        reds.append((chunkpos + in_start - prev, newpos))
                        chunkpos = newpos
                    print('Invalid table header, no start tag found')
                    if prev != in_start:
                        chunkpos += (in_start - prev)
                    bolds.append((bldpos, chunkpos))
                    bldpos = -1
            elif kind == 'UNKNWN':
                newpos = chunkpos - prev + in_end
                reds.append((chunkpos + in_start - prev, newpos))
                chunkpos = newpos
                print('Unexpected or unimplemented HTML tag', st_txt)
                print("shouldn't get here")

            prev = in_end

        result = StyledText().join(chunks)
        tags = []
        for link in links:
                StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.LINK, link[0],
                              [(link[1], link[2])]))
        if italics:
            tags.append(StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.ITALIC, False,
        if bolds:
            tags.append(StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.BOLD, False, bolds))
        if unders:
                StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.UNDERLINE, False, unders))
        if reds:
                StyledTextTag(StyledTextTagType.HIGHLIGHT, '#FFFF00', reds))
        return StyledText(result._string, tag_merge(result._tags, tags))