def test_get_all_public_key_data(self):
     # Hm. The behaviour of something that matches
     # more than one key may change.
     data = get_public_key_data("", homedir=self.homedir)
     newkey = openpgpkey_from_data(data)
     # Hrm. We may be better off checking for a few things
     # we actually care about rather than delegating to the Key() itself.
     assert_equals(self.originalkey, newkey)
    def setup(self):
        self.fname = get_fixture_file("seckey-1.asc")
        original = open(self.fname, 'r').read()
        # This should be a new, empty directory
        self.homedir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        gpgcmd = ["gpg", "--homedir={}".format(self.homedir)]
        # The directory should not have any keys
        # I don't know how to easily check for that, though
        # Now we import a single key
        check_call(gpgcmd + ["--import", self.fname])

        self.originalkey = openpgpkey_from_data(original)
def test_wrmhl_wrong_code():
    data = read_fixture_file("seckey-no-pw-1.asc")
    key = openpgpkey_from_data(data)"Running with key %r", key)
    # Start offering the key
    offer = WormholeOffer(key)
    info = yield offer.allocate_code()
    code, _ = info
    receive = WormholeReceive(code + "-wrong")
    msg_tuple = yield receive.start()
    downloaded_key_data, success, message = msg_tuple
    assert_equal(message, WrongPasswordError)
def test_wrmhl():
    data = read_fixture_file("seckey-no-pw-1.asc")
    key = openpgpkey_from_data(data)
    file_key_data = get_public_key_data(key.fingerprint)"Running with key %r", key)
    # Start offering the key
    offer = WormholeOffer(key)
    info = yield offer.allocate_code()
    code, _ = info
    receive = WormholeReceive(code)
    msg_tuple = yield receive.start()
    downloaded_key_data, success, _ = msg_tuple
    assert_true(success)"Checking with key: %r", downloaded_key_data)
    assert_equal(downloaded_key_data, file_key_data)
def test_bt_corrupted_key():
    """This test requires two working Bluetooth devices"""

    def start(bo):
        success = False
            while not success:
                # server_socket.accept() is not stoppable. So with select we can call accept()
                # only when we are sure that there is already a waiting connection
                ready_to_read, ready_to_write, in_error = yield threads.deferToThread(
          , [bo.server_socket], [], [], 0.5)
                if ready_to_read:
                    # We are sure that a connection is available, so we can call
                    # accept() without deferring it to a thread
                    client_socket, address = bo.server_socket.accept()
                    key_data = get_public_key_data(bo.key.fingerprint)
                    kd_decoded = key_data.decode('utf-8')
                    # We send only a part of the key. In this way we can simulate the case
                    # where the connection has been lost
                    half = len(kd_decoded)/2
                    kd_corrupted = kd_decoded[:half]
                    yield threads.deferToThread(client_socket.sendall, kd_corrupted)
                    success = True
        except Exception as e:
            log.error("An error occurred: %s" % e)

    data = read_fixture_file("seckey-no-pw-1.asc")
    key = openpgpkey_from_data(data)"Running with key %r", key)
    file_key_data = get_public_key_data(key.fingerprint)
    hmac = mac_generate(key.fingerprint.encode('ascii'), file_key_data)
    # Start offering the key
    offer = BluetoothOffer(key)
    data = yield offer.allocate_code()
    # getting the code from "BT=code;...."
    code = data.split("=", 1)[1]
    code = code.split(";", 1)[0]
    port = int(data.rsplit("=", 1)[1])
    receive = BluetoothReceive(port)
    msg_tuple = yield receive.find_key(code, hmac)
    downloaded_key_data, result, error = msg_tuple
    assert_equal(type(error), ValueError)
def test_wrmhl_offline_code():
    data = read_fixture_file("seckey-no-pw-1.asc")
    key = openpgpkey_from_data(data)
    file_key_data = get_public_key_data(key.fingerprint)
    # We assume that this channel, at execution time, is free
    code = "5556-penguin-paw-print"
    # Start offering the key
    offer = WormholeOffer(key)
    # Start receiving the key
    receive = WormholeReceive(code)
    msg_tuple = yield receive.start()
    downloaded_key_data, success, _ = msg_tuple
    assert_true(success)"Checking with key: %r", downloaded_key_data)
    assert_equal(downloaded_key_data, file_key_data)
def test_bt_wrong_hmac():
    """This test requires two working Bluetooth devices"""
    data = read_fixture_file("seckey-no-pw-1.asc")
    key = openpgpkey_from_data(data)"Running with key %r", key)
    hmac = "wrong_hmac_eg_tampered_key"
    # Start offering the key
    offer = BluetoothOffer(key)
    data = yield offer.allocate_code()
    # getting the code from "BT=code;...."
    code = data.split("=", 1)[1]
    code = code.split(";", 1)[0]
    port = int(data.rsplit("=", 1)[1])
    receive = BluetoothReceive(port)
    msg_tuple = yield receive.find_key(code, hmac)
    downloaded_key_data, success, _ = msg_tuple
def test_bt():
    """This test requires two working Bluetooth devices"""
    data = read_fixture_file("seckey-no-pw-1.asc")
    key = openpgpkey_from_data(data)
    file_key_data = get_public_key_data(key.fingerprint)"Running with key %r", key)
    hmac = mac_generate(key.fingerprint.encode('ascii'), file_key_data)
    # Start offering the key
    offer = BluetoothOffer(key)
    data = yield offer.allocate_code()
    # getting the code from "BT=code;...."
    code = data.split("=", 1)[1]
    code = code.split(";", 1)[0]
    port = int(data.rsplit("=", 1)[1])
    receive = BluetoothReceive(port)
    msg_tuple = yield receive.find_key(code, hmac)
    downloaded_key_data, success, _ = msg_tuple
    assert_true(success)"Checking with key: %r", downloaded_key_data)
    assert_equal(downloaded_key_data.encode("utf-8"), file_key_data)
Exemple #9
def load_key(key):
    f = read_fixture_file(key)
    k = gpgmh.openpgpkey_from_data(f)
    return k
 def setup(self):
     data = read_fixture_file("pubkey-1.asc")
     self.key = openpgpkey_from_data(data)
def test_openpgpkey_from_wrong_data():
    r = openpgpkey_from_data("this is no key!!1")
    assert False
def test_openpgpkey_from_empty_data():
    r = openpgpkey_from_data("")
    assert False
def test_openpgpkey_from_no_data():
    r = openpgpkey_from_data(None)
    assert False
 def test_no_match(self):
     data = get_public_key_data("nothing should match this",
     newkey = openpgpkey_from_data(data)
     assert False
 def test_get_public_key_data(self):
     fpr = self.originalkey.fingerprint
     data = get_public_key_data(fpr, homedir=self.homedir)
     newkey = openpgpkey_from_data(data)
     assert_equals(fpr, newkey.fingerprint)