def combine_with_track_data_batch(inputfolder, trackfolder, outputfolder):
    Add track IDs to the extracted coordinates in a parallel mode.
    inputfolder : str
        Path to a directory with coordinate files.
    trackfolder : str
        Path to a directory with track files.
    outputfolder : str
        Path to the output directory.
    files = filelib.list_subfolders(inputfolder, extensions=['csv'])
    trackfiles = filelib.list_subfolders(trackfolder,
                                         extensions=['xls', 'xlsx'])
    for fn in files:
        parts = fn.split('/')[-1].split('_')
        stem = parts[0] + '_' + parts[1]
        for trf in trackfiles:
            if trf.split('/')[0] == fn.split('/')[0] and len(
                    trf.split(stem)) > 1:
                combine_with_track_data(inputfile=inputfolder + fn,
                                        trackfile=trackfolder + trf,
                                        outputfile=outputfolder + fn)
Exemple #2
def convolve_batch(inputfolder, psffolder, outputfolder, **kwargs):
    Convolves all cell in a given input directory with all PSFs in a given psf directory.
    inputfolder : str
        Input directory with cell images to convolve.
    psffolder : str
        Directory with PSF images to use for convolution.
    outputfolder : str
        Output directory to save the convolved images.

    Keyword arguments
    max_threads : int, optional
        The maximal number of processes to run in parallel.
        Default is 8.
    print_progress : bool, optional
        If True, the progress of the computation will be printed.
        Default is True.

    if not inputfolder.endswith('/'):
        inputfolder += '/'
    if not psffolder.endswith('/'):
        psffolder += '/'
    if not outputfolder.endswith('/'):
        outputfolder += '/'
    if os.path.exists(inputfolder):
        inputfiles = filelib.list_subfolders(inputfolder)
        inputfiles = []
            'Input directory ' + inputfolder +
            ' does not exist! Run the "generate_cells" step to create input cells'

    if os.path.exists(psffolder):
        psffiles = filelib.list_subfolders(psffolder)
        psffiles = []
            'PSF directory ' + psffolder +
            ' does not exist! Run the "generate_psfs" step to create PSF images'

    items = [(inputfile, psffile) for inputfile in inputfiles
             for psffile in psffiles]
    kwargs['items'] = items
    kwargs['outputfolder'] = outputfolder
    kwargs['inputfolder'] = inputfolder
    kwargs['psffolder'] = psffolder
Exemple #3
def accuracy_batch(inputfolder, outputfolder, combine_stat=True, **kwargs):
    Compares all images in a given input directory to corresponding ground truth images in a give reference directory.

    inputfolder : str
        Input directory with cell images to compare.
    outputfolder : str
        Output directory to save the computed accuracy values.
    combine_stat : bool, optional
        If True, the statistics for all cells will be combined into one csv file.
        Default is True.

    Keyword arguments
    reffolder : str
        Reference dirctory with ground truth cell images.
    max_threads : int, optional
        The maximal number of processes to run in parallel.
        Default is 8.
    print_progress : bool, optional
        If True, the progress of the computation will be printed.
        Default is True.

    if not inputfolder.endswith('/'):
        inputfolder += '/'
    if not outputfolder.endswith('/'):
        outputfolder += '/'
    if os.path.exists(inputfolder):
        kwargs['items'] = filelib.list_subfolders(inputfolder)
        kwargs['items'] = []
        warnings.warn('Input directory ' + inputfolder + ' does not exist!')

    if not os.path.exists(kwargs['reffolder']):
        kwargs['items'] = filelib.list_subfolders(inputfolder)
        warnings.warn('Reference directory ' + kwargs['reffolder'] +
                      ' does not exist!')
    kwargs['inputfolder'] = inputfolder
    kwargs['outputfolder'] = outputfolder
                 process_name='Compute accuracy measures',

    if os.path.exists(outputfolder) and combine_stat is True:
def split_to_surfaces_batch(inputfolder,
    Split one surface files located in a given folder into separate files for surfaces of individual cells.
    inputfolder : str
        Input directory
    outputfolder : str
        Output directory
    combine_tracks : bool, optional
        If True, connected time points will be combined into one file.
        Default is False.
    files = filelib.list_subfolders(inputfolder, extensions=['csv'])
    for fn in files:
        ext = fn.split('.')[-1]
        if ext in ['csv']:
            split_to_surfaces(inputfolder + fn,
                              outputfolder + fn[:-4] + '/',
Exemple #5
def plot_3D_surfaces(inputfolder, outputfolder, points=True, gridsize=100):
    Plot 3D views of surfaces located in a given directory.

