Exemple #1
  def testSerialization1(self):
    # This test verifies that pickle works for pickle of a Classifier
    SDR1 = SDR(15);  SDR1.sparse = [1, 5, 9]
    SDR2 = SDR(15);  SDR2.sparse = [0, 6, 9, 11]
    SDR3 = SDR(15);  SDR3.sparse = [6, 9]
    SDR4 = SDR(15);  SDR4.sparse = [1, 5, 9]
    c1 = Classifier()
    c1.learn(pattern=SDR1, classification=4)
    c1.learn(pattern=SDR2, classification=5)
    c1.learn(pattern=SDR3, classification=5)
    c1.learn(pattern=SDR4, classification=4)
    c1.learn(pattern=SDR4, classification=4)
    serialized = pickle.dumps(c1)
    c2 = pickle.loads(serialized)

    result1 = c1.infer(SDR1)
    result2 = c2.infer(SDR1)
    #print("  testSerialization1 result: %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f "%( result1[0], result1[1], result1[2], result1[3], result1[4], result1[5]));
    self.assertEqual(len(result1), 6)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[0], 0.166344, places=5)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[1], 0.166344, places=5)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[2], 0.166344, places=5)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[3], 0.166344, places=5)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[4], 0.167847, places=5)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[5], 0.166777, places=5)
    self.assertEqual(len(result1), len(result2))
    for i in range(len(result1)):
      self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[i], result2[i], places=5)
Exemple #2
 def _trainThalamus(self, t):
     # Learn
     L6Pattern = SDR(t.l6CellCount)
     L6Pattern.sparse = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
     t.learnL6Pattern(L6Pattern, [(0, 0), (2, 3)])
     L6Pattern.sparse = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
     t.learnL6Pattern(L6Pattern, [(1, 1), (3, 4)])
Exemple #3
    def testExampleUsage(self):
        # Make an SDR with 9 values, arranged in a (3 x 3) grid.
        X = SDR(dimensions=(3, 3))

        # These three statements are equivalent.
        X.dense = [[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
        assert (X.dense.tolist() == [[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        assert ([list(v) for v in X.coordinates] == [[0, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2]])
        assert (list(X.sparse) == [1, 4, 8])
        X.coordinates = [[0, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2]]
        assert (X.dense.tolist() == [[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        assert ([list(v) for v in X.coordinates] == [[0, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2]])
        assert (list(X.sparse) == [1, 4, 8])
        X.sparse = [1, 4, 8]

        # Access data in any format, SDR will automatically convert data formats,
        # even if it was not the format used by the most recent assignment to the
        # SDR.
        assert (X.dense.tolist() == [[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        assert ([list(v) for v in X.coordinates] == [[0, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2]])
        assert (list(X.sparse) == [1, 4, 8])

        # Data format conversions are cached, and when an SDR value changes the
        # cache is cleared.
        X.sparse = [1, 2, 3]  # Assign new data to the SDR, clearing the cache.
        X.dense  # This line will convert formats.
        X.dense  # This line will resuse the result of the previous line

        X = SDR((1000, 1000))
        data = X.dense
        data[0, 4] = 1
        data[444, 444] = 1
        X.dense = data
        assert (list(X.sparse) == [4, 444444])
Exemple #4
  def testComputeComplex(self):
    c   = Predictor([1], 1.0)
    inp = SDR(100)

    inp.sparse = [1, 5, 9]
    c.learn(recordNum=0, pattern=inp,

    inp.sparse = [0, 6, 9, 11]
    c.learn(recordNum=1, pattern=inp,

    inp.sparse = [6, 9]
    c.learn(recordNum=2, pattern=inp,

    inp.sparse = [1, 5, 9]
    c.learn(recordNum=3, pattern=inp,

    inp.sparse = [1, 5, 9]
    result = c.infer(pattern=inp)

    self.assertSetEqual(set(result.keys()), set([1]))
    self.assertEqual(len(result[1]), 6)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(result[1][0], 0.034234, places=5)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(result[1][1], 0.034234, places=5)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(result[1][2], 0.034234, places=5)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(result[1][3], 0.034234, places=5)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(result[1][4], 0.093058, places=5)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(result[1][5], 0.770004, places=5)
Exemple #5
    def testPredictionMultipleCategories(self):
        """ Test the distribution of predictions.

