Exemple #1
 def build_liae_autoencoder(self, inputs):
     """ Build the LIAE Autoencoder """
     for side in ("a", "b"):
         encoder = self.networks["encoder"].network(inputs[0])
         if side == "a":
             intermediate = Concatenate()([self.networks["intermediate"].network(encoder),
             intermediate = Concatenate()([self.networks["intermediate_b"].network(encoder),
         output = self.networks["decoder"].network(intermediate)
         autoencoder = KerasModel(inputs, output)
         self.add_predictor(side, autoencoder)
Exemple #2
 def encoder(self):
     """ DFL H128 Encoder """
     input_ = Input(shape=self.input_shape)
     var_x = input_
     var_x = self.blocks.conv(var_x, 128)
     var_x = self.blocks.conv(var_x, 256)
     var_x = self.blocks.conv(var_x, 512)
     var_x = self.blocks.conv(var_x, 1024)
     var_x = Dense(self.encoder_dim)(Flatten()(var_x))
     var_x = Dense(8 * 8 * self.encoder_dim)(var_x)
     var_x = Reshape((8, 8, self.encoder_dim))(var_x)
     var_x = self.blocks.upscale(var_x, self.encoder_dim)
     return KerasModel(input_, var_x)
Exemple #3
    def decoder_b(self):
        """ Decoder for side B """
        kwargs = dict(kernel_size=5, kernel_initializer=self.kernel_initializer)
        dense_dim = 384 if self.lowmem else self.config["complexity_decoder_b"]
        decoder_complexity = 384 if self.lowmem else 512
        decoder_shape = self.input_shape[0] // 16
        input_ = Input(shape=(decoder_shape, decoder_shape, dense_dim))

        var_x = input_
        if self.lowmem:
            var_x = self.blocks.upscale(var_x, decoder_complexity, **kwargs)
            var_x = self.blocks.upscale(var_x, decoder_complexity // 2, **kwargs)
            var_x = self.blocks.upscale(var_x, decoder_complexity // 4, **kwargs)
            var_x = self.blocks.upscale(var_x, decoder_complexity // 8, **kwargs)
            var_x = self.blocks.upscale(var_x, decoder_complexity,
                                        res_block_follows=True, **kwargs)
            var_x = self.blocks.res_block(var_x, decoder_complexity,
            var_x = self.blocks.upscale(var_x, decoder_complexity,
                                        res_block_follows=True, **kwargs)
            var_x = self.blocks.res_block(var_x, decoder_complexity,
            var_x = self.blocks.upscale(var_x, decoder_complexity // 2,
                                        res_block_follows=True, **kwargs)
            var_x = self.blocks.res_block(var_x, decoder_complexity // 2,
            var_x = self.blocks.upscale(var_x, decoder_complexity // 4, **kwargs)
        var_x = self.blocks.conv2d(var_x, 3,
        outputs = [var_x]

        if self.config.get("mask_type", None):
            var_y = input_
            var_y = self.blocks.upscale(var_y, decoder_complexity)
            if not self.lowmem:
                var_y = self.blocks.upscale(var_y, decoder_complexity)
            var_y = self.blocks.upscale(var_y, decoder_complexity // 2)
            var_y = self.blocks.upscale(var_y, decoder_complexity // 4)
            if self.lowmem:
                var_y = self.blocks.upscale(var_y, decoder_complexity // 8)
            var_y = self.blocks.conv2d(var_y, 1,
        return KerasModel(input_, outputs=outputs)
Exemple #4
    def __build_keras_model(self):

        model_day = Input(shape=(1, ))
        output_day = Embedding(31, 16, name='day_embedding')(model_day)
        output_day = Reshape(target_shape=(16, ))(output_day)

        model_dow = Input(shape=(1, ))
        output_dow = Embedding(7, 5, name='dow_embedding')(model_dow)
        output_dow = Reshape(target_shape=(5, ))(output_dow)

        input_month = Input(shape=(1, ))
        output_month = Embedding(12, 6, name='month_embedding')(input_month)
        output_month = Reshape(target_shape=(6, ))(output_month)

        model_woy = Input(shape=(1, ))
        output_woy = Embedding(52, 26, name='week_embedding')(model_woy)
        output_woy = Reshape(target_shape=(26, ))(output_woy)

        model_item = Input(shape=(1, ))
        output_item = Embedding(50, 26, name='item_embedding')(model_item)
        output_item = Reshape(target_shape=(26, ))(output_item)

