def list_available_extensions(): mlist = list() # try to download XML metadata file first url = "" % grass.version()['version'].split('.')[0] grass.debug("url=%s" % url, 1) try: f = urlopen(url) try: tree = etree.fromstring( except: grass.warning(_("Unable to parse '%s'. Trying to scan SVN (may take some time)...") % url) list_available_extensions_svn() return for mnode in tree.findall('task'): name = mnode.get('name') if flags['c'] or flags['g']: desc, keyw = get_optional_params(mnode) if flags['g']: print 'name=' + name print 'description=' + desc print 'keywords=' + keyw elif flags['c']: print name + ' - ' + desc else: print name except HTTPError: return list_available_extensions_svn() return mlist
def list_wxgui_extensions(print_module = True): mlist = list() grass.debug('Fetching list of wxGUI extensions from GRASS-Addons SVN (be patient)...') pattern = re.compile(r'(<li><a href=".+">)(.+)(</a></li>)', re.IGNORECASE) grass.verbose(_("Checking for '%s' modules...") % 'gui/wxpython') url = '%s/%s' % (options['svnurl'], 'gui/wxpython') grass.debug("url = %s" % url, debug = 2) f = urlopen(url) if not f: grass.warning(_("Unable to fetch '%s'") % url) return for line in f.readlines(): # list extensions sline = if not sline: continue name ='/') if name not in ('..', 'Makefile'): if print_module: print name mlist.append(name) return mlist
def nowarp_import(self, file, map): """Import raster file into GRASS""" if grass.run_command('', quiet = True, flags = 'o' + self.gdal_flags, input = file, output = map) != 0: grass.fatal(_(' failed')) # get a list of channels: pattern = map + '*' grass.debug("pattern: %s" % ','.join(pattern)) mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] channel_list = grass.mlist_grouped(type = 'rast', pattern = pattern, mapset = mapset) grass.debug("channel list: %s" % ','.join(channel_list)) if len(channel_list) < 2: # test for single band data self.channel_suffixes = [] else: self.channel_suffixes = channel_list # ??? # add to the list of all suffixes: self.suffixes = self.suffixes + channel.suffixes self.suffixes.sort() for suffix in self.channel_suffixes: # make patch lists suffix = suffix.replace('.', '_') # this is a hack to make the patch lists empty if self.tiler == 0: self.patches = [] self.patches = self.patches.append(map + suffix)
def install_extension_win(): ### TODO: do not use hardcoded url - version = grass.version()['version'].split('.') grass.message(_("Downloading precompiled GRASS Addons <%s>...") % options['extension']) url = "" % (version[0], version[1]) if version[0] == '6' and version[1] == '4': url += '/grass-%s.%s.%s' % (version[0], version[1], version[2]) grass.debug("url=%s" % url, 1) try: f = urlopen(url + '/' + options['extension'] + '.zip') # create addons dir if not exists if not os.path.exists(options['prefix']): os.mkdir(options['prefix']) # download data fo = tempfile.TemporaryFile() fo.write( zfobj = zipfile.ZipFile(fo) for name in zfobj.namelist(): if name.endswith('/'): d = os.path.join(options['prefix'], name) if not os.path.exists(d): os.mkdir(d) else: outfile = open(os.path.join(options['prefix'], name), 'wb') outfile.write( outfile.close() fo.close() except HTTPError: grass.fatal(_("GRASS Addons <%s> not found") % options['extension']) return 0
def list_available_modules(url, mlist = None): # try to download XML metadata file first url = url + "modules.xml" grass.debug("url=%s" % url, 1) try: f = urlopen(url, proxies=PROXIES) try: tree = etree.fromstring( except: grass.warning(_("Unable to parse '%s'. Trying to scan SVN repository (may take some time)...") % url) list_available_extensions_svn() return for mnode in tree.findall('task'): name = mnode.get('name').strip() if mlist and name not in mlist: continue if flags['c'] or flags['g']: desc, keyw = get_optional_params(mnode) if flags['g']: print 'name=' + name print 'description=' + desc print 'keywords=' + keyw elif flags['c']: if mlist: print '*', print name + ' - ' + desc else: print name except HTTPError: list_available_extensions_svn()
def list_available_extensions_svn(): grass.message(_('Fetching list of extensions from GRASS-Addons SVN repository (be patient)...')) pattern = re.compile(r'(<li><a href=".+">)(.+)(</a></li>)', re.IGNORECASE) if flags['c']: grass.warning(_("Flag 'c' ignored, metadata file not available")) if flags['g']: grass.warning(_("Flag 'g' ignored, metadata file not available")) prefix = ['d', 'db', 'g', 'i', 'm', 'ps', 'p', 'r', 'r3', 's', 'v'] for d in prefix: modclass = expand_module_class_name(d) grass.verbose(_("Checking for '%s' modules...") % modclass) url = '%s/%s' % (options['svnurl'], modclass) grass.debug("url = %s" % url, debug = 2) try: f = urlopen(url, proxies=PROXIES) except HTTPError: grass.debug(_("Unable to fetch '%s'") % url, debug = 1) continue for line in f.readlines(): # list extensions sline = if not sline: continue name ='/') if name.split('.', 1)[0] == d: print name
def install_extension_win(name): ### do not use hardcoded url - grass.message(_("Downloading precompiled GRASS Addons <%s>...") % options['extension']) url = "" % \ { 'major' : version[0], 'minor' : version[1], 'patch' : version[2]} grass.debug("url=%s" % url, 1) try: f = urlopen(url + '/' + name + '.zip', proxies=PROXIES) # create addons dir if not exists if not os.path.exists(options['prefix']): os.mkdir(options['prefix']) # download data fo = tempfile.TemporaryFile() fo.write( zfobj = zipfile.ZipFile(fo) for name in zfobj.namelist(): if name.endswith('/'): d = os.path.join(options['prefix'], name) if not os.path.exists(d): os.mkdir(d) else: outfile = open(os.path.join(options['prefix'], name), 'wb') outfile.write( outfile.close() fo.close() except HTTPError: grass.fatal(_("GRASS Addons <%s> not found") % name) return 0
def render(cmd, mapfile): env = os.environ.copy() if mapfile: env['GRASS_RENDER_FILE'] = mapfile try: grass.run_command(cmd[0], env=env, **cmd[1]) except Exception as e: grass.debug(1, "Unable to render: {}".format(e))
def get_module_desc(url, script = True): grass.debug('url=%s' % url) f = urllib.urlopen(url) if script: ret = get_module_script(f) else: ret = get_module_main(f) return ret
def render(cmd, mapfile): env = os.environ.copy() if mapfile: env["GRASS_RENDER_FILE"] = mapfile try: grass.run_command(cmd[0], env=env, **cmd[1]) except CalledModuleError as e: grass.debug("Unable to render: {0}".format(e), 1)
def create_dir(path): if os.path.isdir(path): return try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: grass.fatal(_("Unable to create '%s': %s") % (path, e)) grass.debug("'%s' created" % path)
def emit(self, record): """ Write the log message. :param record: record to emit """ if record.levelno >= logging.ERROR: fatal(record.msg) elif record.levelno >= logging.WARNING: warning(record.msg) elif record.levelno >= logging.INFO: info(record.msg) elif record.levelno >= logging.DEBUG: debug(record.msg)
def oifcalc(sdev, corr, k1, k2, k3): grass.debug(_("Calculating OIF for combination: %s, %s, %s" % (k1, k2, k3)), 1) # calculate SUM of Stddeviations: ssdev = [sdev[k1], sdev[k2], sdev[k3]] numer = sum(ssdev) # calculate SUM of absolute(Correlation values): scorr = [corr[k1, k2], corr[k1, k3], corr[k2, k3]] denom = sum(map(abs, scorr)) # Calculate OIF index: # Divide (SUM of Stddeviations) and (SUM of Correlation) return numer / denom
def main(): options['region'] = GetRegion() if 'GRASS' in options['driver']: grass.debug("Using GRASS driver") from wms_drv import WMSDrv wms = WMSDrv() elif 'GDAL' in options['driver']: grass.debug("Using GDAL WMS driver") from wms_gdal_drv import WMSGdalDrv wms = WMSGdalDrv() temp_map = wms.GetMap(options, flags) os.rename(temp_map, os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_FILE"]) return 0
def main(): options['region'] = GetRegion() if 'GRASS' in options['driver']: grass.debug("Using GRASS driver") from wms_drv import WMSDrv wms = WMSDrv() elif 'GDAL' in options['driver']: grass.debug("Using GDAL WMS driver") from wms_gdal_drv import WMSGdalDrv wms = WMSGdalDrv() temp_map = wms.GetMap(options, flags) shutil.move(temp_map, os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_FILE"]) return 0
def main(): options["region"] = GetRegion() if "GRASS" in options["driver"]: grass.debug("Using GRASS driver") from wms_drv import WMSDrv wms = WMSDrv() elif "GDAL" in options["driver"]: grass.debug("Using GDAL WMS driver") from wms_gdal_drv import WMSGdalDrv wms = WMSGdalDrv() temp_map = wms.GetMap(options, flags) os.rename(temp_map, os.environ["GRASS_PNGFILE"]) return 0
def main(): options["region"] = GetRegion() if "GRASS" in options["driver"]: grass.debug("Using GRASS driver") from wms_drv import WMSDrv wms = WMSDrv() elif "GDAL" in options["driver"]: grass.debug("Using GDAL WMS driver") from wms_gdal_drv import WMSGdalDrv wms = WMSGdalDrv() temp_map = wms.GetMap(options, flags) shutil.move(temp_map, os.environ["GRASS_RENDER_FILE"]) return 0
def list_available_modules(): mlist = list() grass.message(_('Fetching list of modules from GRASS-Addons SVN (be patient)...')) pattern = re.compile(r'(<li><a href=".+">)(.+)(</a></li>)', re.IGNORECASE) i = 0 prefix = ['d', 'db', 'g', 'i', 'm', 'ps', 'p', 'r', 'r3', 's', 'v'] nprefix = len(prefix) for d in prefix: if flags['g']: grass.percent(i, nprefix, 1) i += 1 modclass = expand_module_class_name(d) grass.verbose(_("Checking for '%s' modules...") % modclass) url = '%s/%s' % (options['svnurl'], modclass) grass.debug("url = %s" % url, debug = 2) f = urllib.urlopen(url) if not f: grass.warning(_("Unable to fetch '%s'") % url) continue for line in f.readlines(): # list modules sline = if not sline: continue name ='/') if name.split('.', 1)[0] == d: print_module_desc(name, url) mlist.append(name) mlist += list_wxgui_extensions() if flags['g']: grass.percent(1, 1, 1) return mlist
try: shutil.copyfile(dist_file,addons_file) except OSError, e: grass.fatal(_("Unable to create '%s': %s") % (addons_file, e)) def create_dir(path): if os.path.isdir(path): return try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError, e: grass.fatal(_("Unable to create '%s': %s") % (path, e)) grass.debug("'%s' created" % path) def check_dirs(): create_dir(os.path.join(options['prefix'], 'bin')) create_dir(os.path.join(options['prefix'], 'docs', 'html')) check_style_files('grass_logo.png') check_style_files('grassdocs.css') # create_dir(os.path.join(options['prefix'], 'etc')) create_dir(os.path.join(options['prefix'], 'docs', 'man', 'man1')) create_dir(os.path.join(options['prefix'], 'man', 'man1')) create_dir(os.path.join(options['prefix'], 'scripts')) def main(): # check dependecies if sys.platform != "win32": check_progs()
def warp_import(self, file, map): """Wrap raster file using gdalwarp and import wrapped file into GRASS""" warpfile = self.tmp + 'warped.geotiff' tmpmapname = map + '_tmp' t_srs = grass.read_command('g.proj', quiet = True, flags = 'jf').rstrip('\n') if not t_srs: grass.fatal(_('g.proj failed')) grass.debug("gdalwarp -s_srs '%s' -t_srs '%s' -r %s %s %s %s" % \ (self.options['srs'], t_srs, self.options['method'], self.options['warpoptions'], file, warpfile)) grass.verbose("Warping input file '%s'..." % os.path.basename(file)) if self.options['warpoptions']: ps = subprocess.Popen(['gdalwarp', '-s_srs', '%s' % self.options['srs'], '-t_srs', '%s' % t_srs, '-r', self.options['method'], self.options['warpoptions'], file, warpfile]) else: ps = subprocess.Popen(['gdalwarp', '-s_srs', '%s' % self.options['srs'], '-t_srs', '%s' % t_srs, '-r', self.options['method'], file, warpfile]) ps.wait() if ps.returncode != 0 or \ not os.path.exists(warpfile): grass.fatal(_('gdalwarp failed')) # import it into a temporary map'Importing raster map...')) if grass.run_command('', quiet = True, flags = self.gdal_flags, input = warpfile, output = tmpmapname) != 0: grass.fatal(_(' failed')) os.remove(warpfile) # get list of channels pattern = tmpmapname + '*' grass.debug('Pattern: %s' % pattern) mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] channel_list = grass.mlist_grouped(type = 'rast', pattern = pattern, mapset = mapset)[mapset] grass.debug('Channel list: %s' % ','.join(channel_list)) if len(channel_list) < 2: # test for single band data self.channel_suffixes = [] else: self.channel_suffixes = channel_list # ??? grass.debug('Channel suffixes: %s' % ','.join(self.channel_suffixes)) # add to the list of all suffixes self.suffixes = self.suffixes + self.channel_suffixes self.suffixes.sort() # get last suffix if len(self.channel_suffixes) > 0: last_suffix = self.channel_suffixes[-1] else: last_suffix = '' # find the alpha layer if self.flags['k']: alphalayer = tmpmapname + last_suffix else: alphalayer = tmpmapname + '.alpha' # test to see if the alpha map exists if not grass.find_file(element = 'cell', name = alphalayer)['name']: alphalayer = '' # calculate the new maps: for suffix in self.channel_suffixes: grass.debug("alpha=%s MAPsfx=%s%s tmpname=%s%s" % \ (alphalayer, map, suffix, tmpmapname, suffix)) if alphalayer: # Use alpha channel for nulls: problem: I've seen a map # where alpha was 1-255; 1 being transparent. what to do? # (Geosci Australia Gold layer, format=tiff) if grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', quiet = True, expression = "%s%s = if(%s, %s%s, null())" % \ (map, sfx, alphalayer, tmpmapname, sfx)) != 0: grass.fatal(_('r.mapcalc failed')) else: if grass.run_command('g.copy', quiet = True, rast = "%s%s,%s%s" % \ (tmpmapname, suffix, map, suffix)) != 0: grass.fatal(_('g.copy failed')) # copy the color tables if grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet = True, map = map + suffix, rast = tmpmapname + suffix) != 0: grass.fatal(_('g.copy failed')) # make patch lists suffix = suffix.replace('.', '_') # this is a hack to make the patch lists empty: if self.tiler == 0: self.patches = [] self.patches = self.patches.append(map + suffix) # if no suffix, processing is simple (e.g. elevation has only 1 # band) if len(channel_list) < 2: # run r.mapcalc to crop to region if grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', quiet = True, expression = "%s = %s" % \ (map, tmpmapname)) != 0: grass.fatal(_('r.mapcalc failed')) if grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet = True, map = map, rast = tmpmapname) != 0: grass.fatal(_('r.colors failed')) # remove the old channels if grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = True, rast = ','.join(channel_list)) != 0: grass.fatal(_('g.remove failed'))
