Exemple #1
def is_non_const_stream(t: HdlType):
    if isinstance(t, HStream):
        except TypeError:
            return True

    return False
Exemple #2
    def _loadFromBits(self, dtype: HdlType, bitAddr: int):
        Parse Bits type to this transaction template instance

        :return: address of it's end
        return bitAddr + dtype.bit_length()
Exemple #3
def convertBits__val(self: Bits, val: "BitVal", toType: HdlType):
    if toType == BOOL:
        return val != self.getValueCls().from_py(self, 0)
    elif isinstance(toType, Bits):
        if self.signed != toType.signed:
            if self.strict_sign and bool(self.signed) != bool(toType.signed):
                raise TypeConversionErr(self, toType)
            val = val._convSign__val(toType.signed)

        w_from, w_to = self.bit_length(), toType.bit_length()
        if w_from != w_to:
            if self.strict_width:
                raise TypeConversionErr(self, toType)
            if w_from > w_to:
                # cut off some bits from value
                new_m = val.vld_mask & toType.all_mask()
                # w_from < w_to, extend the value to some bit length
                extra_mask_bits = mask(w_to - w_from)
                new_m = set_bit_range(val.vld_mask, w_from, w_to - w_from,
            val = toType.from_py(val.val, new_m)

        if val._dtype != toType:
            # sign and width checked, only name, strict_* flags can be different
            val = toType.from_py(val.val, val.vld_mask)
        return val
    elif toType == INT:
        return INT.getValueCls()(INT, val.val, int(val._is_full_valid()))

    return default_auto_cast_fn(self, val, toType)
Exemple #4
def to_primitive_stream_t(t: HdlType):
    Convert type to a HStream of Bits
    With proper frame len, offset etc.
    if isinstance(t, HStruct) and len(t.fields) == 1:
        return to_primitive_stream_t(t.fields[0].dtype)
    frame_len = (1, 1)
    start_offsets = [0, ]
    if isinstance(t, HStream):
        e_t = t.element_t
        if isinstance(e_t, Bits):
            return t
            frame_len = t.frame_len
            start_offsets = t.start_offsets
            t = e_t

        bit_len = t.bit_length()
    except TypeError:
        bit_len = None

    if bit_len is not None:
        return HStream(Bits(bit_len),
        raise NotImplementedError(t)
Exemple #5
 def getTypeWidth(self, dtype: HdlType, do_eval=False)\
         -> Tuple[int, Union[int, RtlSignal], bool]:
     :see: doc of method on parent class
     width = dtype.bit_length()
     widthStr = str(width)
     return width, widthStr, False
Exemple #6
    def _loadFromUnion(self, dtype: HdlType, bitAddr: int) -> int:
        Parse HUnion type to this transaction template instance

        :return: address of it's end
        for field in dtype.fields.values():
            ch = TransTmpl(field.dtype, 0, parent=self, origin=field)
        return bitAddr + dtype.bit_length()
Exemple #7
 def get_trace_formatter(self, t: HdlType)\
         -> Tuple[str, int, Callable[[RtlSignalBase, HValue], str]]:
     :return: (vcd type name, vcd width, formatter fn)
     if isinstance(t, (Bits3t, Bits)):
         return (VCD_SIG_TYPE.WIRE, t.bit_length(), JsonBitsFormatter())
     elif isinstance(t, (Enum3t, HEnum)):
         return (VCD_SIG_TYPE.ENUM, 1, JsonEnumFormatter())
     elif isinstance(t, (HArray, Array3t)):
         dimensions = []
         while isinstance(t, (HArray, Array3t)):
             t = t.element_t
         _, _, elm_format = self.get_trace_formatter(t)
         return (VCD_SIG_TYPE.ARRAY, dimensions + [
         ], JsonArrayFormatter(dimensions, elm_format))
         raise ValueError(t)
Exemple #8
def hstruct_reinterpret_to_bits(self, sigOrVal, toType: HdlType):
    assert toType.bit_length() == self.bit_length()
    parts = []
    for f in self.fields:
        if f.name is None:
            width = f.bit_length()
            part = vec(None, width)
            part = getattr(sigOrVal, f.name)
            if not isinstance(part, (Value, RtlSignalBase)):
                part = f.dtype.from_py(part)


