Exemple #1
def _prepare_tester_config(tester_config, global_config, more_envs={}):
    Validates the tester_config structure. Basically checks for presence of
    'image' key. Then it will make sure that all keys are present, with the
    correct types. The environment values in global_config have precedence
    above all else.
    :param tester_config: The tester_config structure
    :param global_config: The global configuration from the command line
    :param more_envs: more key-value items to merge into the environment
    :return: None
    tester_template = {
        'environment': {},
        'links': {},
        'commands': [],
    errors = []
    if 'image' not in tester_config or \
            not isinstance(tester_config['image'], str):
        errors.append("tester_config key must contain 'image' key "
                      "and must be a string")
    if 'links' not in tester_config or \
            not isinstance(tester_config['links'], list):
        errors.append("tester_config key must contain 'links' key" " as array")
    if len(errors):
        fail("\n" + "\n".join(errors))
    tmp = deep_merge(tester_template, tester_config)
    tmp['environment'] = deep_merge(tmp['environment'], more_envs,
    return tmp
def _prepare_tester_config(tester_config, global_config, more_envs={}):
    Validates the tester_config structure. Basically checks for presence of
    'image' key. Then it will make sure that all keys are present, with the
    correct types. The environment values in global_config have precedence
    above all else.
    :param tester_config: The tester_config structure
    :param global_config: The global configuration from the command line
    :param more_envs: more key-value items to merge into the environment
    :return: None
    tester_template = {
        'environment': {},
        'links': {},
        'commands': [],
    errors = []
    if 'image' not in tester_config or \
            not isinstance(tester_config['image'], str):
        errors.append("tester_config key must contain 'image' key "
                      "and must be a string")
    if 'links' not in tester_config or \
            not isinstance(tester_config['links'], list):
        errors.append("tester_config key must contain 'links' key"
                      " as array")
    if len(errors):
        fail("\n" + "\n".join(errors))
    tmp = deep_merge(tester_template, tester_config)
    tmp['environment'] = deep_merge(tmp['environment'],
    return tmp
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, name, test_definition):
        self.name = name
        test_definition = deep_merge(default_config, test_definition)
        # quick shortcuts
        self.test_env = test_definition['environment']
        self.test_meta = test_definition['meta']
        self.test_commands = test_definition.get('test_commands', [])
        # take care of commands ...
        self.test_commands = _build_exec_array(self.test_commands)
        self.test_meta['test_before'] = \
            _build_exec_array(self.test_meta.get('test_before', None))
        self.test_meta['test_after'] = \
            _build_exec_array(self.test_meta.get('test_after', None))

        # okay.
        # let's keep all file references relative to the configuration
        # file. easy to remember.
        configfilepath = realpath(dirname(self.test_meta.get('_configfile',
        # self.TEMPLATE / .TEMPLATE_NAME
        tmp = self.test_meta['docker_compose_template']
        if not isabs(tmp):
            tmp = realpath(join(configfilepath, tmp))
        self.template = tmp
        self.template_name = basename(self.template)
        # self.BASEDIR
        tmp = self.test_meta.get('test_basedir', configfilepath)
        if not isabs(tmp):
            tmp = realpath(join(configfilepath, tmp))
        self.base_dir = tmp
        # self.SANITIZED_NAME, .TEST_DIR
        self.sanitized_name = resub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "-", self.name)
        self.test_dir = dbg_tr_get_testdir(self.base_dir, self.sanitized_name)
        # extend SELF.TEST_ENV with TEST_DIR
        self.test_env['test_dir'] = self.test_dir
        # create SELF.COMMANDLINE
        self.commandline = copy.copy(default_commandline_start)
        for param in self.test_meta['docker_compose_params']:
        for key, val in self.test_env.items():
            self.commandline.append("%s=%s" % (key, val))
        # create .STATE, .RESULT, .EXCEPTION, .REASON
        self.state = self.NOTRUN
        self.results = []
        self.exception = None
        self.reason = None
        # log setup
        log_filename = join(self.base_dir, basename(self.test_dir)) + ".log"
        self.log = get_logger("t-%s" % self.name, filename=log_filename)
        # some debug output
        self.log.info("base commandline '%s'" % " ".join(self.commandline))
        self.log.debug("test directory '%s'" % self.test_dir)
        self.log.debug("template path '%s'" % self.template)
        for key, val in self.test_env.items():
            self.log.debug("env %s=%s" % (key, val))