def main(): infile = options['input'] # create temporary directory global tmp_dir tmp_dir = grass.tempdir() grass.debug('tmp_dir = %s' % tmp_dir) # check if the input file exists if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_("File <%s> not found") % infile) # copy the files to tmp dir input_base = os.path.basename(infile) shutil.copyfile(infile, os.path.join(tmp_dir, input_base)) os.chdir(tmp_dir) tar =, mode='r') try: data_name = tar.getnames()[0] except: grass.fatal(_("Pack file unreadable")) # set the output name if options['output']: map_name = options['output'] else: map_name = data_name # grass env gisenv = grass.gisenv() mset_dir = os.path.join(gisenv['GISDBASE'], gisenv['LOCATION_NAME'], gisenv['MAPSET']) new_dir = os.path.join(mset_dir, 'vector', map_name) gfile = grass.find_file(name=map_name, element='vector', mapset='.') overwrite = os.getenv('GRASS_OVERWRITE') if gfile['file'] and overwrite != '1': grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> already exists") % map_name) elif overwrite == '1' and gfile['file']: grass.warning(_("Vector map <%s> already exists and will be overwritten") % map_name) grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', quiet=True, type='vector', name=map_name) shutil.rmtree(new_dir, True) # extract data tar.extractall() if os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_name, 'coor')): pass elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_name, 'cell')): grass.fatal(_("This GRASS GIS pack file contains raster data. Use " "r.unpack to unpack <%s>" % map_name)) else: grass.fatal(_("Pack file unreadable")) # check projection compatibility in a rather crappy way loc_proj = os.path.join(mset_dir, '..', 'PERMANENT', 'PROJ_INFO') loc_proj_units = os.path.join(mset_dir, '..', 'PERMANENT', 'PROJ_UNITS') skip_projection_check = False if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'PROJ_INFO')): if os.path.exists(loc_proj): grass.fatal( _("PROJ_INFO file is missing, unpack vector map in XY (unprojected) location.")) skip_projection_check = True # XY location if not skip_projection_check: diff_result_1 = diff_result_2 = None if not grass.compare_key_value_text_files(filename_a=os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'PROJ_INFO'), filename_b=loc_proj, proj=True): diff_result_1 = diff_files(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'PROJ_INFO'), loc_proj) if not grass.compare_key_value_text_files(filename_a=os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'PROJ_UNITS'), filename_b=loc_proj_units, units=True): diff_result_2 = diff_files(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'PROJ_UNITS'), loc_proj_units) if diff_result_1 or diff_result_2: if flags['o']: grass.warning(_("Projection information does not match. Proceeding...")) else: if diff_result_1: grass.warning(_("Difference between PROJ_INFO file of packed map " "and of current location:\n{diff}").format(diff=''.join(diff_result_1))) if diff_result_2: grass.warning(_("Difference between PROJ_UNITS file of packed map " "and of current location:\n{diff}").format(diff=''.join(diff_result_2))) grass.fatal(_("Projection of dataset does not appear to match current location." " In case of no significant differences in the projection definitions," " use the -o flag to ignore them and use" " current location definition.")) # new db fromdb = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'db.sqlite') # copy file shutil.copytree(data_name, new_dir) # exist fromdb if os.path.exists(fromdb): # the db connection in the output mapset dbconn = grassdb.db_connection(force=True) todb = dbconn['database'] # return all tables list_fromtable = grass.read_command('db.tables', driver='sqlite', database=fromdb).splitlines() # return the list of old connection for extract layer number and key dbln = open(os.path.join(new_dir, 'dbln'), 'r') dbnlist = dbln.readlines() dbln.close() # check if dbf or sqlite directory exists if dbconn['driver'] == 'dbf' and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(mset_dir, 'dbf')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(mset_dir, 'dbf')) elif dbconn['driver'] == 'sqlite' and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(mset_dir, 'sqlite')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(mset_dir, 'sqlite')) # for each old connection for t in dbnlist: # it split the line of each connection, to found layer number and key if len(t.split('|')) != 1: values = t.split('|') else: values = t.split(' ') from_table = values[1] layer = values[0].split('/')[0] # we need to take care about the table name in case of several layer if options["output"]: if len(dbnlist) > 1: to_table = "%s_%s" % (map_name, layer) else: to_table = map_name else: to_table = from_table grass.verbose(_("Coping table <%s> as table <%s>") % (from_table, to_table)) # copy the table in the default database try: grass.run_command('db.copy', to_driver=dbconn['driver'], to_database=todb, to_table=to_table, from_driver='sqlite', from_database=fromdb, from_table=from_table) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to copy table <%s> as table <%s>") % (from_table, to_table)) grass.verbose(_("Connect table <%s> to vector map <%s> at layer <%s>") % (to_table, map_name, layer)) # and connect the new tables with the right layer try: grass.run_command('v.db.connect', flags='o', quiet=True, driver=dbconn['driver'], database=todb, map=map_name, key=values[2], layer=layer, table=to_table) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to connect table <%s> to vector map <%s>") % (to_table, map_name)) grass.message(_("Vector map <%s> successfully unpacked") % map_name)
def main(): global tmp fs = separator(options['separator']) threeD = flags['z'] prog = '' if threeD: do3D = 'z' else: do3D = '' tmp = grass.tempfile() # set up input file if options['input'] == '-': infile = None inf = sys.stdin else: infile = options['input'] if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_("Unable to read input file <%s>") % infile) grass.debug("input file=[%s]" % infile) if not infile: # read from stdin and write to tmpfile ( wants a real file) outf = file(tmp, 'w') for line in inf: if len(line.lstrip()) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue outf.write(line.replace(fs, ' ')) outf.close() runfile = tmp else: # read from a real file if fs == ' ': runfile = infile else: inf = file(infile) outf = file(tmp, 'w') for line in inf: if len(line.lstrip()) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue outf.write(line.replace(fs, ' ')) inf.close() outf.close() runfile = tmp # check that there are at least two columns (three if -z is given) inf = file(runfile) for line in inf: if len(line.lstrip()) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue numcols = len(line.split()) break inf.close() if (do3D and numcols < 3) or (not do3D and numcols < 2): grass.fatal(_("Not enough data columns. (incorrect fs setting?)")) grass.run_command('', flags='f' + do3D, input=runfile, output=options['output'])
def main(): coords = options["coordinates"] input = options["input"] output = options["output"] fs = options["separator"] proj_in = options["proj_in"] proj_out = options["proj_out"] ll_in = flags["i"] ll_out = flags["o"] decimal = flags["d"] copy_input = flags["e"] include_header = flags["c"] # check for cs2cs if not gcore.find_program("cs2cs"): gcore.fatal( _("cs2cs program not found, install PROJ first: \")) # parse field separator # FIXME: input_x,y needs to split on multiple whitespace between them if fs == ",": ifs = ofs = "," else: try: ifs, ofs = fs.split(",") except ValueError: ifs = ofs = fs ifs = separator(ifs) ofs = separator(ofs) # set up projection params s = gcore.read_command("g.proj", flags="j") kv = parse_key_val(s) if "XY location" in kv["+proj"] and (ll_in or ll_out): gcore.fatal(_("Unable to project to or from a XY location")) in_proj = None if ll_in: in_proj = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84" gcore.verbose( "Assuming LL WGS84 as input, current projection as output ") if ll_out: in_proj = gcore.read_command("g.proj", flags="jf") if proj_in: if "+" in proj_in: in_proj = proj_in else: gcore.fatal(_("Invalid PROJ.4 input specification")) if not in_proj: gcore.verbose("Assuming current location as input") in_proj = gcore.read_command("g.proj", flags="jf") in_proj = in_proj.strip() gcore.verbose("Input parameters: '%s'" % in_proj) out_proj = None if ll_out: out_proj = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84" gcore.verbose( "Assuming current projection as input, LL WGS84 as output ") if ll_in: out_proj = gcore.read_command("g.proj", flags="jf") if proj_out: if "+" in proj_out: out_proj = proj_out else: gcore.fatal(_("Invalid PROJ.4 output specification")) if not out_proj: gcore.fatal(_("Missing output projection parameters ")) out_proj = out_proj.strip() gcore.verbose("Output parameters: '%s'" % out_proj) # set up input file if coords: x, y = coords.split(",") tmpfile = gcore.tempfile() fd = open(tmpfile, "w") fd.write("%s%s%s\n" % (x, ifs, y)) fd.close() inf = open(tmpfile) else: if input == "-": infile = None inf = sys.stdin else: infile = input if not os.path.exists(infile): gcore.fatal(_("Unable to read input data")) inf = open(infile) gcore.debug("input file=[%s]" % infile) # set up output file if not output: outfile = None outf = sys.stdout else: outfile = output outf = open(outfile, "w") gcore.debug("output file=[%s]" % outfile) # set up output style if not decimal: outfmt = ["-w5"] else: outfmt = ["-f", "%.8f"] if not copy_input: copyinp = [] else: copyinp = ["-E"] # do the conversion # Convert cs2cs DMS format to GRASS DMS format: # cs2cs | sed -e 's/d/:/g' -e "s/'/:/g" -e 's/"//g' cmd = ["cs2cs" ] + copyinp + outfmt + in_proj.split() + ["+to"] + out_proj.split() p = gcore.Popen(cmd, stdin=gcore.PIPE, stdout=gcore.PIPE) tr = TrThread(ifs, inf, p.stdin) tr.start() if not copy_input: if include_header: outf.write("x%sy%sz\n" % (ofs, ofs)) for line in p.stdout: try: xy, z = decode(line).split(" ", 1) x, y = xy.split("\t") except ValueError: gcore.fatal(line) outf.write("%s%s%s%s%s\n" % (x.strip(), ofs, y.strip(), ofs, z.strip())) else: if include_header: outf.write("input_x%sinput_y%sx%sy%sz\n" % (ofs, ofs, ofs, ofs)) for line in p.stdout: inXYZ, x, rest = decode(line).split("\t") inX, inY = inXYZ.split(" ")[:2] y, z = rest.split(" ", 1) outf.write("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n" % ( inX.strip(), ofs, inY.strip(), ofs, x.strip(), ofs, y.strip(), ofs, z.strip(), )) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: gcore.warning( _("Projection transform probably failed, please investigate"))
