Exemple #1
def get_point_transform():
    hom = Homography(np.array(pts_src_), np.array(pts_real_))
    # dist = hom.get_point_transform([1136, 184], [942, 363])
    A = [1701, 746]
    B = [1851, 43]
    dist = hom.get_point_transform(A, B)
 def test_equal(self):
     identity = Homography.identity()
     eps = 1e-7
     shift_by_eps = Homography.translation(eps, eps)
     self.assertTrue(shift_by_eps.equal(identity, 2 * eps))
     self.assertFalse(shift_by_eps.equal(identity, eps / 2.))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(shift_by_eps, identity)
    def test_affine(self):
        affine = Affine.translation(42, 142)
        actual = Homography.from_affine(affine)
        expected = Homography.translation(42, 142)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(actual, expected)

        as_affine = actual.to_affine()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(affine, as_affine)
    def test_constructor(self):
        """ verify all construction methods are identical. """
        h_from_ndarray = Homography([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        h_from_affine = Homography(Affine.identity())
        h_from_homography = Homography(h_from_ndarray)

        self.assertEqual(h_from_ndarray, h_from_affine)
        self.assertEqual(h_from_ndarray, h_from_homography)
        self.assertEqual(h_from_ndarray, Homography.identity())
    def test_arithmetics(self):
        h1 = Homography.rotation(90)
        h2 = Homography.translation(3, 4)
        h3 = Homography.scale(5, 6)
        h = h3 * h2 * h1

        actual = h([7, 8])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(actual, [5 * (8 + 3), 6 * (-7 + 4)]))

        via_3d = h.apply(7, 8) / h.apply(7, 8)[2]
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(actual, via_3d[:2]))
    def test_distance2(self):
        h1 = Homography.identity()
        h2 = Homography.scale(0.5, 0.25)

        img_size = [100, 100]
        dist = h1.dist(h2, *img_size)
        expected_dist = np.sqrt(50**2 + 75**2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_dist, dist)
        dist = h1.dist_sourcespace(h2, *img_size)
        expected_dist_source = np.sqrt(100**2 + 300**2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_dist_source, dist)

        dist = h1.dist_bidirectional(h2, *img_size)
        expected_dist_bidi = max(expected_dist_source, expected_dist)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_dist_bidi, dist)
Exemple #7
    def test_homography_decomposition(self):
        Test homography decomposition by following steps:
        1. prepare affine with random rotation R and translation t
        2. make homography of affine from step 1, with random projection P
          **NOTE: t first, then R !! ***
        3. decompose homography using P to get R' and t'
        4. compare (R, t) and (R', t')
        # step 1
        R = ortho_group.rvs(dim=3)
        R /= np.linalg.det(R)
        t = np.random.random((3, )) * 2 - 1
        P = np.random.random((3, 3))
        P[0, 0] = P[1, 1] = P[2, 2] = 1
        P[0, 1:] = 0
        P[1, 2] = 0

        # step 2
        A = np.array([R[:, 0], R[:, 1], R @ t]).T
        H = P @ A

        # step 3
        hom = Homography(H, P)
        R_, t_ = hom.R, hom.t

        # step 4
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(R, R_)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(t, t_)
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, homography_file, filter_file, tune_param):

        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # load homography matrix
        self.homography_file = str(homography_file)
        self.homography = Homography(self.homography_file)

        self.homography_matrix = self.homography.get_homography_matrix()

        if self.homography_matrix is None:
            print("File doesnt have a homography matrix")
            print("Run find_homography script")

        # load parameters used in the filter process
        self.filter_file = filter_file
        self.filter_param = Parameters(filter_file)
        self.tune_param = tune_param

        # configure parameters
        if tune_param:

            if os.path.exists(self.filter_file):

        # autonomous mode
            if os.path.exists(self.filter_file):

                print("Filter file doesnt exist")

        self.init = True

        self.filter_res = 0

        self.image = None
        self.warp_res = None
        self.color_res = None
        self.filter_res = None

        self.lanes_list = None
    def test_distance(self):
        h1 = Homography.identity()
        h2 = Homography.translation(3, 4)

        img_size = [42, 123456]
        dist = h1.dist_sourcespace(h2, *img_size)
        expected_dist = np.sqrt(3**2 + 4**2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_dist, dist)
        dist = h1.dist(h2, *img_size)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_dist, dist)

        expected_rel_dist = expected_dist / np.linalg.norm(img_size)
        rel_dist = h1.rel_dist(h2, *img_size)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_rel_dist, rel_dist)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(h1.norm(42, 123456), 0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(h2.norm(42, 123456), expected_dist)
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self):

        # Pub/Sub
        self.sub_camera = rospy.Subscriber('/zed/rgb/image_rect_color', Image,
        self.pub_bounding_box = rospy.Publisher('/bounding_box',
        self.pub_state = rospy.Publisher('/state',
        self.pub_image = rospy.Publisher('/image_bounded',

        # Image data
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        self.H = Homography()
Exemple #11
    def test_ransac(self):
        Test ransac by following steps:
        1. make random homography
        2. make inliers with noise
        3. make outliers
        4. RUN
        N_TOTAL = 1000
        N_INLIER = 500
        N_ITER = trial_count(N_INLIER / N_TOTAL, 4)
        NOISE_SIZE = 0

        # step 1
        gt = np.random.random((3, 3))
        gt[2, :] *= 100
        gt[2, 2] = 1

        # step 2
        hom = Homography(gt)
        x = np.random.random((N_INLIER, 2))
        y = hom.transform(x)

        x += np.random.random((N_INLIER, 2)) * NOISE_SIZE
        y += np.random.random((N_INLIER, 2)) * NOISE_SIZE
        inliers = np.concatenate((x, y), axis=1)

        # step 3
        outliers = np.random.random((N_OUTLIER, 4))
        data = np.concatenate((inliers, outliers), axis=0)

        # step 4
        from ransac import RANSAC
        ransac_inst = RANSAC(
        model = ProjectionModel()
        best_func, best_inliers = ransac_inst(data, model)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(best_func.M, gt)
Exemple #12
 def __init__(self, camera, pnts_pattern):
     self.rep = Representation()
     self.h = Homography(pnts_pattern)
     self.tcp = TCP()
     self.a = Angle()
     self.camera = camera
     self.hom = np.zeros((3, 3))
     self.inv_hom = np.zeros((3, 3))
     self.Frame = np.zeros((3, 3))
     self.inv_Frame = np.zeros((3, 3))
     self.hom_final_camera = np.zeros((3, 3))
 def test_from_points(self):
     src = np.array(
         [[0.0, 0.0], [200.0, 0.0], [200.0, 100.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
     diff = np.array([10, 20])
     dst = src - diff
     h = homography.from_points(src, dst)
     expected = Homography.translation(-diff[0], -diff[1])
     self.assertEqual(h, expected)
     src = [Point(x, y) for x, y in src]
     dst = [Point(x, y) for x, y in dst]
     h = homography.from_points(src, dst)
     self.assertEqual(h, expected)
Exemple #14
class ObjectFinder:
    def __init__(self):

