Exemple #1
    def test_multiple_parents_and_types(self):
        from kotti.resources import get_root
        from kotti.resources import Content
        from kotti.resources import Document
        from kotti.views.util import addable_types
        # A scenario where we can add multiple types to multiple folders:
        root = get_root()
        request = DummyRequest()

        with contents_addable():
            # We should be able to add both to the child and to the parent:
            child = root['child'] = Document(title=u"Child")
            possible_parents, possible_types = addable_types(child, request)
            child_parent, root_parent = possible_parents
            self.assertEqual(child_parent['node'], child)
            self.assertEqual(root_parent['node'], root)
            self.assertEqual(child_parent['factories'], [Document, Content])
            self.assertEqual(root_parent['factories'], [Document, Content])

            document_info, node_info = possible_types
            self.assertEqual(document_info['factory'], Document)
            self.assertEqual(node_info['factory'], Content)
            self.assertEqual(document_info['nodes'], [child, root])
            self.assertEqual(node_info['nodes'], [child, root])
Exemple #2
    def test_multiple_types(self):
        from kotti.views.util import addable_types
        # Test a scenario where we may add multiple types to a folder:
        root = get_root()
        request = DummyRequest()

        with contents_addable():
            # We should be able to add both Nodes and Documents now:
            possible_parents, possible_types = addable_types(root, request)
            self.assertEqual(len(possible_parents), 1)
                             [Document, Content])

            document_info, node_info = possible_types
            self.assertEqual(document_info['factory'], Document)
            self.assertEqual(node_info['factory'], Content)
            self.assertEqual(document_info['nodes'], [root])
            self.assertEqual(node_info['nodes'], [root])
Exemple #3
    def test_multiple_types(self):
        from kotti.views.util import addable_types
        # Test a scenario where we may add multiple types to a folder:
        session = DBSession()
        root = session.query(Node).get(1)
        request = testing.DummyRequest()

        with nodes_addable():
            # We should be able to add both Nodes and Documents now:
            possible_parents, possible_types = addable_types(root, request)
            self.assertEqual(len(possible_parents), 1)
            self.assertEqual(possible_parents[0]['factories'], [Document, Node])

            document_info, node_info = possible_types
            self.assertEqual(document_info['factory'], Document)
            self.assertEqual(node_info['factory'], Node)
            self.assertEqual(document_info['nodes'], [root])
            self.assertEqual(node_info['nodes'], [root])
Exemple #4
    def test_multiple_parents_and_types(self):
        from kotti.views.util import addable_types
        # A scenario where we can add multiple types to multiple folders:
        session = DBSession()
        root = session.query(Node).get(1)
        request = testing.DummyRequest()

        with nodes_addable():
            # We should be able to add both to the child and to the parent:
            child = root['child'] = Document(title=u"Child")
            possible_parents, possible_types = addable_types(child, request)
            child_parent, root_parent = possible_parents
            self.assertEqual(child_parent['node'], child)
            self.assertEqual(root_parent['node'], root)
            self.assertEqual(child_parent['factories'], [Document, Node])
            self.assertEqual(root_parent['factories'], [Document, Node])

            document_info, node_info = possible_types
            self.assertEqual(document_info['factory'], Document)
            self.assertEqual(node_info['factory'], Node)
            self.assertEqual(document_info['nodes'], [child, root])
            self.assertEqual(node_info['nodes'], [child, root])
Exemple #5
def add_node(context, request):
    """This view's responsibility is to present the user with a form
    where they can choose between locations to add to, and types of
    nodes to add, and redirect to the actual add form based on this
    all_types = configuration['kotti.available_types']
    if request.POST:
        what, where = request.POST['what'], request.POST['where']
        session = DBSession()
        what = [t for t in all_types if t.type_info.name == what][0]
        where = session.query(Node).get(int(where))
        location = resource_url(
            where, request, what.type_info.add_view)
        return HTTPFound(location=location)

    possible_parents, possible_types = addable_types(context, request)
    if len(possible_parents) == 1 and len(possible_parents[0]['factories']) == 1:
        # Redirect to the add form straight away if there's only one
        # choice of parents and addable types:
        parent = possible_parents[0]
        add_view = parent['factories'][0].type_info.add_view
        location = resource_url(parent['node'], request, add_view)
        return HTTPFound(location=location)

    # Swap first and second possible parents if there's no content in
    # 'possible_parents[0]' yet.  This makes the parent then the
    # default choice in the form:
    api = TemplateAPIEdit(context, request)
    if not api.list_children() and len(possible_parents) > 1:
        possible_parents[0], possible_parents[1] = (
            possible_parents[1], possible_parents[0])

    return {
        'api': api,
        'possible_parents': possible_parents,
        'possible_types': possible_types,