Exemple #1
def test_not_supported(caplog):
    """Test if none is returned if entity isn't supported."""
    # not supported entity
    assert get_accessory(None, None, State("demo.demo", "on"), 2, {}) is None

    # invalid aid
    assert get_accessory(None, None, State("light.demo", "on"), None,
                         None) is None
    assert caplog.records[0].levelname == "WARNING"
    assert "invalid aid" in caplog.records[0].msg
Exemple #2
def test_not_supported_media_player():
    """Test if mode isn't supported and if no supported modes."""
    # selected mode for entity not supported
    config = {CONF_FEATURE_LIST: {FEATURE_ON_OFF: None}}
    entity_state = State("media_player.demo", "on")
    assert get_accessory(None, None, entity_state, 2, config) is None

    # no supported modes for entity
    entity_state = State("media_player.demo", "on")
    assert get_accessory(None, None, entity_state, 2, {}) is None
Exemple #3
def test_type_media_player(type_name, entity_id, state, attrs, config):
    """Test if media_player types are associated correctly."""
    mock_type = Mock()
    with patch.dict(TYPES, {type_name: mock_type}):
        entity_state = State(entity_id, state, attrs)
        get_accessory(None, None, entity_state, 2, config)
    assert mock_type.called

    if config:
        assert mock_type.call_args[0][-1] == config