    Here, we intend the classifier to learn the associations:
      [1,3,5] => bucketIdx 0 & 1
      [2,4,6] => bucketIdx 2 & 3

    The classifier should get the distribution almost right given enough
    repetitions and a small learning rate
        c = Classifier(0.001)

        SDR1 = SDR(10)
        SDR1.sparse = [1, 3, 5]
        SDR2 = SDR(10)
        SDR2.sparse = [2, 4, 6]
        for _ in range(5000):
            c.learn(pattern=SDR1, classification=[0, 1])
            c.learn(pattern=SDR2, classification=[2, 3])

        result1 = c.infer(pattern=SDR1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[0], 0.5, places=1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[1], 0.5, places=1)

        result2 = c.infer(pattern=SDR2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result2[2], 0.5, places=1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result2[3], 0.5, places=1)
Exemple #6
 def testExampleUsage(self):
     A = SDR(10)
     B = SDR(10)
     X = SDR(A.dimensions)
     A.sparse = [0, 1, 2, 3]
     B.sparse = [2, 3, 4, 5]
     X.intersection(A, B)
     assert (set(X.sparse) == set([2, 3]))
Exemple #7
 def testExampleUsage(self):
     A = SDR(10)
     B = SDR(10)
     U = SDR(A.dimensions)
     A.sparse = [0, 1, 2, 3]
     B.sparse = [2, 3, 4, 5]
     U.union(A, B)
     assert (set(U.sparse) == set([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
Exemple #8
 def testExampleUsage(self):
     A = SDR(10)
     B = SDR(10)
     C = SDR(20)
     A.sparse = [0, 1, 2]
     B.sparse = [0, 1, 2]
     C.concatenate(A, B)
     assert (set(C.sparse) == set([0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12]))
Exemple #9
    def compute(self,
        Perform one timestep. Use the basal and apical input to form a set of
        predictions, then activate the specified columns, then learn.

        @param activeColumns (numpy array)
        List of active columns

        @param basalInput (numpy array)
        List of active input bits for the basal dendrite segments

        @param apicalInput (numpy array)
        List of active input bits for the apical dendrite segments

        @param basalGrowthCandidates (numpy array or None)
        List of bits that the active cells may grow new basal synapses to.
        If None, the basalInput is assumed to be growth candidates.

        @param apicalGrowthCandidates (numpy array or None)
        List of bits that the active cells may grow new apical synapses to
        If None, the apicalInput is assumed to be growth candidates.

        @param learn (bool)
        Whether to grow / reinforce / punish synapses
        activeColumns = np.asarray(activeColumns)

        apicalInputSDR = SDR(self.apicalInputSize)
        apicalInputSDR.sparse = apicalInput

        basalInputSDR = SDR(self.basalInputSize)
        basalInputSDR.sparse = basalInput

        if basalGrowthCandidates is None:
            basalGrowthCandidates = basalInput
        basalGrowthCandidates = np.asarray(basalGrowthCandidates)

        if apicalGrowthCandidates is None:
            apicalGrowthCandidates = apicalInput
        apicalGrowthCandidates = np.asarray(apicalGrowthCandidates)

        self.depolarizeCells(basalInputSDR, apicalInputSDR, learn)

        apicalInputSDR.sparse = apicalInput
        basalInputSDR.sparse = basalInput
        self.activateCells(activeColumns, basalInputSDR, apicalInputSDR,
                           basalGrowthCandidates, apicalGrowthCandidates,
Exemple #10
    def testNumConnectedSynapses(self):
    Test that connections are generated on predefined segments.
        random = Random(1981)
        active_cells = np.array(random.sample(
            np.arange(0, NUM_CELLS, 1, dtype="uint32"), 40),

        presynaptic_input = list(range(0, 10))
        presynaptic_input_set = set(presynaptic_input)
        inputSDR = SDR(1024)
        inputSDR.sparse = presynaptic_input