    inputfolder : str
        Input directory with surfaces.
    outputfolder : str
        Output directory to save the plots.
    points : bool, optional
        If True, surface points will be displayed.
        Default is True.
    gridsize : int, optional
        Dimension of the square grid to interpolate the surface points.
        Default is 100.
    files = filelib.list_subfolders(inputfolder, extensions=['csv'])

    for fn in files:
        s = Surface(filename=inputfolder + fn)
        s.Rgrid = s.interpolate(grid_size=gridsize)
        mesh = s.plot_surface(points=points)
        mesh.magnification = 3
        filelib.make_folders([os.path.dirname(outputfolder + fn[:-4])]) + fn[:-4] + '.png', size=(200, 200))
Exemple #6
def plot_confusion_matrix(inputfolder, outputfolder, text_to_replace):
    files = filelib.list_subfolders(inputfolder, extensions=['csv'])
    for fn in files:
        stat = pd.read_csv(inputfolder + fn, sep='\t', index_col=0)
        classes = stat['Group'].unique()
        cl_frame = pd.DataFrame({'Class name': classes})
        for i in range(len(cl_frame)):
                i, 'Class code'] = stat[stat['Group'] == cl_frame.iloc[i]
                                        ['Class name']]['Actual class'].iloc[0]
                        'Class name'] = cl_frame.iloc[i]['Class name'].replace(
                            'FB', 'FR')
            for text in text_to_replace:
                    i, 'Class name'] = cl_frame.iloc[i]['Class name'].replace(
                        text, '')
        cl_frame = cl_frame.sort_values('Class name')
        cl_frame['New class code'] = np.arange((len(cl_frame)))

        for i in range(len(cl_frame)):
  [stat[stat['Actual class'] ==
                         cl_frame.iloc[i]['Class code']].index,
                    'Actual class'] = cl_frame.iloc[i]['Class name']
  [stat[stat['Predicted class'] ==
                         cl_frame.iloc[i]['Class code']].index,
                    'Predicted class'] = cl_frame.iloc[i]['Class name']
        plot_confusion_matrix_from_data(stat['Actual class'],
                                        stat['Predicted class'],
                                        columns=cl_frame['Class name'],
                                        outputfile=outputfolder + fn[:-4] +
Exemple #7
def run_parallel(**kwargs):
    Run a given function in a parallel manner. 
    kwargs : key, value pairings
        Arbitrary keyword arguments

    Keyword arguments
    *items* : list
        List of items. For each item, the `process` will be called.
        The value of the `item` parameter of `process` will be set to the value of the current item from the list.
        Remaining keyword arguments will be passed to the `process`
    *max_threads* : int, optional
        The maximal number of processes to run in parallel
        Default is 8
    *process* : callable
        The function that will be applied to each item of `kwargs.items`.
        The function should accept the argument `item`, which corresponds to one item from `kwargs.items`.
        An `item` is usually a name of the file that has to be processed or 
            a list of files that have to be combined / convolved /analyzed together.
        The function should not return any output, but the output should be saved in a specified directory.
    *inputfolder* : str
        Input directory with files to process.
    *outputfolder* : str
        Output directory to save the results.

    files = filelib.list_subfolders(kwargs.get('inputfolder'),
    channelcodes = kwargs.get('channels', None)
    exclude = kwargs.get('exclude', None)
    if channelcodes is not None:
        files = list_of_files_to_combine(files, channelcodes)

    if exclude is not None:
        nfiles = []
        for fn in files:
            cellfile = True
            for excl in exclude:
                if fn[-len(excl):] == excl:
                    cellfile = False
            if cellfile:
        files = nfiles

    if kwargs.get('debug'):
        kwargs['item'] = files[0]
        kwargs['items'] = files

        if kwargs.get('combine', True) and os.path.exists(
                kwargs.get('outputfolder', 'no_folder')):
Exemple #8
def resize_batch(inputfolder, outputfolder, voxel_sizes_for_resizing,
    Resizes all cell images in a given input directory in a parallel mode and saves them in a given output directory.
    inputfolder : str
        Input directory with cell images to resize.
    outputfolder : str
        Output directory to save the resized images.
    voxel_sizes_for_resizing : list
        List of new voxel sizes to which the input images should be resized.
        Each item of the list is a scalar (for the same voxels size along all axes)
         or sequence of scalars (voxel size in z, y and x).