        model_store = Input(shape=(1, ))
        output_store = Embedding(10, 6, name='store_embedding')(model_store)
        output_store = Reshape(target_shape=(6, ))(output_store)

        model_year = Input(shape=(1, ))
        output_year = Embedding(5, 3, name='year_embedding')(model_year)
        output_year = Reshape(target_shape=(3, ))(output_year)

        input_model = [
            model_day, model_dow, input_month, model_woy, model_item,
            model_store, model_year

        output_embeddings = [
            output_day, output_dow, output_month, output_woy, output_item,
            output_store, output_year

        output_model = Concatenate()(output_embeddings)
        output_model = Dense(128,
        output_model = Activation('relu')(output_model)
        output_model = Dense(32,
        output_model = Activation('relu')(output_model)
        output_model = Dense(1)(output_model)

        self.model = KerasModel(inputs=input_model, outputs=output_model)
        self.model.compile(loss=custom_smape, optimizer='sgd')
    def __init__(self):
        self.normalizer = None
        depth = self.base_filter_count
        input_layer = Input(shape=(self.time_points, 6))
        y = input_layer
        y = Conv1D(depth, 4)(y)
        y = ELU()(y)
        y = keras.layers.BatchNormalization(scale=False, center=False)(y)
        y = Dropout(0.3)(y)
        y = Conv1D(depth, 3)(y)
        y = ELU()(y)
        y = keras.layers.BatchNormalization(scale=False, center=False)(y)
        y = hybrid_pool_layer(y)
        y = Dropout(0.4)(y)

        depth = 2 * depth 
        y = Conv1D(depth, 3)(y)
        y = ELU()(y)
        y = keras.layers.BatchNormalization(scale=False, center=False)(y)
        y = Dropout(0.4)(y)
        y = Conv1D(depth, 3)(y)
        y = ELU()(y)
        y = keras.layers.BatchNormalization(scale=False, center=False)(y)
        y = hybrid_pool_layer(y)
        y = Dropout(0.5)(y)

        y = Conv1D(self.fc_nodes, 10, activation=None)(y)
        # 1 - 2 - 6 - 12 - 17 + 4 * (n - 1)

        # y = Flatten()(y)
        # y = Dense(self.fc_nodes)(y)
        y = ELU()(y)
        y = keras.layers.BatchNormalization(scale=False, center=False)(y)

        # y = Dense(self.fc_nodes)(y)
        y = Conv1D(self.fc_nodes, 1, activation=None)(y)
        y = ELU()(y)
        y = Dropout(0.5)(y)

        y = Conv1D(1, 1, activation=None)(y)
        y = Activation('sigmoid')(y)
        output_layer = y
        model = KerasModel(inputs=input_layer, outputs=output_layer)
        opt = optimizers.Nadam(lr=0.0005, schedule_decay=0.01)
        #opt = optimizers.Adam(lr=0.01, decay=0.5)
        model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=["accuracy"],
        self.model = model 
Exemple #6
    def decoder_a(self):
        """ RealFace Decoder (A) Network """
        input_filters = self.config['complexity_encoder'] * 2**(
            self.downscalers_no - 1)
        input_width = self.config['input_size'] // self._downscale_ratio
        input_ = Input(shape=(input_width, input_width, input_filters))

        var_xy = input_

        dense_nodes = int(self.config['dense_nodes'] / 1.5)
        dense_filters = int(self.dense_filters / 1.5)

        var_xy = Dense(dense_nodes)(Flatten()(var_xy))
        var_xy = Dense(self.dense_width * self.dense_width *
        var_xy = Reshape(
            (self.dense_width, self.dense_width, dense_filters))(var_xy)

        var_xy = self.blocks.upscale(var_xy, dense_filters)

        var_x = var_xy
        var_x = self.blocks.res_block(var_x, dense_filters, use_bias=False)

        decoder_a_complexity = int(self.config['complexity_decoder'] / 1.5)
        for idx in range(self.upscalers_no - 2):
            var_x = self.blocks.upscale(var_x, decoder_a_complexity // 2**idx)
        var_x = self.blocks.upscale(var_x,
                                    decoder_a_complexity // 2**(idx + 1))

        var_x = Conv2D(3, kernel_size=5, padding="same",

        outputs = [var_x]