    return Concat(*reversed(parts))
Exemple #9
def convertBits(self: Bits, sigOrVal, toType: HdlType):
    Cast Bit subtypes, (integers, bool, ...)
    if isinstance(sigOrVal, Value):
        return convertBits__val(self, sigOrVal, toType)
    elif toType == BOOL:
        if self.bit_length() == 1:
            v = 0 if sigOrVal._dtype.negated else 1
            return sigOrVal._eq(self.getValueCls().from_py(self, v))
    elif isinstance(toType, Bits):
        if self.bit_length() == toType.bit_length():
            return sigOrVal._convSign(toType.signed)

    return default_auto_cast_fn(self, sigOrVal, toType)
Exemple #10
def reinterpretBits(self: Bits, sigOrVal: Union[RtlSignal, HValue], toType: HdlType):
    Cast object of same bit size between to other type
    (f.e. bits to struct, union or array)
    if isinstance(sigOrVal, HValue):
        return reinterpretBits__val(self, sigOrVal, toType)
    elif isinstance(toType, Bits):
        if self.signed != toType.signed:
            sigOrVal = sigOrVal._convSign(toType.signed)
        return fitTo_t(sigOrVal, toType)
    elif sigOrVal._dtype.bit_length() == toType.bit_length():
        if isinstance(toType, HStruct):
            return reinterpret_bits_to_hstruct(sigOrVal, toType)
        elif isinstance(toType, HUnion):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        elif isinstance(toType, HArray):
            return reinterpret_bits_to_harray(sigOrVal, toType)

    return default_auto_cast_fn(self, sigOrVal, toType)
Exemple #11
def fitTo_t(what: Union[RtlSignalBase, HValue],
            where_t: HdlType,
            extend: bool = True,
            shrink: bool = True):
    Slice signal "what" to fit in "where"
    arithmetically (for signed by MSB / unsigned, vector with 0) extend
    "what" to same width as "where"

    little-endian impl.

    :param extend: allow increasing of the signal width
    :param shrink: allow shrinking of the signal width

    whatWidth = what._dtype.bit_length()
    toWidth = where_t.bit_length()
    if toWidth == whatWidth:
        return what
    elif toWidth < whatWidth:
        # slice
        if not shrink:
            raise BitWidthErr()

        return what[toWidth:]
        if not extend:
            raise BitWidthErr()

        w = toWidth - whatWidth

        if what._dtype.signed:
            # signed extension
            msb = what[whatWidth - 1]
            ext = reduce(lambda a, b: a._concat(b), [msb for _ in range(w)])
            # 0 extend
            ext = Bits(w).from_py(0)

        return ext._concat(what)
Exemple #12
def convertBits__val(self: Bits, val: "BitVal", toType: HdlType):
    if toType == BOOL:
        return val != self.getValueCls().from_py(self, 0)
    elif isinstance(toType, Bits):
        if self.signed != toType.signed:
            if self.strict_sign and bool(self.signed) != bool(toType.signed):
                raise TypeConversionErr(self, toType)
            val = val._convSign__val(toType.signed)

        if self.bit_length() != toType.bit_length():
            if self.strict_width:
                raise TypeConversionErr(self, toType)
            val = toType.from_py(val.val, val.vld_mask & toType.all_mask())
        if val._dtype != toType:
            # sign and width checked, only name, strict_* flags can be different
            val = toType.from_py(val.val, val.vld_mask)
        return val
    elif toType == INT:
        return INT.getValueCls()(INT, val.val, int(val._is_full_valid()))

    return default_auto_cast_fn(self, val, toType)