        # Pub/Sub
        self.sub_camera = rospy.Subscriber('/zed/rgb/image_rect_color', Image,
        self.pub_bounding_box = rospy.Publisher('/bounding_box',
        self.pub_state = rospy.Publisher('/state',
        self.pub_image = rospy.Publisher('/image_bounded',

        # Image data
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        self.H = Homography()

    def sub_callback_image(self, data):
        img = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, 'bgr8')

        box = color_seg(img)
        msg = bounding_box()

        msg.x_min = box[0][0]
        msg.y_min = box[0][1]
        msg.x_max = box[1][0]
        msg.y_max = box[1][1]

        dx, dy = self.H.find_box_bottom_center(box)
        print('BOX LOCAL: ', dx, dy)
        state_msg = Float32MultiArray()
        state_msg.data = [dx, dy]

        img_new = img
        cv2.rectangle(img_new, (box[0][0], box[0][1]), (box[1][0], box[1][1]),
                      (0, 255, 0), 2)
        msg_img = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img_new, 'bgr8')

 def test_todict(self):
     h1 = Homography.translation(2, 3)*Homography.scale(2, 1)
     h2 = Homography.from_dict(h1.to_dict())
     self.assertEqual(h1, h2)
Exemple #16
    def draw_axis_camera(self, image, pnts):
        cv2.line(image, (pnts[0][0], pnts[0][1]), (pnts[1][0], pnts[1][1]), RED, 2)
        cv2.line(image, (pnts[0][0], pnts[0][1]), (pnts[2][0], pnts[2][1]), GREEN, 2)
        return image

    def draw_points(self, image, pnts):
        for pnt in pnts:
            cv2.circle(image, (int(pnt[0]), int(pnt[1])), 10, BLUE, -1)
        return image

if __name__ == '__main__':

    pnts_pattern = np.float32([[0, 0], [1.1, 0], [0, 1.1], [1.1, 1.1]])
    homography = Homography(pnts_pattern)

    pnts = np.float32([[0, 0],
                       [1, 0],
                       [0, 1]])

    corners = np.float32([[-2.5, -2.5],
                          [2.5, -2.5],
                          [-2.5, 2.5],
                          [2.5, 2.5]])

    pnts_final = np.float32([[0, 0],
                             [500, 0],
                             [0, 500],
                             [500, 500]])
Exemple #17
class Cal_camera():
    def __init__(self, camera, pnts_pattern):
        self.rep = Representation()
        self.h = Homography(pnts_pattern)
        self.tcp = TCP()
        self.a = Angle()
        self.camera = camera
        self.hom = np.zeros((3, 3))
        self.inv_hom = np.zeros((3, 3))
        self.Frame = np.zeros((3, 3))
        self.inv_Frame = np.zeros((3, 3))
        self.hom_final_camera = np.zeros((3, 3))

    def get_pxls_homography(self, image, scale=1):
        pts_image = self.h.read_image(image, scale)
        return pts_image

    def calculate_homography(self, pxls_pattern):
        self.hom = self.h.calculate(pxls_pattern)
        self.inv_hom = linalg.inv(self.hom)

    def get_pxl_origin(self, folder, scale=1):
        pxl_pnts = []
        for f in sorted(folder):
            im_uEye = cv2.imread(f)
            pxl_pnts.append(self.tcp.read_image(im_uEye, scale))
        return pxl_pnts

    def get_pxl_orientation(self, folder, scale=1):
        for f in sorted(folder):
            name = basename(f)
            if name == "move_x.jpg":
                im_uEye = cv2.imread(f)
                pxl_pnts_x = self.tcp.read_image(im_uEye, scale)
            elif name == "move_y.jpg":
                im_uEye = cv2.imread(f)
                pxl_pnts_y = self.tcp.read_image(im_uEye, scale)
            elif name == "move_o.jpg":
                im_uEye = cv2.imread(f)
                pxl_pnts_origin = self.tcp.read_image(im_uEye, scale)

        return pxl_pnts_origin, pxl_pnts_x, pxl_pnts_y

    def calculate_TCP_orientarion(self, pxl_pnts, pxl_pnts_origin, pxl_pnts_x, pxl_pnts_y, dx, dy):
        pxl_TCP = self.tcp.calculate_origin(pxl_pnts)
        print "TCP :", pxl_TCP
        factor, angle_y, angle_x = self.tcp.calculate_orientation(pxl_pnts_origin, pxl_pnts_x, pxl_pnts_y, dx, dy)
        return pxl_TCP, factor, angle_y, angle_x

    def calculate_angle_TCP(self, origin, axis_x, pattern):

        pnt_origin = self.rep.transform(self.hom, origin)
        pnt_x = self.rep.transform(self.hom, axis_x)
        pnt_pattern = self.rep.transform(self.hom, pattern)

        l_1 = np.float32([pnt_origin[0], pnt_x[0]])
        l_2 = pnt_pattern[0:2]
        vd1 = self.a.director_vector(l_1[0], l_1[1])
        vd2 = self.a.director_vector(l_2[0], l_2[1])
        angle = self.a.calculate_angle(vd1, vd2)
        return angle

    def calculate_frame(self, pxl_TCP, angle):
        pnts_TCP = self.rep.transform(self.hom, pxl_TCP)[0]

        a = np.deg2rad(angle)
        self.Frame = np.float32([[np.cos(a),  -np.sin(a), pnts_TCP[0]],
                                [np.sin(a),  np.cos(a), pnts_TCP[1]],
                                [0, 0, 1]])

        self.Orientation = np.float32([[np.cos(a),  -np.sin(a), 0],
                                       [np.sin(a),  np.cos(a), 0],
                                       [0, 0, 1]])
        self.inv_Orientation = linalg.inv(self.Orientation)
        self.inv_Frame = linalg.inv(self.Frame)

    def calculate_hom_final(self, img, pnts, corners, pnts_final):
        # pxls_camera = self.rep.transform(self.inv_hom, pnts)
        im_measures = self.rep.define_camera(img.copy(), self.hom)
        #------------------ Data in (c)mm
        image_axis = self.rep.draw_axis_camera(im_measures, pnts)
        pnts_Frame = pnts
        pnts_camera = self.rep.transform(self.Frame, pnts_Frame)

