Exemple #1
def setup_grey_mars_diag():
    # create a diagnostics output file for daily snapshots
    diag = DiagTable()
    diag.add_file('atmos_daily', 88440, 'seconds', time_units='days')

    # Define diag tablentries
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ps', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'bk', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'pk', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ucomp', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vcomp', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'temp', time_avg=True)

    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'omega', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'height', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'sphum', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('atmosphere', 'precipitation', time_avg=True)

    diag.add_field('atmosphere', 'dt_tg_convection', time_avg=True)

    diag.add_field('mixed_layer', 't_surf', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('mixed_layer', 'flux_lhe', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('mixed_layer', 'flux_t', time_avg=True)

    diag.add_field('two_stream', 'mars_solar_long', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('two_stream', 'coszen', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('two_stream', 'rrsun', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('two_stream', 'swdn_toa', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('two_stream', 'time_since_ae', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('two_stream', 'true_anomaly', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('two_stream', 'dec', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('two_stream', 'ang', time_avg=True)
    return diag
def setup_held_suarez_diag():
    diag = DiagTable()
    diag.add_file('atmos_monthly', 30, 'days', time_units='days')
    # Tell model which diagnostics to write
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ps', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'bk')
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'pk')
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ucomp', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vcomp', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'temp', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vor', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'div', time_avg=True)
    return diag
Exemple #3
def define_simple_diag_table():
    """Defines a simple diag table for the test cases."""

    diag = DiagTable()
    diag.add_file('atmos_daily', 1, 'days', time_units='days')

    #Tell model which diagnostics to write
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ps', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'bk')
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'pk')
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ucomp', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vcomp', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'temp', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vor', time_avg=True)
    diag.add_field('dynamics', 'div', time_avg=True)

    return diag
Exemple #4
# compilation depends on computer specific settings.  The $GFDL_ENV
# environment variable is used to determine which `$GFDL_BASE/src/extra/env` file
# is used to load the correct compilers.  The env file is always loaded from
# $GFDL_BASE and not the checked out git repo.

)  # compile the source code to working directory $GFDL_WORK/codebase

# create an Experiment object to handle the configuration of model parameters
# and output diagnostics
exp = Experiment('frierson_rotate_slow', codebase=cb)

#Tell model how to write diagnostics
diag = DiagTable()
diag.add_file('atmos_monthly', 30, 'days', time_units='days')

#Tell model which diagnostics to write
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ps', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'bk')
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'pk')
diag.add_field('atmosphere', 'precipitation', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('mixed_layer', 't_surf', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'sphum', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ucomp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vcomp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'temp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vor', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'div', time_avg=True)

exp.diag_table = diag
Exemple #5
# $GFDL_BASE and not the checked out git repo.

#cb.compile()  # compile the source code to working directory $GFDL_WORK/codebase

# create an Experiment object to handle the configuration of model parameters
# and output diagnostics
exp = Experiment(exp_name, codebase=cb)

#RF - by default this points the field_table to srcdir/extra/model
#     this line sets the field table to be in the input_dir

#Tell model how to write diagnostics
diag = DiagTable()
diag.add_file('4xday', 6, 'hours', time_units='days')

#Tell model which diagnostics to write
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ps', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'bk')
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'pk')
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'sphum', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ucomp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vcomp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'omega', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'temp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('mixed_layer','t_surf', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('atmosphere','precipitation', time_avg=True)
if two_stream_option:
# or it can point to a specific git repo and commit id.
# This method should ensure future, independent, reproducibility of results.
# cb = DryCodeBase.from_repo(repo='https://github.com/isca/isca', commit='isca1.1')

# compilation depends on computer specific settings.  The $GFDL_ENV
# environment variable is used to determine which `$GFDL_BASE/src/extra/env` file
# is used to load the correct compilers.  The env file is always loaded from
# $GFDL_BASE and not the checked out git repo.