def main(): out = options["output"] wfs_url = options["url"] request_base = "REQUEST=GetFeature&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0" wfs_url += request_base if options["name"]: wfs_url += "&TYPENAME=" + options["name"] if options["srs"]: wfs_url += "&SRS=" + options["srs"] if options["maximum_features"]: wfs_url += "&MAXFEATURES=" + options["maximum_features"] if int(options["maximum_features"]) < 1: # GTC Invalid WFS maximum features parameter grass.fatal(_("Invalid maximum number of features")) if options["start_index"]: wfs_url += "&STARTINDEX=" + options["start_index"] if int(options["start_index"]) < 1: # GTC Invalid WFS start index parameter grass.fatal(_('Features begin with index "1"')) if flags["r"]: bbox = grass.read_command("g.region", flags="w").split("=")[1] wfs_url += "&BBOX=" + bbox if flags["l"]: wfs_url = options[ "url"] + "REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0" tmp = grass.tempfile() tmpxml = tmp + ".xml" grass.debug(wfs_url) # Set user and password if given if options["username"] and options["password"]: grass.message(_("Setting username and password...")) if os.path.isfile(options["username"]): with open(options["username"]) as f: filecontent = user = filecontent.strip() elif options["username"] in os.environ: user = os.environ[options["username"]] else: user = options["username"] if os.path.isfile(options["password"]): with open(options["password"]) as f: filecontent = pw = filecontent.strip() elif options["password"] in os.environ: pw = os.environ[options["password"]] else: pw = options["password"] passmgr = HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() passmgr.add_password(None, wfs_url, user, pw) authhandler = HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passmgr) opener = build_opener(authhandler) install_opener(opener) # GTC Downloading WFS features grass.message(_("Retrieving data...")) try: inf = urlopen(wfs_url) except HTTPError as e: # GTC WFS request HTTP failure grass.fatal( _("The server couldn't fulfill the request.\nError code: %s") % e.code) except URLError as e: # GTC WFS request network failure grass.fatal(_("Failed to reach the server.\nReason: %s") % e.reason) outf = open(tmpxml, "wb") while True: s = if not s: break outf.write(s) inf.close() outf.close() if flags["l"]: import shutil if os.path.exists("wms_capabilities.xml"): grass.fatal( _('A file called "wms_capabilities.xml" already exists here')) # os.move() might fail if the temp file is on another volume, so we copy instead shutil.copy(tmpxml, "wms_capabilities.xml") try_remove(tmpxml) sys.exit(0) grass.message(_("Importing data...")) try: grass.run_command("", flags="o", input=tmpxml, output=out) grass.message(_("Vector map <%s> imported from WFS.") % out) except: grass.message(_("WFS import failed")) finally: try_remove(tmpxml)
def _debug(level, message): """Show debug message""" # this has interface as originally used GUI Debug but uses grass.script gcore.debug(message, level)
def main(): input = options["input"] output = options["output"] fs = options["fs"] proj_in = options["proj_input"] proj_out = options["proj_output"] ll_in = flags["i"] ll_out = flags["o"] decimal = flags["d"] copy_input = flags["e"] include_header = flags["c"] #### check for cs2cs if not grass.find_program("cs2cs"): grass.fatal(_("cs2cs program not found, install PROJ.4 first:")) #### check for overenthusiasm if proj_in and ll_in: grass.fatal(_("Choose only one input parameter method")) if proj_out and ll_out: grass.fatal(_("Choose only one output parameter method")) if ll_in and ll_out: grass.fatal(_("Choise only one auto-projection parameter method")) if output and not grass.overwrite() and os.path.exists(output): grass.fatal(_("Output file already exists")) #### parse field separator # FIXME: input_x,y needs to split on multiple whitespace between them if fs == ",": ifs = ofs = "," else: try: ifs, ofs = fs.split(",") except ValueError: ifs = ofs = fs ifs = ifs.lower() ofs = ofs.lower() if ifs in ("space", "tab"): ifs = " " elif ifs == "comma": ifs = "," else: if len(ifs) > 1: grass.warning(_("Invalid field separator, using '%s'") % ifs[0]) try: ifs = ifs[0] except IndexError: grass.fatal(_("Invalid field separator '%s'") % ifs) if ofs.lower() == "space": ofs = " " elif ofs.lower() == "tab": ofs = "\t" elif ofs.lower() == "comma": ofs = "," else: if len(ofs) > 1: grass.warning(_("Invalid field separator, using '%s'") % ofs[0]) try: ofs = ofs[0] except IndexError: grass.fatal(_("Invalid field separator '%s'") % ifs) #### set up projection params s = grass.read_command("g.proj", flags="j") kv = grass.parse_key_val(s) if "XY location" in kv["+proj"] and (ll_in or ll_out): grass.fatal(_("Unable to project to or from a XY location")) in_proj = None if ll_in: in_proj = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84" grass.verbose("Assuming LL WGS84 as input, current projection as output ") if ll_out: in_proj = grass.read_command("g.proj", flags="jf") if proj_in: in_proj = proj_in if not in_proj: grass.verbose("Assuming current location as input") in_proj = grass.read_command("g.proj", flags="jf") in_proj = in_proj.strip() grass.verbose("Input parameters: '%s'" % in_proj) out_proj = None if ll_out: out_proj = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84" grass.verbose("Assuming current projection as input, LL WGS84 as output ") if ll_in: out_proj = grass.read_command("g.proj", flags="jf") if proj_out: out_proj = proj_out if not out_proj: grass.fatal(_("Missing output projection parameters ")) out_proj = out_proj.strip() grass.verbose("Output parameters: '%s'" % out_proj) #### set up input file if input == "-": infile = None inf = sys.stdin else: infile = input if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_("Unable to read input data")) inf = file(infile) grass.debug("input file=[%s]" % infile) #### set up output file if not output: outfile = None outf = sys.stdout else: outfile = output outf = open(outfile, "w") grass.debug("output file=[%s]" % outfile) #### set up output style if not decimal: outfmt = ["-w5"] else: outfmt = ["-f", "%.8f"] if not copy_input: copyinp = [] else: copyinp = ["-E"] #### do the conversion # Convert cs2cs DMS format to GRASS DMS format: # cs2cs | sed -e 's/d/:/g' -e "s/'/:/g" -e 's/"//g' cmd = ["cs2cs"] + copyinp + outfmt + in_proj.split() + ["+to"] + out_proj.split() p = grass.Popen(cmd, stdin=grass.PIPE, stdout=grass.PIPE) tr = TrThread(ifs, inf, p.stdin) tr.start() if not copy_input: if include_header: outf.write("x%sy%sz\n" % (ofs, ofs)) for line in p.stdout: xy, z = line.split(" ", 1) x, y = xy.split("\t") outf.write("%s%s%s%s%s\n" % (x.strip(), ofs, y.strip(), ofs, z.strip())) else: if include_header: outf.write("input_x%sinput_y%sx%sy%sz\n" % (ofs, ofs, ofs, ofs)) for line in p.stdout: inXYZ, x, rest = line.split("\t") inX, inY = inXYZ.split(" ")[:2] y, z = rest.split(" ", 1) outf.write( "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n" % (inX.strip(), ofs, inY.strip(), ofs, x.strip(), ofs, y.strip(), ofs, z.strip()) ) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: grass.warning(_("Projection transform probably failed, please investigate"))
def main(): infile = options["input"] global tmp_dir tmp_dir = grass.tempdir() grass.debug("tmp_dir = {tmpdir}".format(tmpdir=tmp_dir)) if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_("File {name} not found.".format(name=infile))) gisenv = grass.gisenv() mset_dir = os.path.join(gisenv["GISDBASE"], gisenv["LOCATION_NAME"], gisenv["MAPSET"]) input_base = os.path.basename(infile) shutil.copyfile(infile, os.path.join(tmp_dir, input_base)) os.chdir(tmp_dir) tar =, mode="r") try: data_names = [ for tarinfo in tar.getmembers() if "/" not in ] except: grass.fatal(_("Pack file unreadable")) if flags["p"]: # print proj info and exit try: for fname in ["PROJ_INFO", "PROJ_UNITS"]: f = tar.extractfile("{}/{}".format(data_names[0], fname)) sys.stdout.write( except KeyError: grass.fatal( _("Pack file unreadable: file '{}' missing".format(fname))) tar.close() return 0 if options["output"]: map_name = options["output"] else: map_name = data_names[0].split("@")[0] gfile = grass.find_file(name=map_name, element="cell", mapset=".") if gfile["file"]: if os.environ.get("GRASS_OVERWRITE", "0") != "1": grass.fatal( _("Raster map <{name}> already exists".format(name=map_name))) else: grass.warning( _("Raster map <{name}> already exists and will be overwritten". format(name=map_name))) # extract data tar.extractall() tar.close() os.chdir(data_names[0]) if os.path.exists("cell"): pass elif os.path.exists("coor"): grass.fatal( _("This GRASS GIS pack file contains vector data. Use " "v.unpack to unpack <{name}>".format(name=map_name))) else: grass.fatal(_("Pack file unreadable")) # check projection compatibility in a rather crappy way if flags["o"]: grass.warning( _("Overriding projection check (using current location's projection)." )) else: diff_result_1 = diff_result_2 = None proj_info_file_1 = "PROJ_INFO" proj_info_file_2 = os.path.join(mset_dir, "..", "PERMANENT", "PROJ_INFO") skip_projection_check = False if not os.path.exists(proj_info_file_1): if os.path.exists(proj_info_file_2): grass.fatal( _("PROJ_INFO file is missing, unpack raster map in XY (unprojected) location." )) skip_projection_check = True # XY location if not skip_projection_check: if not grass.compare_key_value_text_files( filename_a=proj_info_file_1, filename_b=proj_info_file_2, proj=True): diff_result_1 = diff_files(proj_info_file_1, proj_info_file_2) proj_units_file_1 = "PROJ_UNITS" proj_units_file_2 = os.path.join(mset_dir, "..", "PERMANENT", "PROJ_UNITS") if not grass.compare_key_value_text_files( filename_a=proj_units_file_1, filename_b=proj_units_file_2, units=True): diff_result_2 = diff_files(proj_units_file_1, proj_units_file_2) if diff_result_1 or diff_result_2: if diff_result_1: grass.warning( _("Difference between PROJ_INFO file of packed map " "and of current location:\n{diff}").format( diff="".join(diff_result_1))) if diff_result_2: grass.warning( _("Difference between PROJ_UNITS file of packed map " "and of current location:\n{diff}").format( diff="".join(diff_result_2))) grass.fatal( _("Projection of dataset does not appear to match current location." " In case of no significant differences in the projection definitions," " use the -o flag to ignore them and use" " current location definition.")) maps = [] vrt_file = None for index, data in enumerate(data_names): if index > 0: map_name = data for element in [ "cats", "cell", "cellhd", "cell_misc", "colr", "fcell", "hist" ]: src_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, data, element) if not os.path.exists(src_path): continue path = os.path.join(mset_dir, element) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if element == "cell_misc": if index > 0: maps.append( "{map_name}@{mapset}".format( map_name=map_name, mapset=gisenv["MAPSET"], ), ) path = os.path.join( mset_dir, element, map_name, ) if index == 0: vrt_file = os.path.join(path, "vrt") if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) shutil.copytree(src_path, path) else: shutil.copyfile( src_path, os.path.join(mset_dir, element, map_name), ) # Update vrt file if maps: if vrt_file and os.path.exists(vrt_file): files = "\n".join(maps) with open(vrt_file, "w") as f: f.write(files) grass.message(_("Raster map <{name}> unpacked".format(name=map_name)))
def main(): # Take into account those extra pixels we'll be a addin' max_cols = int(options['maxcols']) - int(options['overlap']) max_rows = int(options['maxrows']) - int(options['overlap']) if max_cols == 0: gcore.fatal(_("It is not possibile to set 'maxcols=%s' and " "'overlap=%s'. Please set maxcols>overlap" % (options['maxcols'], options['overlap']))) elif max_rows == 0: gcore.fatal(_("It is not possibile to set 'maxrows=%s' and " "'overlap=%s'. Please set maxrows>overlap" % (options['maxrows'], options['overlap']))) # destination projection if not options['destproj']: dest_proj = gcore.read_command('g.proj', quiet=True, flags='jf').rstrip('\n') if not dest_proj: gcore.fatal(_('g.proj failed')) else: dest_proj = options['destproj'] gcore.debug("Getting destination projection -> '%s'" % dest_proj) # projection scale if not options['destscale']: ret = gcore.parse_command('g.proj', quiet=True, flags='j') if not ret: gcore.fatal(_('g.proj failed')) if '+to_meter' in ret: dest_scale = ret['+to_meter'].strip() else: gcore.warning( _("Scale (%s) not found, assuming '1'") % '+to_meter') dest_scale = '1' else: dest_scale = options['destscale'] gcore.debug('Getting destination projection scale -> %s' % dest_scale) # set up the projections srs_source = {'proj': options['sourceproj'], 'scale': float(options['sourcescale'])} srs_dest = {'proj': dest_proj, 'scale': float(dest_scale)} if options['region']: gcore.run_command('g.region', quiet=True, region=options['region']) dest_bbox = gcore.region() gcore.debug('Getting destination region') # output field separator fs = separator(options['separator']) # project the destination region into the source: gcore.verbose('Projecting destination region into source...') dest_bbox_points = bboxToPoints(dest_bbox) dest_bbox_source_points, errors_dest = projectPoints(dest_bbox_points, source=srs_dest, dest=srs_source) if len(dest_bbox_source_points) == 0: gcore.fatal(_("There are no tiles available. Probably the output " "projection system it is not compatible with the " "projection of the current location")) source_bbox = pointsToBbox(dest_bbox_source_points) gcore.verbose('Projecting source bounding box into destination...') source_bbox_points = bboxToPoints(source_bbox) source_bbox_dest_points, errors_source = projectPoints(source_bbox_points, source=srs_source, dest=srs_dest) x_metric = 1 / dest_bbox['ewres'] y_metric = 1 / dest_bbox['nsres'] gcore.verbose('Computing length of sides of source bounding box...') source_bbox_dest_lengths = sideLengths(source_bbox_dest_points, x_metric, y_metric) # Find the skewedness of the two directions. # Define it to be greater than one # In the direction (x or y) in which the world is least skewed (ie north south in lat long) # Divide the world into strips. These strips are as big as possible contrained by max_ # In the other direction do the same thing. # Theres some recomputation of the size of the world that's got to come in # here somewhere. # For now, however, we are going to go ahead and request more data than is necessary. # For small regions far from the critical areas of projections this makes very little difference # in the amount of data gotten. # We can make this efficient for big regions or regions near critical # points later. bigger = [] bigger.append(max(source_bbox_dest_lengths['x'])) bigger.append(max(source_bbox_dest_lengths['y'])) maxdim = (max_cols, max_rows) # Compute the number and size of tiles to use in each direction # I'm making fairly even sized tiles # They differer from each other in height and width only by one cell # I'm going to make the numbers all simpler and add this extra cell to # every tile. gcore.message(_('Computing tiling...')) tiles = [-1, -1] tile_base_size = [-1, -1] tiles_extra_1 = [-1, -1] tile_size = [-1, -1] tileset_size = [-1, -1] tile_size_overlap = [-1, -1] for i in range(len(bigger)): # make these into integers. # round up bigger[i] = int(bigger[i] + 1) tiles[i] = int((bigger[i] / maxdim[i]) + 1) tile_size[i] = tile_base_size[i] = int(bigger[i] / tiles[i]) tiles_extra_1[i] = int(bigger[i] % tiles[i]) # This is adding the extra pixel (remainder) to all of the tiles: if tiles_extra_1[i] > 0: tile_size[i] = tile_base_size[i] + 1 tileset_size[i] = int(tile_size[i] * tiles[i]) # Add overlap to tiles (doesn't effect tileset_size tile_size_overlap[i] = tile_size[i] + int(options['overlap']) gcore.verbose("There will be %d by %d tiles each %d by %d cells" % (tiles[0], tiles[1], tile_size[0], tile_size[1])) ximax = tiles[0] yimax = tiles[1] min_x = source_bbox['w'] min_y = source_bbox['s'] max_x = source_bbox['e'] max_y = source_bbox['n'] span_x = (max_x - min_x) span_y = (max_y - min_y) xi = 0 tile_bbox = {'w': -1, 's': -1, 'e': -1, 'n': -1} if errors_dest > 0: gcore.warning(_("During computation %i tiles could not be created" % errors_dest)) while xi < ximax: tile_bbox['w'] = float( min_x) + (float(xi) * float(tile_size[0]) / float(tileset_size[0])) * float(span_x) tile_bbox['e'] = float(min_x) + (float(xi + 1) * float(tile_size_overlap[0] ) / float(tileset_size[0])) * float(span_x) yi = 0 while yi < yimax: tile_bbox['s'] = float( min_y) + (float(yi) * float(tile_size[1]) / float(tileset_size[1])) * float(span_y) tile_bbox['n'] = float(min_y) + ( float(yi + 1) * float(tile_size_overlap[1]) / float(tileset_size[1])) * float(span_y) tile_bbox_points = bboxToPoints(tile_bbox) tile_dest_bbox_points, errors = projectPoints(tile_bbox_points, source=srs_source, dest=srs_dest) tile_dest_bbox = pointsToBbox(tile_dest_bbox_points) if bboxesIntersect(tile_dest_bbox, dest_bbox): if flags['w']: print("bbox=%s,%s,%s,%s&width=%s&height=%s" % (tile_bbox['w'], tile_bbox['s'], tile_bbox['e'], tile_bbox['n'], tile_size_overlap[0], tile_size_overlap[1])) elif flags['g']: print("w=%s;s=%s;e=%s;n=%s;cols=%s;rows=%s" % (tile_bbox['w'], tile_bbox['s'], tile_bbox['e'], tile_bbox['n'], tile_size_overlap[0], tile_size_overlap[1])) else: print("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (tile_bbox['w'], fs, tile_bbox['s'], fs, tile_bbox['e'], fs, tile_bbox['n'], fs, tile_size_overlap[0], fs, tile_size_overlap[1])) yi += 1 xi += 1
def main(): global tmp fs = separator(options["separator"]) threeD = flags["z"] if threeD: do3D = "z" else: do3D = "" tmp = grass.tempfile() # set up input file if options["input"] == "-": infile = None inf = sys.stdin else: infile = options["input"] if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_("Unable to read input file <%s>") % infile) grass.debug("input file=[%s]" % infile) if not infile: # read from stdin and write to tmpfile ( wants a real file) outf = open(tmp, "w") for line in inf: if len(line.lstrip()) == 0 or line[0] == "#": continue outf.write(line.replace(fs, " ")) outf.close() runfile = tmp else: # read from a real file if fs == " ": runfile = infile else: inf = open(infile) outf = open(tmp, "w") for line in inf: if len(line.lstrip()) == 0 or line[0] == "#": continue outf.write(line.replace(fs, " ")) inf.close() outf.close() runfile = tmp # check that there are at least two columns (three if -z is given) inf = open(runfile) for line in inf: if len(line.lstrip()) == 0 or line[0] == "#": continue numcols = len(line.split()) break inf.close() if (do3D and numcols < 3) or (not do3D and numcols < 2): grass.fatal(_("Not enough data columns. (incorrect fs setting?)")) grass.run_command( "", flags="f" + do3D, input=runfile, output=options["output"] )
def main(): infile = options['input'] compression_off = flags['c'] mapset = None if '@' in infile: infile, mapset = infile.split('@') if options['output']: outfile_path, outfile_base = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(options['output'])) else: outfile_path, outfile_base = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(infile + ".pack")) outfile = os.path.join(outfile_path, outfile_base) global tmp tmp = grass.tempdir() tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp, infile) os.mkdir(tmp_dir) grass.debug('tmp_dir = %s' % tmp_dir) gfile = grass.find_file(name = infile, element = 'cell', mapset = mapset) if not gfile['name']: grass.fatal(_("Raster map <%s> not found") % infile) if os.path.exists(outfile): if os.getenv('GRASS_OVERWRITE'): grass.warning(_("Pack file <%s> already exists and will be overwritten") % outfile) try_remove(outfile) else: grass.fatal(_("option <output>: <%s> exists.") % outfile) grass.message(_("Packing <%s> to <%s>...") % (gfile['fullname'], outfile)) basedir = os.path.sep.join(os.path.normpath(gfile['file']).split(os.path.sep)[:-2]) olddir = os.getcwd() # copy elements for element in ['cats', 'cell', 'cellhd', 'colr', 'fcell', 'hist']: path = os.path.join(basedir, element, infile) if os.path.exists(path): grass.debug('copying %s' % path) shutil.copyfile(path, os.path.join(tmp_dir, element)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(basedir, 'cell_misc', infile)): shutil.copytree(os.path.join(basedir, 'cell_misc', infile), os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'cell_misc')) if not os.listdir(tmp_dir): grass.fatal(_("No raster map components found")) # copy projection info # (would prefer to use g.proj*, but this way is 5.3 and 5.7 compat) gisenv = grass.gisenv() for support in ['INFO', 'UNITS', 'EPSG']: path = os.path.join(gisenv['GISDBASE'], gisenv['LOCATION_NAME'], 'PERMANENT', 'PROJ_' + support) if os.path.exists(path): shutil.copyfile(path, os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'PROJ_' + support)) # pack it all up os.chdir(tmp) if compression_off: tar = = outfile_base, mode = 'w:') else: tar = = outfile_base, mode = 'w:gz') tar.add(infile, recursive = True) tar.close() try: shutil.move(outfile_base, outfile) except shutil.Error as e: grass.fatal(e) os.chdir(olddir) grass.verbose(_("Raster map saved to '%s'" % outfile))
def main(): # Take into account those extra pixels we'll be a addin' max_cols = int(options['maxcols']) - int(options['overlap']) max_rows = int(options['maxrows']) - int(options['overlap']) if max_cols == 0: gcore.fatal( _("It is not possible to set 'maxcols=%s' and " "'overlap=%s'. Please set maxcols>overlap" % (options['maxcols'], options['overlap']))) elif max_rows == 0: gcore.fatal( _("It is not possible to set 'maxrows=%s' and " "'overlap=%s'. Please set maxrows>overlap" % (options['maxrows'], options['overlap']))) # destination projection if not options['destproj']: dest_proj = gcore.read_command('g.proj', quiet=True, flags='jf').rstrip('\n') if not dest_proj: gcore.fatal(_('g.proj failed')) else: dest_proj = options['destproj'] gcore.debug("Getting destination projection -> '%s'" % dest_proj) # projection scale if not options['destscale']: ret = gcore.parse_command('g.proj', quiet=True, flags='j') if not ret: gcore.fatal(_('g.proj failed')) if '+to_meter' in ret: dest_scale = ret['+to_meter'].strip() else: gcore.warning( _("Scale (%s) not found, assuming '1'") % '+to_meter') dest_scale = '1' else: dest_scale = options['destscale'] gcore.debug('Getting destination projection scale -> %s' % dest_scale) # set up the projections srs_source = { 'proj': options['sourceproj'], 'scale': float(options['sourcescale']) } srs_dest = {'proj': dest_proj, 'scale': float(dest_scale)} if options['region']: gcore.run_command('g.region', quiet=True, region=options['region']) dest_bbox = gcore.region() gcore.debug('Getting destination region') # output field separator fs = separator(options['separator']) # project the destination region into the source: gcore.verbose('Projecting destination region into source...') dest_bbox_points = bboxToPoints(dest_bbox) dest_bbox_source_points, errors_dest = projectPoints(dest_bbox_points, source=srs_dest, dest=srs_source) if len(dest_bbox_source_points) == 0: gcore.fatal( _("There are no tiles available. Probably the output " "projection system it is not compatible with the " "projection of the current location")) source_bbox = pointsToBbox(dest_bbox_source_points) gcore.verbose('Projecting source bounding box into destination...') source_bbox_points = bboxToPoints(source_bbox) source_bbox_dest_points, errors_source = projectPoints(source_bbox_points, source=srs_source, dest=srs_dest) x_metric = 1 / dest_bbox['ewres'] y_metric = 1 / dest_bbox['nsres'] gcore.verbose('Computing length of sides of source bounding box...') source_bbox_dest_lengths = sideLengths(source_bbox_dest_points, x_metric, y_metric) # Find the skewedness of the two directions. # Define it to be greater than one # In the direction (x or y) in which the world is least skewed (ie north south in lat long) # Divide the world into strips. These strips are as big as possible contrained by max_ # In the other direction do the same thing. # There's some recomputation of the size of the world that's got to come in # here somewhere. # For now, however, we are going to go ahead and request more data than is necessary. # For small regions far from the critical areas of projections this makes very little difference # in the amount of data gotten. # We can make this efficient for big regions or regions near critical # points later. bigger = [] bigger.append(max(source_bbox_dest_lengths['x'])) bigger.append(max(source_bbox_dest_lengths['y'])) maxdim = (max_cols, max_rows) # Compute the number and size of tiles to use in each direction # I'm making fairly even sized tiles # They differer from each other in height and width only by one cell # I'm going to make the numbers all simpler and add this extra cell to # every tile. gcore.message(_('Computing tiling...')) tiles = [-1, -1] tile_base_size = [-1, -1] tiles_extra_1 = [-1, -1] tile_size = [-1, -1] tileset_size = [-1, -1] tile_size_overlap = [-1, -1] for i in range(len(bigger)): # make these into integers. # round up bigger[i] = int(bigger[i] + 1) tiles[i] = int((bigger[i] / maxdim[i]) + 1) tile_size[i] = tile_base_size[i] = int(bigger[i] / tiles[i]) tiles_extra_1[i] = int(bigger[i] % tiles[i]) # This is adding the extra pixel (remainder) to all of the tiles: if tiles_extra_1[i] > 0: tile_size[i] = tile_base_size[i] + 1 tileset_size[i] = int(tile_size[i] * tiles[i]) # Add overlap to tiles (doesn't effect tileset_size tile_size_overlap[i] = tile_size[i] + int(options['overlap']) gcore.verbose("There will be %d by %d tiles each %d by %d cells" % (tiles[0], tiles[1], tile_size[0], tile_size[1])) ximax = tiles[0] yimax = tiles[1] min_x = source_bbox['w'] min_y = source_bbox['s'] max_x = source_bbox['e'] max_y = source_bbox['n'] span_x = (max_x - min_x) span_y = (max_y - min_y) xi = 0 tile_bbox = {'w': -1, 's': -1, 'e': -1, 'n': -1} if errors_dest > 0: gcore.warning( _("During computation %i tiles could not be created" % errors_dest)) while xi < ximax: tile_bbox['w'] = float(min_x) + (float(xi) * float( tile_size[0]) / float(tileset_size[0])) * float(span_x) tile_bbox['e'] = float(min_x) + (float(xi + 1) * float( tile_size_overlap[0]) / float(tileset_size[0])) * float(span_x) yi = 0 while yi < yimax: tile_bbox['s'] = float(min_y) + (float(yi) * float( tile_size[1]) / float(tileset_size[1])) * float(span_y) tile_bbox['n'] = float(min_y) + (float(yi + 1) * float( tile_size_overlap[1]) / float(tileset_size[1])) * float(span_y) tile_bbox_points = bboxToPoints(tile_bbox) tile_dest_bbox_points, errors = projectPoints(tile_bbox_points, source=srs_source, dest=srs_dest) tile_dest_bbox = pointsToBbox(tile_dest_bbox_points) if bboxesIntersect(tile_dest_bbox, dest_bbox): if flags['w']: print("bbox=%s,%s,%s,%s&width=%s&height=%s" % (tile_bbox['w'], tile_bbox['s'], tile_bbox['e'], tile_bbox['n'], tile_size_overlap[0], tile_size_overlap[1])) elif flags['g']: print("w=%s;s=%s;e=%s;n=%s;cols=%s;rows=%s" % (tile_bbox['w'], tile_bbox['s'], tile_bbox['e'], tile_bbox['n'], tile_size_overlap[0], tile_size_overlap[1])) else: print("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (tile_bbox['w'], fs, tile_bbox['s'], fs, tile_bbox['e'], fs, tile_bbox['n'], fs, tile_size_overlap[0], fs, tile_size_overlap[1])) yi += 1 xi += 1