 def run(self, run_args, **kwargs):
     use_command = run_args \
         if isinstance(run_args, list) \
         else run_args.split(" ")
     full_command = self.base_command + use_command
     # call(*a1, *a2) seems only to work on python 3.5+
     return tools.run_command(full_command,
                              **tools.deep_merge(self.run_kwargs, kwargs))
 def run(self, run_args, **kwargs):
     use_command = run_args \
         if isinstance(run_args, list) \
         else run_args.split(" ")
     full_command = self.base_command + use_command
     # call(*a1, *a2) seems only to work on python 3.5+
     return tools.run_command(full_command,
                              **tools.deep_merge(self.run_kwargs, kwargs))
def _v3_create_test_with(fileconfig, argconfig,
                         test_name, tester_name, template_name, env_name,
    errors = []
    # convenience vars
    compose_templates = fileconfig['compose_templates']
    testers = fileconfig['tester_configs']
    environments = fileconfig['environments']
    # check references
    if tester_name not in testers:
        errors.append("CONFIG FILE: no tester definition named '{}'"
    if template_name not in compose_templates:
        errors.append("CONFIG FILE: no template definition named '{}'"
    if env_name and env_name not in environments:
        errors.append("CONFIG FILE: no environment definition named '{}'"
    if len(errors):
        fail("\n" + "\n".join(errors))
    # quick hack to this is a COPY of the original entry
    tester = deep_merge({}, fileconfig['tester_configs'][tester_name])
    # take care of the tester environment
    conf_env = fileconfig['environments'][env_name] \
        if env_name else {}
    tester['environment'] = deep_merge(tester['environment'], conf_env) \
        if tester.get('environment') else conf_env
    # get template
    template = fileconfig['compose_templates'][template_name]
    # merge in the environment to the tester config
    tester = _prepare_tester_config(tester, argconfig)
    template = _prepare_docker_compose_template(template,
    output.output.block_open("Settings of test '{}_{}'".format(test_name,
    output.output.dump("tester: {}".format(tester_name))
    output.output.dump("template: {}".format(template_name))
    if env_name:
        output.output.dump("environment: {}".format(env_name))
    tr = Testrun("{}_{}".format(test_name, test_num),
    return tr
Exemple #7
def _get_test_sets(setupdata):
    """Always returns a list of list of Testsets
        :param setupdata the full yaml setup data
    testsets = setupdata['testsets']
    global_config = setupdata['global']
    rv = []
    for tsname, tests in sorted(testsets.items()):
        ts = Testset(name=tsname)
        # remove global settings from test set
                                              tests.pop("_global", {})))
        for test_name, test_config in sorted(tests.items()):
            # the overrides have precedence above everything
            use_test_config = tools.deep_merge(test_config, global_overrides)
            ts.add_from_config(test_name, use_test_config)
    return rv
Exemple #8
def _v3_create_test_with(fileconfig, argconfig, test_name, tester_name,
                         template_name, env_name, test_num):
    errors = []
    # convenience vars
    compose_templates = fileconfig['compose_templates']
    testers = fileconfig['tester_configs']
    environments = fileconfig['environments']
    # check references
    if tester_name not in testers:
            "CONFIG FILE: no tester definition named '{}'".format(tester_name))
    if template_name not in compose_templates:
        errors.append("CONFIG FILE: no template definition named '{}'".format(
    if env_name and env_name not in environments:
            "CONFIG FILE: no environment definition named '{}'".format(
    if len(errors):
        fail("\n" + "\n".join(errors))
    # quick hack to this is a COPY of the original entry
    tester = deep_merge({}, fileconfig['tester_configs'][tester_name])
    # take care of the tester environment
    conf_env = fileconfig['environments'][env_name] \
        if env_name else {}
    tester['environment'] = deep_merge(tester['environment'], conf_env) \
        if tester.get('environment') else conf_env
    # get template
    template = fileconfig['compose_templates'][template_name]
    # merge in the environment to the tester config
    tester = _prepare_tester_config(tester, argconfig)
    template = _prepare_docker_compose_template(template,
    output.output.block_open("Settings of test '{}_{}'".format(
        test_name, test_num))
    output.output.dump("tester: {}".format(tester_name))
    output.output.dump("template: {}".format(template_name))
    if env_name:
        output.output.dump("environment: {}".format(env_name))
    tr = Testrun("{}_{}".format(test_name, test_num), template, **tester)
    return tr
Exemple #9
def _get_setupdata():
    stub = tools.get_full_stub()
    filedata = None
        with open(config.config_file, "r") as ifile:
            filedata = yaml.safe_load(ifile)
    except IOError as e:
        # FileNotFoundError is python3 only. yihah.
        if e.errno == ENOENT:
            tools.fail("Could not find configuration file: %s" % config.config_file)
            tools.fail("Unspecified IO error: %s" % str(e))
    logger.info("Read configuration file %s" % config.config_file)
    return tools.deep_merge(stub, filedata)
Exemple #10
 def test_deep_merging(self):
     d0 = {1: {2: 3, 3: 4}, 7: 8}
     d1 = {1: {4: 5, 3: 3}, 8: 9}
     result = {1: {2: 3, 3: 3, 4: 5}, 7: 8, 8: 9}
     self.assertDictEqual(deep_merge(d0, d1), result)
Exemple #11
 def test_key_priority(self):
     d0 = {1: 2, 2: [1, 2, 3]}
     d1 = {1: 3, 2: 3}
     result = {1: 3, 2: 3}
     self.assertDictEqual(deep_merge(d0, d1), result)
Exemple #12
 def add_from_config(self, name, config):
     test_name = "%s-%s" % (self.name, name)
     test_conf = deep_merge(self.global_config, config)
     self.tests.append(Testrun(test_name, test_conf))
Exemple #13
 def test_more_than_two_arguments(self):
     d0 = {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4}
     d1 = {2: 4, 3: 5, 4: 6}
     d2 = {3: 6, 5: 8}
     rs = {1: 2, 2: 4, 3: 6, 4: 6, 5: 8}
     self.assertDictEqual(rs, deep_merge(d0, d1, d2))
Exemple #14
 def test_deep_merging(self):
     d0 = {1: {2: 3, 3: 4}, 7: 8}
     d1 = {1: {4: 5, 3: 3}, 8: 9}
     result = {1: {2: 3, 3: 3, 4: 5}, 7: 8, 8: 9}
     self.assertDictEqual(deep_merge(d0, d1), result)
Exemple #15
 def test_key_priority(self):
     d0 = {1: 2, 2: [1, 2, 3]}
     d1 = {1: 3, 2: 3}
     result = {1: 3, 2: 3}
     self.assertDictEqual(deep_merge(d0, d1), result)
Exemple #16
 def test_more_than_two_arguments(self):
     d0 = {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4            }
     d1 = {      2: 4, 3: 5, 4: 6      }
     d2 = {            3: 6,       5: 8}
     rs = {1: 2, 2: 4, 3: 6, 4: 6, 5: 8}
     self.assertDictEqual(rs, deep_merge(d0, d1, d2))
Exemple #17
 def test_basic_function(self):
     d0 = {1: 2}
     d1 = {2: 3}
     result = {1: 2, 2: 3}
     self.assertDictEqual(deep_merge(d0, d1), result)
Exemple #18
 def test_basic_function(self):
     d0 = {1: 2}
     d1 = {2: 3}
     result = {1: 2, 2: 3}
     self.assertDictEqual(deep_merge(d0, d1), result)