        image_axis_tcp = self.rep.draw_axis_camera(image_axis, pnts_camera)
        corners_Frame = corners
        corners_camera = self.rep.transform(self.Frame, corners_Frame)
        img = self.rep.draw_points(image_axis_tcp, corners_camera)
        pxls_corner = self.rep.transform(self.inv_hom, corners_camera)
        self.hom_final_camera, status = cv2.findHomography(pxls_corner.copy(), pnts_final)
        return self.hom_final_camera

    def write_config_file(self):
        hom_vis = self.hom_final_camera
        hom_TCP = np.dot(self.inv_hom, self.Frame)
        inv_hom_TCP = np.dot(self.inv_Frame, self.hom)
        data = dict(
        filename = '../../config/' + self.camera + '_config.yaml'
        with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
            yaml.dump(data, outfile)
            print data

    def visualize_data(self):
        print "Homography: "
        print self.hom

        print "Frame: "
        print self.Frame

        print "Final homography: "
        print self.hom_final_camera

    def draw_pattern_axis(self, pnts, img):
        pnts_axis_pattern = pnts
        pxls_axis_pattern = self.rep.transform(self.inv_hom, pnts_axis_pattern)
        pnt_axis_pattern_final = self.rep.transform(self.hom_final_camera, pxls_axis_pattern)
        img_pattern_NIT = self.rep.draw_axis_camera(img, pnt_axis_pattern_final)
        return img_pattern_NIT

    def draw_TCP_axis(self, pnts, img):
        pnts_axis = pnts
        pnts_axis_TCP = self.rep.transform(self.Frame, pnts_axis)
        pxls_axis_TCP = self.rep.transform(self.inv_hom, pnts_axis_TCP)
        pnt_axis_TCP_final = self.rep.transform(self.hom_final_camera, pxls_axis_TCP)
        img_final_axis = self.rep.draw_axis_camera(img, pnt_axis_TCP_final)
        return img_final_axis

    def draw_axis(self, pnts, img):
        img_TCP = self.draw_pattern_axis(pnts, img)
        img_final = self.draw_TCP_axis(pnts, img_TCP)
        return img_final
Exemple #18
    def detect_motion(self, puntosHomography):
        capture = openCv.VideoCapture(self.video)
        openCv.namedWindow('frame', openCv.WINDOW_NORMAL)  #nuevo ajuste imagen
        capture.set(openCv.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, self.start_frame)
        coordinates_data = self.coordinates_data

        DetectorHelper.calculateMask(coordinates_data, self.contours,
                                     self.bounds, self.masks)

        statuses = [True] * len(coordinates_data)
        times = [None] * len(coordinates_data)
        firstFrame = None

        comienzo = time.time()
        count_AUX = 1

        # Agregar deteccion de bicicletas
        #bicycleClassif = openCv.CascadeClassifier('body.xml')

        while capture.isOpened():
            result, frame = capture.read()
            if frame is None:

            if not result:
                raise CaptureReadError(
                    "Error reading video capture on frame %s" % str(frame))

            blurred = openCv.GaussianBlur(frame.copy(), (5, 5), 3)
            grayed = openCv.cvtColor(blurred, openCv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            new_frame = frame.copy()

            if firstFrame is None:
                firstFrame = grayed

            self.detectMoves(new_frame, firstFrame, grayed)
            self.calculateStatusByTime(capture, grayed, times, statuses)
            self.drawingUtils.drawContoursInFrame(new_frame, statuses,

            # Agregar deteccion de bicicletas
            #bicycle = bicycleClassif.detectMultiScale(grayed,
            #scaleFactor = 1.1,#1.1
            #minNeighbors = 91,

            #for (x,y,w,h) in bicycle:
            #    openCv.rectangle(new_frame, (x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,128,255),2)
            #    openCv.putText(new_frame,'Ciclista',(x,y-10),2,0.7,(0,128,255),2,openCv.LINE_AA)

            Homography.getVideoHomography(new_frame, puntosHomography)
            openCv.imshow(str(self.video), new_frame)

            momento = time.time()
            if ((int(momento) -
                 int(comienzo)) == (count_AUX *
                count_AUX = count_AUX + 1

            k = openCv.waitKey(MotionDetector.SPEED)
            if k == KEY_QUIT:

 def test_projectivity(self):
     h = Homography.translation(3, 4)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(h.projectivity(), 0)
Exemple #20
class CrossDetector():
    def __init__(self, homography_file, filter_file, tune_param):

        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # load homography matrix
        self.homography_file = str(homography_file)
        self.homography = Homography(self.homography_file)

        self.homography_matrix = self.homography.get_homography_matrix()

        if self.homography_matrix is None:
            print("File doesnt have a homography matrix")
            print("Run find_homography script")

        # load parameters used in the filter process
        self.filter_file = filter_file
        self.filter_param = Parameters(filter_file)
        self.tune_param = tune_param

        # configure parameters
        if tune_param:

            if os.path.exists(self.filter_file):

        # autonomous mode
            if os.path.exists(self.filter_file):

                print("Filter file doesnt exist")

        self.init = True

        self.filter_res = 0

    def process(self, compressed_image):

        start = time.time()

        #image = self.bridge.compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(compressed_image, "bgr8")
        image = compressed_image

        #if self.init == True:
        #    cv2.imwrite("/home/nesvera/image_test.jpg", image)

        warp_res = cv2.warpPerspective(image.copy(), self.homography_matrix,
                                       (400, 400))

        #color_res = warp_res
        color_res = cv2.cvtColor(warp_res, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

        filter_res = self.filter(color_res)


        periodo = time.time() - start
        fps = 1 / periodo


        # configure parameters mode
        if self.tune_param == 1:

            cv2.imshow("image", image)
            cv2.imshow("warp_res", warp_res)
            cv2.imshow("color_res", color_res)
            cv2.imshow("filter_res", filter_res)

            key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF

            if key == ord('q'):

            elif key == ord('l'):

            elif key == ord('s'):


    def filter(self, image):

        ret, thr = cv2.threshold(image, self.filter_param.gray_lower_bound,
                                 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
        #ret, thr = cv2.threshold(image, self.filter_param.gray_lower_bound, self.filter_param.gray_upper_bound, cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)

        # talvez aplicar sobel(gradient) + threshould

        filtered = thr

        return filtered

    def find_lanes(self, image):
            top-left = roi_0_x, roi_0_y
            bot-right = roi_1_x, roi_1_y

