Exemple #1
def write_vector_data(data, projection, geometry, filename, keywords=None):
    """Write point data and any associated attributes to vector file

        data: List of N dictionaries each with M fields where
              M is the number of attributes.
              A value of None is acceptable.
        projection: WKT projection information
        geometry: List of points or polygons.
        filename: Output filename
        keywords: Optional dictionary

    Note: The only format implemented is GML and SHP so the extension
    must be either .gml or .shp

    # FIXME (Ole): When the GML driver is used,
    #              the spatial reference is not stored.
    #              I suspect this is a bug in OGR.

    * http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_apitut.html (last example)
    * http://invisibleroads.com/tutorials/gdal-shapefile-points-save.html

    V = Vector(data, projection, geometry, keywords=keywords)
Exemple #2
def write_vector_data(data, projection, geometry, filename, keywords=None):
    """Write point data and any associated attributes to vector file

        data: List of N dictionaries each with M fields where
              M is the number of attributes.
              A value of None is acceptable.
        projection: WKT projection information
        geometry: List of points or polygons.
        filename: Output filename
        keywords: Optional dictionary

    Note: The only format implemented is GML and SHP so the extension
    must be either .gml or .shp

    # FIXME (Ole): When the GML driver is used,
    #              the spatial reference is not stored.
    #              I suspect this is a bug in OGR.

    * http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_apitut.html (last example)
    * http://invisibleroads.com/tutorials/gdal-shapefile-points-save.html

    V = Vector(data, projection, geometry, keywords=keywords)
Exemple #3
    def test_instantiation_of_empty_layers(self):
        """Vector and Raster objects can be instantiated with None

        v = Vector(None)
        assert v.get_name().startswith('Vector')

        r = Raster(None)
        assert r.get_name().startswith('Raster')
Exemple #4
def unspecific2bnpb(E, target_attribute='VCLASS'):
    """Map Unspecific point data to BNPB vulnerability classes

    This makes no assumptions about attributes and maps everything to
    URM: Unreinforced Masonry

        E: Vector object representing the OSM data
        target_attribute: Optional name of the attribute containing
                          the mapped vulnerability class. Default
                          value is 'VCLASS'

        Vector object like E, but with one new attribute (e.g. 'VCLASS')
        representing the vulnerability class used in the guidelines

    # Start mapping
    N = len(E)
    attributes = E.get_data()
    count = 0
    for i in range(N):
        # Store new attribute value
        attributes[i][target_attribute] = 'URM'

    # Create new vector instance and return
    V = Vector(data=attributes,
               name=E.get_name() + ' mapped to BNPB vulnerability class URM',
    return V
Exemple #5
def csv2shp(path, lonname='Bujur', latname='Lintang'):

    # Read csv data
    reader = csv.DictReader(open(path, 'r'))
    data = []
    for x in reader:

    # Determine latitude and longitude fields
    fieldnames = reader.fieldnames
    msg = ('Could not find requested longitude "%s" in %s. Available '
           'field names are: %s' % (lonname, path, str(fieldnames)))
    assert lonname in fieldnames, msg

    msg = ('Could not find requested latitude "%s" in %s. Available '
           'field names are: %s' % (latname, path, str(fieldnames)))
    assert latname in fieldnames, msg

    # Extract point geometry
    lon = [float(x[lonname]) for x in data]
    lat = [float(x[latname]) for x in data]
    geometry = zip(lon, lat)

    # Replace spaces in attribute names with underscores (issue #177)
    for i, D in enumerate(data):
        D_clean = {}
        for key in D:
            D_clean[key.replace(' ', '_')] = D[key]
        data[i] = D_clean

    # Create vector object
    V = Vector(data=data,

    # Write as shapefile
    basename, _ = os.path.splitext(path)
    V.write_to_file(basename + '.shp')

    fid = open(basename + '.keywords', 'w')
Exemple #6
def csv2shp(path, lonname='Bujur', latname='Lintang'):