    Keyword arguments
    order : int, optional
        The order of the spline interpolation used for resizing. 
        The order has to be in the range 0-5.
        Default is 1.
    max_threads : int, optional
        The maximal number of processes to run in parallel.
        Default is 8.
    print_progress : bool, optional
        If True, the progress of the computation will be printed.
        Default is True.
    append_resolution_to_filename : bool, optional
        If True, the information about the new voxel size will be added to the subdirectory name if the image 
         is stored in a subdirectory, or to the image file name if the image is not stored in a subdirectory 
         but in the root directorty.
        If False, a new directory will be created for the corresponding voxel size, an all file and subdirectory
         names will be kept as they are.
         Default is True.

    if not inputfolder.endswith('/'):
        inputfolder += '/'
    if not outputfolder.endswith('/'):
        outputfolder += '/'
    if os.path.exists(inputfolder):
        inputfiles = filelib.list_subfolders(inputfolder)
        inputfiles = []
        warnings.warn('Input directory ' + inputfolder + ' does not exist!')

    items = [(inputfile, resolution) for inputfile in inputfiles
             for resolution in voxel_sizes_for_resizing]
    kwargs['items'] = items
    kwargs['outputfolder'] = outputfolder
    kwargs['inputfolder'] = inputfolder
def analyze_parallel(debug=False, **kwargs):
    files = filelib.list_subfolders(kwargs['inputfolder'])

    if debug:
        kwargs['item'] = files[0]
        kwargs['items'] = files
        parallel.run_parallel(process=analyze, **kwargs)
        filelib.combine_statistics(kwargs.get('outputfolder') + 'image_statistics/')
        filelib.combine_statistics(kwargs.get('outputfolder') + 'roi_statistics/')
def extract_coordinates_batch(inputfolder, outputfolder):
    Extract cell coordinates from vrml files located in a given directory in a parallel mode.
    inputfolder : str
        Path to the input directory.
    outputfolder : str
        Path to the output directory.
    files = filelib.list_subfolders(inputfolder, extensions=['wrl', 'vrml'])
    for fn in files:
        ext = fn.split('.')[-1]
        if ext in ['wrl', 'vrml']:
            extract_coordinates(inputfolder + fn,
                                outputfolder + fn[:-4] + '.csv')
Exemple #11
def plot_spectra(inputfolder, outputfolder, **kwargs):
    Plot bar plots for individual frequency spectra in a given directory. 

    inputfolder : str
        Input directory with spectra to plot.
    outputfolder : str
        Output directory to save the bar plots.
    kwargs : key, value pairings
            Arbitrary keyword arguments to pass to the Spectrum.frequency_plot function.
    files = filelib.list_subfolders(inputfolder, extensions=['csv'])

    for fn in files:
        s = Spectrum(filename=inputfolder + fn)
        pl = s.frequency_plot(title=fn[:-4], **kwargs)
        filelib.make_folders([os.path.dirname(outputfolder + fn[:-4])])
        pl.savefig(outputfolder + fn[:-4] + '.png')
Exemple #12
def combine_log(inputfolder):
    Combines the files with computing time that are stored in a given directory.
    inputfolder : str
        Directory with the computing time logs.

    if not inputfolder.endswith('/'):
        inputfolder += '/'
    if os.path.exists(inputfolder):
        subfolders = filelib.list_subfolders(inputfolder, extensions=['csv'])
        if len(subfolders) > 0:
            array = []
            for i, sf in enumerate(subfolders):
                data = pd.read_csv(inputfolder + sf, sep='\t', index_col=0)
            data = pd.concat(array, ignore_index=True, sort=True)
            data.to_csv(inputfolder[:-1] + '.csv', sep='\t')
def combine_surfaces(inputfolder, outputfolder):
    Combine surface files located in the same subfolder of a given input folder.

    inputfolder : str
        Input directory with files to combine.
    outputfolder : str
        Output directory to save the combined files.
    folders = os.listdir(inputfolder)
    p = re.compile('\d*\.*\d+')
    for folder in folders:
        files = filelib.list_subfolders(inputfolder + folder + '/',
        stat = pd.DataFrame()
        for fn in files:
            curstat = pd.read_csv(inputfolder + folder + '/' + fn, sep='\t')
            curstat['Time'] = p.findall(fn.split('/')[-1])[-2]
            stat = pd.concat([stat, curstat], ignore_index=True)
        stat.to_csv(outputfolder + folder + '.csv', sep='\t')
Exemple #14
def deconvolve_batch(inputfolder, outputfolder, deconvolution_algorithm,
    Deconvolves all cell images in a given input directory with multiple algorithm and settings.
    inputfolder : str
        Input directory with cell images to fiji.
    outputfolder : str
        Output directory to save the deconvolved images.
    deconvolution_algorithm : string, sequence of strings
        Name of the deconvolution algorithm from set of
         {deconvolution_lab_rif, deconvolution_lab_rltv, iterative_deconvolve_3d}.
        If a sequence is provided, all algorithms from the sequence will be tested.