        if self.config.get("mask_type", None) is not None:
            var_y = var_xy
            mask_a_complexity = 384
            for idx in range(self.upscalers_no - 2):
                var_y = self.blocks.upscale(var_y, mask_a_complexity // 2**idx)
            var_y = self.blocks.upscale(var_y,
                                        mask_a_complexity // 2**(idx + 1))

            var_y = Conv2D(1,

            outputs += [var_y]

        return KerasModel(input_, outputs=outputs)
Exemple #7
    def __build_keras_model(self):
        input_store = Input(shape=(1, ))
        output_store = Embedding(1115, 10, name='store_embedding')(input_store)
        output_store = Reshape(target_shape=(10, ))(output_store)

        input_dow = Input(shape=(1, ))
        output_dow = Embedding(7, 6, name='dow_embedding')(input_dow)
        output_dow = Reshape(target_shape=(6, ))(output_dow)

        input_promo = Input(shape=(1, ))
        output_promo = Dense(1)(input_promo)

        input_year = Input(shape=(1, ))
        output_year = Embedding(3, 2, name='year_embedding')(input_year)
        output_year = Reshape(target_shape=(2, ))(output_year)

        input_month = Input(shape=(1, ))
        output_month = Embedding(12, 6, name='month_embedding')(input_month)
        output_month = Reshape(target_shape=(6, ))(output_month)

        input_day = Input(shape=(1, ))
        output_day = Embedding(31, 10, name='day_embedding')(input_day)
        output_day = Reshape(target_shape=(10, ))(output_day)

        input_germanstate = Input(shape=(1, ))
        output_germanstate = Embedding(
            12, 6, name='state_embedding')(input_germanstate)
        output_germanstate = Reshape(target_shape=(6, ))(output_germanstate)

        input_model = [
            input_store, input_dow, input_promo, input_year, input_month,
            input_day, input_germanstate

        output_embeddings = [
            output_store, output_dow, output_promo, output_year, output_month,
            output_day, output_germanstate

        output_model = Concatenate()(output_embeddings)
        output_model = Dense(1000, kernel_initializer="uniform")(output_model)
        output_model = Activation('relu')(output_model)
        output_model = Dense(500, kernel_initializer="uniform")(output_model)
        output_model = Activation('relu')(output_model)
        output_model = Dense(1)(output_model)
        output_model = Activation('sigmoid')(output_model)

        self.model = KerasModel(inputs=input_model, outputs=output_model)

        self.model.compile(loss='mean_absolute_error', optimizer='adam')
Exemple #8
def create_model_mtl_only_exchange_rate(horizon=1, nb_train_samples=512, batch_size=32,  feature_count=6, time_lag=6):

    x = Input(shape=(time_lag, feature_count), name="input_layer")
    conv = Conv1D(filters=5, kernel_size=1, activation='relu')(x)
    conv2 = Conv1D(filters=5, kernel_size=3, padding='causal', strides=1, activation='relu', dilation_rate=2)(conv)
    conv3 = Conv1D(filters=5, kernel_size=3, padding='causal', strides=1, activation='relu', dilation_rate=4)(conv2)

    mp = MaxPooling1D(pool_size=1)(conv3)
    # conv2 = Conv1D(filters=5, kernel_size=3, activation='relu')(mp)
    # mp = MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2)(conv2)

    lstm1 = GRU(16, return_sequences=True)(mp)
    lstm2 = GRU(32, return_sequences=True)(lstm1)

    shared_dense = Dense(64, name="shared_layer")(lstm2)

    ## sub1 is main task; units = reshape dimension multiplication
    sub1 = GRU(units=48, name="task1")(shared_dense)
    sub2 = GRU(units=16, name="task2")(shared_dense)
    sub3 = GRU(units=16, name="task3")(shared_dense)
    sub4 = GRU(units=16, name="task4")(shared_dense)
    sub5 = GRU(units=16, name="task5")(shared_dense)

    out1 = Dense(8, name="spec_out1")(sub1)
    out1 = Dense(1, name="out1")(out1)

    out2 = Dense(8, name="spec_out2")(sub2)
    out2 = Dense(1, name="out2")(out2)

    out3 = Dense(1, name="spec_out3")(sub3)
    out3 = Dense(1, name="out3")(out3)

    out4 = Dense(1, name="spec_out4")(sub4)
    out4 = Dense(1, name="out4")(out4)