        # image size
        img_h, img_w = image.shape

        # initial search position y
        #y_pos_init = self.filter_param.roi_0_y

        # random initial position of y
        #y_pos_init = random.randint(self.filter_param.roi_0_y,
        #                            self.filter_param.roi_1_y + 1)

        y_pos_init = int(
            (self.filter_param.roi_0_y + self.filter_param.roi_1_y) / 2)

        # get entire horizontal line for the first scan of lanes
        hor_line = image[y_pos_init, :]

        # list of lanes... lane is a class with points, width ...
        lanes_list = []

        # store temporary points for a interesting area of the horizontal search
        points_found = []

        for index, pixel in enumerate(hor_line):

            if pixel == 255:

            elif pixel == 0 and len(points_found) > 0:

                # after to collect all sequence of bright pixels, get the median
                new_lane_center_point = np.array(
                    (int(np.median(points_found)), y_pos_init))
                points_found = []

                # create a Lane obj and add to the list of lanes
                    Lane(new_lane_center_point, len(points_found)))

        # from the points found in the first search, find all points connected to this lane
        # using sliding window with a box of fixed size
        for lane in lanes_list:

            # get last point found of a lane
            last_point = lane.get_last_point()
            x_lane_start = last_point[0]
            y_lane_start = last_point[1]

            # search up
            x_pos_cur = x_lane_start
            y_pos_cur = y_lane_start + 1

            points_found = []

            while y_pos_cur >= self.filter_param.roi_0_y:

                x_box_start = x_pos_cur - int(
                    self.filter_param.search_box_w / 2)
                x_box_end = x_pos_cur + int(self.filter_param.search_box_w / 2)

                # get pixels from a search box
                hor_line = image[y_pos_cur, x_box_start:x_box_end]

                # real index of a hor_line pixel in the image
                hor_line_image_index = [
                    i for i in range(x_box_start, x_box_end)

                for index, pixel in enumerate(hor_line):

                    # store bright pixels
                    if pixel == 255:

                if len(points_found) > 0:

                    lane_center = hor_line_image_index[int(

                    new_lane_point = np.array((lane_center, y_pos_cur))
                    points_found = []

                    # append a new point to the list
                    lane.add_point(new_lane_point, len(points_found))

                    # x start point for the next search
                    x_pos_cur = lane_center

                    # "feature" existente aqui: como nao tem uma condicao de parada
                    # quando a linha acabar a baixa continuara procurando seguindo verticalmente
                    # no ultimo x. Talvez seja bom para a pista com faixa pontilhada, mas talvez
                    # de problema....
                    # solucao: caso nao ter nenhum ponto brilhante, subir n posicoes, se nao houver
                    # um ponto brilhante, acaba

                # move window to the next line
                y_pos_cur = y_pos_cur - 1

            # search down
            x_pos_cur = x_lane_start
            y_pos_cur = y_lane_start + 1

            points_found = []

            while y_pos_cur <= self.filter_param.roi_1_y:

                x_box_start = x_pos_cur - int(
                    self.filter_param.search_box_w / 2)
                x_box_end = x_pos_cur + int(self.filter_param.search_box_w / 2)

                # get pixels from a search box
                hor_line = image[y_pos_cur, x_box_start:x_box_end]

                # real index of a hor_line pixel in the image
                hor_line_image_index = [
                    i for i in range(x_box_start, x_box_end)

                for index, pixel in enumerate(hor_line):

                    # store bright pixels
                    if pixel == 255:

                if len(points_found) > 0:

                    lane_center = hor_line_image_index[int(

                    new_lane_point = np.array((lane_center, y_pos_cur))
                    points_found = []

                    # append a new point to the list
                    lane.add_point(new_lane_point, len(points_found))

                    # x start point for the next search
                    x_pos_cur = lane_center

                    # "feature" existente aqui: como nao tem uma condicao de parada
                    # quando a linha acabar a baixa continuara procurando seguindo verticalmente
                    # no ultimo x. Talvez seja bom para a pista com faixa pontilhada, mas talvez
                    # de problema....
                    # solucao: caso nao ter nenhum ponto brilhante, subir n posicoes, se nao houver
                    # um ponto brilhante, acaba

                # move window to the next line
                y_pos_cur = y_pos_cur + 1

        for lane in lanes_list:

            min_p, max_p = lane.distance_y()
            f = lane.get_function()

            #for i in range(self.filter_param.roi_0_y, self.filter_param.roi_1_y):
            for i in range(0, 399):
                x = int(f(i))
                y = i
                cv2.circle(image, (x, y), 3, 255, 1)

                      (self.filter_param.roi_0_x, self.filter_param.roi_0_y),
                      (self.filter_param.roi_1_x, self.filter_param.roi_1_y),
                      255, 2)

        cv2.imshow("rect", image)
                help='Path to the input image containing the logo/image')
                help='Type of matching algorithm to use',
args = vars(ap.parse_args())

#Getting the images ready
img1 = cv2.imread(args['logo'], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
img2 = cv2.imread(args['image'], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

match_type = args['match']
img_matches = None

if match_type == 'B':
    #Matching the images using the Brute-Force algorithm.
    img_matches = BruteForce(img1, img2)
elif match_type == 'R':
    #Matching the images using BruteForce KNN algorithm with Ratio Test.
    img_matches = BruteForceKNN(img1, img2)
elif match_type == 'F':
    img_matches = FLANN(img1, img2)
elif match_type == 'H':
    img_matches = Homography(img1, img2)

#Displaying the results and storing them
cv2.imwrite('matched.png', img_matches)
Exemple #22
size = 500

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(f'./{file}')

    with open(f'calib_{file}.json') as f:
        calib = json.load(f)

    image_points = np.array(calib["image"])
    map_points = np.array(calib["map"])
    dist_coords = calib["dist"]

    scale = calib["scale"]

    homography = Homography(
        size * (scale / 2) + size * scale + map_points * size * scale)

    dist_coords = [
    min_dist = np.linalg.norm(dist_coords[0] - dist_coords[1])

    frame_idx = 0

    while True:
        r, img = cap.read()
        img = cv2.resize(img, (1280, 720))

        if frame_idx == 0:
def get_image_homography(image_file):
    puntos = []
    imagen = openCv.imread(image_file)
    homography = Homography(puntos, imagen)
    imagenH = homography.getHomography()
    return homography.getPuntos()
Exemple #24
    del parameters

if __name__ == "__main__":
    global homography

    rospy.loginfo("Starting find_homography.py")

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        rospy.loginfo("Error in find_homography!")
        rospy.loginfo("Cant find json file!")

    file_path = sys.argv[1]

    homography = Homography(file_path)