    # Read csv data
    reader = csv.DictReader(open(path, 'r'))
    data = []
    for x in reader:

    # Determine latitude and longitude fields
    fieldnames = reader.fieldnames
    msg = ('Could not find requested longitude "%s" in %s. Available '
           'field names are: %s' % (lonname, path, str(fieldnames)))
    assert lonname in fieldnames, msg

    msg = ('Could not find requested latitude "%s" in %s. Available '
           'field names are: %s' % (latname, path, str(fieldnames)))
    assert latname in fieldnames, msg

    # Extract point geometry
    lon = [float(x[lonname]) for x in data]
    lat = [float(x[latname]) for x in data]
    geometry = zip(lon, lat)

    # Replace spaces in attribute names with underscores (issue #177)
    for i, D in enumerate(data):
        D_clean = {}
        for key in D:
            D_clean[key.replace(' ', '_')] = D[key]
        data[i] = D_clean

    # Create vector object
    V = Vector(data=data, projection=DEFAULT_PROJECTION, geometry=geometry)

    # Write as shapefile
    basename, _ = os.path.splitext(path)
    V.write_to_file(basename + '.shp')

    fid = open(basename + '.keywords', 'w')
Exemple #7
    def test_vector_class(self):
        """Consistency of vector class for point data

        # Read data file
        layername = 'lembang_schools.shp'
        filename = '%s/%s' % (TESTDATA, layername)
        V = read_layer(filename)

        # Make a smaller dataset
        V_ref = V.get_topN('FLOOR_AREA', 5)

        geometry = V_ref.get_geometry()
        data = V_ref.get_data()
        projection = V_ref.get_projection()

        # Create new object from test data
        V_new = Vector(data=data, projection=projection, geometry=geometry)

        # Check
        assert V_new == V_ref
        assert not V_new != V_ref

        # Write this new object, read it again and check
        tmp_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')

        V_tmp = read_layer(tmp_filename)
        assert V_tmp == V_ref
        assert not V_tmp != V_ref

        # Check that equality raises exception when type is wrong
            V_tmp == Raster()
        except TypeError:
            msg = 'Should have raised TypeError'
            raise Exception(msg)
Exemple #8
def interpolate_raster_vector_points(R, V, name=None):
    """Interpolate from raster layer to point data

        R: Raster data set (grid)
        V: Vector data set (points)
        name: Name for new attribute.
              If None (default) the name of R is used

        I: Vector data set; points located as V with values interpolated from R


    msg = ('There are no data points to interpolate to. Perhaps zoom out '
           'and try again')
    assert len(V) > 0, msg

    # Input checks
    assert R.is_raster
    assert V.is_vector
    assert V.is_point_data

    # Get raster data and corresponding x and y axes
    A = R.get_data(nan=True)
    longitudes, latitudes = R.get_geometry()
    assert len(longitudes) == A.shape[1]
    assert len(latitudes) == A.shape[0]

    # Get vector point geometry as Nx2 array
    coordinates = numpy.array(V.get_geometry(), dtype='d', copy=False)

    # Interpolate and create new attribute
    N = len(V)
    attributes = []
    if name is None:
        name = R.get_name()

    values = interpolate_raster(longitudes,

    # Create list of dictionaries for this attribute and return
    for i in range(N):
        attributes.append({name: values[i]})

    return Vector(data=attributes,
Exemple #9
def read_layer(filename):
    """Read spatial layer from file.
    This can be either raster or vector data.

