Exemple #1
def setup(gp=True):
    client = kplr.API()

    # Query the KIC and get some parameters.
    # kic = client.star(8415109)  # Bright variable.
    kic = client.star(2301306)  # Quiet G-type.
    teff, logg, feh = kic.kic_teff, kic.kic_logg, kic.kic_feh
    assert teff is not None

    # Get the limb darkening law.
    mu1, mu2 = get_quad_coeffs(teff, logg=logg, feh=feh)
    bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)[1:] ** 0.5
    ldp = bart.ld.QuadraticLimbDarkening(mu1, mu2).histogram(bins)

    # Build the star object.
    star = bart.Star(ldp=ldp)

    # Set up the planet.
    period = 278.
    size = 0.03
    epoch = 20.0
    a = star.get_semimajor(period)
    b = 0.3
    incl = np.degrees(np.arctan2(a, b))
    planet = bart.Planet(size, a, t0=epoch)

    # Set up the system.
    ps = bart.PlanetarySystem(star, iobs=incl)

    # Load the data and inject into each transit.
    lcs = kic.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False, fetch=False)
    datasets = []
    for lc in lcs:
        with lc.open() as f:
            # The light curve data are in the first FITS HDU.
            hdu_data = f[1].data
            time_, flux_, ferr_, quality = [hdu_data[k]
                                            for k in ["time", "sap_flux",

        # Mask the missing data.
        mask = (np.isfinite(time_) * np.isfinite(flux_) * np.isfinite(ferr_)
                * (quality == 0))
        time_, flux_, ferr_ = [v[mask] for v in [time_, flux_, ferr_]]

        # Inject the transit.
        flux_ *= ps.lightcurve(time_)
        mu = np.median(flux_)

        datasets.append(bart.data.LightCurve(time_, flux_ / mu, ferr_ / mu))

    return datasets, period
Exemple #2
def inject(kicid):

    # Get the KIC entry.
    kic = client.star(kicid)
    teff, logg, feh = kic.kic_teff, kic.kic_logg, kic.kic_feh
    assert teff is not None

    # Get the limb darkening law.
    mu1, mu2 = get_quad_coeffs(teff, logg=logg, feh=feh)
    bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)[1:] ** 0.5
    ldp = bart.ld.QuadraticLimbDarkening(mu1, mu2).histogram(bins)

    # Build the star object.
    star = bart.Star(ldp=ldp)

    # Set up the planet.
    period = 365 + 30 * np.random.randn()
    size = 0.005 + 0.02 * np.random.rand()
    epoch = period * np.random.rand()
    a = star.get_semimajor(period)
    b = np.random.rand()
    incl = np.degrees(np.arctan2(a, b))
    planet = bart.Planet(size, a, t0=epoch)

    # Set up the system.
    ps = bart.PlanetarySystem(star, iobs=incl)

    # Make sure that that data directory exists.
    base_dir = os.path.join(output_path, "{0}".format(kicid))
    except os.error:

    # Save the injected values.
    with open(os.path.join(base_dir, "truth.txt"), "w") as f:
        f.write("# " + ",".join(["r/R", "b", "incl", "period", "epoch"])
                + "\n")
        f.write(",".join(map("{0}".format, [size, b, incl, period, epoch])))

    # Load the data and inject into each transit.
    lcs = kic.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False)
    for lc in lcs:
        with lc.open() as f:
            # The light curve data are in the first FITS HDU.
            hdu_data = f[1].data

            # Load the data columns.
            time = hdu_data["time"]
            sap_flux = hdu_data["sap_flux"]
            sap_ferr = hdu_data["sap_flux_err"]
            pdc_flux = hdu_data["pdcsap_flux"]
            pdc_ferr = hdu_data["pdcsap_flux_err"]
            quality = hdu_data["sap_quality"]

            # Mask out missing data.
            inds = ~(np.isnan(time) + np.isnan(sap_flux))
            pdcinds = ~(np.isnan(time) + np.isnan(pdc_flux))

            # Inject the transit into the SAP and PDC light curves.
            sap_flux[inds] *= ps.lightcurve(time[inds])
            pdc_flux[pdcinds] *= ps.lightcurve(time[pdcinds])

        # Coerce the filename.
        fn = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(lc.filename)[1])[0] + ".txt"
        with open(os.path.join(base_dir, fn), "w") as f:
            f.write("# " + ",".join(["time", "sap_flux", "sap_ferr",
                                     "pdc_flux", "pdc_ferr", "quality"])
                    + "\n")
            for line in zip(time, sap_flux, sap_ferr, pdc_flux, pdc_ferr,
                f.write(",".join(map("{0}".format, line)) + "\n")

    return None
Exemple #3
                                           period=period, t0=t0,
        datasets += bart.data.LightCurve(data["time"], data["sap_flux"],
                                         period=period, t0=t0,

