Exemple #1
def get_build(request_id):
    Retrieve the build request.

    :param int request_id: the request ID that was passed in through the URL.
    :rtype: flask.Response
    :raise NotFound: if the request is not found
    # Create an alias class to load the polymorphic classes
    poly_request = with_polymorphic(Request, '*')
    query = poly_request.query.options(*get_request_query_options(verbose=True))
    return flask.jsonify(query.get_or_404(request_id).to_json())
Exemple #2
def get_builds():
    Retrieve the paginated build requests.

    :rtype: flask.Response
    batch_id = flask.request.args.get('batch')
    state = flask.request.args.get('state')
    verbose = str_to_bool(flask.request.args.get('verbose'))
    max_per_page = flask.current_app.config['IIB_MAX_PER_PAGE']

    # Create an alias class to load the polymorphic classes
    poly_request = with_polymorphic(Request, '*')
    query = poly_request.query.options(*get_request_query_options(
    if state:
        state_int = RequestStateMapping.__members__[state].value
        query = query.join(Request.state)
        query = query.filter(RequestState.state == state_int)

    if batch_id is not None:
        batch_id = Batch.validate_batch(batch_id)
        query = query.filter_by(batch_id=batch_id)

    pagination_query = query.order_by(
    requests = pagination_query.items

    query_params = {}
    if state:
        query_params['state'] = state
    if verbose:
        query_params['verbose'] = verbose
    if batch_id:
        query_params['batch'] = batch_id

    response = {
        'items': [request.to_json(verbose=verbose) for request in requests],
        'meta': pagination_metadata(pagination_query, **query_params),
    return flask.jsonify(response)
Exemple #3
def get_builds():
    Retrieve the paginated build requests.

    :rtype: flask.Response
    batch_id = flask.request.args.get('batch')
    state = flask.request.args.get('state')
    verbose = str_to_bool(flask.request.args.get('verbose'))
    max_per_page = flask.current_app.config['IIB_MAX_PER_PAGE']
    request_type = flask.request.args.get('request_type')
    user = flask.request.args.get('user')
    index_image = flask.request.args.get('index_image')

    query_params = {}

    # Create an alias class to load the polymorphic classes
    poly_request = with_polymorphic(Request, '*')
    query = poly_request.query.options(*get_request_query_options(
    if state:
        query_params['state'] = state
        state_int = RequestStateMapping.__members__[state].value
        query = query.join(Request.state)
        query = query.filter(RequestState.state == state_int)

    if batch_id is not None:
        query_params['batch'] = batch_id
        batch_id = Batch.validate_batch(batch_id)
        query = query.filter_by(batch_id=batch_id)

    if request_type:
        query_params['request_type'] = request_type
        request_type = request_type.replace('-', '_')
        request_type_int = RequestTypeMapping.__members__[request_type].value
        query = query.filter(Request.type == request_type_int)

    if user:
        # join with the user table and then filter on username
        # request table only has the user_id
        query_params['user'] = user
        query = query.join(Request.user).filter(User.username == user)

    if index_image:
        query_params['index_image'] = index_image
        # Get the image id of the image to be searched
        image_result = Image.query.filter_by(
        if image_result:
            # join with the Request* tables to get the response as image_ids are stored there
            query = (query.outerjoin(
                Request.id == RequestCreateEmptyIndex.id).outerjoin(
                    RequestAdd, Request.id == RequestAdd.id).outerjoin(
                        Request.id == RequestMergeIndexImage.id).outerjoin(
                            RequestRm, Request.id == RequestRm.id))

            query = query.filter(
                    RequestCreateEmptyIndex.index_image_id == image_result.id,
                    RequestAdd.index_image_id == image_result.id,
                    RequestMergeIndexImage.index_image_id == image_result.id,
                    RequestRm.index_image_id == image_result.id,
        # if index_image is not found in image table, then raise an error
            raise ValidationError(f'{index_image} is not a valid index image')

    pagination_query = query.order_by(
    requests = pagination_query.items

    response = {
        'items': [request.to_json(verbose=verbose) for request in requests],
        'meta': pagination_metadata(pagination_query, **query_params),
    return flask.jsonify(response)