    _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    if ext in ['.asc', '.tif']:
        return Raster(filename)
    elif ext in ['.shp', '.gml']:
        return Vector(filename)
        msg = ('Could not read %s. '
               'Extension "%s" has not been implemented' % (filename, ext))
        raise Exception(msg)
Exemple #10
    def run(layers):
        """Risk plugin for earthquake school damage

        # Extract data
        # FIXME (Ole): This will be replaced by a helper function
        #              to separate hazard from exposure using keywords
        H = layers[0]  # Ground shaking
        E = layers[1]  # Building locations

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E)

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = E.get_geometry()
        shaking = H.get_data()

        # Calculate building damage
        building_damage = []
        for i in range(len(shaking)):
            x = float(shaking[i].values()[0])
            if x < 6.0:
                value = 0.0
                value = (0.692 * (x**4) - 15.82 * (x**3) + 135.0 * (x**2) -
                         509.0 * x + 714.4)

            building_damage.append({'DAMAGE': value, 'MMI': x})

        # FIXME (Ole): Need helper to generate new layer using
        #              correct spatial reference
        #              (i.e. sensibly wrap the following lines)
        projection = E.get_projection()

        V = Vector(data=building_damage,
                   name='Estimated pct damage')
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for earthquake school damage

        # Extract data
        H = layers[0]  # Ground shaking
        E = layers[1]  # Building locations

        # print
        # print 'kw', E.get_keywords()
        # print
        # FIXME (Ole): Why doesn't this layer have keywords? See issue #164
        # Need keyword identifier for each kind of building dataset.
        # if 'osm' in E.get_keywords('type'):
        # FIXME (Ole): Not very robust way of deciding
        if E.get_name().lower().startswith('osm'):
            # Map from OSM attributes to the padang building classes
            E = osm2padang(E)
            vclass_tag = 'VCLASS'
            vclass_tag = 'TestBLDGCl'

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E)

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = E.get_geometry()
        shaking = H.get_data()
        N = len(shaking)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attributes = E.get_attribute_names()

        # Calculate building damage
        count50 = 0
        count25 = 0
        count10 = 0
        count0 = 0
        building_damage = []
        for i in range(N):
            mmi = float(shaking[i].values()[0])

            building_class = E.get_data(vclass_tag, i)

            building_type = str(int(building_class))
            damage_params = damage_curves[building_type]
            percent_damage = scipy.stats.lognorm.cdf(mmi,
                                                     scale=damage_params['median']) * 100

            # Collect shake level and calculated damage
            result_dict = {self.target_field: percent_damage,
                           'MMI': mmi}

            # Carry all orginal attributes forward
            for key in attributes:
                result_dict[key] = E.get_data(key, i)

            # Record result for this feature

            # Calculate statistics
            if percent_damage < 10:
                count0 += 1

            if 10 <= percent_damage < 25:
                count10 += 1

            if 25 <= percent_damage < 50:
                count25 += 1

            if 50 <= percent_damage:
                count50 += 1

        # Create report
        caption = ('<font size="3"> <table border="0" width="320px">'
                   '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
                    '   <tr></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s (<10%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s (10-25%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s (25-50%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '   <tr><td>%s (50-100%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                    '</table></font>' % (_('Buildings'), _('Total'),
                                  _('All'), N,
                                  _('No damage'), count0,
                                  _('Low damage'), count10,
                                  _('Medium damage'), count25,
                                  _('High damage'), count50))

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=building_damage,
                   name='Estimated pct damage',
                   keywords={'caption': caption})
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for tsunami population

        # Extract data
        # FIXME (Ole): This will be replaced by a helper function
        #              to separate hazard from exposure using keywords
        H = layers[0]  # Depth
        E = layers[1]  # Building locations

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E)

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = E.get_geometry()
        depth = H.get_data()
        N = len(depth)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attributes = E.get_attribute_names()

        #print attributes
        #print 'Number of population points', N

        # Calculate population impact
        count = 0
        building_impact = []
        for i in range(N):
            dep = float(depth[i].values()[0])

            # Tag and count
            if dep > 0.1:
                affected = 99.5
                count += 1
                affected = 0

            # Collect depth and calculated damage
            result_dict = {'AFFECTED': affected, 'DEPTH': dep}

            # Carry all original attributes forward
            for key in attributes:
                result_dict[key] = E.get_data(key, i)

