def check_kin_feasibility(s0Id, s1Id):
    res = fullBody.isReachableFromState(s0Id, s1Id, True)
    if not res[0]:
        print "Error : isReachable returned False !"
        raise Exception('Error : isReachable returned False !')
    c0 = np.array(fullBody.getCenterOfMass())
    c1 = np.array(res[1])
    c2 = np.array(res[2])
    c3 = np.array(fullBody.getCenterOfMass())
    s0 = State(fullBody, sId=s0Id)
    s1 = State(fullBody, sId=s1Id)
    s0_orig = State(s0.fullBody,
    s1_orig = State(s1.fullBody,
    moving_limb = s0.contactsVariations(s1)
    smid, successMid = StateHelper.removeContact(s0_orig, moving_limb[0])
    if not successMid:
        return False

    successFeasible = True
    print "check first part"
    successFeasible = successFeasible and check_traj(s0_orig, c0, c1)
    print "check mid part"
    successFeasible = successFeasible and check_traj(smid, c1, c2)
    print "check last part"
    successFeasible = successFeasible and check_traj(s1_orig, c2, c3, True)
    return successFeasible
Exemple #2
def check_contact_plan(ps, r, pp, fullBody, idBegin, idEnd):
        [-0, 0, -0, 0, -0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    validPlan = True
    for id_state in range(idBegin, idEnd - 1):
        print("#### check for transition between state " + str(id_state) +
              " and " + str(id_state + 1))
        s0 = State(fullBody, sId=id_state)
        s1 = State(fullBody, sId=id_state + 1)
        # make a copy of each state because they are modified by the projection
        s0_ = State(fullBody, q=s0.q(), limbsIncontact=s0.getLimbsInContact())
        s1_ = State(fullBody, q=s1.q(), limbsIncontact=s1.getLimbsInContact())

        valid = check_one_transition(ps, fullBody, s0_, s1_, r, pp)
        validPlan = validPlan and valid

        global curves_initGuess
        global timings_initGuess

    return validPlan, curves_initGuess, timings_initGuess
Exemple #3
def perturbateContactNormal(fb, state_id, epsilon=1e-2):
    Add a small variation (+- epsilon) to the contact normals of the given state
    :param fb:
    :param state_id:
    :param epsilon:
    :return: the new state ID, -1 if fail
    state = State(fb, state_id)
    for name in state.getLimbsInContact():
        p, n = state.getCenterOfContactForLimb(name)
        n[2] += uniform(-epsilon, epsilon)
        n = np.array(n)
        state, success = StateHelper.addNewContact(state, name, p, n.tolist())
        if not success:
            return -1
    return state.sId