    out5 = Dense(1, name="spec_out5")(sub5)
    out5 = Dense(1, name="out5")(out5)

    outputs = [out1, out2, out3, out4, out5]

    model = KerasModel(inputs=x, outputs=outputs)

    model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse', metrics=['mae', 'mape', 'mse'], loss_weights=[0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
    # Callbacks
    # callbacks = [EarlyStopping(monitor='val_mse', patience=10)]


    return model
Exemple #9
    def build_autoencoders(self):
        """ Initialize Dfaker model """
        logger.debug("Initializing model")
        inputs = [Input(shape=self.input_shape, name="face")]
        if self.config.get("mask_type", None):
            mask_shape = (self.input_shape[0] * 2, self.input_shape[1] * 2, 1)
            inputs.append(Input(shape=mask_shape, name="mask"))

        for side in ("a", "b"):
            decoder = self.networks["decoder_{}".format(side)].network
            output = decoder(self.networks["encoder"].network(inputs[0]))
            autoencoder = KerasModel(inputs, output)
            self.add_predictor(side, autoencoder)
        logger.debug("Initialized model")
Exemple #10
 def encoder(self):
     """ Encoder Network """
     input_ = Input(shape=self.input_shape)
     var_x = input_
     var_x = self.blocks.conv(var_x, 128)
     var_x = self.blocks.conv(var_x, 256)
     var_x = self.blocks.conv(var_x, 512)
     if not self.config.get("lowmem", False):
         var_x = self.blocks.conv(var_x, 1024)
     var_x = Dense(self.encoder_dim)(Flatten()(var_x))
     var_x = Dense(4 * 4 * 1024)(var_x)
     var_x = Reshape((4, 4, 1024))(var_x)
     var_x = self.blocks.upscale(var_x, 512)
     return KerasModel(input_, var_x)
Exemple #11
 def Encoder_v3(self):
     """Lighter on resources encoder with bigger first conv layer"""
     retina = Input(shape=self.IMAGE_SHAPE)
     x = self.conv_sep_v3(192)(retina)
     x = self.conv(256)(x)
     x = self.conv(384)(x)
     x = self.conv_sep_v3(512)(x)
     x = self.conv(768)(x)
     x = self.conv_sep_v3(1024)(x)
     x = Dense(self.ENCODER_DIM)(Flatten()(x))
     x = Dense(4 * 4 * 1024)(x)
     x = Reshape((4, 4, 1024))(x)
     out = self.upscale(512)(x)
     return KerasModel(retina, out)
    def __make_model(self) -> KerasModel:
        This method is used to generate our KerasModel containing the Embedding layers alongside with the output layers
        :return: a compiled KerasModel object

        inputs, outputs = self._make_embedding_layers()
        output_model = self.config.model_assembler.make_hidden_layers(outputs)
        output_model = self.config.model_assembler.make_final_layer(

        model = KerasModel(inputs=inputs, outputs=output_model)
        model = self.config.model_assembler.compile_model(model)
        return model
Exemple #13
def create_model_mtl_mtv_electricity(horizon=1, nb_train_samples=512, batch_size=32,  feature_count=11, lag_time=6, auxiliary_feature_count=12):

    x = Input(shape=(lag_time, feature_count), name="input_layer")
    # conv = Conv1D(filters=5, kernel_size=3, activation='relu')(x)
    conv = Conv1D(filters=1, kernel_size=1, activation='relu')(x)
    conv2 = Conv1D(filters=5, kernel_size=3, padding='causal', strides=1, activation='relu', dilation_rate=2)(conv)
    conv3 = Conv1D(filters=5, kernel_size=3, padding='causal', strides=1, activation='relu', dilation_rate=4)(conv2)

    # mp = MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2)(conv3)
    mp = MaxPooling1D(pool_size=1)(conv3)

    lstm1 = GRU(16, return_sequences=True)(mp)
    lstm2 = GRU(32, return_sequences=True)(lstm1)

    shared_dense = Dense(64, name="shared_layer")(lstm2)

