Exemple #1
    def test_init_nested_tokens(self):
        # Quick test to ensure that a series of nested groups and macro actors
        # will pass supplied tokens all the way down to their sub actors.

        # Generate a single outer actor. This actor will create many internal
        # actors.
        init_tokens = {'SLEEP': 0}
        actor = misc.Macro(
            options={'macro': 'examples/misc.macro/outer_group.yaml'},

        # Ensure that the initial misc.Macro actor, and the initial actor it
        # created (from outer_group.yaml) both have the appropriate init
        # tokens. This helps ensure that we used .copy() properly a well as the
        # fact that the tokens were passed down appropriately.
        self.assertEqual(actor._init_tokens, init_tokens)
        self.assertEqual(actor.initial_actor._init_tokens, init_tokens)

        # Ensure that the nested misc.Macro actor from outer_macro.yaml got
        # init_tokens, AND the 'FOO' token from outer_group.yaml's own
        # definition.
                         {'SLEEP': 0, 'FOO': 'weee'})

        # Next ensure that the mostly nested examples/misc.macro/inner.yaml
        # actor got the SLEEP, FOO, and DESC tokens.
            {'SLEEP': 0, 'FOO': 'weee', 'DESC': 'Sleeping for a while'})

        # Finally, ensure the super nested
        s = actor.initial_actor._actions[0].initial_actor.initial_actor
            {'SLEEP': 0, 'FOO': 'weee', 'DESC': 'Sleeping for a while'})
 def integration_execute_remote(self):
     gh_src = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nextdoor/kingpin/master'
     # Successful __init__ on this actor validates downloading and parsing.
         'Test', {
             'macro': gh_src + '/examples/test/sleep.json',
             'tokens': dict(os.environ)
Exemple #3
 def test_init_remote(self):
     misc.Macro._get_config_from_script = mock.Mock()
     misc.Macro._get_config_from_script.return_value = {}
     misc.Macro._check_schema = mock.Mock()
     with mock.patch('kingpin.actors.utils.get_actor'):
         with mock.patch.object(httpclient.HTTPClient, 'fetch') as fetch:
             fetch.return_value.body = "foo"
             misc.Macro('Unit Test', {'macro': 'http://test.json',
                                      'tokens': {}})
Exemple #4
    def test_orgchart(self):

        misc.Macro._get_macro = mock.Mock(name='unittestmacro')
        misc.Macro._get_config_from_script = mock.Mock(
            return_value=[{'actor': 'misc.Sleep', 'options': {'sleep': 0}}]
        actor = misc.Macro('Unit test', {'macro': 'test'})

        self.assertEqual(len(actor.get_orgchart()), 3)  # Macro, Group, Sleep
        self.assertEqual(type(actor.get_orgchart()[0]), dict)
Exemple #5
    def test_init_with_errors(self):

        # Remote files are prohibited for now
        with self.assertRaises(exceptions.UnrecoverableActorFailure):
            misc.Macro('Unit Test', {
                'macro': 'ftp://fail.test.json',
                'tokens': {}

        # Remote file with bad URL
        with self.assertRaises(exceptions.UnrecoverableActorFailure):
            misc.Macro('Unit Test', {
                'macro': 'http://fail.test.json',
                'tokens': {}

        # Non-existent file
        with self.assertRaises(exceptions.UnrecoverableActorFailure):
            misc.Macro('Unit Test', {
                'macro': 'dontcreatethis.json',
                'tokens': {}

        # We don't want the rest of the tests failing on downloading this file.
        misc.Macro._get_macro = mock.Mock(return_value='unit-test-file')

        # Schema failure
        with mock.patch('kingpin.utils.convert_script_to_dict') as j2d:
            j2d.return_value = {
                'desc': 'unit test',
                'options': {}  # `actor` keyword is missing

            with self.assertRaises(exceptions.UnrecoverableActorFailure):
                misc.Macro('Unit Test', {'macro': 'test.json', 'tokens': {}})

        # JSON syntax error
        with mock.patch('kingpin.utils.convert_script_to_dict') as j2d:

            j2d.side_effect = kingpin_exceptions.InvalidScript('Fail!')

            with self.assertRaises(exceptions.UnrecoverableActorFailure):
                misc.Macro('Unit Test', {'macro': 'test.json', 'tokens': {}})
    def integration_execute(self):
        actor = misc.Macro('Test', {
            'macro': 'examples/test/sleep.json',
            'tokens': dict(os.environ)

        start = time.time()
        yield actor.execute()
        end = time.time()
        runtime = end - start
        self.assertTrue(runtime > 0.1)
Exemple #7
    def test_execute(self):

        misc.Macro._check_macro = mock.Mock()
        misc.Macro._get_macro = mock.Mock()
        misc.Macro._get_config_from_script = mock.Mock()
        misc.Macro._get_config_from_script.return_value = {}
        misc.Macro._check_schema = mock.Mock()

        with mock.patch('kingpin.actors.utils.get_actor') as get_actor:
            actor = misc.Macro('Unit Test', {'macro': 'test.json',
                                             'tokens': {}},

            get_actor().execute = mock_tornado()
            yield actor._execute()

            self.assertEqual(get_actor().execute._call_count, 1)
Exemple #8
    def test_init_group(self):
        misc.Macro._check_macro = mock.Mock()
        misc.Macro._get_macro = mock.Mock(return_value='unit-test-macro')

        with mock.patch('kingpin.utils.convert_script_to_dict') as j2d, \
                mock.patch('kingpin.schema.validate') as schema_validate, \
                mock.patch('kingpin.actors.group.Sync') as sync_actor:

            j2d.return_value = [{
                'desc': 'unit test',
                'actor': 'unit test',
                'options': {}

            actor = misc.Macro('Unit Test', {'macro': 'test.json'})

            j2d.assert_called_with(script_file='unit-test-macro', tokens={})
            self.assertEqual(schema_validate.call_count, 1)
            self.assertEqual(actor.initial_actor, sync_actor())
Exemple #9
    def test_init_dry(self):
        misc.Macro._check_macro = mock.Mock()
        misc.Macro._get_config_from_script = mock.Mock()
        misc.Macro._get_config_from_script.return_value = {}
        misc.Macro._check_schema = mock.Mock()

        with mock.patch('kingpin.utils.convert_script_to_dict') as j2d, \
                mock.patch('kingpin.schema.validate'), \
            j2d.return_value = {
                'desc': 'unit test',
                'actor': 'unit test',
                'options': {}

            actor = misc.Macro('Unit Test',
                               {'macro': 'examples/test/sleep.json',
                                'tokens': {}},

 def integration_fail_without_env(self):
     # Actor should fail if tokens aren't passed for env. variables.
     with self.assertRaises(exceptions.UnrecoverableActorFailure):
         misc.Macro('Test', {'macro': 'examples/test/sleep.json'},