    # create trackbar and set values

    # set world points
    world_points = [
        [000.0, 800.0],
        [400.0, 800.0],
        [400.0, 600.0],
        [000.0, 600.0]]

Exemple #25
    scale = 8
    tcp = TCP_to_cam()
    # img1 = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dirname, 'pose1.jpg'))
    # pnts1 = tcp.read_image(img1, scale)

    tcp0 = np.float32([[329, 288.9]])
    pnts1 = np.float32([[177.5, 394]])
    pnts2 = np.float32([[221, 386.5]])
    pnts3 = np.float32([[294.5, 376.5]])
    pnts4 = np.float32([[368, 354]])
    pnts5 = np.float32([[431.5, 322]])
    pnts6 = np.float32([[504.5, 290.5]])
    pnts7 = np.float32([[562, 250.5]])

    h = Homography()
    # hom = np.float32([[0.341, -0.002, -2.588],
    #                   [-0.002, 0.322, -2.407],
    #                   [0.000, 0.000, 1.000]])
    hom = np.float32([[0, -0.00814, 512*0.00814],
                      [0.00814, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 1.00000]])

    pnts1 = h.transform(hom, pnts1)
    pnts2 = h.transform(hom, pnts2)
    pnts3 = h.transform(hom, pnts3)
    pnts4 = h.transform(hom, pnts4)
    pnts5 = h.transform(hom, pnts5)
    pnts6 = h.transform(hom, pnts6)
    pnts7 = h.transform(hom, pnts7)
Exemple #26
    if len(points) > 1:
        _, speed_av = get_weighted_speed(frames, points, hom)
        output = get_momentum_speeds(frames, points, hom)
        speed_median = output[-1]
        return speed_av, speed_median
        return 0, 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # res_file = open('../video_cruise_control/second_experiment/temp/speed_file', 'w')
    # with open(path_to_targets, 'r') as targets_file:
    #     lines = targets_file.read().splitlines()
    # targets = dict((x.split(' ')[0], float(x.split(' ')[1])) for x in lines)
    hom = Homography(np.array(pts_src_), np.array(pts_real_))
    plate_cascade = cv.CascadeClassifier(path_to_cascade)
    net = caffe.Net(path_to_model, path_to_weights, caffe.TEST)

    # videos = []
    # timestamps = []
    # files = os.listdir(path_to_video_and_timestamp)
    # for f in files:
    #     if not f.endswith('_timestamps') and f.endswith('mp4'):
    #         videos.append(f)
    #         timestamps.append(f + '_timestamps')
    # v_t = dict(zip(videos, timestamps))
    # v_t = {'1.mp4':'', '3.mp4':'', '5.mp4':'', '7.mp4':'', '9.mp4':'', '11.mp4':''}
    # v_t = {'2.mp4':'', '4.mp4':'', '6.mp4':'', '8.mp4':'', '10.mp4':'', '12.mp4':''}
Exemple #27
class LaneDetector():


    def __init__(self, homography_file, filter_file, tune_param):

        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # load homography matrix
        self.homography_file = str(homography_file)
        self.homography = Homography(self.homography_file)

        self.homography_matrix = self.homography.get_homography_matrix()

        if self.homography_matrix is None:
            print("File doesnt have a homography matrix")
            print("Run find_homography script")

        # load parameters used in the filter process
        self.filter_file = filter_file
        self.filter_param = Parameters(filter_file)
        self.tune_param = tune_param

        # configure parameters
        if tune_param:

            if os.path.exists(self.filter_file):

        # autonomous mode
            if os.path.exists(self.filter_file):

                print("Filter file doesnt exist")

        self.init = True

        self.filter_res = 0

        self.image = None
        self.warp_res = None
        self.color_res = None
        self.filter_res = None

        self.lanes_list = None

    def debug(self):

        while True:

                #print("Numero de linhas: " + str(len(self.lanes_list)))
                for i, lane in enumerate(self.lanes_list):

                    distance = lane.distance_y()
                    #print("--> " + str(i) + " width: " + str(lane.get_avg_width()) + " len: " + str(lane.get_len_point()))

                    f = lane.get_function()

                    for j in range(self.filter_param.roi_0_y,
                        #for j in range(0, 399):
                        x = int(f(j))
                        y = j
                        cv2.circle(self.warp_res, (x, y), 3, 0, 1)

                    (self.filter_param.roi_0_x, self.filter_param.roi_0_y),
                    (self.filter_param.roi_1_x, self.filter_param.roi_1_y),
                    255, 2)

                cv2.imshow("image", self.image)
                cv2.imshow("warp_res", self.warp_res)
                cv2.imshow("color_res", self.color_res)
                cv2.imshow("filter_res", self.filter_res)

                key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF

                if key == ord('q'):

                elif key == ord('l'):

                elif key == ord('s'):



    def process(self, compressed_image):

        start = time.time()

        self.image = self.bridge.compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(
            compressed_image, "bgr8")
        #self.image = compressed_image.copy()
        self.color_res = cv2.cvtColor(self.image.copy(), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8))
        contrast = clahe.apply(self.color_res)

        self.warp_res = cv2.warpPerspective(contrast, self.homography_matrix,
                                            (400, 400))
        self.filter_res = self.filter(self.warp_res)
        self.lanes_list = self.find_lanes(self.filter_res.copy())

        good_lanes = []

        # delete small lanes
        for lane in self.lanes_list:

            if lane.get_len_point() > 15:

        self.lanes_list = good_lanes

        # classify the road
        lane_status = LaneInfo()
        img_h, img_w = self.warp_res.shape
        img_w_center = img_w / 2.0
        y_react_point = self.filter_param.roi_1_y

        num_lanes = len(self.lanes_list)
        if num_lanes == 0:
            lane_status.lane_type = 0
            return lane_status

        elif num_lanes == 1:
            lane_status.lane_type = 255

            lane = self.lanes_list[0]

            max_p = lane.get_min_vertical()
            min_p = lane.get_max_vertical()

            #print(min_p, max_p)

            m_coef = -(min_p[1] - max_p[1]) / float((min_p[0] - max_p[0]))
            angle = np.arctan(m_coef) * 180 / np.pi

            #print(min_p, max_p)
            print("angle: " + str(angle))

            x_react_point = min_p[0]
            y_react_point = max_p[1]

            #print(x_react_point, y_react_point)