    ## sub1 is main task; units = reshape dimension multiplication
    sub1 = GRU(units=(lag_time*auxiliary_feature_count), name="task1")(shared_dense)
    sub2 = GRU(units=16, name="task2")(shared_dense)
    sub3 = GRU(units=16, name="task3")(shared_dense)

    sub1 = Reshape((lag_time, auxiliary_feature_count))(sub1)
    auxiliary_input = Input(shape=(lag_time, auxiliary_feature_count), name='aux_input')

    concate = Concatenate(axis=-1)([sub1, auxiliary_input])
    # out1_gp = Dense(1, name="out1_gp")(sub1)
    out1 = Dense(8, name="spec_out1")(concate)
    out1 = Flatten()(out1)
    out1 = Dense(1, name="out1")(out1)

    out2 = Dense(8, name="spec_out2")(sub2)
    out2 = Dense(1, name="out2")(out2)

    out3 = Dense(1, name="spec_out3")(sub3)
    out3 = Dense(1, name="out3")(out3)

    outputs = [out1, out2, out3]
    # outputs = [out1, out2]

    model = KerasModel(inputs=[x, auxiliary_input], outputs=outputs)

    model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse', metrics=['mae', 'mape', 'mse'], loss_weights=[0.5, 0.05, 0.05])
    # Callbacks
    # callbacks = [EarlyStopping(monitor='val_mse', patience=10)]


    return model
Exemple #14
def create_model_mtv_electricity(horizon=1, nb_train_samples=512, batch_size=32,  feature_count=11, time_lag=6):

    x = Input(shape=(time_lag, feature_count), name="input_layer")
    conv = Conv1D(kernel_size=1, filters=5, activation='relu')(x)
    conv2 = Conv1D(5, kernel_size=3, padding='causal', strides=1, activation='relu', dilation_rate=2)(conv)
    conv3 = Conv1D(5, kernel_size=3, padding='causal', strides=1, activation='relu', dilation_rate=4)(conv2)

    mp = MaxPooling1D(pool_size=1)(conv3)

    lstm1 = GRU(16, return_sequences=True)(mp)
    lstm2 = GRU(32, return_sequences=True)(lstm1)

    shared_dense = Dense(64, name="shared_layer")(lstm2)

    ## sub1 is main task; units = reshape dimension multiplication
    sub1 = GRU(units=72, name="task1")(shared_dense)

    out1 = Dense(8, name="spec_out1")(sub1)
    out1 = Dense(1, name="out1")(out1)

    outputs = out1

    model = KerasModel(inputs=x, outputs=outputs)

    model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse', metrics=['mae', 'mape', 'mse'])
    # Callbacks
    # callbacks = [EarlyStopping(monitor='val_mse', patience=10)]


    # x = Input(shape=(time_lag, 12), name='aux_input')
    # out1 = Dense(8, name="spec_out1")(x)
    # out1 = Flatten()(out1)
    # out1 = Dense(1, name="out1")(out1)
    # outputs = out1
    # model = KerasModel(inputs=x, outputs=outputs)
    # model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse', metrics=['mae', 'mape', 'mse'])
    # # Callbacks
    # # callbacks = [EarlyStopping(monitor='val_mse', patience=10)]
    # model.summary()
    return model
	def _mail_model_two(self):
		output_size = 2
		in_mail = Input(shape=(None, self.line_embedding_size),
		                dtype='float32')  # batches of arbitrary number of vectors with size self.line_embedding_size

		mask = Masking()(in_mail)
		hidden = Bidirectional(GRU(32 // 2,
		crf = CRF(output_size, sparse_target=False)  # , test_mode='marginal', learn_mode='marginal')
		output = crf(hidden)