# Get the limb darkening profile.
kic = koi.star
teff, logg, feh = kic.kic_teff, kic.kic_logg, kic.kic_feh
assert teff is not None
mu1, mu2 = get_quad_coeffs(teff, logg=logg, feh=feh)
bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)[1:] ** 0.5
ldp = bart.ld.QuadraticLimbDarkening(mu1, mu2, bins=bins)

# Set up the star.
star = bart.Star(ldp=ldp)

# Set up the planet.
a = star.get_semimajor(period)
incl = np.degrees(np.arctan2(a, 0.883))  # This looks better than KOI.
planet = bart.Planet(0.069, a, t0=t0, ix=90.-incl)  # Same.

# Figure out the transit timing ranges.
ranges = [(np.min(d.time), np.max(d.time)) for d in datasets]

# Set up the system/model.
Exemple #4
def kepler_injection(kicid, period, size, b=0.0, pdc=False, cleaner=default_cleaner, **planet_params):
    Inject a transit into a particular KIC target. This function depends on
    the `kplr <http://dan.iel.fm/kplr>`_ module to download the raw
    light curves from MAST.

    :param kicid:
        The index of the target in the KIC.

    :param period:
        The period of the orbit in days.

    :param size:
        The radius of the planet relative to the star.

    :param b:
        The impact parameter of the observed transit in stellar radii.
        (default: 0.0)

    :param pdc:
        Should the transit be injected into the PDC data? If not, use SAP.
        (default: False)

    :param cleaner:
        A function that performs any data munging that you want. The default
        just masks NaNs and removes any data with non-zero quality mask. The
        function should take 4 (numpy array) arguments: time, flux,
        uncertainty, and quality. It should return 3 arrays: time, flux, and

    :param **planet_params:
        Any other keyword arguments to pass when building the :class:`Planet`.

    :returns datasets:
        A list of :class:`data.GPLightCurve` datasets with the transit
        injected into the flux.

    :returns ps:
        The :class:`PlanetarySystem` used to generate the transit.

    if kplr is None:
        raise ImportError("You need to install kplr (http://dan.iel.fm/kplr) " "before doing a Kepler injection.")

    # Get the stellar information from the API.
    client = kplr.API()
    kic = client.star(kicid)
    teff, logg, feh = kic.kic_teff, kic.kic_logg, kic.kic_feh
    assert teff is not None

    # Get an approximate limb darkening law.
    mu1, mu2 = get_quad_coeffs(teff, logg=logg, feh=feh)
    bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)[1:] ** 0.5
    ldp = ld.QuadraticLimbDarkening(mu1, mu2, bins)

    # Build the star object.
    star = Star(ldp=ldp)

    # Set up the planet.
    planet = Planet(r=size, period=period, **planet_params)

    # Set up the system.
    ps = PlanetarySystem(star)

    # Download the data and inject transits.
    if pdc:
        cols = ["time", "pdcsap_flux", "pdcsap_flux_err", "sap_quality"]
        cols = ["time", "sap_flux", "sap_flux_err", "sap_quality"]
    datasets = []
    lcs = kic.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False, fetch=False)
    for lc in lcs:
            with lc.open() as f:
                # The light curve data are in the first FITS HDU.
                hdu_data = f[1].data
                time, flux, ferr, quality = [hdu_data[k] for k in cols]
        except urllib2.HTTPError:
            print("Couldn't find {0}".format(lc.url))

        # Inject the transit.
        m = np.isfinite(time) * np.isfinite(flux)
        flux[m] *= ps.light_curve(time[m])

        # Clean the data using the provided callback and save the dataset.
        time, flux, ferr = cleaner(time, flux, ferr, quality)
        datasets += data.LightCurve(time, flux, ferr).autosplit()

    return datasets, ps
Exemple #5
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import json
import kplr
from kplr.ld import get_quad_coeffs

koi_number = "319.01"

client = kplr.API(data_root=".")
koi = client.koi(koi_number)

# Save the KOI properties.
json.dump(koi.params, open("koi.json", "w"), indent=4,
          sort_keys=True, separators=(",", ": "))

