Exemple #1
def test_sw_602_endpoints_equality():
    data = [numpy.arange(0, 50000).tolist() for x in numpy.arange(0, 99).tolist()]
    fr = h2o.H2OFrame(data)
    full = H2OFrame.get_frame(fr.frame_id)
    light = H2OFrame.get_frame(fr.frame_id, light=True)

    assert full._ex._cache._id == light._ex._cache._id
    assert full._ex._cache._nrows == light._ex._cache._nrows
    assert full._ex._cache._ncols == light._ex._cache._ncols
    assert full._ex._cache._names == light._ex._cache._names
    assert full._ex._cache._data == light._ex._cache._data
    assert full._ex._cache._l == light._ex._cache._l
Exemple #2
def test_sw_602_endpoints_equality():
    data = [
        numpy.arange(0, 50000).tolist() for x in numpy.arange(0, 99).tolist()
    fr = h2o.H2OFrame(data)
    full = H2OFrame.get_frame(fr.frame_id)
    light = H2OFrame.get_frame(fr.frame_id, light=True)

    assert full._ex._cache._id == light._ex._cache._id
    assert full._ex._cache._nrows == light._ex._cache._nrows
    assert full._ex._cache._ncols == light._ex._cache._ncols
    assert full._ex._cache._names == light._ex._cache._names
    assert full._ex._cache._data == light._ex._cache._data
    assert full._ex._cache._l == light._ex._cache._l
Exemple #3
 def mapping_frame(self):
     if self._model_json is None:
         return None
     mj = self._model_json
     if mj.get("output", {}).get("mapping_frame", {}).get("name") is not None:
         mapping_frame_name = mj["output"]["mapping_frame"]["name"]
         return H2OFrame.get_frame(mapping_frame_name)
 def _as_h2o_frame_from_RDD_Double(h2oContext,
     key = h2oContext._jhc.asH2OFrameFromPythonRDDDoubleKeyString(
         rdd._to_java_object_rdd(), frame_name)
     return H2OFrame.get_frame(key, full_cols=full_cols, light=True)
Exemple #5
 def baseline_survival_frame(self):
     if (self._model_json is not None
             and self._model_json.get("output", {}).get(
                 "baseline_survival", {}).get("name") is not None):
         baseline_survival_name = self._model_json["output"][
         return H2OFrame.get_frame(baseline_survival_name)
Exemple #6
 def fit(self, fr, **fit_params):
     res = []
     for step in self.steps:
     res = "[" + ",".join([quoted(r.replace('"', "'")) for r in res]) + "]"
     j = h2o.api("POST /99/Assembly", data={"steps": res, "frame": fr.frame_id})
     self.id = j["assembly"]["name"]
     return H2OFrame.get_frame(j["result"]["name"])
Exemple #7
 def from_java_h2o_frame(h2o_frame, h2o_frame_id):
     # Cache Java reference to the backend frame
     sid = h2o_frame_id.toString()
     fr = H2OFrame.get_frame(sid)
     fr._java_frame = h2o_frame
     fr._java_frame_sid = sid
     fr._backed_by_java_obj = True
     return fr
Exemple #8
 def from_java_h2o_frame(h2o_frame, h2o_frame_id):
     # Cache Java reference to the backend frame
     sid = h2o_frame_id.toString()
     fr = H2OFrame.get_frame(sid)
     fr._java_frame = h2o_frame
     fr._java_frame_sid = sid
     fr._backed_by_java_obj = True
     return fr
Exemple #9
 def from_java_h2o_frame(h2o_frame, h2o_frame_id, full_cols=100):
     # Cache Java reference to the backend frame
     sid = h2o_frame_id.toString()
     cols = full_cols if h2o_frame.numCols() > full_cols else -1
     fr = H2OFrame.get_frame(sid, full_cols=cols, light=True)
     fr._java_frame = h2o_frame
     fr._java_frame_sid = sid
     fr._backed_by_java_obj = True
     return fr
Exemple #10
 def from_java_h2o_frame(h2o_frame, h2o_frame_id, full_cols=100):
     # Cache Java reference to the backend frame
     sid = h2o_frame_id.toString()
     cols = full_cols if h2o_frame.numCols() > full_cols else -1
     fr = H2OFrame.get_frame(sid, full_cols=cols, light=True)
     fr._java_frame = h2o_frame
     fr._java_frame_sid = sid
     fr._backed_by_java_obj = True
     return fr
Exemple #11
def pubdev_5179():