		model = KerasModel(inputs=in_mail, outputs=output)
		# model.compile(loss=crf.loss_function, optimizer='adam', metrics=[crf.accuracy])
		return model
Exemple #16
 def encoder_df(self):
     """ DFL SAE DF Encoder Network"""
     input_ = Input(shape=self.input_shape)
     dims = self.input_shape[-1] * self.config["encoder_dims"]
     lowest_dense_res = self.input_shape[0] // 16
     var_x = input_
     var_x = self.blocks.conv(var_x, dims)
     var_x = self.blocks.conv(var_x, dims * 2)
     var_x = self.blocks.conv(var_x, dims * 4)
     var_x = self.blocks.conv(var_x, dims * 8)
     var_x = Dense(self.ae_dims)(Flatten()(var_x))
     var_x = Dense(lowest_dense_res * lowest_dense_res * self.ae_dims)(var_x)
     var_x = Reshape((lowest_dense_res, lowest_dense_res, self.ae_dims))(var_x)
     var_x = self.blocks.upscale(var_x, self.ae_dims)
     return KerasModel(input_, var_x)
Exemple #17
 def build_gans(self):
     inputs = [Input(shape = self.input_shape , name = "face")]
     outputs_list = []
     for side in range(self.num_of_sides):
         encoded_output = self.networks["encoder"].network(inputs[0])
         for side1 in range(self.num_of_sides):
             if (side1 == side):
                 reconstructed_output = self.networks["decoder_{}".format(side)].network(encoded_output)
                 self.networks[f"discriminator_{side1}"].trainable = False
                 swaped_output = self.networks[f"decoder_{side1}"].network(encoded_output)
                 discriminator_output = self.networks[f"discriminator_{side1}"].networks(swaped_output)
         self.add_gan(str(side) , KerasModel(inputs , outputs_list))
    def fit(self, X, Y, W=None):
        # TODO retraining would modify the original model, should we do a copy there?
        pretrained = self.original_model.load()
        for layer in pretrained.layers:
            layer.trainable = False
        y_onehot = keras.utils.np_utils.to_categorical(Y)

        last = Dense(y_onehot.shape[1], name='classify', activation='softmax')\

        model = KerasModel(inputs=pretrained.input, outputs=last)
        model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='rmsprop', metrics=['accuracy'])
        model.fit(X, y_onehot, epochs=50, **self.fit_params)

        return NNTransferModel(model)
Exemple #19
 def Encoder_v2(self):
     """Old algorithm; pretty good but slow"""
     retina = Input(shape=self.IMAGE_SHAPE)
     x = self.conv(128)(retina)
     x = self.conv(144)(x)
     x = self.conv_sep(256)(x)
     x = self.conv(448)(x)
     x = self.conv_sep(512)(x)
     x = self.conv(768)(x)
     x = self.conv_sep(1024)(x)
     x = Dense(self.ENCODER_DIM)(Flatten()(x))
     x = Dense(4 * 4 * 1024)(x)
     x = Reshape((4, 4, 1024))(x)
     out = self.upscale(512)(x)
     return KerasModel(retina, out)
Exemple #20
    def build_autoencoders(self):
        """ Initialize original model """
        logger.debug("Initializing model")
        inputs = [Input(shape=self.input_shape, name="face")]
        if self.config.get("mask_type", None):
            mask_shape = (self.input_shape[:2] + (1, ))
            inputs.append(Input(shape=mask_shape, name="mask"))

        for side in range(self.num_of_sides):
            logger.debug("Adding Autoencoder. Side: %s", str(side))
            decoder = self.networks["decoder_{}".format(side)].network
            output = decoder(self.networks["encoder"].network(inputs[0]))
            autoencoder = KerasModel(inputs, output)
            self.add_predictor(str(side), autoencoder)
        logger.debug("Initialized model")
    def Encoder(self):
        input_ = Input(shape=IMAGE_SHAPE)
        x = input_
        x = self.conv(128)(x)
        x = self.conv(256)(x)
        x = self.conv(512)(x)
        x = self.conv(1024)(x)

        x = ConvLSTM2D(1024, kernel_size=5, strides=2, padding='same')(x)
        x = Dense(ENCODER_DIM)(Flatten()(x))
        x = Dense(4 * 4 * 1024)(x)
        x = Reshape((4, 4, 1024))(x)
        x = self.upscale(512)(x)

        return KerasModel(input_, x)
Exemple #22
    def encoder(self):
        """ RealFace Encoder Network """
        input_ = Input(shape=self.input_shape)
        var_x = input_

        encoder_complexity = self.config["complexity_encoder"]

        for idx in range(self.downscalers_no - 1):
            var_x = self.blocks.conv(var_x, encoder_complexity * 2**idx)
            var_x = self.blocks.res_block(var_x, encoder_complexity * 2**idx, use_bias=True)
            var_x = self.blocks.res_block(var_x, encoder_complexity * 2**idx, use_bias=True)

        var_x = self.blocks.conv(var_x, encoder_complexity * 2**(idx + 1))