            # left side, off the road
            if angle <= 80 and angle >= 0:

                lane_status.lane_type = 0

                s_angle = 90 - angle
                s_offset = 80 - (img_w_center - x_react_point)

                lane_status.lane_curvature = s_angle
                lane_status.lane_offset = s_angle + s_offset



            elif angle >= -80 and angle <= 0:
                lane_status.lane_type = 0

                s_angle = -(90 + angle)
                s_offset = -(60 + (img_w_center - x_react_point))

                lane_status.lane_curvature = s_angle
                lane_status.lane_offset = s_angle + s_offset





        elif num_lanes == 2:
            lane_status.lane_type = 1

            angle_list = []
            x_lane_position = 0

            for lane in self.lanes_list:

                f = lane.get_function()
                x_lane_position += f(self.filter_param.roi_1_y)

                max_p = lane.get_min_vertical()
                min_p = lane.get_max_vertical()

                #print(min_p, max_p)

                m_coef = -(min_p[1] - max_p[1]) / float((min_p[0] - max_p[0]))
                angle = np.arctan(m_coef) * 180 / np.pi


            lane_status.lane_curvature = min(angle_list)
            lane_status.lane_offset = ((x_lane_position) / 2.0) - img_w_center


        elif num_lanes == 3:
            lane_status.lane_type = 2

            good_lanes = []

            for i in range(len(self.lanes_list) - 1):

                f1 = self.lanes_list[i].get_function()
                f2 = self.lanes_list[i + 1].get_function()

                if abs(
                        f1(self.filter_param.roi_1_y) -
                        f2(self.filter_param.roi_1_y)) > 10:


            angle_list = []
            x_lane_position = 0

            for lane in good_lanes:

                f = lane.get_function()
                x_lane_position += f(self.filter_param.roi_1_y)

                max_p = lane.get_min_vertical()
                min_p = lane.get_max_vertical()

                #print(min_p, max_p)

                m_coef = -(min_p[1] - max_p[1]) / float((min_p[0] - max_p[0]))
                angle = np.arctan(m_coef) * 180 / np.pi


            lane_status.lane_curvature = min(angle_list)
            lane_status.lane_offset = ((x_lane_position) / 2.0) - img_w_center


        elif num_lanes == 4:
            lane_status.lane_type = 2

        periodo = time.time() - start
        fps = 1 / periodo
        #print("FPS: " + str(fps))

    def filter(self, image):

        ret, thr = cv2.threshold(image, self.filter_param.gray_lower_bound,
                                 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
        kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3, 3))
        filtered = cv2.morphologyEx(thr, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)

        return filtered

    def find_lanes(self, image):
            top-left = roi_0_x, roi_0_y
            bot-right = roi_1_x, roi_1_y

        # image size
        img_h, img_w = image.shape

        # initial search position y
        #y_pos_init = self.filter_param.roi_0_y

        # random initial position of y
        y_pos_init = random.randint(self.filter_param.roi_0_y,
                                    self.filter_param.roi_1_y + 1)

        # get entire horizontal line for the first scan of lanes
        hor_line = image[y_pos_init, :]

        # list of lanes... lane is a class with points, width ...
        lanes_list = []

        # store temporary points for a interesting area of the horizontal search
        points_found = []

        for index, pixel in enumerate(hor_line):

            if pixel == 255:

            elif pixel == 0 and len(points_found) > 0:

                # after to collect all sequence of bright pixels, get the median
                new_lane_center_point = np.array(
                    (int(np.median(points_found)), y_pos_init))

                # create a Lane obj and add to the list of lanes
                    Lane(new_lane_center_point, len(points_found)))

                points_found = []

        # from the points found in the first search, find all points connected to this lane
        # using sliding window with a box of fixed size
        for lane in lanes_list:

            # get last point found of a lane
            last_point = lane.get_last_point()
            x_lane_start = last_point[0]
            y_lane_start = last_point[1]

            # search up
            x_pos_cur = x_lane_start
            y_pos_cur = y_lane_start - self.filter_param.search_box_h

            points_found = []

            while y_pos_cur >= self.filter_param.roi_0_y:

                x_box_start = x_pos_cur - int(
                    self.filter_param.search_box_w / 2)
                x_box_end = x_pos_cur + int(self.filter_param.search_box_w / 2)

                # get pixels from a search box
                hor_line = image[y_pos_cur, x_box_start:x_box_end]

                # real index of a hor_line pixel in the image
                hor_line_image_index = [
                    i for i in range(x_box_start, x_box_end)

                for index, pixel in enumerate(hor_line):

                    # store bright pixels
                    if pixel == 255:

                if len(points_found) > 0:

                    lane_center = hor_line_image_index[int(

                    new_lane_point = np.array((lane_center, y_pos_cur))

                    # append a new point to the list
                    lane.add_point(new_lane_point, len(points_found))

                    # x start point for the next search
                    x_pos_cur = lane_center

                    points_found = []

                    # "feature" existente aqui: como nao tem uma condicao de parada
                    # quando a linha acabar a baixa continuara procurando seguindo verticalmente
                    # no ultimo x. Talvez seja bom para a pista com faixa pontilhada, mas talvez
                    # de problema....
                    # solucao: caso nao ter nenhum ponto brilhante, subir n posicoes, se nao houver
                    # um ponto brilhante, acaba

                # if not was found following the lane

                # move window to the next line
                y_pos_cur = y_pos_cur - self.filter_param.search_box_h

            # search down
            x_pos_cur = x_lane_start
            y_pos_cur = y_lane_start + self.filter_param.search_box_h

            points_found = []

            while y_pos_cur <= self.filter_param.roi_1_y:

                x_box_start = x_pos_cur - int(
                    self.filter_param.search_box_w / 2)
                x_box_end = x_pos_cur + int(self.filter_param.search_box_w / 2)

                # get pixels from a search box
                hor_line = image[y_pos_cur, x_box_start:x_box_end]

                # real index of a hor_line pixel in the image
                hor_line_image_index = [
                    i for i in range(x_box_start, x_box_end)

                for index, pixel in enumerate(hor_line):

                    # store bright pixels
                    if pixel == 255:

                if len(points_found) > 0:

                    lane_center = hor_line_image_index[int(

                    new_lane_point = np.array((lane_center, y_pos_cur))

                    # append a new point to the list
                    lane.add_point(new_lane_point, len(points_found))

                    # x start point for the next search
                    x_pos_cur = lane_center

                    points_found = []

                    # "feature" existente aqui: como nao tem uma condicao de parada
                    # quando a linha acabar a baixa continuara procurando seguindo verticalmente
                    # no ultimo x. Talvez seja bom para a pista com faixa pontilhada, mas talvez
                    # de problema....
                    # solucao: caso nao ter nenhum ponto brilhante, subir n posicoes, se nao houver
                    # um ponto brilhante, acaba

                # if not was found following the lane

                # move window to the next line
                y_pos_cur = y_pos_cur + self.filter_param.search_box_h

        return lanes_list
    def __init__(self, name, roi, chessboard_size, flip_src, fps_ratio):
        self.name = name
        self.roi = roi

        # raw videos
        self.src_vid_paths = sorted(glob.glob(SRC_VID_FORMAT.format(name)))
        self.dst_vid_paths = sorted(glob.glob(DST_VID_FORMAT.format(name)))

        if len(self.src_vid_paths) != len(self.dst_vid_paths):
            raise ValueError('Number of sharp and blur videos are not equal!')
        print(f'{len(self.src_vid_paths)} videos found!')