    Keyword arguments
    <deconvolution_algorithm>_<parameter> : scalar or sequence
        Values of the parameters for the deconvolution algorithms to be tested.
        <deconvolution_algorithm> is the name of the algorithm from set of
         {deconvolution_lab_rif, deconvolution_lab_rltv, iterative_deconvolve_3d}
         for which the parameters values refer to.
        <parameter> is the name of the parameter of the specified algorithm.
        For instance, 'deconvolution_lab_rltv_iterations' specifies the value(s) for the number of iterations of the
         'deconvolution_lab_rltv' algorithm.
        If a sequence of parameter values is provided, all values from the sequence will be tested.
    log_computing_time : bool, optional
        If True, computing time spent on deconvolution will be recorded and stored in a given folder.
        Default is False.
    logfolder : str, optional
        Directory to store computing time when `log_computing_time` is set to True.
        If None, the logfolder will be set to `outputfolder` + "../log/".
        Default is None.
    max_threads : int, optional
        The maximal number of processes to run in parallel.
        Default is 8.
    print_progress : bool, optional
        If True, the progress of the computation will be printed.
        Default is True.

    if not inputfolder.endswith('/'):
        inputfolder += '/'
    if not outputfolder.endswith('/'):
        outputfolder += '/'
    if os.path.exists(inputfolder):
        inputfiles = filelib.list_subfolders(inputfolder)
        inputfiles = []
        warnings.warn('Input directory ' + inputfolder + ' does not exist!')
    algorithm = np.array([deconvolution_algorithm]).flatten()

    items = []
    for alg in algorithm:
        alg_params = []
        alg_param_names = []
        for kw in kwargs:
            if kw.startswith(alg):
        alg_params = list(itertools.product(*alg_params))
        for cur_params in alg_params:
            param_args = dict()
            for i in range(len(alg_param_names)):
                           [1:]] = cur_params[i]
            items.append((alg, param_args))
    kwargs['items'] = [(inputfile, ) + item for inputfile in inputfiles
                       for item in items]
    kwargs['outputfolder'] = outputfolder
    kwargs['inputfolder'] = inputfolder
    kwargs['imagej_path'] = deconvolution.get_fiji_path()
    if deconvolution.get_fiji_path() is None:
        raise TypeError(
            "Fiji path is not specified! Run the `python install` and specify the Fiji path"

Exemple #15
def add_noise_batch(inputfolder,
    Adds synthetic noise to all images in a given input directory in a parallel mode and saves them in a given 
     output directory.
    All combination of the given Gaussian and Poisson SNR are generated by first adding the Gaussian noise and then
     adding the Poisson noise.
    inputfolder : str
        Input directory with cell images to which noise should be added.
    outputfolder : str
        Output directory to save the noisy images.
    noise_kind : string, sequence of strings or None
        Name of the method to generate nose from set of {gaussian, poisson}.
        If a sequence is provided, several noise types will be added.
        If None, no noise will be added.
    snr : float or sequence of floats
        Target signal-to-noise ratio(s) (SNR) for each noise type.
        If None, no noise is added.
    test_snr_combinations : bool, optional
        If True and several noise types in the `kind` argument are provided, all combinations of the values
         provided in `snr` will be tested for each noise type.
        Default is False.

    Keyword arguments
    max_threads : int, optional
        The maximal number of processes to run in parallel.
        Default is 8.
    print_progress : bool, optional
        If True, the progress of the computation will be printed.
        Default is True.
    if not inputfolder.endswith('/'):
        inputfolder += '/'
    if not outputfolder.endswith('/'):
        outputfolder += '/'
    if os.path.exists(inputfolder):
        inputfiles = filelib.list_subfolders(inputfolder)
        inputfiles = []
        warnings.warn('Input directory ' + inputfolder + ' does not exist!')

    kind = np.array([noise_kind]).flatten()
    snr = np.array([snr]).flatten()
    if len(kind) > 1 and test_snr_combinations:
        snr_items = list(itertools.product(*[snr] * len(kind)))
        items = [(inputfile, kind, list(snr_item)) for inputfile in inputfiles
                 for snr_item in snr_items]

        items = [(inputfile, kind, snr1) for inputfile in inputfiles
                 for snr1 in snr]

    kwargs['items'] = items
    kwargs['outputfolder'] = outputfolder
    kwargs['inputfolder'] = inputfolder
                 process_name='Add noise',