        connections = Connections(NUM_CELLS, 0.2)
        for i in range(NUM_CELLS):
            seg = connections.createSegment(i, 1)

        for cell in active_cells:
            segments = connections.segmentsForCell(cell)
            segment = segments[0]
            for c in presynaptic_input:
                connections.createSynapse(segment, c, 0.1)

            connections.adaptSegment(segment, inputSDR, 0.1, 0.0, False)

            connected_synapses = connections.numConnectedSynapses(segment)
            self.assertEqual(connected_synapses, len(presynaptic_input),
                             "Missing synapses")

        presynaptic_input1 = list(range(0, 5))
        presynaptic_input_set1 = set(presynaptic_input1)
        inputSDR.sparse = presynaptic_input1

        total_connected = 0

        for cell in active_cells:
            segments = connections.segmentsForCell(cell)
            segment = segments[0]
            connections.adaptSegment(segment, inputSDR, 0.0, 0.1, False)

            connected_synapses = connections.numConnectedSynapses(segment)
            self.assertEqual(connected_synapses, len(presynaptic_input1),
                             "Missing synapses")

            total_connected += connected_synapses

            connected_synapses = connections.numSynapses(segment)
            self.assertEqual(connected_synapses, len(presynaptic_input),
                             "Missing synapses")

                         len(presynaptic_input1) * 40, "Missing synapses")
 def sensoryCompute(self, anchorInput, anchorGrowthCandidates, learn):
     This is called when the sensor senses something
     anchorInputSDR = SDR(self.anchorInputSize)
     if learn:
         anchorInputSDR.sparse = anchorGrowthCandidates
         anchorInputSDR.sparse = anchorInput
Exemple #12
    def testAdaptShouldDecrementSynapses(self):
    Test that connections are generated on predefined segments.
        random = Random(1981)
        active_cells = np.array(random.sample(
            np.arange(0, NUM_CELLS, 1, dtype="uint32"), 40),

        presynaptic_input = list(range(0, 10))
        presynaptic_input_set = set(presynaptic_input)
        inputSDR = SDR(1024)
        inputSDR.sparse = presynaptic_input

        connections = Connections(NUM_CELLS, 0.51)
        for i in range(NUM_CELLS):
            seg = connections.createSegment(i, 1)

        for cell in active_cells:
            segments = connections.segmentsForCell(cell)
            segment = segments[0]
            for c in presynaptic_input:
                connections.createSynapse(segment, c, 0.1)

            connections.adaptSegment(segment, inputSDR, 0.1, 0.0, False)

            presynamptic_cells = self._getPresynapticCells(
                connections, segment, 0.2)
            self.assertEqual(presynamptic_cells, presynaptic_input_set,
                             "Missing synapses")

        presynaptic_input1 = list(range(0, 5))
        presynaptic_input_set1 = set(presynaptic_input1)
        inputSDR.sparse = presynaptic_input1

        for cell in active_cells:
            segments = connections.segmentsForCell(cell)
            segment = segments[0]
            connections.adaptSegment(segment, inputSDR, 0.0, 0.1, False)

            presynamptic_cells = self._getPresynapticCells(
                connections, segment, 0.2)
            self.assertEqual(presynamptic_cells, presynaptic_input_set1,
                             "Too many synapses")

            presynamptic_cells = self._getPresynapticCells(
                connections, segment, 0.1)
            self.assertEqual(presynamptic_cells, presynaptic_input_set,
                             "Missing synapses")
Exemple #13
    def testHalfAnomaly(self):
    Anomaly score is equal to 0.5, if half of the active columns
    were overlapping with the columns containing predictive cells

        activeCols = SDR(100)
        predictiveCols = SDR(100)

        activeCols.sparse = [60, 69, 80, 91]
        predictiveCols.sparse = [60, 80, 55, 1]

        score = an.calculateRawAnomaly(activeCols, predictiveCols)

        self.assertEqual(score, 0.5)
Exemple #14
    def testFullAnomaly(self):
    Anomaly score is equal to 1.0, if none of the active columns
    were overlapping with the columns containing predictive cells