# Download the light curves.
lcs = koi.get_light_curves(fetch=True, short_cadence=False)

# Save the paths to the datasets.
with open("filenames.txt", "w") as f:
    f.write("\n".join([d.filename for d in lcs]))

# Compute the fiducial limb darkening coefficients.
mu1, mu2 = get_quad_coeffs(koi.koi_steff)
open("ld.txt", "w").write("{0} {1}".format(mu1, mu2))
Exemple #6
def setup(gp=True):
    client = kplr.API()

    # Query the KIC and get some parameters.
    kic = client.star(7364176)
    teff, logg, feh = kic.kic_teff, kic.kic_logg, kic.kic_feh
    assert teff is not None

    # Get the limb darkening law.
    mu1, mu2 = get_quad_coeffs(teff, logg=logg, feh=feh)
    bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)[1:] ** 0.5
    ldp = bart.ld.QuadraticLimbDarkening(mu1, mu2).histogram(bins)

    # Build the star object.
    star = bart.Star(ldp=ldp)

    # Set up the planet.
    prng = 5.0
    period = 272.1884457597957407
    size = 0.01
    epoch = 103.7235285266694973 + 0.265
    a = star.get_semimajor(period)
    b = 0.1
    incl = np.degrees(np.arctan2(a, b))
    planet = bart.Planet(size, a, t0=epoch)

    # Set up the system.
    ps = bart.PlanetarySystem(star, iobs=incl)

    # Initialize the model.
    model = bart.Model(ps)

    # Load the data and inject into each transit.
    lcs = kic.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False, fetch=False)

    # Loop over the datasets and read in the data.
    minn, maxn = 1e10, 0
    for lc in lcs:
        with lc.open() as f:
            # The light curve data are in the first FITS HDU.
            hdu_data = f[1].data
            time_, flux_, ferr_, quality = [hdu_data[k]
                                            for k in ["time", "sap_flux",

        # Mask the missing data.
        mask = (np.isfinite(time_) * np.isfinite(flux_) * np.isfinite(ferr_)
                * (quality == 0))
        time_, flux_, ferr_ = [v[mask] for v in [time_, flux_, ferr_]]

        # Cut out data near transits.
        hp = 0.5 * period
        inds = np.abs((time_ - epoch + hp) % period - hp) < prng
        if not np.sum(inds):
        time_, flux_, ferr_ = [v[inds] for v in [time_, flux_, ferr_]]

        # Inject the transit.
        flux_ *= ps.lightcurve(time_)

        tn = np.array(np.round(np.abs((time_ - epoch) / period)), dtype=int)
        alltn = set(tn)

        maxn = max([maxn, max(alltn)])
        minn = min([minn, min(alltn)])

        for n in alltn:
            m = tn == n
            tf = time_[m]
            fl = flux_[m]
            fle = ferr_[m]

            if not gp:
                mu = untrendy.median(tf, fl, dt=4.0)
                fl /= mu
                fle /= mu

            model.datasets.append(dsc(tf, fl, fle, alpha=1.0, l2=3.0,

    # Add some priors.
    dper = prng / (maxn - minn)

    # Add some parameters.
    model.parameters.append(Parameter(planet, "t0"))
    model.parameters.append(Parameter(planet, "r"))

    # Prior range for the period so that it doesn't predict transits outside
    # of the data range.
    ppr = UniformPrior(period - dper, period + dper)
    model.parameters.append(PeriodParameter(planet, lnprior=ppr))

    return model, period
Exemple #7
# Load the light curves.
lcs = kic.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False)
datasets = []
for lc in lcs:
    with lc.open() as f:
        data = f[1].data
        longcadence = f[0].header.get("obsmode") == "long cadence"

    datasets += GPLightCurve(data["time"] + kplr.KBJD_ZERO - zero,

datasets = [ds for ds in datasets if len(ds.time) > 10]

# Get the limb darkening profile.
mu1, mu2 = get_quad_coeffs(5911)
bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)[1:] ** 0.5
ldp = bart.ld.QuadraticLimbDarkening(mu1, mu2, bins=bins)

# Initialize the star.
star = bart.Star(mass=1.071, radius=1.626, ldp=ldp)

# Set up the planets.
pb = bart.Planet(t0=2454960.9753-zero, period=13.83989,
                 r=9.155e-3*2.486, mass=3.003467e-6*4.45)
pc = bart.Planet(t0=2454955.9132-zero, period=16.23855,
                 r=9.155e-3*4.679, mass=3.003467e-6*8.08)