)  # compile the source code to working directory $GFDL_WORK/codebase

# create a diagnostics output file for daily snapshots
diag = DiagTable()
#for atmos_monthly: 30 'days' in a 'month' multiplied by length of day in seconds
diag.add_file('atmos_monthly', 30 * 1379678, 'seconds', time_units='days')
#for atmos_daily: length of 'day' in seconds
#diag.add_file('atmos_daily', 1379678 , 'seconds', time_units='days')
#diag.add_file('atmos_e_daily',1 , 'days', time_units='days')
#diag.add_file('atmos_timestep', 240, 'seconds', time_units='days')

# Define diag table entries
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ps', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'bk', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'pk', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ucomp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vcomp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'temp', time_avg=True)

diag.add_field('dynamics', 'omega', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'height', time_avg=True)
Exemple #7
#qflux_file_name = 'merlis_schneider_30_16'
qflux_file_name = 'off'
if qflux_file_name != 'off':
    if not os.path.exists(builddir + '/' + qflux_file_name + '.nc'):
            os.environ['GFDL_BASE'] +
            + qflux_file_name + '.nc',
            builddir + '/' + qflux_file_name + '.nc')

#Step 4. Define the diagnostics we want to be output from the model
print('Step 4: setting output variables')
avgflag = True

diag = DiagTable()
diag.add_file('atmos_monthly', 30, 'days', time_units='days')
diag.add_file('atmos_daily', 1, 'days', time_units='days')
if 'debug' in todo:
    debug = True
    run_ddt = True
    avgflag = False
    diag.add_file('atmos_hourly', 1, 'hours', time_units='hours')

#Tell model which diagnostics to write to those files
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ps', time_avg=avgflag)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'bk')
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'pk')
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'zsurf')
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'sphum', time_avg=avgflag)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ucomp', time_avg=avgflag)
Exemple #8
# or it can point to a specific git repo and commit id.
# This method should ensure future, independent, reproducibility of results.
# cb = DryCodeBase.from_repo(repo='https://github.com/isca/isca', commit='isca1.1')

# compilation depends on computer specific settings.  The $GFDL_ENV
# environment variable is used to determine which `$GFDL_BASE/src/extra/env` file
# is used to load the correct compilers.  The env file is always loaded from
# $GFDL_BASE and not the checked out git repo.

)  # compile the source code to working directory $GFDL_WORK/codebase

# create a diagnostics output file for daily snapshots
diag = DiagTable()
#diag.add_file('atmos_monthly', 30, 'days', time_units='days')
diag.add_file('atmos_daily', 88440, 'seconds', time_units='days')
#diag.add_file('atmos_e_daily',1 , 'days', time_units='days')
#diag.add_file('atmos_timestep', 240, 'seconds', time_units='days')

# Define diag table entries
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ps', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'bk', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'pk', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ucomp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vcomp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'temp', time_avg=True)

diag.add_field('dynamics', 'omega', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'height', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'sphum', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('atmosphere', 'precipitation', time_avg=True)
# is used to load the correct compilers.  The env file is always loaded from
# $GFDL_BASE and not the checked out git repo.

cb.compile()  # compile the source code to working directory $GFDL_WORK/codebase

# create an Experiment object to handle the configuration of model parameters
# and output diagnostics
exp = Experiment('aquaplanet_finalIscaAPqflux_zerointegral', codebase=cb)

#Add any input files that are necessary for a particular experiment.
exp.inputfiles = [os.path.join(GFDL_BASE,'input/aquaplanet/land.nc'),os.path.join(GFDL_BASE,'input/rrtm_input_files/ozone_1990.nc'),os.path.join(GFDL_BASE,'input/aquaplanet/isca_qflux/zero_integral/ocean_qflux.nc')]
#Tell model how to write diagnostics
diag = DiagTable()
diag.add_file('atmos_monthly', 30, 'days', time_units='days') # to output data in two different time resolutions
# diag.add_file('atmos_6_hourly', 6, 'hours', time_units='hours') 