        activeCols = SDR(100)
        predictiveCols = SDR(100)

        activeCols.sparse = [60, 69, 80, 91]
        predictiveCols.sparse = [56, 95, 68, 2]

        score = an.calculateRawAnomaly(activeCols, predictiveCols)

        self.assertEqual(score, 1.0)
Exemple #15
    def testZeroAnomaly(self):
    Anomaly score is equal to 0.0, if all active columns
    were overlapping with the columns containing predictive cells

        activeCols = SDR(100)
        predictiveCols = SDR(100)

        activeCols.sparse = [0, 2, 89, 99]
        predictiveCols.sparse = [0, 2, 89, 99]

        score = an.calculateRawAnomaly(activeCols, predictiveCols)

        self.assertEqual(score, 0.0)
Exemple #16
    def testPredictionDistribution(self):
        """ Test the distribution of predictions.

    Here, we intend the classifier to learn the associations:
      [1,3,5] => bucketIdx 0 (30%)
              => bucketIdx 1 (30%)
              => bucketIdx 2 (40%)

      [2,4,6] => bucketIdx 1 (50%)
              => bucketIdx 3 (50%)

    The classifier should get the distribution almost right given enough
    repetitions and a small learning rate

        c = Classifier(alpha=0.001)

        SDR1 = SDR(10)
        SDR1.sparse = [1, 3, 5]
        SDR2 = SDR(10)
        SDR2.sparse = [2, 4, 6]

        for _ in range(5000):
            randomNumber = random.random()
            if randomNumber < 0.3:
                bucketIdx = 0
            elif randomNumber < 0.6:
                bucketIdx = 1
                bucketIdx = 2
            c.learn(pattern=SDR1, classification=bucketIdx)

            randomNumber = random.random()
            if randomNumber < 0.5:
                bucketIdx = 1
                bucketIdx = 3
            c.learn(pattern=SDR2, classification=bucketIdx)

        result1 = c.infer(pattern=SDR1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[0], 0.3, places=1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[1], 0.3, places=1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[2], 0.4, places=1)

        result2 = c.infer(pattern=SDR2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result2[1], 0.5, places=1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result2[3], 0.5, places=1)
Exemple #17
    def compute(self,
        Perform one timestep. Activate the specified columns, using the predictions
        from the previous timestep, then learn. Then form a new set of predictions
        using the new active cells and the apicalInput.

        @param activeColumns (numpy array)
        List of active columns

        @param apicalInput (numpy array)
        List of active input bits for the apical dendrite segments

        @param apicalGrowthCandidates (numpy array or None)
        List of bits that the active cells may grow new apical synapses to
        If None, the apicalInput is assumed to be growth candidates.

        @param learn (bool)
        Whether to grow / reinforce / punish synapses
        activeColumns = np.asarray(activeColumns)
        apicalInput = np.asarray(apicalInput)

        apicalInputSDR = SDR(self.apicalInputSize)

        basalInputSDR = SDR(self.basalInputSize)
        basalInputSDR.sparse = self.activeCells

        if apicalGrowthCandidates is None:
            apicalGrowthCandidates = apicalInput
        apicalGrowthCandidates = np.asarray(apicalGrowthCandidates)

        self.prevPredictedCells = self.predictedCells

        apicalInputSDR.sparse = self.prevApicalInput
        self.activateCells(activeColumns, basalInputSDR, apicalInputSDR,
                           self.winnerCells, self.prevApicalGrowthCandidates,

        apicalInputSDR.sparse = apicalInput
        basalInputSDR.sparse = self.activeCells
        self.depolarizeCells(basalInputSDR, apicalInputSDR, learn)

