Exemple #1
    def render_thumbnail(self):
        t0 = time.time()
        x, y, w, h = self.get_effective_bbox()
        mipmap_level = 0
        while mipmap_level < tiledsurface.MAX_MIPMAP_LEVEL and max(w, h) >= 512:
            mipmap_level += 1
            x, y, w, h = x/2, y/2, w/2, h/2

        pixbuf = self.render_as_pixbuf(x, y, w, h, mipmap_level=mipmap_level)
        assert pixbuf.get_width() == w and pixbuf.get_height() == h
        pixbuf = helpers.scale_proportionally(pixbuf, 256, 256)
        print 'Rendered thumbnail in', time.time() - t0, 'seconds.'
        return pixbuf
    def render_thumbnail(self):
        t0 = time.time()
        x, y, w, h = self.get_effective_bbox()
        if w == 0 or h == 0:
            # workaround to save empty documents
            x, y, w, h = 0, 0, tiledsurface.N, tiledsurface.N
        mipmap_level = 0
        while mipmap_level < tiledsurface.MAX_MIPMAP_LEVEL and max(w, h) >= 512:
            mipmap_level += 1
            x, y, w, h = x/2, y/2, w/2, h/2

        pixbuf = self.render_as_pixbuf(x, y, w, h, mipmap_level=mipmap_level)
        assert pixbuf.get_width() == w and pixbuf.get_height() == h
        pixbuf = helpers.scale_proportionally(pixbuf, 256, 256)
        print 'Rendered thumbnail in', time.time() - t0, 'seconds.'
        return pixbuf
Exemple #3
    def render_thumbnail(self):
        t0 = time.time()
        x, y, w, h = self.get_effective_bbox()
        if w == 0 or h == 0:
            # workaround to save empty documents
            x, y, w, h = 0, 0, tiledsurface.N, tiledsurface.N
        mipmap_level = 0
        while mipmap_level < tiledsurface.MAX_MIPMAP_LEVEL and max(w, h) >= 512:
            mipmap_level += 1
            x, y, w, h = x/2, y/2, w/2, h/2

        pixbuf = self.render_as_pixbuf(x, y, w, h, mipmap_level=mipmap_level)
        assert pixbuf.get_width() == w and pixbuf.get_height() == h
        pixbuf = helpers.scale_proportionally(pixbuf, 256, 256)
        logger.info('Rendered thumbnail in %d seconds.',
                    time.time() - t0)
        return pixbuf