# Put the system together.
ps = bart.NBodySystem(star)
Exemple #8
import emcee
import triangle
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as op
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
from kplr.ld import get_quad_coeffs

import bart
from bart.priors import UniformPrior, NormalPrior
from bart.parameters import Parameter, LogParameter


# Set up limb darkening.
mu1, mu2 = get_quad_coeffs(5647.0, logg=4.236, feh=0.34)
ldp = bart.ld.QuadraticLimbDarkening(mu1, mu2)

# Build the star.
star = bart.Star(mass=1.209, radius=1.391, ldp=ldp)

# Build the planet.
planet = bart.Planet(r=0.09829*star.radius, period=3.234723, b=0.398)
planet.t0 = 0.5*planet.period

# Put them together in a planetary system.
kepler6 = bart.PlanetarySystem(star)

# Check to make sure that the inferred orbital parameters are reasonable.
print("a/R_star = {0}".format(planet.a / star.radius))
Exemple #9
def setup(gp=True):
    client = kplr.API()

    # Query the KIC and get some parameters.
    # kic = client.star(8415109)  # Bright variable.
    kic = client.star(2301306)  # Quiet G-type.
    teff, logg, feh = kic.kic_teff, kic.kic_logg, kic.kic_feh
    assert teff is not None

    # Get the limb darkening law.
    mu1, mu2 = get_quad_coeffs(teff, logg=logg, feh=feh)
    bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)[1:] ** 0.5
    ldp = bart.ld.QuadraticLimbDarkening(mu1, mu2).histogram(bins)

    # Build the star object.
    star = bart.Star(ldp=ldp)

    # Set up the planet.
    prng = 3.0
    period = 278.
    size = 0.03
    epoch = 20.0
    a = star.get_semimajor(period)
    b = 0.3
    incl = np.degrees(np.arctan2(a, b))
    planet = bart.Planet(size, a, t0=epoch)

    # Set up the system.
    ps = bart.PlanetarySystem(star, iobs=incl)

    # Initialize the model.
    model = bart.Model(ps)

    # Load the data and inject into each transit.
    lcs = kic.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False, fetch=False)

    # Choose the type of dataset to use.
    if gp:
        args = {"alpha": 1.0, "l2": 3.0, "dtbin": None}
        dsc = bart.data.GPLightCurve
        args = {"dtbin": None}
        dsc = bart.data.LightCurve

    # Loop over the datasets and read in the data.
    minn, maxn = 1e10, 0
    for lc in lcs:
        with lc.open() as f:
            # The light curve data are in the first FITS HDU.
            hdu_data = f[1].data
            time_, flux_, ferr_, quality = [hdu_data[k]
                                            for k in ["time", "sap_flux",

        # Mask the missing data.
        mask = (np.isfinite(time_) * np.isfinite(flux_) * np.isfinite(ferr_)
                * (quality == 0))
        time_, flux_, ferr_ = [v[mask] for v in [time_, flux_, ferr_]]

        # Cut out data near transits.
        hp = 0.5 * period
        inds = np.abs((time_ - epoch + hp) % period - hp) < prng
        if not np.sum(inds):
        time_, flux_, ferr_ = [v[inds] for v in [time_, flux_, ferr_]]

        # Inject the transit.
        flux_ *= ps.lightcurve(time_)

        if not gp:
            mu = untrendy.median(time_, flux_, dt=3.0)
            flux_ /= mu
            ferr_ /= mu

        tn = np.array(np.round(np.abs((time_ - epoch) / period)), dtype=int)
        alltn = set(tn)

        maxn = max([maxn, max(alltn)])
        minn = min([minn, min(alltn)])

        for n in alltn:
            m = tn == n
            tf = time_[m]
            fl = flux_[m]
            fle = ferr_[m]
            model.datasets.append(dsc(tf, fl, fle, **args))

    # Add some priors.
    dper = prng / (maxn - minn)

    # Add some parameters.
    model.parameters.append(Parameter(planet, "t0"))
    model.parameters.append(Parameter(planet, "r"))

    # Prior range for the period so that it doesn't predict transits outside
    # of the data range.
    ppr = UniformPrior(period - dper, period + dper)
    model.parameters.append(PeriodParameter(planet, lnprior=ppr))

    # # Sample in the GP hyper-parameters.
    # apr = UniformPrior(0.0, 10.0)
    # model.parameters.append(MultiParameter(model.datasets, "alpha",
    #                                        lnprior=apr))
    # lpr = UniformPrior(3.0, 20.0)
    # model.parameters.append(MultiParameter(model.datasets, "l2",
    #                                        lnprior=lpr))

    return model, period