        self.prevApicalInput = apicalInput.copy()
        self.prevApicalGrowthCandidates = apicalGrowthCandidates.copy()
 def testAdaptShouldRemoveSegments(self):
   Test that connections are generated on predefined segments.
   random = Random(1981)
   active_cells = np.array(random.sample(np.arange(0, NUM_CELLS, 1, dtype="uint32"), 40), dtype="uint32")
   presynaptic_input = list(range(0, 10))
   inputSDR = SDR(1024)
   inputSDR.sparse = presynaptic_input
   connections = Connections(NUM_CELLS, 0.51) 
   for i in range(NUM_CELLS):
     seg = connections.createSegment(i, 2)
     seg = connections.createSegment(i, 2) #create 2 segments on each cell
   for cell in active_cells:
       segments = connections.segmentsForCell(cell)
       self.assertEqual(len(segments), 2, "Segments were prematurely destroyed.")
       segment = segments[0]
       numSynapsesOnSegment = len(segments)
       connections.adaptSegment(segment, inputSDR, 0.1, 0.001, pruneZeroSynapses=True, segmentThreshold=1) #set to =1 so that segments get always deleted in this test
       segments = connections.segmentsForCell(cell)
       self.assertEqual(len(segments), 1, "Segments were not destroyed.")
Exemple #19
    def deInactivateCells(self, l6Input):
        Activate trnCells according to the l6Input. These in turn will impact 
        bursting mode in relay cells that are connected to these trnCells.
        Given the feedForwardInput, compute which cells will be silent, tonic,
        or bursting.
        :param l6Input:
            An SDR from L6. List of indices corresponding to L6 cells.

        :return: nothing
        # Figure out which TRN cells recognize the L6 pattern.
        self.trnOverlaps = self.trnConnections.computeActivity(l6Input, False)
        self.activeTRNSegments = np.flatnonzero(
            self.trnOverlaps >= self.trnActivationThreshold)
        self.activeTRNCellIndices = self.trnConnections.mapSegmentsToCells(

        # for s, idx in zip(self.activeTRNSegments, self.activeTRNCellIndices):
        #     print(self.trnOverlaps[s], idx, self.trnIndextoCoord(idx))

        # Figure out which relay cells have dendrites in de-inactivated state
        activeTRNCells = SDR(self.trnCellCount)
        activeTRNCells.sparse = self.activeTRNCellIndices
        self.relayOverlaps = self.relayConnections.computeActivity(
            activeTRNCells, False)
        self.activeRelaySegments = np.flatnonzero(
            self.relayOverlaps >= self.relayThreshold)
        self.burstReadyCellIndices = self.relayConnections.mapSegmentsToCells(

        self.burstReadyCells.reshape(-1)[self.burstReadyCellIndices] = 1
Exemple #20
    def testThalamusBursting(self, verbose=False):
        Test that thalamus relays around the trained locations,
        and also does busrts.
        t = Thalamus(trnThreshold=6)

        ff = np.zeros((32, 32))
        ff.reshape(-1)[[8, 9, 98, 99]] = 1.0

        L6Pattern = SDR(t.l6CellCount)
        L6Pattern.sparse = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

        result = self._inferThalamus(t, L6Pattern, ff)

        non_bursting = result[result >= 0.4].nonzero()[0].tolist()
        bursting = result[result >= 1.4].nonzero()[0].tolist()
            0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
        ], non_bursting, "Non-bursting not correct")
        self.assertEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], bursting,
                         "Bursting not correct")

        if verbose:
Exemple #21
    def testAdaptShouldRemoveSegments(self):
    Test that connections are generated on predefined segments.
        random = Random(1981)
        active_cells = np.array(random.sample(
            np.arange(0, NUM_CELLS, 1, dtype="uint32"), 40),

        presynaptic_input = list(range(0, 10))
        inputSDR = SDR(1024)
        inputSDR.sparse = presynaptic_input

        connections = Connections(NUM_CELLS, 0.51)
        for i in range(NUM_CELLS):
            seg = connections.createSegment(i, 1)

        for cell in active_cells:
            segments = connections.segmentsForCell(cell)
            self.assertEqual(len(segments), 1,
                             "Segments were prematurely destroyed.")
            segment = segments[0]
            connections.adaptSegment(segment, inputSDR, 0.1, 0.001, True)
            segments = connections.segmentsForCell(cell)
            self.assertEqual(len(segments), 0, "Segments were not destroyed.")
Exemple #22
    def CellsToColumns(self, cells, cellsPerColumn, columnsCount):
        array = []
        for cell in cells.sparse:
            col = int(cell / cellsPerColumn)
            if col not in array:  #each column max once
                array += [col]

