Exemple #1
    async def exec(self) -> None:
        author = User(self.ctx.author.id)

        users = []
        stolen_cards = []

        async for message in self.ctx.channel.history(limit=20):
            if message.author not in users and message.author.bot is False and message.author != self.ctx.author:

        for user in users:
                self._permission_check(self.ctx, user)
                u = User(user.id)
                target = random.choice([x for x in u.all_cards if x[0] != 0])
                await self._attack_defense_check(self.ctx, u, target)
                r = u.remove_card(target[0], target[1]["fake"])
            except Exception as e:

        if len(stolen_cards) > 0:
            await self.ctx.send(f'Success! Stole the card{"s" if len(stolen_cards) > 1 else ""} {", ".join([str(x[0]) for x in stolen_cards])} from {len(stolen_cards)} user{"s" if len(users) > 1 else ""}!')
            await self.ctx.send('All targetted users were able to defend themselves!')
Exemple #2
    async def hunt(self, ctx, end:str=None):
        """Go on a hunt! The longer you are on the hunt, the better the rewards!"""
        user = User(ctx.author.id)
        has_effect, value = user.has_effect('hunting')

        if end:

            if end.lower() == 'time':
                if not has_effect:
                    return await ctx.send('You are not on a hunt yet!')
                return await ctx.send(f'You\'ve started hunting <t:{int(value.timestamp())}:R>.')

            if not end.lower() == 'end':
            elif has_effect is True:
                difference = datetime.utcnow() - value
                if int(difference.seconds/60/60+difference.days*24*60*60) < 12: # I don't think timedelta has an hours or minutes property :c
                    return await ctx.send('You must be at least hunting for twelve hours!')

                minutes = int(difference.seconds/60+difference.days*24*60)
                score = minutes/10080 # There are 10080 minutes in a week if I'm not completely wrong
                rewards = self._construct_rewards(score)
                formatted_rewards, formatted_text, hit_limit = self._format_rewards(rewards, user, score)
                text = f'You\'ve started hunting <t:{int(value.timestamp())}:R>. You brought back the following items from your hunt: \n\n'
                if hit_limit:
                    text += f":warning: Your free slot limit has been reached! Sell some cards with `{self.client.command_prefix(self.client, ctx.message)[2]}sell` :warning:\n\n"

                if hit_limit and len(user.fs_cards) == 40:
                    text += f"Could not carry anything from your hunt in your free slots so you gained no cards.."

                embed = discord.Embed.from_dict({
                    'title': 'Hunt returned!',
                    'description': text + "\n".join(formatted_text),
                    'color': 0x1400ff
                return await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            elif end.lower() == 'end': 
                return await ctx.send(f'You aren\'t on a hunt yet! Start one with `{self.client.command_prefix(self.client, ctx.message)[2]}hunt`', allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none())

        if has_effect:
            return await ctx.send(f'You are already on a hunt! Get the results with `{self.client.command_prefix(self.client, ctx.message)[2]}hunt end`', allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none())
        user.add_effect('hunting', datetime.utcnow())
        await ctx.send('You went hunting! Make sure to claim your rewards at least twelve hours from now, but remember, the longer you hunt, the more you get')