def main(): coords = options['coordinates'] input = options['input'] output = options['output'] fs = options['separator'] proj_in = options['proj_in'] proj_out = options['proj_out'] ll_in = flags['i'] ll_out = flags['o'] decimal = flags['d'] copy_input = flags['e'] include_header = flags['c'] #### check for cs2cs if not grass.find_program('cs2cs'): grass.fatal(_("cs2cs program not found, install PROJ.4 first:")) #### check for overenthusiasm if proj_in and ll_in: grass.fatal(_("Choose only one input parameter method")) if proj_out and ll_out: grass.fatal(_("Choose only one output parameter method")) if ll_in and ll_out: grass.fatal(_("Choise only one auto-projection parameter method")) if output and not grass.overwrite() and os.path.exists(output): grass.fatal(_("Output file already exists")) if not coords and not input: grass.fatal(_("One of <coordinates> and <input> must be given")) if coords and input: grass.fatal(_("Options <coordinates> and <input> are mutually exclusive")) #### parse field separator # FIXME: input_x,y needs to split on multiple whitespace between them if fs == ',': ifs = ofs = ',' else: try: ifs, ofs = fs.split(',') except ValueError: ifs = ofs = fs ifs = separator(ifs) ofs = separator(ofs) #### set up projection params s = grass.read_command("g.proj", flags='j') kv = parse_key_val(s) if "XY location" in kv['+proj'] and (ll_in or ll_out): grass.fatal(_("Unable to project to or from a XY location")) in_proj = None if ll_in: in_proj = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84" grass.verbose("Assuming LL WGS84 as input, current projection as output ") if ll_out: in_proj = grass.read_command('g.proj', flags = 'jf') if proj_in: in_proj = proj_in if not in_proj: grass.verbose("Assuming current location as input") in_proj = grass.read_command('g.proj', flags = 'jf') in_proj = in_proj.strip() grass.verbose("Input parameters: '%s'" % in_proj) out_proj = None if ll_out: out_proj = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84" grass.verbose("Assuming current projection as input, LL WGS84 as output ") if ll_in: out_proj = grass.read_command('g.proj', flags = 'jf') if proj_out: out_proj = proj_out if not out_proj: grass.fatal(_("Missing output projection parameters ")) out_proj = out_proj.strip() grass.verbose("Output parameters: '%s'" % out_proj) #### set up input file if coords: x, y = coords.split(',') tmpfile = grass.tempfile() fd = open(tmpfile, "w") fd.write("%s%s%s\n" % (x, ifs, y)) fd.close() inf = file(tmpfile) else: if input == '-': infile = None inf = sys.stdin else: infile = input if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_("Unable to read input data")) inf = file(infile) grass.debug("input file=[%s]" % infile) #### set up output file if not output: outfile = None outf = sys.stdout else: outfile = output outf = open(outfile, 'w') grass.debug("output file=[%s]" % outfile) #### set up output style if not decimal: outfmt = ["-w5"] else: outfmt = ["-f", "%.8f"] if not copy_input: copyinp = [] else: copyinp = ["-E"] #### do the conversion # Convert cs2cs DMS format to GRASS DMS format: # cs2cs | sed -e 's/d/:/g' -e "s/'/:/g" -e 's/"//g' cmd = ['cs2cs'] + copyinp + outfmt + in_proj.split() + ['+to'] + out_proj.split() p = grass.Popen(cmd, stdin = grass.PIPE, stdout = grass.PIPE) tr = TrThread(ifs, inf, p.stdin) tr.start() if not copy_input: if include_header: outf.write("x%sy%sz\n" % (ofs, ofs)) for line in p.stdout: try: xy, z = line.split(' ', 1) x, y = xy.split('\t') except ValueError: grass.fatal(line) outf.write('%s%s%s%s%s\n' % \ (x.strip(), ofs, y.strip(), ofs, z.strip())) else: if include_header: outf.write("input_x%sinput_y%sx%sy%sz\n" % (ofs, ofs, ofs, ofs)) for line in p.stdout: inXYZ, x, rest = line.split('\t') inX, inY = inXYZ.split(' ')[:2] y, z = rest.split(' ', 1) outf.write('%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n' % \ (inX.strip(), ofs, inY.strip(), ofs, x.strip(), \ ofs, y.strip(), ofs, z.strip())) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: grass.warning(_("Projection transform probably failed, please investigate"))
def main(): out = options['output'] wfs_url = options['url'] request_base = 'REQUEST=GetFeature&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0' wfs_url += request_base if options['name']: wfs_url += '&TYPENAME=' + options['name'] if options['srs']: wfs_url += '&SRS=' + options['srs'] if options['maximum_features']: wfs_url += '&MAXFEATURES=' + options['maximum_features'] if int(options['maximum_features']) < 1: grass.fatal('Invalid maximum number of features') if options['start_index']: wfs_url += '&STARTINDEX=' + options['start_index'] if int(options['start_index']) < 1: grass.fatal('Features begin with index "1"') if flags['r']: bbox = grass.read_command("g.region", flags = 'w').split('=')[1] wfs_url += '&BBOX=' + bbox if flags['l']: wfs_url = options['url'] + 'REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0' tmp = grass.tempfile() tmpxml = tmp + '.xml' grass.debug(wfs_url) grass.message(_("Retrieving data...")) inf = urllib.urlopen(wfs_url) outf = file(tmpxml, 'wb') while True: s = if not s: break outf.write(s) inf.close() outf.close() if flags['l']: import shutil if os.path.exists('wms_capabilities.xml'): grass.fatal('A file called "wms_capabilities.xml" already exists here') # os.move() might fail if the temp file is on another volume, so we copy instead shutil.copy(tmpxml, 'wms_capabilities.xml') try_remove(tmpxml) sys.exit(0) grass.message(_("Importing data...")) ret = grass.run_command('', flags = 'o', dsn = tmpxml, out = out) try_remove(tmpxml) if ret == 0: grass.message(_("Vector points map <%s> imported from WFS.") % out) else: grass.message(_("WFS import failed"))
def main(): infile = options['input'] output = options['output'] method = options['method'] dtype = options['type'] fs = options['separator'] x = options['x'] y = options['y'] z = options['z'] value_column = options['value_column'] vrange = options['vrange'] vscale = options['vscale'] percent = options['percent'] pth = options['pth'] trim = options['trim'] workers = int(options['workers']) scan_only = flags['s'] shell_style = flags['g'] ignore_broken = flags['i'] if workers is 1 and "WORKERS" in os.environ: workers = int(os.environ["WORKERS"]) if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_("Unable to read input file <%s>") % infile) addl_opts = {} if pth: addl_opts['pth'] = '%s' % pth if trim: addl_opts['trim'] = '%s' % trim if value_column: addl_opts['value_column'] = '%s' % value_column if vrange: addl_opts['vrange'] = '%s' % vrange if vscale: addl_opts['vscale'] = '%s' % vscale if ignore_broken: addl_opts['flags'] = 'i' if scan_only or shell_style: if shell_style: doShell = 'g' else: doShell = '' grass.run_command('', flags='s' + doShell, input=infile, output='dummy', sep=fs, x=x, y=y, z=z, **addl_opts) sys.exit() if dtype == 'float': data_type = 'FCELL' else: data_type = 'DCELL' region = grass.region(region3d=True) if region['nsres'] != region['nsres3'] or region['ewres'] != region['ewres3']: grass.run_command('g.region', flags='3p') grass.fatal(_("The 2D and 3D region settings are different. Can not continue.")) grass.verbose(_("Region bottom=%.15g top=%.15g vertical_cell_res=%.15g (%d depths)") % (region['b'], region['t'], region['tbres'], region['depths'])) grass.verbose(_("Creating slices ...")) # to avoid a point which falls exactly on a top bound from being # considered twice, we shrink the # For the top slice we keep it though, as someone scanning the bounds # may have set the bounds exactly to the data extent (a bad idea, but # it happens..) eps = 1.0e-15 # if there are thousands of depths hopefully this array doesn't get too # large and so we don't have to worry much about storing/looping through # all the finished process infos. proc = {} pout = {} depths = list(range(1, 1 + region['depths'])) for i in depths: tmp_layer_name = 'tmp.r3xyz.%d.%s' % (os.getpid(), '%05d' % i) zrange_min = region['b'] + (region['tbres'] * (i - 1)) if i < region['depths']: zrange_max = region['b'] + (region['tbres'] * i) - eps else: zrange_max = region['b'] + (region['tbres'] * i) # spawn depth layer import job in the background #grass.debug("slice %d, <%s> %% %d" % (band, image[band], band % workers)) grass.message(_("Processing horizontal slice %d of %d [%.15g,%.15g) ...") % (i, region['depths'], zrange_min, zrange_max)) proc[i] = grass.start_command('', input=infile, output=tmp_layer_name, sep=fs, method=method, x=x, y=y, z=z, percent=percent, type=data_type, zrange='%.15g,%.15g' % (zrange_min, zrange_max), **addl_opts) grass.debug("i=%d, %%=%d (workers=%d)" % (i, i % workers, workers)) # print sys.getsizeof(proc) # sizeof(proc array) [not so big] if i % workers is 0: # wait for the ones launched so far to finish for p_i in depths[:i]: pout[p_i] = proc[p_i].communicate()[0] if proc[p_i].wait() is not 0: grass.fatal(_("Trouble importing data. Aborting.")) # wait for jSobs to finish, collect any stray output for i in depths: pout[i] = proc[i].communicate()[0] if proc[i].wait() is not 0: grass.fatal(_("Trouble importing data. Aborting.")) del proc grass.verbose(_("Assembling 3D cube ...")) # input order: lower most strata first slices = grass.read_command('g.list', type='raster', sep=',', pattern='tmp.r3xyz.%d.*' % os.getpid()).rstrip(os.linesep) grass.debug(slices) try: grass.run_command('', input=slices, output=output) except CalledModuleError: grass.message(_("Done. 3D raster map <%s> created.") % output)
def main(): export_shifted = flags['s'] currmapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] #### check for, v.out.ply if not grass.find_program("", '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The GRASS addon was not found, please install it first.\n" )) if not grass.find_program("v.out.ply", '--help'): grass.fatal( _("The GRASS addon v.out.ply was not found, please install it first.\n" )) # import input PLY file infile = options['input'] if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_("Unable to read input file <%s>") % infile) grass.debug("input file=[%s]" % infile) if not infile[-4:].lower() == '.ply': grass.fatal(_("Input file must end with .ply or .PLY")) gcpfile = infile[:-4] + ".txt" srcdir, ply = os.path.split(infile) ply = ply[:-4] if not os.path.exists(gcpfile): gcpfile = infile[:-4] + ".TXT" if not os.path.exists(gcpfile): grass.fatal( _("Input file with GCPs must be <%s> or <%s>") % ply + ".txt", ply + ".TXT") if options['output'] is not None and options['output'] != '': ply = options['output'] clist = list() plydesc = grass.read_command('', flags='p', input=infile, output=ply) # remember column names for vertices currname = '' currprop = '' for l in plydesc.splitlines(): f = l.split(':') if f[0] == 'element name': # new element currname = f[1].strip() currprop = '' if f[0] == 'property name': currprop = f[1].strip() if currname == 'vertex' and currprop not in ['x', 'y', 'z']: clist.append(currprop) columns = ','.join(clist) grass.run_command('', flags='b', input=infile, output=ply) # import vector exists? found = grass.find_file(ply, element='vector', mapset=currmapset) if found['name'] != ply: grass.fatal(_('PLY import failed!')) # detach table table = gvector.vector_layer_db(map=ply, layer=1)['table'] grass.run_command('v.db.connect', map=ply, layer=1, flags='d') # print RMS rmsfile = os.path.join(srcdir, ply + "_rms.csv") grass.run_command('v.rectify', input=ply, output=ply + '_georef', points=gcpfile, flags='3bor', separator=';', rmsfile=rmsfile) # georectify ply_georef = ply + '_georef' grass.run_command('v.rectify', input=ply, output=ply_georef, points=gcpfile, flags='3bo') # output vector exists? found = grass.find_file(ply_georef, element='vector', mapset=currmapset) if found['name'] != ply_georef: grass.run_command('v.db.connect', map=ply, layer=1, table=table, key='cat') grass.fatal('PLY import failed!') grass.run_command('v.db.connect', map=ply_georef, layer=1, table=table, key='cat') output = os.path.join(srcdir, ply_georef + '.ply') grass.run_command('v.out.ply', input=ply_georef, output=output, columns=columns) grass.run_command('v.db.connect', map=ply_georef, layer=1, flags='d') if export_shifted: vinfo = gvector.vector_info(map=ply_georef) north_center = (float(vinfo['north']) + float(vinfo['south'])) / -2.0 east_center = (float(vinfo['east']) + float(vinfo['west'])) / -2.0 height_center = (float(vinfo['top']) + float(vinfo['bottom'])) / -2.0 ply_shifted = ply_georef + '_shifted' grass.run_command('v.transform', input=ply_georef, layer=-1, output=ply_shifted, xshift=east_center, yshift=north_center, zshift=height_center, xscale=1.0, yscale=1.0, zscale=1.0, zrot=0.0, flags='b') # output vector exists? found = grass.find_file(ply_shifted, element='vector', mapset=currmapset) if found['name'] != ply_shifted: grass.run_command('v.db.connect', map=ply, layer=1, table=table, key='cat') grass.fatal('PLY import failed!') grass.run_command('v.db.connect', map=ply_shifted, layer=1, table=table, key='cat') output = os.path.join(srcdir, ply_shifted + '.ply') grass.run_command('v.out.ply', input=ply_shifted, output=output, columns=columns) grass.run_command('v.db.connect', map=ply_shifted, layer=1, flags='d') grass.run_command('v.db.connect', map=ply, layer=1, table=table, key='cat') grass.message( _("Done: Pointcloud '%s' has been successfully imported, georeferenced, and exported" ) % ply)
