Exemple #1
from os import environ, system
from helpers.runSusTests_git import runSusTests, ignorePerformanceTests, getInputsDir
from helpers.modUPS import modUPS, modUPS2
#  Modify the input files

the_dir = "%s/%s" % (getInputsDir(), "ICE")

riemann_1L_ups    = modUPS( the_dir,                       \
                             "riemann_sm.ups" ,            \
                             ["<maxTime>            0.0001      </maxTime>", \
                              "<outputInterval> 0.000025 </outputInterval>"])

advectAMR_perf_ups = modUPS2( the_dir, \
                               "advectAMR.ups", \
                               [("delete", "/Uintah_specification/DataAnalysis")] )

riemann_AMR_3L_ups = modUPS( the_dir,                       \
                             "riemann_AMR.ups" ,            \
                             ["<maxTime>            0.0001      </maxTime>", \
                              "<outputInterval> 0.000025 </outputInterval>"])

hotBlob_AMR_3L_ups = modUPS( the_dir,                       \
                             "hotBlob_AMR.ups",             \
                             ["<max_levels>3</max_levels>", \

# use xmlstarlet el -v <ups> for xml paths
chanFlow_powerLaw_ups = modUPS2( the_dir,                       \
                                  "channelFlow_PowerLaw.ups",   \
Exemple #2
from sys import argv, exit
from os import environ, system
from helpers.runSusTests_git import runSusTests, ignorePerformanceTests, getInputsDir
from helpers.modUPS import modUPS, modUPS2

the_dir = "%s/%s" % (getInputsDir(), "ICE")

riemann_1L_ups    = modUPS( the_dir,                       \
                             "riemann_sm.ups" ,            \
                             ["<maxTime>            0.0001      </maxTime>", \
                              "<outputInterval> 0.000025 </outputInterval>"])

advectAMR_perf_ups = modUPS2( the_dir, \
                               "advectAMR.ups", \
                               [("delete", "/Uintah_specification/DataAnalysis")] )

riemann_AMR_3L_ups = modUPS( the_dir,                       \
                             "riemann_AMR.ups" ,            \
                             ["<maxTime>            0.0001      </maxTime>", \
                              "<outputInterval> 0.000025 </outputInterval>"])

hotBlob_AMR_3L_ups = modUPS( the_dir,                       \
                             "hotBlob_AMR.ups",             \
                             ["<max_levels>3</max_levels>", \

#  Test syntax: ( "folder name", "input file", # processors, "OS",["flags1","flag2"])
Exemple #3
RMCRT_isoScat_LHC_ups = modUPS( the_dir, \
                               "RMCRT_isoScat.ups", \

# Modify base files
RMCRT_1L_perf_GPU_ups = modUPS( the_dir, \
                               "RMCRT_1L_perf.ups", \
                               ["<resolution> [64,64,64]  </resolution>",
                                "<patches>    [2,2,2]     </patches>",
                                "<nDivQRays>  100         </nDivQRays>"
                               ]  )

RMCRT_DO_perf_GPU_ups = modUPS2( the_dir, \
                               "RMCRT_DO_perf.ups", \
                               [( "update", "/Uintah_specification/Grid/Level/Box[@label=0]/resolution :[32,32,32]" ),
                                ( "update", "/Uintah_specification/Grid/Level/Box[@label=0]/patches    :[2,2,2]"    ),
                                ( "update", "/Uintah_specification/Grid/Level/Box[@label=1]/resolution :[64,64,64]" ),
                                ( "update", "/Uintah_specification/Grid/Level/Box[@label=1]/patches    :[4,4,4]"    ),
                                ( "update", "Uintah_specification/RMCRT/nDivQRays                      : 100"       )
                               ] )

#  Test syntax: ( "folder name", "input file", # processors, "OS",["flags1","flag2"])
#  OS:  Linux, Darwin, or ALL
#  flags:
#       gpu:                    - run test if machine is gpu enabled
#       no_uda_comparison:      - skip the uda comparisons
#       no_memoryTest:          - skip all memory checks
#       no_restart:             - skip the restart tests
#       no_dbg:                 - skip all debug compilation tests
Exemple #4
#       abs_tolerance=[double]  - absolute tolerance used in comparisons
#       rel_tolerance=[double]  - relative tolerance used in comparisons
#       exactComparison         - set absolute/relative tolerance = 0  for uda comparisons
#       postProcessRun          - start test from an existing uda in the checkpoints directory.  Compute new quantities and save them in a new uda
#       startFromCheckpoint     - start test from checkpoint. (/home/rt/CheckPoints/..../testname.uda.000)
#       sus_options="string"    - Additional command line options for sus command
#  Notes:
#  1) The "folder name" must be the same as input file without the extension.
#  2) Performance_tests are not run on a debug build.

benchmark01_cc_ups = modUPS2 ( the_dir, "benchmark01/benchmark01_cc_eps020_n063_k3e-02.ups", [ \
  ("delete", "/Uintah_specification/DataArchiver/outputInterval" ), \
  ("update", "/Uintah_specification/Time/maxTime: 100 "), \
  ("update", "/Uintah_specification/DataArchiver/checkpoint/@timestepInterval: 500 "), \
  ("append", "/Uintah_specification/DataArchiver/filebase:elem:outputTimestepInterval: 100 "), \
  ("append", "/Uintah_specification/Time/initTime:elem:max_Timesteps: 2001" ), \
benchmark01_nc_ups = modUPS2 ( the_dir, "benchmark01/benchmark01_nc_eps020_n064_k3e-02.ups", [ \
  ("delete", "/Uintah_specification/DataArchiver/outputInterval" ), \
  ("update", "/Uintah_specification/Time/maxTime: 100 "), \
  ("update", "/Uintah_specification/DataArchiver/checkpoint/@timestepInterval: 500 "), \
  ("append", "/Uintah_specification/DataArchiver/filebase:elem:outputTimestepInterval: 100 "), \
  ("append", "/Uintah_specification/Time/initTime:elem:max_Timesteps: 2001" ), \
benchmark02_cc_ups = modUPS2 ( the_dir, "benchmark02/benchmark02_cc_eps010_n062_k1e-04.ups", [ \
  ("delete", "/Uintah_specification/DataArchiver/outputInterval" ), \
  ("update", "/Uintah_specification/DataArchiver/checkpoint/@timestepInterval: 1000 "), \
  ("append", "/Uintah_specification/DataArchiver/filebase:elem:outputTimestepInterval: 20 "), \
  ("append", "/Uintah_specification/Time/initTime:elem:max_Timesteps: 4001" ), \