    data = [numpy.arange(0, 20).tolist() for x in numpy.arange(0, 20).tolist()]
    fr = h2o.H2OFrame(data)
    light = H2OFrame.get_frame(fr.frame_id, full_cols=10) # only first 10 columns will be returned with data

    # verify that light frame have all columns
    assert len(light.columns) == 20
    assert len(light.types) == 20
    assert len(light._ex._cache._data) == 10 # But only data for 10 columns is available
 def _as_h2o_frame_from_complex_type(h2oContext,
     # Creates a DataFrame from an RDD of tuple/list, list or pandas.DataFrame.
     # On scala backend, to transform RDD of Product to H2OFrame, we need to know Type Tag.
     # Since there is no alternative for Product class in Python, we first transform the rdd to dataframe
     # and then transform it to H2OFrame.
     df = h2oContext._spark_session.createDataFrame(dataframe)
     key = h2oContext._jhc.asH2OFrameKeyString(df._jdf, frame_name)
     return H2OFrame.get_frame(key, full_cols=full_cols, light=True)
Exemple #13
 def fit(self, fr, **fit_params):
     res = []
     for step in self.steps:
     res = "[" + ",".join([quoted(r.replace('"', "'")) for r in res]) + "]"
     j = h2o.api("POST /99/Assembly",
                     "steps": res,
                     "frame": fr.frame_id
     self.id = j["assembly"]["name"]
     return H2OFrame.get_frame(j["result"]["name"])
Exemple #14
    def fit(self, fr):
        To perform the munging operations on a frame specified in steps on the frame fr.

        :param fr: H2OFrame where munging operations are to be performed on.
        :return: H2OFrame after munging operations are completed.
        assert_is_type(fr, H2OFrame)
        steps = "[%s]" % ",".join(quoted(step[1].to_rest(step[0]).replace('"', "'")) for step in self.steps)
        j = h2o.api("POST /99/Assembly", data={"steps": steps, "frame": fr.frame_id})
        self.id = j["assembly"]["name"]
        return H2OFrame.get_frame(j["result"]["name"])
Exemple #15
 def fit(self, fr):
     assert_is_type(fr, H2OFrame)
     steps = "[%s]" % ",".join(
         quoted(step[1].to_rest(step[0]).replace('"', "'"))
         for step in self.steps)
     j = h2o.api("POST /99/Assembly",
                     "steps": steps,
                     "frame": fr.frame_id
     self.id = j["assembly"]["name"]
     return H2OFrame.get_frame(j["result"]["name"])
def pubdev_5179():

    data = [numpy.arange(0, 20).tolist() for x in numpy.arange(0, 20).tolist()]
    fr = h2o.H2OFrame(data)
    light = H2OFrame.get_frame(
        full_cols=10)  # only first 10 columns will be returned with data

    # verify that light frame have all columns
    assert len(light.columns) == 20
    assert len(light.types) == 20
    assert len(light._ex._cache._data
               ) == 10  # But only data for 10 columns is available
Exemple #17
    def fit(self, fr):
        To perform the munging operations on a frame specified in steps on the frame fr.