            # Record result for this feature

        # Create report
        caption = ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                   '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
                   '   <tr></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s (> 10 cm) &#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s (< 10 cm) &#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '</table>' %
                   (_('Buildings'), _('Total'), _('All'), N, _('Inundated'),
                    count, _('Not inundated'), N - count))

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=building_impact,
                   name='Estimated buildings affected',
                   keywords={'caption': caption})
        return V
Exemple #13
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for tsunami population

        # Extract data
        H = layers[0]  # Depth
        E = layers[1]  # Building locations

        #print 'Number of polygons', len(E)

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E)

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = E.get_geometry()
        depth = H.get_data()
        N = len(depth)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attributes = E.get_attribute_names()

        # Calculate building impact according to guidelines
        count3 = 0
        count1 = 0
        count0 = 0
        population_impact = []
        for i in range(N):

            # Get depth
            dep = float(depth[i].values()[0])

            # Classify buildings according to depth
            if dep >= 3:
                affected = 3  # FIXME: Colour upper bound is 100 but
                count3 += 1  # does not catch affected == 100
            elif 1 <= dep < 3:
                affected = 2
                count1 += 1
                affected = 1
                count0 += 1

            # Collect depth and calculated damage
            result_dict = {self.target_field: affected, 'DEPTH': dep}

            # Carry all original attributes forward
            for key in attributes:
                result_dict[key] = E.get_data(key, i)

            # Record result for this feature

        # Create report
        caption = ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                   '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
                   '   <tr></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '</table>' %
                   ('ketinggian tsunami', 'Jumlah gedung', '< 1 m', count0,
                    '1 - 3 m', count1, '> 3 m', count3))

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=population_impact,
                   name='Estimate of buildings affected',
                   keywords={'caption': caption})
        return V
Exemple #14
def osm2padang(E):
    """Map OSM attributes to Padang vulnerability classes

    This maps attributes collected in the OpenStreetMap exposure data
    (data.kompetisiosm.org) to 9 vulnerability classes identified by
    Geoscience Australia and ITB in the post 2009 Padang earthquake
    survey (http://trove.nla.gov.au/work/38470066).
    The mapping was developed by Abigail Baca, GFDRR.

        E: Vector object representing the OSM data

        Vector object like E, but with one new attribute ('VCLASS')
        representing the vulnerability class used in the Padang dataset


    1. Class the "levels" field into height bands where 1-3 = low,
       4-10 = mid, >10 = high
    2. Where height band = mid then building type = 4
       "RC medium rise Frame with Masonry in-fill walls"
    3. Where height band = high then building type = 6
       "Concrete Shear wall high rise* Hazus C2H"
    4. Where height band = low and structure = (plastered or
       reinforced_masonry) then building type = 7
       "RC low rise Frame with Masonry in-fill walls"
    5. Where height band = low and structure = confined_masonry then
       building type = 8 "Confined Masonry"
    6. Where height band = low and structure = unreinforced_masonry then
       building type = 2 "URM with Metal Roof"

    # Input check
    required = ['levels', 'structure']
    actual = E.get_attribute_names()
    msg = ('Input data to osm2padang must have attributes %s. '
           'It has %s' % (str(required), str(actual)))
    for attribute in required:
        assert attribute in actual, msg

    # Start mapping
    N = len(E)
    attributes = E.get_data()
    count = 0
    for i in range(N):
        levels = E.get_data('levels', i)
        structure = E.get_data('structure', i)
        if levels is None or structure is None:
            vulnerability_class = 2
            count += 1
            if levels >= 10:
                # High
                vulnerability_class = 6  # Concrete shear
            elif 4 <= levels < 10:
                # Mid
                vulnerability_class = 4  # RC mid
            elif 1 <= levels < 4:
                # Low
                if structure in [
                        'plastered', 'reinforced masonry', 'reinforced_masonry'
                    vulnerability_class = 7  # RC low
                elif structure == 'confined_masonry':
                    vulnerability_class = 8  # Confined
                elif 'kayu' in structure or 'wood' in structure:
                    vulnerability_class = 9  # Wood
                    vulnerability_class = 2  # URM
            elif numpy.allclose(levels, 0):
                # A few buildings exist with 0 levels.