def main(): export_shifted = flags["s"] currmapset = grass.gisenv()["MAPSET"] #### check for, v.out.ply if not grass.find_program("", "--help"): grass.fatal( _("The GRASS addon was not found, please install it first.\n" )) if not grass.find_program("v.out.ply", "--help"): grass.fatal( _("The GRASS addon v.out.ply was not found, please install it first.\n" )) # import input PLY file infile = options["input"] if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_("Unable to read input file <%s>") % infile) grass.debug("input file=[%s]" % infile) if not infile[-4:].lower() == ".ply": grass.fatal(_("Input file must end with .ply or .PLY")) gcpfile = infile[:-4] + ".txt" srcdir, ply = os.path.split(infile) ply = ply[:-4] if not os.path.exists(gcpfile): gcpfile = infile[:-4] + ".TXT" if not os.path.exists(gcpfile): grass.fatal( _("Input file with GCPs must be <%s> or <%s>") % ply + ".txt", ply + ".TXT", ) if options["output"] is not None and options["output"] != "": ply = options["output"] clist = list() plydesc = grass.read_command("", flags="p", input=infile, output=ply) # remember column names for vertices currname = "" currprop = "" for l in plydesc.splitlines(): f = l.split(":") if f[0] == "element name": # new element currname = f[1].strip() currprop = "" if f[0] == "property name": currprop = f[1].strip() if currname == "vertex" and currprop not in ["x", "y", "z"]: clist.append(currprop) columns = ",".join(clist) grass.run_command("", flags="b", input=infile, output=ply) # import vector exists? found = grass.find_file(ply, element="vector", mapset=currmapset) if found["name"] != ply: grass.fatal(_("PLY import failed!")) # detach table table = gvector.vector_layer_db(map=ply, layer=1)["table"] grass.run_command("v.db.connect", map=ply, layer=1, flags="d") # print RMS rmsfile = os.path.join(srcdir, ply + "_rms.csv") grass.run_command( "v.rectify", input=ply, output=ply + "_georef", points=gcpfile, flags="3bor", separator=";", rmsfile=rmsfile, ) # georectify ply_georef = ply + "_georef" grass.run_command("v.rectify", input=ply, output=ply_georef, points=gcpfile, flags="3bo") # output vector exists? found = grass.find_file(ply_georef, element="vector", mapset=currmapset) if found["name"] != ply_georef: grass.run_command("v.db.connect", map=ply, layer=1, table=table, key="cat") grass.fatal("PLY import failed!") grass.run_command("v.db.connect", map=ply_georef, layer=1, table=table, key="cat") output = os.path.join(srcdir, ply_georef + ".ply") grass.run_command("v.out.ply", input=ply_georef, output=output, columns=columns) grass.run_command("v.db.connect", map=ply_georef, layer=1, flags="d") if export_shifted: vinfo = gvector.vector_info(map=ply_georef) north_center = (float(vinfo["north"]) + float(vinfo["south"])) / -2.0 east_center = (float(vinfo["east"]) + float(vinfo["west"])) / -2.0 height_center = (float(vinfo["top"]) + float(vinfo["bottom"])) / -2.0 ply_shifted = ply_georef + "_shifted" grass.run_command( "v.transform", input=ply_georef, layer=-1, output=ply_shifted, xshift=east_center, yshift=north_center, zshift=height_center, xscale=1.0, yscale=1.0, zscale=1.0, zrot=0.0, flags="b", ) # output vector exists? found = grass.find_file(ply_shifted, element="vector", mapset=currmapset) if found["name"] != ply_shifted: grass.run_command("v.db.connect", map=ply, layer=1, table=table, key="cat") grass.fatal("PLY import failed!") grass.run_command("v.db.connect", map=ply_shifted, layer=1, table=table, key="cat") output = os.path.join(srcdir, ply_shifted + ".ply") grass.run_command("v.out.ply", input=ply_shifted, output=output, columns=columns) grass.run_command("v.db.connect", map=ply_shifted, layer=1, flags="d") grass.run_command("v.db.connect", map=ply, layer=1, table=table, key="cat") grass.message( _("Done: Pointcloud '%s' has been successfully imported, georeferenced, and exported" ) % ply)
def main(): global tmp fs = separator(options['separator']) threeD = flags['z'] prog = '' if threeD: do3D = 'z' else: do3D = '' tmp = grass.tempfile() #### set up input file if options['input'] == '-': infile = None inf = sys.stdin else: infile = options['input'] if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_("Unable to read input file <%s>") % infile) grass.debug("input file=[%s]" % infile) if not infile: # read from stdin and write to tmpfile ( wants a real file) outf = file(tmp, 'w') for line in inf: if len(line.lstrip()) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue outf.write(line.replace(fs, ' ')) outf.close() runfile = tmp else: # read from a real file if fs == ' ': runfile = infile else: inf = file(infile) outf = file(tmp, 'w') for line in inf: if len(line.lstrip()) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue outf.write(line.replace(fs, ' ')) inf.close() outf.close() runfile = tmp ##### check that there are at least two columns (three if -z is given) inf = file(runfile) for line in inf: if len(line.lstrip()) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue numcols = len(line.split()) break inf.close() if (do3D and numcols < 3) or (not do3D and numcols < 2): grass.fatal(_("Not enough data columns. (incorrect fs setting?)")) grass.run_command('', flags = 'f' + do3D, input = runfile, output = options['output'])
def main(): infile = options['input'] global tmp_dir tmp_dir = grass.tempdir() grass.debug('tmp_dir = {tmpdir}'.format(tmpdir=tmp_dir)) if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_('File {name} not found.'.format(name=infile))) gisenv = grass.gisenv() mset_dir = os.path.join(gisenv['GISDBASE'], gisenv['LOCATION_NAME'], gisenv['MAPSET']) input_base = os.path.basename(infile) shutil.copyfile(infile, os.path.join(tmp_dir, input_base)) os.chdir(tmp_dir) tar =, mode='r') try: data_name = tar.getnames()[0] except: grass.fatal(_("Pack file unreadable")) if options['output']: map_name = options['output'] else: map_name = data_name.split('@')[0] gfile = grass.find_file(name=map_name, element='cell', mapset='.') if gfile['file']: if os.environ.get('GRASS_OVERWRITE', '0') != '1': grass.fatal( _('Raster map <{name}> already exists'.format(name=map_name))) else: grass.warning( _('Raster map <{name}> already exists and will be overwritten'. format(name=map_name))) # extract data tar.extractall() os.chdir(data_name) if os.path.exists('cell'): pass elif os.path.exists('coor'): grass.fatal( _('This GRASS GIS pack file contains vector data. Use ' 'v.unpack to unpack <{name}>'.format(name=map_name))) else: grass.fatal(_("Pack file unreadable")) # check projection compatibility in a rather crappy way if flags['o']: grass.warning( _("Overriding projection check (using current location's projection)." )) else: diff_result_1 = diff_result_2 = None proj_info_file_1 = 'PROJ_INFO' proj_info_file_2 = os.path.join(mset_dir, '..', 'PERMANENT', 'PROJ_INFO') skip_projection_check = False if not os.path.exists(proj_info_file_1): if os.path.exists(proj_info_file_2): grass.fatal( _("PROJ_INFO file is missing, unpack raster map in XY (unprojected) location." )) skip_projection_check = True # XY location if not skip_projection_check: if not grass.compare_key_value_text_files( filename_a=proj_info_file_1, filename_b=proj_info_file_2, proj=True): diff_result_1 = diff_files(proj_info_file_1, proj_info_file_2) proj_units_file_1 = 'PROJ_UNITS' proj_units_file_2 = os.path.join(mset_dir, '..', 'PERMANENT', 'PROJ_UNITS') if not grass.compare_key_value_text_files( filename_a=proj_units_file_1, filename_b=proj_units_file_2, units=True): diff_result_2 = diff_files(proj_units_file_1, proj_units_file_2) if diff_result_1 or diff_result_2: if diff_result_1: grass.warning( _("Difference between PROJ_INFO file of packed map " "and of current location:\n{diff}").format( diff=''.join(diff_result_1))) if diff_result_2: grass.warning( _("Difference between PROJ_UNITS file of packed map " "and of current location:\n{diff}").format( diff=''.join(diff_result_2))) grass.fatal( _("Projection of dataset does not appear to match current location." " In case of no significant differences in the projection definitions," " use the -o flag to ignore them and use" " current location definition.")) # install in $MAPSET for element in [ 'cats', 'cell', 'cellhd', 'cell_misc', 'colr', 'fcell', 'hist' ]: if not os.path.exists(element): continue path = os.path.join(mset_dir, element) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if element == 'cell_misc': path = os.path.join(mset_dir, element, map_name) if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) shutil.copytree('cell_misc', path) else: shutil.copyfile(element, os.path.join(mset_dir, element, map_name)) grass.message(_('Raster map <{name}> unpacked'.format(name=map_name)))
def main(): out = options['output'] wfs_url = options['url'] request_base = 'REQUEST=GetFeature&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0' wfs_url += request_base if options['name']: wfs_url += '&TYPENAME=' + options['name'] if options['srs']: wfs_url += '&SRS=' + options['srs'] if options['maximum_features']: wfs_url += '&MAXFEATURES=' + options['maximum_features'] if int(options['maximum_features']) < 1: grass.fatal('Invalid maximum number of features') if options['start_index']: wfs_url += '&STARTINDEX=' + options['start_index'] if int(options['start_index']) < 1: grass.fatal('Features begin with index "1"') if flags['r']: bbox = grass.read_command("g.region", flags='w').split('=')[1] wfs_url += '&BBOX=' + bbox if flags['l']: wfs_url = options[ 'url'] + 'REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0' tmp = grass.tempfile() tmpxml = tmp + '.xml' grass.debug(wfs_url) grass.message(_("Retrieving data...")) inf = urllib.urlopen(wfs_url) outf = file(tmpxml, 'wb') while True: s = if not s: break outf.write(s) inf.close() outf.close() if flags['l']: import shutil if os.path.exists('wms_capabilities.xml'): grass.fatal( 'A file called "wms_capabilities.xml" already exists here') # os.move() might fail if the temp file is on another volume, so we copy instead shutil.copy(tmpxml, 'wms_capabilities.xml') try_remove(tmpxml) sys.exit(0) grass.message(_("Importing data...")) ret = grass.run_command('', flags='o', dsn=tmpxml, out=out) try_remove(tmpxml) if ret == 0: grass.message(_("Vector points map <%s> imported from WFS.") % out) else: grass.message(_("WFS import failed"))