        columns = SDR(columnsCount)
        columns.sparse = array
        return columns
Exemple #23
    def testComputeActivityUnion(self):
    Test that connections are generated on predefined segments.
        random = Random(1981)
        active_cells = np.array(random.sample(
            np.arange(0, NUM_CELLS, 1, dtype="uint32"), 40),

        presynaptic_input1 = list(range(0, 10))
        presynaptic_input1_set = set(presynaptic_input1)
        presynaptic_input2 = list(range(10, 20))
        presynaptic_input2_set = set(presynaptic_input1)

        connections = Connections(NUM_CELLS, 0.51, False)
        for i in range(NUM_CELLS):
            seg = connections.createSegment(i, 1)

        self._learn(connections, active_cells, presynaptic_input1)
        self._learn(connections, active_cells, presynaptic_input2)

        numSynapses = connections.numSynapses()
            numSynapses, 40,
            "There should be a synapse for each presynaptic cell")

        active_cells_set = set(active_cells)
        inputSDR = SDR(1024)
        inputSDR.sparse = presynaptic_input1

        numActiveConnectedSynapsesForSegment = connections.computeActivity(
            inputSDR, False)
        for cell, count in enumerate(numActiveConnectedSynapsesForSegment):
            if cell in active_cells_set:
                self.assertNotEqual(count, 0, "Segment should be active")

        inputSDR.sparse = presynaptic_input2
        numActiveConnectedSynapsesForSegment = connections.computeActivity(
            inputSDR, False)
        for cell, count in enumerate(numActiveConnectedSynapsesForSegment):
            if cell in active_cells_set:
                self.assertNotEqual(count, 0, "Segment should be active")
Exemple #24
    def testSparse(self):
        A = SDR((103, ))
        B = SDR((100, 100, 1))

        B.sparse = [1, 2, 3, 4]
        assert (all(B.sparse == np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])))

        B.sparse = []
        assert (not B.dense.any())

        # Test wrong dimensions assigned
        C = SDR(1000)
            A.sparse = C.sparse
        except RuntimeError:
Exemple #25
    def testMultiStepPredictions(self):
        """ Test multi-step predictions
    We train the 0-step and the 1-step classifiers simultaneously on
    data stream
    (SDR1, bucketIdx0)
    (SDR2, bucketIdx1)
    (SDR1, bucketIdx0)
    (SDR2, bucketIdx1)

    We intend the 0-step classifier to learn the associations:
      SDR1    => bucketIdx 0
      SDR2    => bucketIdx 1

    and the 1-step classifier to learn the associations
      SDR1    => bucketIdx 1
      SDR2    => bucketIdx 0

        c = Predictor([0, 1], 1.0)

        SDR1 = SDR(10)
        SDR1.sparse = [1, 3, 5]
        SDR2 = SDR(10)
        SDR2.sparse = [2, 4, 6]
        recordNum = 0
        for _ in range(100):
            c.learn(recordNum, pattern=SDR1, classification=0)
            recordNum += 1

            c.learn(recordNum, pattern=SDR2, classification=1)
            recordNum += 1

        result1 = c.infer(recordNum, SDR1)
        result2 = c.infer(recordNum, SDR2)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[0][0], 1.0, places=1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[0][1], 0.0, places=1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result2[0][0], 0.0, places=1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result2[0][1], 1.0, places=1)
Exemple #26
 def testDeterminism(self):
     GOLD = SDR(1000)
     GOLD.sparse = [
         2, 34, 37, 38, 69, 79, 114, 170, 200, 234, 254, 258, 279, 289, 291,
         292, 295, 307, 321, 336, 345, 350, 361, 373, 378, 400, 450, 461,
         462, 487, 520, 532, 539, 548, 576, 583, 616, 623, 626, 627, 663,
         681, 695, 716, 794, 799, 830, 835, 837, 841]
     params = SimHashDocumentEncoderParameters()
     params.size = GOLD.size
     params.sparsity = 0.05
     encoder = SimHashDocumentEncoder(params)
     current = encoder.encode("I came to the fork in the road")
     assert(current == GOLD)
    def _learn(self, connections, active_cells, presynaptic_input):
        inputSDR = SDR(1024)
        inputSDR.sparse = presynaptic_input