                # In general, we should be assigning here the most
                # frequent building in the area which could be defined
                # by admin boundaries.
                vulnerability_class = 2
                msg = 'Unknown number of levels: %s' % levels
                raise Exception(msg)

        # Store new attribute value
        attributes[i]['VCLASS'] = vulnerability_class

        # Selfcheck for use with osm_080811.shp
        if E.get_name() == 'osm_080811':
            if levels > 0:
                msg = ('Got %s expected %s. levels = %f, structure = %s' %
                       (vulnerability_class, attributes[i]['TestBLDGCl'],
                        levels, structure))
                assert numpy.allclose(attributes[i]['TestBLDGCl'],
                                      vulnerability_class), msg

    #print 'Got %i without levels or structure (out of %i total)' % (count, N)

    # Create new vector instance and return
    V = Vector(data=attributes,
               name=E.get_name() + ' mapped to Padang vulnerability classes',
    return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for earthquake school damage

        # Extract data
        H = layers[0]  # Ground shaking
        E = layers[1]  # Building locations

        # Map from OSM attributes to the guideline classes (URM and RM)
        # FIXME (Ole): Not very robust way of deciding
        # Need keyword identifier for each kind of building dataset.
        if E.get_name().lower().startswith('osm'):
            # Map from OSM attributes to the padang building classes
            E = osm2bnpb(E, target_attribute=self.vclass_tag)
            E = unspecific2bnpb(E, target_attribute=self.vclass_tag)

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E)

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = E.get_geometry()
        shaking = H.get_data()
        N = len(shaking)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attributes = E.get_attribute_names()

        # Calculate building damage
        count3 = 0
        count2 = 0
        count1 = 0
        building_damage = []
        for i in range(N):
            mmi = float(shaking[i].values()[0])

            building_class = E.get_data(self.vclass_tag, i)
            lo, hi = damage_parameters[building_class]

            if mmi < lo:
                damage = 1  # Low
                count1 += 1
            elif lo <= mmi < hi:
                damage = 2  # Medium
                count2 += 1
                damage = 3  # High
                count3 += 1

            # Collect shake level and calculated damage
            result_dict = {self.target_field: damage, 'MMI': mmi}

            # Carry all orginal attributes forward
            for key in attributes:
                result_dict[key] = E.get_data(key, i)

            # Record result for this feature

        # Create report
        caption = (
            '<table border="0" width="320px">'
            '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
            '   <tr></tr>'
            '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
            '   <tr><td>%s (10-25%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
            '   <tr><td>%s (25-50%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
            '   <tr><td>%s (50-100%%)&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
            '</table>' %
            (_('Buildings'), _('Total'), _('All'), N, _('Low damage'), count1,
             _('Medium damage'), count2, _('High damage'), count3))

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=building_damage,
                   name='Estimated damage level',
                   keywords={'caption': caption})

        return V
Exemple #16
    def run(layers):
        """Risk plugin for tsunami building damage

        # Extract data
        # FIXME (Ole): This will be replaced by a helper function
        #              to separate hazard from exposure using keywords
        H = layers[0]  # Ground shaking
        E = layers[1]  # Building locations

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E)

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = E.get_geometry()
        inundation = H.get_data()

        # Calculate
        N = len(H)
        impact = []
        for i in range(N):

            # Extract parameters
            depth = float(inundation[i].values()[0])
            shore_distance = E.get_data('SHORE_DIST', i)

            # FIXME: Get rid of the type casting when
            #        issue #66 is done
            number_of_people_in_building = int(E.get_data('NEXIS_PEOP', i))
            wall_type = E.get_data('WALL_TYPE', i)
            contents_value = E.get_data('CONT_VALUE', i)
            structure_value = E.get_data('STR_VALUE', i)