        return KerasModel(input_, var_x)
Exemple #23
 def Encoder(input_shape):
     impt = Input(shape=input_shape)        
     x = cls.conv(cls.ENCODER_COMPLEXITY)(impt)
     x = cls.conv_sep(cls.ENCODER_COMPLEXITY * 2)(x)
     x = cls.conv(cls.ENCODER_COMPLEXITY * 4)(x)
     x = cls.conv_sep(cls.ENCODER_COMPLEXITY * 8)(x)
     dense_shape = cls.IMAGE_SHAPE[0] // 16         
     x = Dense(cls.ENCODER_DIM, kernel_initializer=_kern_init)(Flatten()(x))
     x = Dense(dense_shape * dense_shape * 512, kernel_initializer=_kern_init)(x)
     x = Reshape((dense_shape, dense_shape, 512))(x)
     x = cls.upscale(512)(x)
     return KerasModel(impt, x)                
Exemple #24
    def train(self,
        self.parameters['maxlen'] = maxlen or self.parameters['maxlen']
        self.parameters['epochs'] = epochs or self.parameters['epochs']
            'batch_size'] = batch_size or self.parameters['batch_size']

        train_mentions = [
            m for m in train_mentions if m.sentiment == 'POSITIVE'
        ] + train_mentions
        train_x, train_y = self._mentions_to_xs(
            train_mentions), self._mentions_to_ys(train_mentions)
        val_x, val_y = None, None
        if val_mentions:
            val_x, val_y = self._mentions_to_xs(
                val_mentions), self._mentions_to_ys(val_mentions)

        # 1. Define model
        input_layer = Input(shape=(None, 300))
        masking_layer = Masking(
        output_layer = Activation('softmax')(Dense(3)(Concatenate(axis=1)([
            LSTM(128, recurrent_dropout=0.5, dropout=0.5)(masking_layer),
            LSTM(128, recurrent_dropout=0.5, dropout=0.5,
        self.model = KerasModel(input_layer, output_layer)

        # 2. train model

        val_xy = (val_x, val_y) if val_x is not None else None

Exemple #25
    def init_model(self, dl_rate):
        x = Input(shape=(IMGWIDTH, IMGWIDTH, 3))

        x1 = Conv2D(16, (3, 3),
        x1 = Conv2D(4, (1, 1), padding='same', activation='relu')(x1)
        x1 = BatchNormalization()(x1)
        x1 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(8, 8), padding='same')(x1)

        y = Flatten()(x1)
        y = Dropout(0.5)(y)
        y = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(y)
        return KerasModel(inputs=x, outputs=y)
Exemple #26
    def decoder(self):
        """ DFL H128 Decoder """
        input_ = Input(shape=(16, 16, self.encoder_dim))
        var = input_
        var = self.blocks.upscale(var, self.encoder_dim)
        var = self.blocks.upscale(var, self.encoder_dim // 2)
        var = self.blocks.upscale(var, self.encoder_dim // 4)

        # Face
        var_x = Conv2D(3, kernel_size=5, padding="same", activation="sigmoid")(var)
        outputs = [var_x]
        # Mask
        if self.config.get("mask_type", None):
            var_y = Conv2D(1, kernel_size=5, padding="same", activation="sigmoid")(var)
        return KerasModel(input_, outputs=outputs)
Exemple #27
    def build_autoencoders(self, inputs):
        """ Initialize IAE model """
        logger.debug("Initializing model")
        decoder = self.networks["decoder"].network
        encoder = self.networks["encoder"].network
        inter_both = self.networks["inter"].network
        for side in ("a", "b"):
            inter_side = self.networks["intermediate_{}".format(side)].network
            output = decoder(Concatenate()([

            autoencoder = KerasModel(inputs, output)
            self.add_predictor(side, autoencoder)
        logger.debug("Initialized model")
Exemple #28
    def decoder_b(self):
        """ RealFace Decoder Network """
        input_filters = self.config["complexity_encoder"] * 2**(self.downscalers_no-1)
        input_width = self.config["input_size"] // self._downscale_ratio
        input_ = Input(shape=(input_width, input_width, input_filters))

        var_xy = input_

        var_xy = Dense(self.config["dense_nodes"])(Flatten()(var_xy))
        var_xy = Dense(self.dense_width * self.dense_width * self.dense_filters)(var_xy)
        var_xy = Reshape((self.dense_width, self.dense_width, self.dense_filters))(var_xy)
        var_xy = self.blocks.upscale(var_xy, self.dense_filters)

        var_x = var_xy
        var_x = self.blocks.res_block(var_x, self.dense_filters, use_bias=False)