        :param fr: H2OFrame where munging operations are to be performed on.
        :return: H2OFrame after munging operations are completed.
        assert_is_type(fr, H2OFrame)
        steps = "[%s]" % ",".join(
            quoted(step[1].to_rest(step[0]).replace('"', "'"))
            for step in self.steps)
        j = h2o.api("POST /99/Assembly",
                        "steps": steps,
                        "frame": fr.frame_id
        self.id = j["assembly"]["name"]
        return H2OFrame.get_frame(j["result"]["name"])
    def asH2OFrame(self, sparkFrame, h2oFrameName=None, fullCols=-1):
            Transforms given Spark RDD or DataFrame to H2OFrame.

              sparkFrame : Spark RDD or DataFrame
              h2oFrameName : Optional name for resulting H2OFrame
              fullCols : number of first n columns which are sent to the client together with the data

              H2OFrame which contains data of original input Spark data structure
        assert_is_type(sparkFrame, DataFrame, RDD)

        df = H2OContext.__prepareSparkDataForConversion(sparkFrame)
        if h2oFrameName is None:
            key = self._jhc.asH2OFrameKeyString(df._jdf)
            key = self._jhc.asH2OFrameKeyString(df._jdf, h2oFrameName)
        return H2OFrame.get_frame(key, full_cols=fullCols, light=True)
Exemple #19
    def fit(self, fr):
        To perform the munging operations on a frame specified in steps on the frame fr.

        :param fr: H2OFrame where munging operations are to be performed on.
        :return: H2OFrame after munging operations are completed.


        >>> iris = h2o.load_dataset("iris")
        >>> assembly = H2OAssembly(steps=[("col_select",
        ...                        H2OColSelect(["Sepal.Length",
        ...                        "Petal.Length", "Species"])),
        ...                       ("cos_Sepal.Length",
        ...                        H2OColOp(op=H2OFrame.cos,
        ...                        col="Sepal.Length",
        ...                        inplace=True)),
        ...                       ("str_cnt_Species",
        ...                        H2OColOp(op=H2OFrame.countmatches,
        ...                        col="Species",
        ...                        inplace=False,
        ...                        pattern="s"))])
        >>> fit = assembly.fit(iris)
        >>> fit

        assert_is_type(fr, H2OFrame)
        steps = "[%s]" % ",".join(
            quoted(step[1].to_rest(step[0]).replace('"', "'"))
            for step in self.steps)
        j = h2o.api("POST /99/Assembly",
                        "steps": steps,
                        "frame": fr.frame_id
        self.id = j["assembly"]["name"]
        return H2OFrame.get_frame(j["result"]["name"])
Exemple #20
 def from_java_h2o_frame(h2o_frame, h2o_frame_id):
     fr = H2OFrame.get_frame(h2o_frame_id.toString())
     fr._java_frame = h2o_frame
     fr._backed_by_java_obj = True
     return fr
 def frame_in_cluster(frame):
     # reload the first row of the frame to verify that no vec has been removed
     return frame.key is not None and H2OFrame.get_frame(frame.key,
                                                         rows=1) is not None
 def dataframe_2_h2oframe_by_id(dataframe_id):
     res = h2o.H2OConnection.post("dataframes/" + urllib.quote(dataframe_id) + "/h2oframe").json()
     h2oframe = H2OFrame.get_frame(res["h2oframe_id"])
     return h2oframe
Exemple #23
 def aggregated_frame(self):
     if (self._model_json is not None and
         self._model_json.get("output", {}).get("output_frame", {}).get("name") is not None):
         out_frame_name = self._model_json["output"]["output_frame"]["name"]
         return H2OFrame.get_frame(out_frame_name)
Exemple #24
 def from_java_h2o_frame(h2o_frame, h2o_frame_id):
     fr = H2OFrame.get_frame(h2o_frame_id.toString())
     fr._java_frame = h2o_frame
     fr._backed_by_java_obj = True
     return fr
 def _as_h2o_frame_from_dataframe(h2oContext,
     key = h2oContext._jhc.asH2OFrameKeyString(dataframe._jdf, frame_name)
     return H2OFrame.get_frame(key, full_cols=full_cols, light=True)