            # Compute people affected
            if 0.01 < depth < 1.0:
                people_affected = number_of_people_in_building
                people_affected = 0

            if depth >= 1.0:
                people_severely_affected = number_of_people_in_building
                people_severely_affected = 0

            # Compute impact on buldings and contents
            depth_floor = depth - 0.3  # Adjust for floor height

            if depth_floor >= 0.0:
                buildings_inundated = 1
                buildings_inundated = 0

            if depth_floor < 0.0:
                structural_damage = contents_damage = 0.0
                # Water is deep enough to cause damage
                if wall_type in struct_damage_curve:
                    curve = struct_damage_curve[wall_type]
                    # Establish default for unknown wall type
                    curve = struct_damage_curve['Brick veneer']

                structural_damage = curve(depth_floor)
                contents_damage = contents_damage_curve(depth_floor)

            # Compute losses
            structural_loss = structural_damage * structure_value
            contents_loss = contents_damage * contents_value

            # Return
                'NEXIS_PEOP': number_of_people_in_building,
                'PEOPLE_AFFECTED': people_affected,
                'PEOPLE_SEV_AFFECTED': people_severely_affected,
                'STRUCT_INUNDATED': buildings_inundated,
                'STRUCT_DAMAGE_fraction': structural_damage,
                'CONTENTS_DAMAGE_fraction': contents_damage,
                'STRUCT_LOSS_AUD': structural_loss,
                'CONTENTS_LOSS_AUD': contents_loss,
                'DEPTH': depth

        # FIXME (Ole): Need helper to generate new layer using
        #              correct spatial reference
        #              (i.e. sensibly wrap the following lines)
        V = Vector(data=impact,
                   name='Estimated tsunami impact')
        return V
    def run(layers):
        """Risk plugin for tephra impact

        # Extract data
        H = layers[0]  # Ash load
        E = layers[1]  # Building locations

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E, 'load')

        # Calculate building damage
        count3 = 0
        count2 = 0
        count1 = 0
        count0 = 0
        result = []
        for i in range(len(E)):

            # Extract parameters
            load = H.get_data('load', i)

            # Compute damage level

            # FIXME: The thresholds have been greatly reduced
            # for the purpose of demonstration. Any real analyis
            # should bring them back to 0, 90, 150, 300
            if 0.01 <= load < 0.5:
                # Loss of crops and livestock
                impact = 0
                count0 += 1
            elif 0.5 <= load < 2.0:
                # Cosmetic damage
                impact = 1
                count1 += 1
            elif 2.0 <= load < 10.0:
                # Partial building collapse
                impact = 2
                count2 += 1
            elif load >= 10.0:
                # Complete building collapse
                impact = 3
                count3 += 1
                impact = 0
                count0 += 1

            result.append({'DAMAGE': impact, 'ASHLOAD': load})

        # Create report
        caption = ('<font size="3"> <table border="0" width="320px">'
                   '   <tr><th><b>%s</b></th><th><b>%s</b></th></th>'
                   '   <tr></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '</table></font>' %
                   ('Beban abu', 'Gedung dampak', '< 0.5 kg/m2', count0,
                    '0.5 - 2 kg/m2', count1, '2 - 10 kg/m2', count2,
                    '> 10 kg/m2', count3))
        #'</table>' % ('Beban abu', 'Gedung dampak',
        #              'Gangguan (< 90 kg/m2)', count0,
        #              'Kerusakan kosmetik (90 - 150 kg/m2', count1,
        #              'parsial runtuhnya (150 - 300 kg/m2', count2,
        #              'runtuhnya lengkap (> 300 kg/m2', count3))

        V = Vector(data=result,
                   name='Estimated ashload damage',
                   keywords={'caption': caption})
        return V
Exemple #18
    def run(self, layers, a=0.97429, b=11.037):
        """Risk plugin for earthquake fatalities