        # Flip the images of the left camera
        self.flip_src = flip_src

        # Ratio of sharp fps and blur fps
        self.fps_ratio = fps_ratio

        # crop center
        self.cropper = Cropper(roi)

        # Read and cache all calibration data
        # homography data
        hom_src_path = HOM_SRC_FORMAT.format(name)
        hom_dst_path = HOM_DST_FORMAT.format(name)

        if (not osp.isfile(hom_src_path)) or (not osp.isfile(hom_dst_path)):
            raise ValueError('Missing homography data!')

        hom_src = cv2.imread(hom_src_path)
        hom_dst = cv2.imread(hom_dst_path)

        # color correction data
        cc_src_paths = sorted(glob.glob(COLOR_CORRECT_SRC_FORMAT.format(name)))
        cc_dst_paths = sorted(glob.glob(COLOR_CORRECT_DST_FORMAT.format(name)))

        if (len(cc_src_paths) != len(cc_dst_paths)) or (
                len(cc_src_paths) != len(self.src_vid_paths)):
            raise ValueError('Number of color correction frames is not valid!')

        self.ccs_src = [
            cv2.imread(cc_src_path) for cc_src_path in cc_src_paths
        self.ccs_dst = [
            cv2.imread(cc_dst_path) for cc_dst_path in cc_dst_paths

        # Sharp videos captured from beamsplitter-based system are flipped
        if self.flip:
            hom_src = self.flip(hom_src)
            self.ccs_src = [self.flip(ccs) for ccs in self.ccs_src]

        # Initialize calibration tool
        # Note:
        # homography: sharp -> blur
        # color correction: blur -> sharp
        self.warper = Homography(hom_src, hom_dst, chessboard_size)

        cv2.imwrite('debug1.png', self.crop(self.warp(self.ccs_src[0])))
        cv2.imwrite('debug2.png', self.crop(self.ccs_dst[0]))

        self.ccs_src = [self.warp(ccs) for ccs in self.ccs_src]

        # remove black margins of the camera
        self.ccs_src = [self.crop(ccs) for ccs in self.ccs_src]
        self.ccs_dst = [self.crop(ccs) for ccs in self.ccs_dst]

        self.color_transformer = [
            MyColorCorrection(cc_dst, cc_src)
            for cc_dst, cc_src in zip(self.ccs_dst, self.ccs_src)
 def test_shift(self):
     translation = np.array([2, 3])
     h = Homography.translation(translation[0], translation[1])
     shift = h.get_shift_at_point(np.array([0, 0]))
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(shift, translation))
Exemple #30
class LaneDetector():


    def __init__(self, homography_file, filter_file, tune_param):

        # load homography matrix
        self.homography_file = str(homography_file)
        self.homography = Homography(self.homography_file)

        self.homography_matrix = self.homography.get_homography_matrix()

        if self.homography_matrix is None:
            print("File doesnt have a homography matrix")
            print("Run find_homography script")

        # load parameters used in the filter process
        self.filter_file = filter_file
        self.filter_param = Parameters(filter_file)
        self.tune_param = tune_param

        # configure parameters
        if tune_param:

            if os.path.exists(self.filter_file):

        # autonomous mode
            if os.path.exists(self.filter_file):

                print("Filter file doesnt exist")

        self.init = True

        self.filter_res = 0

        self.image = None
        self.warp_res = None
        self.color_res = None
        self.filter_res = None

        self.lanes_list = None

    def process(self, compressed_image):

        start = time.time()

        #self.image = self.bridge.compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(compressed_image, "bgr8")
        self.image = compressed_image.copy()
        self.color_res = cv2.cvtColor(self.image.copy(), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8))
        contrast = clahe.apply(self.color_res)

        self.warp_res = cv2.warpPerspective(contrast, self.homography_matrix,
                                            (400, 400))
        self.filter_res = self.filter(self.warp_res)
        self.lanes_list = self.find_lanes(self.filter_res.copy())

        periodo = time.time() - start
        fps = 1 / periodo
        print("FPS: " + str(fps))

        good_lanes = []

        # delete small lanes
        for lane in self.lanes_list:

            if lane.get_len_point() > 15:

        self.lanes_list = good_lanes

        for i, lane in enumerate(self.lanes_list):

            distance = lane.distance_y()
            #print("--> " + str(i) + " width: " + str(lane.get_avg_width()) + " len: " + str(lane.get_len_point()))

            f = lane.get_function()

            #for j in range(self.filter_param.roi_0_y, self.filter_param.roi_1_y):
            #    x = int(f(j))
            #    y = j
            #    cv2.circle(self.warp_res, (x, y), 3, 255, 1)

            points = lane.get_points()

            for p in points:
                cv2.circle(self.warp_res, (p[0], p[1]), 3, 0, 1)

                (self.filter_param.roi_0_x, self.filter_param.roi_0_y),
                (self.filter_param.roi_1_x, self.filter_param.roi_1_y), 255, 2)

            p1 = np.array((int(f(self.filter_param.roi_1_y)),
            p2 = np.array(
                    f((self.filter_param.roi_1_y + self.filter_param.roi_0_y) /
                 int((self.filter_param.roi_1_y + self.filter_param.roi_0_y) /
            p3 = np.array((int(f(self.filter_param.roi_0_y)),

            #cv2.circle(self.warp_res, p2, 3, 0, 1)
            d_x1 = (p2[1] - p1[1])
            d_y1 = float(p2[0] -
                         p1[0]) if float(p2[0] - p1[0]) != 0 else 0.0000001
            m1 = d_x1 / d_y1

            d_x2 = (p3[1] - p2[1])
            d_y2 = float(p3[0] -
                         p2[0]) if float(p3[0] - p2[0]) != 0 else 0.0000001
            m2 = d_x2 / d_y2

            dx_dy = (m1 + m2) / 2.0

            x_mid1 = (p2[0] + p1[0]) / 2.0
            x_mid2 = (p3[0] + p2[0]) / 2.0

            delta_x_mid = float(x_mid1 -
                                x_mid2) if float(x_mid1 -
                                                 x_mid2) != 0 else 0.0000001

            dx2_dy2 = (m2 - m1) / delta_x_mid

            radius = ((1 + (dx_dy)**2)**(3 / 2.0)) / abs(dx2_dy2)