#Tell model which diagnostics to write
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ps', time_avg=True) # don't specify files, then it writes to both
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'bk')
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'pk')
diag.add_field('atmosphere', 'precipitation', time_avg=True) 
diag.add_field('mixed_layer', 't_surf', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'sphum', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ucomp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vcomp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'temp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vor', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'div', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'omega', time_avg=True) 
Exemple #10
# or it can point to a specific git repo and commit id.
# This method should ensure future, independent, reproducibility of results.
# cb = DryCodeBase.from_repo(repo='https://github.com/isca/isca', commit='isca1.1')

# compilation depends on computer specific settings.  The $GFDL_ENV
# environment variable is used to determine which `$GFDL_BASE/src/extra/env` file
# is used to load the correct compilers.  The env file is always loaded from
# $GFDL_BASE and not the checked out git repo.

cb.compile()  # compile the source code to working directory $GFDL_WORK/codebase

# create a diagnostics output file for daily snapshots
diag = DiagTable()
# diag.add_file('atmos_monthly', 30, 'days', time_units='days')
diag.add_file('atmos_daily',1379678 , 'seconds', time_units='days')
#diag.add_file('atmos_e_daily',1 , 'days', time_units='days')
#diag.add_file('atmos_timestep', 240, 'seconds', time_units='days')

# Define diag table entries
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ps', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'bk', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'pk', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ucomp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vcomp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'temp', time_avg=True)

diag.add_field('dynamics', 'omega', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'height', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'sphum', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('atmosphere', 'precipitation', time_avg=True)
Exemple #11
        'mix_snapshot_average_fields': False
    'fms_nml': {
        'domains_stack_size': 600000  # default: 0
    'fms_io_nml': {
        'threading_write': 'single',  # default: multi
        'fileset_write': 'single',  # default: multi

diag_table = DiagTable()

#diag_table.add_file('6hourly', 6*60*60, 'seconds', time_units='days')
#diag_table.add_file('hourly', 1, 'hours', time_units='days')
diag_table.add_file('daily', 1, 'days', time_units='days')

diag_table.add_field('dynamics', 'ps')
diag_table.add_field('dynamics', 'bk')
diag_table.add_field('dynamics', 'pk')
diag_table.add_field('dynamics', 'ucomp')
diag_table.add_field('dynamics', 'vcomp')
diag_table.add_field('dynamics', 'omega')
diag_table.add_field('dynamics', 'temp')
diag_table.add_field('dynamics', 'vor')
diag_table.add_field('dynamics', 'div')
diag_table.add_field('dynamics', 'height')
diag_table.add_field('dynamics', 'height_half')

diag_table.add_field('hs_forcing', 'teq')
diag_table.add_field('hs_forcing', 'tdt')
Exemple #12
# or it can point to a specific git repo and commit id.
# This method should ensure future, independent, reproducibility of results.
# cb = DryCodeBase.from_repo(repo='https://github.com/isca/isca', commit='isca1.1')

# compilation depends on computer specific settings.  The $GFDL_ENV
# environment variable is used to determine which `$GFDL_BASE/src/extra/env` file
# is used to load the correct compilers.  The env file is always loaded from
# $GFDL_BASE and not the checked out git repo.

)  # compile the source code to working directory $GFDL_WORK/codebase

# create a diagnostics output file for daily snapshots
diag = DiagTable()
diag.add_file('atmos_daily', 1, 'days', time_units='days')

# Define diag table entries
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ps', time_avg=True, files=['atmos_daily'])
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'bk', time_avg=True, files=['atmos_daily'])
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'pk', time_avg=True, files=['atmos_daily'])
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vor', time_avg=True, files=['atmos_daily'])
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'div', time_avg=True, files=['atmos_daily'])
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ucomp', time_avg=True, files=['atmos_daily'])
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vcomp', time_avg=True, files=['atmos_daily'])
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'temp', time_avg=True, files=['atmos_daily'])
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'slp', time_avg=True, files=['atmos_daily'])
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'omega', time_avg=True, files=['atmos_daily'])
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'height', time_avg=True, files=['atmos_daily'])
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'height_half', time_avg=True, files=['atmos_daily'])