def main(): coords = options['coordinates'] input = options['input'] output = options['output'] fs = options['separator'] proj_in = options['proj_in'] proj_out = options['proj_out'] ll_in = flags['i'] ll_out = flags['o'] decimal = flags['d'] copy_input = flags['e'] include_header = flags['c'] # check for cs2cs if not gcore.find_program('cs2cs'): gcore.fatal( _("cs2cs program not found, install PROJ.4 first: \")) # check for overenthusiasm if proj_in and ll_in: gcore.fatal(_("Choose only one input parameter method")) if proj_out and ll_out: gcore.fatal(_("Choose only one output parameter method")) if ll_in and ll_out: gcore.fatal(_("Choose only one auto-projection parameter method")) if output and not gcore.overwrite() and os.path.exists(output): gcore.fatal(_("Output file already exists")) if not coords and not input: gcore.fatal(_("One of <coordinates> and <input> must be given")) if coords and input: gcore.fatal( _("Options <coordinates> and <input> are mutually exclusive")) # parse field separator # FIXME: input_x,y needs to split on multiple whitespace between them if fs == ',': ifs = ofs = ',' else: try: ifs, ofs = fs.split(',') except ValueError: ifs = ofs = fs ifs = separator(ifs) ofs = separator(ofs) # set up projection params s = gcore.read_command("g.proj", flags='j') kv = parse_key_val(s) if "XY location" in kv['+proj'] and (ll_in or ll_out): gcore.fatal(_("Unable to project to or from a XY location")) in_proj = None if ll_in: in_proj = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84" gcore.verbose( "Assuming LL WGS84 as input, current projection as output ") if ll_out: in_proj = gcore.read_command('g.proj', flags='jf') if proj_in: if '+' in proj_in: in_proj = proj_in else: gcore.fatal(_("Invalid PROJ.4 input specification")) if not in_proj: gcore.verbose("Assuming current location as input") in_proj = gcore.read_command('g.proj', flags='jf') in_proj = in_proj.strip() gcore.verbose("Input parameters: '%s'" % in_proj) out_proj = None if ll_out: out_proj = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84" gcore.verbose( "Assuming current projection as input, LL WGS84 as output ") if ll_in: out_proj = gcore.read_command('g.proj', flags='jf') if proj_out: if '+' in proj_out: out_proj = proj_out else: gcore.fatal(_("Invalid PROJ.4 output specification")) if not out_proj: gcore.fatal(_("Missing output projection parameters ")) out_proj = out_proj.strip() gcore.verbose("Output parameters: '%s'" % out_proj) # set up input file if coords: x, y = coords.split(',') tmpfile = gcore.tempfile() fd = open(tmpfile, "w") fd.write("%s%s%s\n" % (x, ifs, y)) fd.close() inf = file(tmpfile) else: if input == '-': infile = None inf = sys.stdin else: infile = input if not os.path.exists(infile): gcore.fatal(_("Unable to read input data")) inf = file(infile) gcore.debug("input file=[%s]" % infile) # set up output file if not output: outfile = None outf = sys.stdout else: outfile = output outf = open(outfile, 'w') gcore.debug("output file=[%s]" % outfile) # set up output style if not decimal: outfmt = ["-w5"] else: outfmt = ["-f", "%.8f"] if not copy_input: copyinp = [] else: copyinp = ["-E"] # do the conversion # Convert cs2cs DMS format to GRASS DMS format: # cs2cs | sed -e 's/d/:/g' -e "s/'/:/g" -e 's/"//g' cmd = ['cs2cs'] + copyinp + outfmt + \ in_proj.split() + ['+to'] + out_proj.split() p = gcore.Popen(cmd, stdin=gcore.PIPE, stdout=gcore.PIPE) tr = TrThread(ifs, inf, p.stdin) tr.start() if not copy_input: if include_header: outf.write("x%sy%sz\n" % (ofs, ofs)) for line in p.stdout: try: xy, z = line.split(' ', 1) x, y = xy.split('\t') except ValueError: gcore.fatal(line) outf.write('%s%s%s%s%s\n' % (x.strip(), ofs, y.strip(), ofs, z.strip())) else: if include_header: outf.write("input_x%sinput_y%sx%sy%sz\n" % (ofs, ofs, ofs, ofs)) for line in p.stdout: inXYZ, x, rest = line.split('\t') inX, inY = inXYZ.split(' ')[:2] y, z = rest.split(' ', 1) outf.write('%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n' % (inX.strip(), ofs, inY.strip(), ofs, x.strip(), ofs, y.strip(), ofs, z.strip())) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: gcore.warning( _("Projection transform probably failed, please investigate"))
def run(self): # import tiles tiler = 0 for input in self.options['input'].split(','): tmptilename = self.options['output'] + '_tile_' + str(tiler) if not os.path.exists(input): grass.warning(_("Missing input '%s'") % input) continue"Importing tile '%s'...") % os.path.basename(input)) if self.flags['p']: self.nowarp_import(input, tmptilename) else: self.warp_import(input, tmptilename) self.maplist.append(tmptilename) tiler += 1 if tiler < 1: grass.message(_("Nothing imported")) return 0 # if there's more than one tile patch them together, otherwise # just rename that tile. if tiler == 1: if len(self.channel_suffixes) > 0: # multi-band for suffix in self.channel_suffixes: # rename tile 0 to be the output ffile = self.options['output'] + '_tile_0' + suffix tfile = self.options['output'] + suffix if grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet = True, rast = ffile + ',' + tfile) != 0: grass.fatal(_('g.rename failed')) else: # single-band, single-tile ffile = self.options['output'] + '_tile_0' # + sfx ? tfile = self.options['output'] # + sfx ? if grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet = True, rast = ffile + ',' + tfile) != 0: grass.fatal(_('g.rename failed')) else: # patch together each channel grass.debug('suffixes: %s' % ','.join(suffixes)) if len(suffixes) > 0: # multi-band data for suffix in suffixes: suffix = suffix.replace('.', '_') # patch these together (using nulls only) grass.message(_("Patching '%s' channel...") % suffix) if grass.run_command('r.patch', quiet = True, input = patches, # ??? output = self.options['output'] + suffix) != 0: grass.fatal(_('r.patch failed')) # remove the temporary patches we made if grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = True, rast = patches) != 0: grass.fatal(_('g.remove failed')) else: # single-band data"Patching tiles (this may take some time)...")) grass.debug("patch list = %s" % ','.join(maplist)) # HACK: for 8bit PNG, GIF all the different tiles can have # different color tables so patches output end up all freaky. # r.mapcalc r#,g#,b# manual patching + r.composite? # or d.out.file + + r.region? # *** there is a GDAL utility to do this: # for color in ('r', 'g', 'b'): maplist_color = [] for map in maplist: outmap = map + '_' + color maplist_color.append(outmap) if grass.run_command('r.mapcalc', quiet = True, expression = '%s = %s#%s' % (outmap, color, map)) != 0: grass.fatal(_('r.mapcalc failed')) if grass.run_command('r.colors', quiet = True, map = outmap, color = 'grey255') != 0: grass.fatal(_('r.colors failed')) if grass.run_command('r.null', quiet = True, map = outmap, setnull = 255) != 0: grass.fatal(_('r.null failed')) if grass.run_command('r.patch', input = ','.join(maplist_color), output = outmap + '_all') != 0: grass.fatal(_('r.patch failed')) if grass.run_command('r.composite', quiet = True, red = map + '_r_all', green = map + '_g_all', blue = map + '_b_all', output = self.options['output']) != 0: grass.fatal(_('r.composite failed')) if grass.run_command('g.mremove', quiet = True, flags = 'f', rast = map + '*') != 0: grass.fatal(_('g.remove failed')) # there's already a no suffix, can't make colors # can only go up from here ;) colors = 0 for suffix in self.suffixes: if suffix in ('.red', '.green', '.blue'): colors += 1 # make a composite image if asked for and colors exist if colors == 3 and self.flags['c']: grass.message(_("Building color image <%s>...") % self.options['output']) if grass.run_command('r.composite', quiet = True, red = self.options['output'] + '.red', green = self.options['output'] + '.green', blue = self.options['output'] + '.blue', output = self.options['output']) != 0: grass.fatal(_('r.composite failed')) return 0
def main(): infile = options['input'] # create temporary directory global tmp_dir tmp_dir = grass.tempdir() grass.debug('tmp_dir = %s' % tmp_dir) # check if the input file exists if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_("File <%s> not found") % infile) # copy the files to tmp dir input_base = os.path.basename(infile) shutil.copyfile(infile, os.path.join(tmp_dir, input_base)) os.chdir(tmp_dir) tar =, mode='r') try: data_name = tar.getnames()[0] except: grass.fatal(_("Pack file unreadable")) if flags['p']: # print proj info and exit try: for fname in ['PROJ_INFO', 'PROJ_UNITS']: f = tar.extractfile(fname) sys.stdout.write( except KeyError: grass.fatal( _("Pack file unreadable: file '{}' missing".format(fname))) tar.close() return 0 # set the output name if options['output']: map_name = options['output'] else: map_name = data_name # grass env gisenv = grass.gisenv() mset_dir = os.path.join(gisenv['GISDBASE'], gisenv['LOCATION_NAME'], gisenv['MAPSET']) new_dir = os.path.join(mset_dir, 'vector', map_name) gfile = grass.find_file(name=map_name, element='vector', mapset='.') overwrite = os.getenv('GRASS_OVERWRITE') if gfile['file'] and overwrite != '1': grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> already exists") % map_name) elif overwrite == '1' and gfile['file']: grass.warning( _("Vector map <%s> already exists and will be overwritten") % map_name) grass.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', quiet=True, type='vector', name=map_name) shutil.rmtree(new_dir, True) # extract data tar.extractall() tar.close() if os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_name, 'coor')): pass elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_name, 'cell')): grass.fatal( _("This GRASS GIS pack file contains raster data. Use " "r.unpack to unpack <%s>" % map_name)) else: grass.fatal(_("Pack file unreadable")) # check projection compatibility in a rather crappy way loc_proj = os.path.join(mset_dir, '..', 'PERMANENT', 'PROJ_INFO') loc_proj_units = os.path.join(mset_dir, '..', 'PERMANENT', 'PROJ_UNITS') skip_projection_check = False if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'PROJ_INFO')): if os.path.exists(loc_proj): grass.fatal( _("PROJ_INFO file is missing, unpack vector map in XY (unprojected) location." )) skip_projection_check = True # XY location if not skip_projection_check: diff_result_1 = diff_result_2 = None if not grass.compare_key_value_text_files(filename_a=os.path.join( tmp_dir, 'PROJ_INFO'), filename_b=loc_proj, proj=True): diff_result_1 = diff_files(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'PROJ_INFO'), loc_proj) if not grass.compare_key_value_text_files(filename_a=os.path.join( tmp_dir, 'PROJ_UNITS'), filename_b=loc_proj_units, units=True): diff_result_2 = diff_files(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'PROJ_UNITS'), loc_proj_units) if diff_result_1 or diff_result_2: if flags['o']: grass.warning( _("Projection information does not match. Proceeding...")) else: if diff_result_1: grass.warning( _("Difference between PROJ_INFO file of packed map " "and of current location:\n{diff}").format( diff=''.join(diff_result_1))) if diff_result_2: grass.warning( _("Difference between PROJ_UNITS file of packed map " "and of current location:\n{diff}").format( diff=''.join(diff_result_2))) grass.fatal( _("Projection of dataset does not appear to match current location." " In case of no significant differences in the projection definitions," " use the -o flag to ignore them and use" " current location definition.")) # new db fromdb = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'db.sqlite') # copy file shutil.copytree(data_name, new_dir) # exist fromdb if os.path.exists(fromdb): # the db connection in the output mapset dbconn = grassdb.db_connection(force=True) todb = dbconn['database'] # return all tables list_fromtable = grass.read_command('db.tables', driver='sqlite', database=fromdb).splitlines() # return the list of old connection for extract layer number and key dbln = open(os.path.join(new_dir, 'dbln'), 'r') dbnlist = dbln.readlines() dbln.close() # check if dbf or sqlite directory exists if dbconn['driver'] == 'dbf' and not os.path.exists( os.path.join(mset_dir, 'dbf')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(mset_dir, 'dbf')) elif dbconn['driver'] == 'sqlite' and not os.path.exists( os.path.join(mset_dir, 'sqlite')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(mset_dir, 'sqlite')) # for each old connection for t in dbnlist: # it split the line of each connection, to found layer number and key if len(t.split('|')) != 1: values = t.split('|') else: values = t.split(' ') from_table = values[1] layer = values[0].split('/')[0] # we need to take care about the table name in case of several layer if options["output"]: if len(dbnlist) > 1: to_table = "%s_%s" % (map_name, layer) else: to_table = map_name else: to_table = from_table grass.verbose( _("Coping table <%s> as table <%s>") % (from_table, to_table)) # copy the table in the default database try: grass.run_command('db.copy', to_driver=dbconn['driver'], to_database=todb, to_table=to_table, from_driver='sqlite', from_database=fromdb, from_table=from_table) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal( _("Unable to copy table <%s> as table <%s>") % (from_table, to_table)) grass.verbose( _("Connect table <%s> to vector map <%s> at layer <%s>") % (to_table, map_name, layer)) # and connect the new tables with the right layer try: grass.run_command('v.db.connect', flags='o', quiet=True, driver=dbconn['driver'], database=todb, map=map_name, key=values[2], layer=layer, table=to_table) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal( _("Unable to connect table <%s> to vector map <%s>") % (to_table, map_name)) grass.message(_("Vector map <%s> successfully unpacked") % map_name)