        for cell in active_cells:
            segments = connections.segmentsForCell(cell)
            segment = segments[0]
            for c in presynaptic_input:
                connections.createSynapse(segment, c, 0.1)

        for cell in active_cells:
            segments = connections.segmentsForCell(cell)
            segment = segments[0]
            connections.adaptSegment(segment, inputSDR, 0.5, 0.0, False)
Exemple #28
    def testComputeActivity(self):
    Test that connections are generated on predefined segments.
        random = Random(1981)
        active_cells = np.array(random.sample(
            np.arange(0, NUM_CELLS, 1, dtype="uint32"), 40),

        presynaptic_input = list(range(0, 10))
        presynaptic_input_set = set(presynaptic_input)
        inputSDR = SDR(1024)
        inputSDR.sparse = presynaptic_input
        l = len(presynaptic_input)

        connections = Connections(NUM_CELLS, 0.51, False)
        for i in range(NUM_CELLS):
            seg = connections.createSegment(i, 1)

        numActiveConnectedSynapsesForSegment = connections.computeActivity(
            inputSDR, False)
        for count in numActiveConnectedSynapsesForSegment:
            self.assertEqual(count, 0, "Segment should not be active")

        for cell in active_cells:
            segments = connections.segmentsForCell(cell)
            segment = segments[0]
            for c in presynaptic_input:
                connections.createSynapse(segment, c, 0.1)

        numActiveConnectedSynapsesForSegment = connections.computeActivity(
            inputSDR, False)
        for count in numActiveConnectedSynapsesForSegment:
            self.assertEqual(count, 0, "Segment should not be active")

        for cell in active_cells:
            segments = connections.segmentsForCell(cell)
            segment = segments[0]
            connections.adaptSegment(segment, inputSDR, 0.5, 0.0, False)

        active_cells_set = set(active_cells)
        numActiveConnectedSynapsesForSegment = connections.computeActivity(
            inputSDR, False)
        for cell, count in enumerate(numActiveConnectedSynapsesForSegment):
            if cell in active_cells_set:
                self.assertEqual(count, l, "Segment should be active")
                self.assertEqual(count, 0, "Segment should not be active")
Exemple #29
  def testSerialization3(self):
    # This test verifies that saveToFile() and loadFromFile() on Classifier are accessable from Python.
    SDR1 = SDR(15);  SDR1.sparse = [1, 5, 9]
    SDR2 = SDR(15);  SDR2.sparse = [0, 6, 9, 11]
    SDR3 = SDR(15);  SDR3.sparse = [6, 9]
    SDR4 = SDR(15);  SDR4.sparse = [1, 5, 9]
    c1 = Classifier()
    c1.learn(pattern=SDR1, classification=4)
    c1.learn(pattern=SDR2, classification=5)
    c1.learn(pattern=SDR3, classification=5)
    c1.learn(pattern=SDR4, classification=4)

    # The Predictor now has some data in it, try serialization.
    file = "Classifier_test_save.XML"
    c1.saveToFile(file, "XML")
    c2 = Classifier()
    c2.loadFromFile(file, "XML")

    result1 = c1.infer(SDR1)
    result2 = c2.infer(SDR1)
    self.assertEqual(len(result1), len(result2))
    for i in range(len(result1)):
      self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[i], result2[i], places=5)
Exemple #30
    def forward(self, encoding):
        activeColumns = SDR(self.sp.getColumnDimensions())
        self.sp.compute(encoding, self.learn, activeColumns)

        predictedColumns = None
        if self.temporal:
            self.tm.compute(activeColumns, self.learn)
            predictedColumnIndices = {
                for i in self.tm.getPredictiveCells().sparse
            predictedColumns = SDR(self.sp.getColumnDimensions())
            predictedColumns.sparse = list(predictedColumnIndices)
        return activeColumns, predictedColumns