            #print(p1, p2, p3)
            #print(m1, m2)

        cv2.imshow("image", self.image)
        cv2.imshow("warp_res", self.warp_res)
        cv2.imshow("color_res", self.color_res)
        cv2.imshow("filter_res", self.filter_res)
        cv2.imshow("contrast", contrast)

        key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF

        if key == ord('q'):

        elif key == ord('l'):

        elif key == ord('s'):


    def filter(self, image):

        ret, thr = cv2.threshold(image, self.filter_param.gray_lower_bound,
                                 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
        #ret, thr = cv2.threshold(image, self.filter_param.gray_lower_bound, self.filter_param.gray_upper_bound, cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)

        # talvez aplicar sobel(gradient) + threshould

        kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3, 3))
        opening = cv2.morphologyEx(thr, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)

        filtered = opening

        return filtered

    def find_lanes(self, image):
            top-left = roi_0_x, roi_0_y
            bot-right = roi_1_x, roi_1_y

        # image size
        img_h, img_w = image.shape

        # initial search position y
        #y_pos_init = self.filter_param.roi_0_y

        # random initial position of y
        y_pos_init = random.randint(self.filter_param.roi_0_y,
                                    self.filter_param.roi_1_y + 1)

        # get entire horizontal line for the first scan of lanes
        hor_line = image[y_pos_init, :]

        # list of lanes... lane is a class with points, width ...
        lanes_list = []

        # store temporary points for a interesting area of the horizontal search
        points_found = []

        for index, pixel in enumerate(hor_line):

            if pixel == 255:

            elif pixel == 0 and len(points_found) > 0:

                # after to collect all sequence of bright pixels, get the median
                new_lane_center_point = np.array(
                    (int(np.median(points_found)), y_pos_init))

                # create a Lane obj and add to the list of lanes
                    Lane(new_lane_center_point, len(points_found)))

                points_found = []

        # from the points found in the first search, find all points connected to this lane
        # using sliding window with a box of fixed size
        for lane in lanes_list:

            # get last point found of a lane
            last_point = lane.get_last_point()
            x_lane_start = last_point[0]
            y_lane_start = last_point[1]

            # search up
            x_pos_cur = x_lane_start
            y_pos_cur = y_lane_start - self.filter_param.search_box_h

            points_found = []

            while y_pos_cur >= self.filter_param.roi_0_y:

                x_box_start = x_pos_cur - int(
                    self.filter_param.search_box_w / 2)
                x_box_end = x_pos_cur + int(self.filter_param.search_box_w / 2)

                # get pixels from a search box
                hor_line = image[y_pos_cur, x_box_start:x_box_end]

                # real index of a hor_line pixel in the image
                hor_line_image_index = [
                    i for i in range(x_box_start, x_box_end)

                for index, pixel in enumerate(hor_line):

                    # store bright pixels
                    if pixel == 255:

                if len(points_found) > 0:

                    lane_center = hor_line_image_index[int(

                    new_lane_point = np.array((lane_center, y_pos_cur))

                    # append a new point to the list
                    lane.add_point(new_lane_point, len(points_found))

                    # x start point for the next search
                    x_pos_cur = lane_center

                    points_found = []

                    # "feature" existente aqui: como nao tem uma condicao de parada
                    # quando a linha acabar a baixa continuara procurando seguindo verticalmente
                    # no ultimo x. Talvez seja bom para a pista com faixa pontilhada, mas talvez
                    # de problema....
                    # solucao: caso nao ter nenhum ponto brilhante, subir n posicoes, se nao houver
                    # um ponto brilhante, acaba

                # if not was found following the lane

                # move window to the next line
                y_pos_cur = y_pos_cur - self.filter_param.search_box_h

            # search down
            x_pos_cur = x_lane_start
            y_pos_cur = y_lane_start + self.filter_param.search_box_h

            points_found = []

            while y_pos_cur <= self.filter_param.roi_1_y:

                x_box_start = x_pos_cur - int(
                    self.filter_param.search_box_w / 2)
                x_box_end = x_pos_cur + int(self.filter_param.search_box_w / 2)

                # get pixels from a search box
                hor_line = image[y_pos_cur, x_box_start:x_box_end]

                # real index of a hor_line pixel in the image
                hor_line_image_index = [
                    i for i in range(x_box_start, x_box_end)

                for index, pixel in enumerate(hor_line):

                    # store bright pixels
                    if pixel == 255:

                if len(points_found) > 0:

                    lane_center = hor_line_image_index[int(

                    new_lane_point = np.array((lane_center, y_pos_cur))

                    # append a new point to the list
                    lane.add_point(new_lane_point, len(points_found))

                    # x start point for the next search
                    x_pos_cur = lane_center

                    points_found = []

                    # "feature" existente aqui: como nao tem uma condicao de parada
                    # quando a linha acabar a baixa continuara procurando seguindo verticalmente
                    # no ultimo x. Talvez seja bom para a pista com faixa pontilhada, mas talvez
                    # de problema....
                    # solucao: caso nao ter nenhum ponto brilhante, subir n posicoes, se nao houver
                    # um ponto brilhante, acaba

                # if not was found following the lane

                # move window to the next line
                y_pos_cur = y_pos_cur + self.filter_param.search_box_h

        return lanes_list
E = [3621, 2240]
F = [480, 2632]
K = [2404, 1294]
L = [2877, 1657]
M = [3440, 904]

AB = 10.473
BE = 16.88
BC = 11.940
CD = 11.120
DE = 16.983
EF = 7.266
FA = 11.472
dists = [AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, FA]

hom = Homography(np.array(pts_src_), np.array(pts_real_))

# print(hom.get_point_transform_2(hom.h, B, C))
# print(hom.get_point_transform_2(hom.h, C, D))
# print(hom.get_point_transform_2(hom.h, D, E))
# print(hom.get_point_transform_2(hom.h, B, E))

homs = hom.homs
errs = []
for h in homs:
    err = 0
    # err += AB - hom.get_point_transform_2(h[0], A, B)
    # err += BE - hom.get_point_transform_2(h[0], B, E)
    err += abs(BC - hom.get_point_transform_2(h[0], B, C))
    err += abs(BE - hom.get_point_transform_2(h[0], B, E))