def main(): infile = options["input"] output = options["output"] method = options["method"] dtype = options["type"] fs = options["separator"] x = options["x"] y = options["y"] z = options["z"] value_column = options["value_column"] vrange = options["vrange"] vscale = options["vscale"] percent = options["percent"] pth = options["pth"] trim = options["trim"] workers = int(options["workers"]) scan_only = flags["s"] shell_style = flags["g"] ignore_broken = flags["i"] if workers == 1 and "WORKERS" in os.environ: workers = int(os.environ["WORKERS"]) if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_("Unable to read input file <%s>") % infile) addl_opts = {} if pth: addl_opts["pth"] = "%s" % pth if trim: addl_opts["trim"] = "%s" % trim if value_column: addl_opts["value_column"] = "%s" % value_column if vrange: addl_opts["vrange"] = "%s" % vrange if vscale: addl_opts["vscale"] = "%s" % vscale if ignore_broken: addl_opts["flags"] = "i" if scan_only or shell_style: if shell_style: doShell = "g" else: doShell = "" grass.run_command( "", flags="s" + doShell, input=infile, output="dummy", sep=fs, x=x, y=y, z=z, **addl_opts, ) sys.exit() if dtype == "float": data_type = "FCELL" else: data_type = "DCELL" region = grass.region(region3d=True) if region["nsres"] != region["nsres3"] or region["ewres"] != region[ "ewres3"]: grass.run_command("g.region", flags="3p") grass.fatal( _("The 2D and 3D region settings are different. Can not continue.") ) grass.verbose( _("Region bottom=%.15g top=%.15g vertical_cell_res=%.15g (%d depths)" ) % (region["b"], region["t"], region["tbres"], region["depths"])) grass.verbose(_("Creating slices ...")) # to avoid a point which falls exactly on a top bound from being # considered twice, we shrink the # For the top slice we keep it though, as someone scanning the bounds # may have set the bounds exactly to the data extent (a bad idea, but # it happens..) eps = 1.0e-15 # if there are thousands of depths hopefully this array doesn't get too # large and so we don't have to worry much about storing/looping through # all the finished process infos. proc = {} pout = {} depths = list(range(1, 1 + region["depths"])) for i in depths: tmp_layer_name = "tmp.r3xyz.%d.%s" % (os.getpid(), "%05d" % i) zrange_min = region["b"] + (region["tbres"] * (i - 1)) if i < region["depths"]: zrange_max = region["b"] + (region["tbres"] * i) - eps else: zrange_max = region["b"] + (region["tbres"] * i) # spawn depth layer import job in the background # grass.debug("slice %d, <%s> %% %d" % (band, image[band], band % workers)) grass.message( _("Processing horizontal slice %d of %d [%.15g,%.15g) ...") % (i, region["depths"], zrange_min, zrange_max)) proc[i] = grass.start_command( "", input=infile, output=tmp_layer_name, sep=fs, method=method, x=x, y=y, z=z, percent=percent, type=data_type, zrange="%.15g,%.15g" % (zrange_min, zrange_max), **addl_opts, ) grass.debug("i=%d, %%=%d (workers=%d)" % (i, i % workers, workers)) # print sys.getsizeof(proc) # sizeof(proc array) [not so big] if i % workers == 0: # wait for the ones launched so far to finish for p_i in depths[:i]: pout[p_i] = proc[p_i].communicate()[0] if proc[p_i].wait() != 0: grass.fatal(_("Trouble importing data. Aborting.")) # wait for jSobs to finish, collect any stray output for i in depths: pout[i] = proc[i].communicate()[0] if proc[i].wait() != 0: grass.fatal(_("Trouble importing data. Aborting.")) del proc grass.verbose(_("Assembling 3D cube ...")) # input order: lower most strata first slices = grass.read_command("g.list", type="raster", sep=",", pattern="tmp.r3xyz.%d.*" % os.getpid()).rstrip( os.linesep) grass.debug(slices) try: grass.run_command("", input=slices, output=output) except CalledModuleError: grass.message(_("Done. 3D raster map <%s> created.") % output)
def main(): global tmp fs = separator(options["separator"]) threeD = flags["z"] prog = "" if threeD: do3D = "z" else: do3D = "" tmp = grass.tempfile() # set up input file if options["input"] == "-": infile = None inf = sys.stdin else: infile = options["input"] if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_("Unable to read input file <%s>") % infile) grass.debug("input file=[%s]" % infile) if not infile: # read from stdin and write to tmpfile ( wants a real file) outf = file(tmp, "w") for line in inf: if len(line.lstrip()) == 0 or line[0] == "#": continue outf.write(line.replace(fs, " ")) outf.close() runfile = tmp else: # read from a real file if fs == " ": runfile = infile else: inf = file(infile) outf = file(tmp, "w") for line in inf: if len(line.lstrip()) == 0 or line[0] == "#": continue outf.write(line.replace(fs, " ")) inf.close() outf.close() runfile = tmp # check that there are at least two columns (three if -z is given) inf = file(runfile) for line in inf: if len(line.lstrip()) == 0 or line[0] == "#": continue numcols = len(line.split()) break inf.close() if (do3D and numcols < 3) or (not do3D and numcols < 2): grass.fatal(_("Not enough data columns. (incorrect fs setting?)")) grass.run_command("", flags="f" + do3D, input=runfile, output=options["output"])
def main(): infile = options['input'] global tmp_dir tmp_dir = grass.tempdir() grass.debug('tmp_dir = {tmpdir}'.format(tmpdir=tmp_dir)) if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_('File {name} not found.'.format(name=infile))) gisenv = grass.gisenv() mset_dir = os.path.join(gisenv['GISDBASE'], gisenv['LOCATION_NAME'], gisenv['MAPSET']) input_base = os.path.basename(infile) shutil.copyfile(infile, os.path.join(tmp_dir, input_base)) os.chdir(tmp_dir) tar =, mode='r') try: data_name = tar.getnames()[0] except: grass.fatal(_("Pack file unreadable")) if options['output']: map_name = options['output'] else: map_name = data_name.split('@')[0] gfile = grass.find_file(name=map_name, element='cell', mapset='.') if gfile['file']: if os.environ.get('GRASS_OVERWRITE', '0') != '1': grass.fatal(_('Raster map <{name}> already exists'.format(name=map_name))) else: grass.warning(_('Raster map <{name}> already exists and will be overwritten'.format(name=map_name))) # extract data tar.extractall() os.chdir(data_name) if os.path.exists('cell'): pass elif os.path.exists('coor'): grass.fatal(_('This GRASS GIS pack file contains vector data. Use ' 'v.unpack to unpack <{name}>'.format(name=map_name))) else: grass.fatal(_("Pack file unreadable")) # check projection compatibility in a rather crappy way if flags['o']: grass.warning(_("Overriding projection check (using current location's projection).")) else: diff_result_1 = diff_result_2 = None proj_info_file_1 = 'PROJ_INFO' proj_info_file_2 = os.path.join(mset_dir, '..', 'PERMANENT', 'PROJ_INFO') skip_projection_check = False if not os.path.exists(proj_info_file_1): if os.path.exists(proj_info_file_2): grass.fatal(_("PROJ_INFO file is missing, unpack raster map in XY (unprojected) location.")) skip_projection_check = True # XY location if not skip_projection_check: if not grass.compare_key_value_text_files(filename_a=proj_info_file_1, filename_b=proj_info_file_2, proj=True): diff_result_1 = diff_files(proj_info_file_1, proj_info_file_2) proj_units_file_1 = 'PROJ_UNITS' proj_units_file_2 = os.path.join(mset_dir, '..', 'PERMANENT', 'PROJ_UNITS') if not grass.compare_key_value_text_files(filename_a=proj_units_file_1, filename_b=proj_units_file_2, units=True): diff_result_2 = diff_files(proj_units_file_1, proj_units_file_2) if diff_result_1 or diff_result_2: if diff_result_1: grass.warning(_("Difference between PROJ_INFO file of packed map " "and of current location:\n{diff}").format(diff=''.join(diff_result_1))) if diff_result_2: grass.warning(_("Difference between PROJ_UNITS file of packed map " "and of current location:\n{diff}").format(diff=''.join(diff_result_2))) grass.fatal(_("Projection of dataset does not appear to match current location." " In case of no significant differences in the projection definitions," " use the -o flag to ignore them and use" " current location definition.")) # install in $MAPSET for element in ['cats', 'cell', 'cellhd', 'cell_misc', 'colr', 'fcell', 'hist']: if not os.path.exists(element): continue path = os.path.join(mset_dir, element) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if element == 'cell_misc': path = os.path.join(mset_dir, element, map_name) if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) shutil.copytree('cell_misc', path) else: shutil.copyfile(element, os.path.join(mset_dir, element, map_name)) grass.message(_('Raster map <{name}> unpacked'.format(name=map_name)))
def main(): infile = options['input'] compression_off = flags['c'] mapset = None if '@' in infile: infile, mapset = infile.split('@') if options['output']: outfile_path, outfile_base = os.path.split( os.path.abspath(options['output'])) else: outfile_path, outfile_base = os.path.split( os.path.abspath(infile + ".pack")) outfile = os.path.join(outfile_path, outfile_base) global tmp tmp = grass.tempdir() tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp, infile) os.mkdir(tmp_dir) grass.debug('tmp_dir = %s' % tmp_dir) gfile = grass.find_file(name=infile, element='cell', mapset=mapset) if not gfile['name']: grass.fatal(_("Raster map <%s> not found") % infile) if os.path.exists(outfile): if os.getenv('GRASS_OVERWRITE'): grass.warning( _("Pack file <%s> already exists and will be overwritten") % outfile) try_remove(outfile) else: grass.fatal(_("option <output>: <%s> exists.") % outfile) grass.message(_("Packing <%s> to <%s>...") % (gfile['fullname'], outfile)) basedir = os.path.sep.join( os.path.normpath(gfile['file']).split(os.path.sep)[:-2]) olddir = os.getcwd() # copy elements info = grass.parse_command('', flags='e', map=infile) vrt_files = {} if info['maptype'] == 'virtual': map_file = grass.find_file( name=infile, element='cell_misc', ) if map_file['file']: vrt = os.path.join(map_file['file'], 'vrt') if os.path.exists(vrt): with open(vrt, 'r') as f: for r in f.readlines(): map, mapset = r.split('@') map_basedir = os.path.sep.join( os.path.normpath(map_file['file'], ).split( os.path.sep)[:-2], ) vrt_files[map] = map_basedir for element in [ 'cats', 'cell', 'cellhd', 'cell_misc', 'colr', 'fcell', 'hist', ]: path = os.path.join(basedir, element, infile) if os.path.exists(path): grass.debug('copying %s' % path) if os.path.isfile(path): shutil.copyfile( path, os.path.join(tmp_dir, element), ) else: shutil.copytree( path, os.path.join(tmp_dir, element), ) # Copy vrt files if vrt_files: for f in vrt_files.keys(): f_tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp, f) if not os.path.exists(f_tmp_dir): os.mkdir(f_tmp_dir) path = os.path.join(vrt_files[f], element, f) if os.path.exists(path): grass.debug("copying vrt file {}".format(path)) if os.path.isfile(path): shutil.copyfile( path, os.path.join(f_tmp_dir, element), ) else: shutil.copytree( path, os.path.join(f_tmp_dir, element), ) if not os.listdir(tmp_dir): grass.fatal(_("No raster map components found")) # copy projection info # (would prefer to use g.proj*, but this way is 5.3 and 5.7 compat) gisenv = grass.gisenv() for support in ['INFO', 'UNITS', 'EPSG']: path = os.path.join(gisenv['GISDBASE'], gisenv['LOCATION_NAME'], 'PERMANENT', 'PROJ_' + support) if os.path.exists(path): shutil.copyfile(path, os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'PROJ_' + support)) # pack it all up os.chdir(tmp) if compression_off: tar =, mode='w:') else: tar =, mode='w:gz') tar.add(infile, recursive=True) if vrt_files: for f in vrt_files.keys(): tar.add(f, recursive=True) tar.close() try: shutil.move(outfile_base, outfile) except shutil.Error as e: grass.fatal(e) os.chdir(olddir) grass.verbose(_("Raster map saved to '%s'" % outfile))
def main(): infile = options['input'] global tmp_dir tmp_dir = grass.tempdir() grass.debug('tmp_dir = %s' % tmp_dir) if not os.path.exists(infile): grass.fatal(_("File <%s> not found" % infile)) gisenv = grass.gisenv() mset_dir = os.path.join(gisenv['GISDBASE'], gisenv['LOCATION_NAME'], gisenv['MAPSET']) input_base = os.path.basename(infile) shutil.copyfile(infile, os.path.join(tmp_dir, input_base)) os.chdir(tmp_dir) tar = = input_base, mode = 'r:gz') try: data_name = tar.getnames()[0] except: grass.fatal(_("Pack file unreadable")) if options['output']: map_name = options['output'] else: map_name = data_name gfile = grass.find_file(name = map_name, element = 'cell', mapset = '.') overwrite = os.getenv('GRASS_OVERWRITE') if gfile['file'] and overwrite != '1': grass.fatal(_("Raster map <%s> already exists") % map_name) # extract data tar.extractall() os.chdir(data_name) # check projection compatibility in a rather crappy way if not filecmp.cmp('PROJ_INFO', os.path.join(mset_dir, '..', 'PERMANENT', 'PROJ_INFO')): if flags['o']: grass.warning(_("Projection information does not match. Proceeding...")) else: grass.fatal(_("Projection information does not match. Aborting.")) # install in $MAPSET for element in ['cats', 'cell', 'cellhd', 'cell_misc', 'colr', 'fcell', 'hist']: if not os.path.exists(element): continue path = os.path.join(mset_dir, element) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if element == 'cell_misc': path = os.path.join(mset_dir, element, map_name) if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) shutil.copytree('cell_misc', path) else: shutil.copyfile(element, os.path.join(mset_dir, element, map_name)) grass.verbose(_("Raster map saved to <%s>") % map_name)