        decoder_b_complexity = self.config["complexity_decoder"]
        for idx in range(self.upscalers_no - 2):
            var_x = self.blocks.upscale(var_x, decoder_b_complexity // 2**idx)
            var_x = self.blocks.res_block(var_x, decoder_b_complexity // 2**idx, use_bias=False)
            var_x = self.blocks.res_block(var_x, decoder_b_complexity // 2**idx, use_bias=True)
        var_x = self.blocks.upscale(var_x, decoder_b_complexity // 2**(idx + 1))

        var_x = self.blocks.conv2d(var_x, 3,

        outputs = [var_x]

        if self.config.get("mask_type", None) is not None:
            var_y = var_xy
            mask_b_complexity = 384
            for idx in range(self.upscalers_no-2):
                var_y = self.blocks.upscale(var_y, mask_b_complexity // 2**idx)
            var_y = self.blocks.upscale(var_y, mask_b_complexity // 2**(idx + 1))

            var_y = self.blocks.conv2d(var_y, 1,

            outputs += [var_y]

        return KerasModel(input_, outputs=outputs)
    def evaluate(self, dataset, batch_size: int = 16) -> float:

        iters_test = int(
            np.ceil(dataset['x_test'].shape[0] / float(batch_size)))
        test_gen = self.test_generator(dataset, batch_size)

        # We can use the `ctc_decoded` layer that is part of our model here.
        decoding_model = KerasModel(
        preds = decoding_model.predict_generator(test_gen,

        trues = np.argmax(dataset['y_test'], -1)

        pred_strings = [
            ''.join(self.data.mapping.get(label, '')
                    for label in pred).strip(' |_') for pred in preds
        true_strings = [
            ''.join(self.data.mapping.get(label, '')
                    for label in true).strip(' |_') for true in trues

        char_accuracies = [
            1 - editdistance.eval(true_string, pred_string) / len(true_string)
            for pred_string, true_string in zip(pred_strings, true_strings)
        mean_accuracy = np.mean(char_accuracies)

        sorted_ind = np.argsort(char_accuracies)
        print("\nLeast accurate predictions:")
        for ind in sorted_ind[:5]:
            print(f'True: {true_strings[ind]}')
            print(f'Pred: {pred_strings[ind]}')
        print("\nMost accurate predictions:")
        for ind in sorted_ind[-5:]:
            print(f'True: {true_strings[ind]}')
            print(f'Pred: {pred_strings[ind]}')
        print("\nRandom predictions:")
        random_ind = np.random.randint(0, len(char_accuracies), 5)
        for ind in random_ind:
            print(f'True: {true_strings[ind]}')
            print(f'Pred: {pred_strings[ind]}')

        return mean_accuracy
    def __init__(self):
        self.normalizer = None
        depth = self.base_filter_count
        input_layer = Input(shape=(self.time_points, 9))
        y = input_layer
        y = Conv1D(depth, 5)(y)
        y = ELU()(y)
        y = keras.layers.BatchNormalization(scale=False, center=False)(y)
        y = Conv1D(depth, 5)(y)
        y = ELU()(y)
        y = keras.layers.BatchNormalization(scale=False, center=False)(y)
        y = hybrid_pool_layer_2(y)
        depth = 3 * depth // 2
        y = Conv1D(depth, 5)(y)
        y = ELU()(y)
        y = keras.layers.BatchNormalization(scale=False, center=False)(y)
        y = Conv1D(depth, 5)(y)
        y = ELU()(y)
        y = keras.layers.BatchNormalization(scale=False, center=False)(y)
        y = hybrid_pool_layer_2(y)
        depth = 3 * depth // 2
        y = Conv1D(depth, 5)(y)
        y = ELU()(y)
        y = keras.layers.BatchNormalization(scale=False, center=False)(y)
        y = Conv1D(depth, 5)(y)
        y = ELU()(y)
        y = keras.layers.BatchNormalization(scale=False, center=False)(y)
        y = hybrid_pool_layer_2(y)
        y = Flatten()(y)
        y = Dense(self.fc_nodes)(y)
        y = ELU()(y)

        y = Dense(1)(y)
        y = Activation('sigmoid')(y)
        output_layer = y
        model = KerasModel(inputs=input_layer, outputs=output_layer)
        opt = optimizers.Nadam(lr=0.0005, schedule_decay=0.01)
        #opt = optimizers.Adam(lr=0.01, decay=0.5)
        model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=["accuracy"])
        self.model = model