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
                  H: Raster layer of MMI ground shaking
                  E: Polygon population data
          a: Parameter for Allen impact function
          b: Parameter for Allen impact function

        # Identify input layers
        H = layers[0]  # Intensity
        E = layers[1]  # Exposure - population counts

        # Interpolate hazard level to building locations
        H = H.interpolate(E)

        # Extract relevant numerical data
        coordinates = E.get_geometry()  # Stay with polygons
        shaking = H.get_data()
        N = len(shaking)

        # List attributes to carry forward to result layer
        attributes = E.get_attribute_names()

        # Calculate fatilities
        count = 0
        total = 0

        result_feature_set = []
        for i in range(N):
            mmi = float(shaking[i].values()[0])
            if mmi < 0.0:
                # FIXME: Hack until interpolation is fixed
                mmi = 0.0

            population_count = E.get_data('Jumlah_Pen', i)

            # Calculate impact
            F = 10**(a * mmi - b) * population_count

            # Collect shake level and calculated damage
            result_dict = {self.target_field: F, 'MMI': mmi}

            # Carry all orginal attributes forward
            for key in attributes:
                result_dict[key] = E.get_data(key, i)

            # Record result for this feature

            # Calculate statistics
            if not numpy.isnan(F):
                count += F
            total += population_count

        # Create report
        caption = ('<table border="0" width="320px">'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '   <tr><td>%s&#58;</td><td>%i</td></tr>'
                   '</table>' % ('Jumlah Penduduk', int(total),
                                 'Perkiraan Orang Meninggal', int(count)))

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=result_feature_set,
                   name='Estimated fatalities',
                   keywords={'caption': caption})

        return V
Exemple #19
def osm2bnpb(E, target_attribute='VCLASS'):
    """Map OSM attributes to BNPB vulnerability classes

    This maps attributes collected in the OpenStreetMap exposure data
    (data.kompetisiosm.org) to 2 vulnerability classes identified by
    BNPB in Kajian Risiko Gempabumi VERS 1.0, 2011. They are
    URM: Unreinforced Masonry and RM: Reinforced Masonry

        E: Vector object representing the OSM data
        target_attribute: Optional name of the attribute containing
                          the mapped vulnerability class. Default
                          value is 'VCLASS'

        Vector object like E, but with one new attribute (e.g. 'VCLASS')
        representing the vulnerability class used in the guidelines

    # Input check
    required = ['levels', 'structure']
    actual = E.get_attribute_names()
    msg = ('Input data to osm2bnpb must have attributes %s. '
           'It has %s' % (str(required), str(actual)))
    for attribute in required:
        assert attribute in actual, msg

    # Start mapping
    N = len(E)
    attributes = E.get_data()
    count = 0
    for i in range(N):
        levels = E.get_data('levels', i)
        structure = E.get_data('structure', i)
        if levels is None or structure is None:
            vulnerability_class = 'URM'
            count += 1
            if levels >= 4:
                # High
                vulnerability_class = 'RM'
            elif 1 <= levels < 4:
                # Low
                if structure in ['reinforced masonry', 'reinforced_masonry']:
                    vulnerability_class = 'RM'
                elif structure == 'confined_masonry':
                    vulnerability_class = 'RM'
                elif 'kayu' in structure or 'wood' in structure:
                    vulnerability_class = 'RM'
                    vulnerability_class = 'URM'
            elif numpy.allclose(levels, 0):
                # A few buildings exist with 0 levels.

                # In general, we should be assigning here the most
                # frequent building in the area which could be defined
                # by admin boundaries.
                vulnerability_class = 'URM'
                msg = 'Unknown number of levels: %s' % levels
                raise Exception(msg)

        # Store new attribute value
        attributes[i][target_attribute] = vulnerability_class

    #print 'Got %i without levels or structure (out of %i total)' % (count, N)

    # Create new vector instance and return
    V = Vector(data=attributes,
               name=E.get_name() + ' mapped to BNPB vulnerability classes',
    return V