Exemple #1
def segCentrosome(imp):
  IJ.run(imp, "Unsharp Mask...", "radius=20 mask=0.60");
  #IJ.run(imp, "FeatureJ Laplacian", "compute smoothing=1.0");
  fjimg = FJimage.wrap(imp)
  fjimglap = Laplacian().run(fjimg, 1.0)
  imp2 = fjimglap.imageplus()
  IJ.run(imp2, "Invert", "")
  IJ.run(imp2, "Unsharp Mask...", "radius=1 mask=0.60")
  if TESTMODE == True:
  segip = MaximumFinder().findMaxima( imp2.getProcessor(), MAXFIND_TOLERANCE, ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD, MaximumFinder.SINGLE_POINTS , False, False)
  #IJ.run(imp2, "Find Maxima...", "noise=1800 output=[Single Points]")
  return segip
def translate_using_imagescience(imp_tmpstack, dx, dy, dz):
  translator = Translate()
  output = translator.run(Image.wrap(imp_tmpstack), dx, dy, dz, Translate.LINEAR)
  return output.imageplus()
def register_hyperstack_subpixel(imp, channel, shifts, target_folder, virtual):
  """ Takes the imp, determines the x,y,z drift for each pair of time points, using the preferred given channel,
  and outputs as a hyperstack.
  The shifted image is computed using TransformJ allowing for sub-pixel shifts using interpolation.
  This is quite a bit slower than just shifting the image by full pixels as done in above function register_hyperstack().
  However it significantly improves the result by removing pixel jitter.
  # Compute bounds of the new volume,
  # which accounts for all translations:
  minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = compute_min_max(shifts)
  # Make shifts relative to new canvas dimensions
  # so that the min values become 0,0,0
  for shift in shifts:
    shift.x -= minx
    shift.y -= miny
    shift.z -= minz
  # new canvas dimensions:
  width = int(imp.width + maxx - minx)
  height = int(maxy - miny + imp.height)
  slices = int(maxz - minz + imp.getNSlices())

  print "New dimensions:", width, height, slices
  # prepare stack for final results
  stack = imp.getStack()
  if virtual is True: 
    names = []
    registeredstack = ImageStack(width, height, imp.getProcessor().getColorModel())
  # prepare empty slice for padding
  empty = imp.getProcessor().createProcessor(width, height)

  for frame in range(1, imp.getNFrames()+1):
    IJ.showProgress(frame / float(imp.getNFrames()+1))
    fr = "t" + zero_pad(frame, len(str(imp.getNFrames()))) # for saving files in a virtual stack
    # init
    shift = shifts[frame-1]
    registeredstackthisframe = ImageStack(width, height, imp.getProcessor().getColorModel())

    print "frame",frame,"correcting drift",-shift.x-minx,-shift.y-miny,-shift.z-minz
    IJ.log("    frame "+str(frame)+" correcting drift "+str(round(-shift.x-minx,2))+","+str(round(-shift.y-miny,2))+","+str(round(-shift.z-minz,2)))
    # Add all slices of this frame
    stack = imp.getStack()
    for s in range(1, imp.getNSlices()+1):
      for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1):
         ip = stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(ch, s, frame))
         ip2 = ip.createProcessor(width, height) # potentially larger
         ip2.insert(ip, 0, 0)
         registeredstackthisframe.addSlice("", ip2)

    # Pad the end (in z) of this frame
    for s in range(imp.getNSlices(), slices):
      for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1):
         registeredstackthisframe.addSlice("", empty)

    # Set correct dimensions as below Translate() function needs this
    # ..it is important *not* to set the calibration as Translate() works with units if present
    registeredstackthisframe_imp = ImagePlus("registered time points", registeredstackthisframe)
    registeredstackthisframe_imp.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"))
    registeredstackthisframe_imp.setDimensions(imp.getNChannels(), slices, 1)
    # Translate and set dimensions to translated result
    translator = Translate()
    output = translator.run(Image.wrap(registeredstackthisframe_imp),shift.x,shift.y,shift.z,Translate.LINEAR)
    imp_translated = output.imageplus()
    imp_translated.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"))
    imp_translated.setDimensions(imp.getNChannels(), slices, 1)
    # Add the translated frame to the final time-series
    stack = imp_translated.getStack()
    for s in range(1, imp_translated.getNSlices()+1):
      ss = "_z" + zero_pad(s, len(str(slices)))
      for ch in range(1, imp_translated.getNChannels()+1):
         ip = stack.getProcessor(imp_translated.getStackIndex(ch, s, 1))
         if virtual is True:
           name = fr + ss + "_c" + zero_pad(ch, len(str(imp.getNChannels()))) +".tif"
           currentslice = ImagePlus("", ip)
           currentslice.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"));
           FileSaver(currentslice).saveAsTiff(target_folder + "/" + name)
           registeredstack.addSlice("", ip)

  if virtual is True:
    # Create virtual hyper stack with the result
    registeredstack = VirtualStack(width, height, None, target_folder)
    for name in names:
    registeredstack_imp = ImagePlus("registered time points", registeredstack)
    registeredstack_imp.setDimensions(imp.getNChannels(), slices, imp.getNFrames())
    registeredstack_imp = ImagePlus("registered time points", registeredstack)
    registeredstack_imp.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"))
    registeredstack_imp.setDimensions(imp.getNChannels(), slices, imp.getNFrames())
    if 1 == registeredstack_imp.getNChannels():
      return registeredstack_imp
  #IJ.log("\nHyperstack dimensions: time frames:" + str(registeredstack_imp.getNFrames()) + ", slices: " + str(registeredstack_imp.getNSlices()) + ", channels: " + str(registeredstack_imp.getNChannels()))

  # Else, as composite
  mode = CompositeImage.COLOR;
  if isinstance(imp, CompositeImage):
    mode = imp.getMode()
    return registeredstack_imp
  return CompositeImage(registeredstack_imp, mode)