Exemple #1
def reload_config(prompt_inputs=False, force=False):
    global c
    global label_config_line
    global analytics
    global ml_backend
    global project
    global config_path

    # Read config from config.json & input arguments
    c = json.load(open(config_path))
    c['port'] = input_args.port if input_args.port else c['port']
    c['label_config'] = input_args.label_config if input_args.label_config else c[
    c['input_path'] = input_args.input_path if input_args.input_path else c[
    c['output_dir'] = input_args.output_dir if input_args.output_dir else c[
    c['debug'] = input_args.debug if input_args.debug is not None else c[

    # If specified, prompt user in console about specific inputs
    if prompt_inputs:
        iprompt = LabelStudioConfigPrompt(c)
        c['input_data'] = iprompt.ask_input_path()
        c['output_dir'] = iprompt.ask_output_dir()
        c['label_config'] = iprompt.ask_label_config()

    # Initialize DBs

    label_config_full = config_comments_free(open(c['label_config']).read())
    label_config_line = config_line_stripped(label_config_full)
    if analytics is None:
        analytics = Analytics(label_config_line,
                              c.get('collect_analytics', True))
                              c.get('collect_analytics', True))
    # configure project
    if project is None or force:
        project = Project(label_config=label_config_line,
    # configure machine learning backend
    if ml_backend is None or force:
        ml_backend_params = c.get('ml_backend')
        if ml_backend_params:
            ml_backend = MLBackend.from_params(ml_backend_params)

    return True
Exemple #2
class Project(object):

    _storage = {}

    _allowed_extensions = {
        'Text': ('.txt', ),
        'Image': ('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.tiff', '.bmp', '.gif'),
        'Audio': ('.wav', '.aiff', '.mp3', '.au', '.flac')

    def __init__(self, config, name, context=None):
        self.config = config
        self.name = name

        self.tasks = None
        self.derived_input_schema = []
        self.derived_output_schema = {
            'from_name_to_name_type': set(),
            'labels': defaultdict(set)
        self.label_config_line = None
        self.label_config_full = None
        self.ml_backend = None
        self.project_obj = None
        self.analytics = None
        self.converter = None
        self.on_boarding = {}
        self.context = context or {}

    def id(self):
        return self.project_obj.id

    def data_types(self):
        return self.project_obj.data_types

    def label_config(self):
        return self.project_obj.label_config

    def extract_data_types(self, config):
        return self.project_obj.extract_data_types(config)

    def validate_label_config(self, config_string):

        parsed_config = parse_config(config_string)

    def update_label_config(self, new_label_config):
        print("in update label config")
        label_config_file = self.config['label_config']
        # save xml label config to file
        with io.open(label_config_file, mode='w') as f:

        # save project config state
        self.config['label_config_updated'] = True
        with io.open(self.config['config_path'], mode='w') as f:
            json.dump(self.config, f)
            'Label config saved to: {path}'.format(path=label_config_file))

    def _get_single_input_value(self, input_data_tags):
        print("in get single input value")
        if len(input_data_tags) > 1:
            val = ",".join(tag.attrib.get("name") for tag in input_data_tags)
            print('Warning! Multiple input data tags found: ' + val +
                  '. Only first one is used.')
        input_data_tag = input_data_tags[0]
        data_key = input_data_tag.attrib.get('value').lstrip('$')
        return data_key

    def _create_task_with_local_uri(self, filepath, data_key, task_id):
        print("in create task with local uri")
        """ Convert filepath to task with flask serving URL
        filename = os.path.basename(self, filepath)
        params = urllib.parse.urlencode({'d': os.path.dirname(filepath)})
        base_url = 'http://localhost:{port}/'.format(
        image_url_path = base_url + urllib.parse.quote('data/' + filename)
        image_local_url = '{image_url_path}?{params}'.format(
            image_url_path=image_url_path, params=params)
        return {
            'id': task_id,
            'task_path': filepath,
            'data': {
                data_key: image_local_url

    def is_text_annotation(self, input_data_tags, filepath):
        print("in text annotation")
        return (len(input_data_tags) == 1 and input_data_tags[0].tag == 'Text'
                and filepath.endswith(self._allowed_extensions['Text']))

    def is_image_annotation(self, input_data_tags, filepath):
        return (len(input_data_tags) == 1 and input_data_tags[0].tag == 'Image'
                and filepath.lower().endswith(

    def is_audio_annotation(self, input_data_tags, filepath):
        return (len(input_data_tags) == 1
                and input_data_tags[0].tag in ('Audio', 'AudioPlus') and

    def _update_derived_output_schema(self, completion):
        print("in update_derived_output_schema")
        Given completion, output schema is updated. Output schema consists of unique tuples (from_name, to_name, type)
        and list of unique labels derived from existed completions
        :param completion:
        for result in completion['result']:
                result['type']  #,completion['user']
            print("in update derived output schema")
            for label in result['value'][result['type']]:

    def get_result_ds(self):
        return self.result_ds

    def validate_label_config_on_derived_input_schema(
            self, config_string_or_parsed_config):
        print("in validate_label_config_on_derived_input_schema")
        Validate label config on input schemas (tasks types and data keys) derived from imported tasks
        :param config_string_or_parsed_config: label config string or parsed config object
        :return: True if config match already imported tasks
        input_schema = self.derived_input_schema

        # check if schema exists, i.e. at least one task has been uploaded
        if not input_schema:

        config = config_string_or_parsed_config
        if isinstance(config, str):
            config = parse_config(config)
        input_types, input_values = set(), set()
        for input_items in map(itemgetter('inputs'), config.values()):
            for input_item in input_items:

        input_schema_types = set([item['type'] for item in input_schema])
        input_schema_values = set([item['value'] for item in input_schema])

        # check input data types: they must be in schema
        for item in input_types:
            if item not in input_schema_types:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'You have already imported tasks and they are incompatible with a new config. '
                    'Can\'t find type "{item}" among already imported tasks with types {input_schema_types}'

        # check input data values: they must be in schema
        for item in input_values:
            if item not in input_schema_values:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'You have already imported tasks and they are incompatible with a new config. '
                    'Can\t find key "{item}" among already imported tasks with keys {input_schema_values}'

    def validate_label_config_on_derived_output_schema(
            self, config_string_or_parsed_config):
        print("in validate_label_config_on_derived_output_schema")
        Validate label config on output schema (from_names, to_names and labeling types) derived from completions
        :param config_string_or_parsed_config: label config string or parsed config object
        :return: True if config match already created completions
        output_schema = self.derived_output_schema

        # check if schema exists, i.e. at least one completion has been created
        if not output_schema['from_name_to_name_type']:

        config = config_string_or_parsed_config
        if isinstance(config, str):
            config = parse_config(config)

        completion_tuples = set()

        for from_name, to in config.items():
                (from_name, to['to_name'][0], to['type'].lower()))

        for from_name, to_name, type in output_schema[
            if (from_name, to_name, type) not in completion_tuples:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'You\'ve already completed some tasks, but some of them couldn\'t be loaded with this config: '
                    'name={from_name}, toName={to_name}, type={type} are expected'
                    .format(from_name=from_name, to_name=to_name, type=type))
        for from_name, expected_label_set in output_schema['labels'].items():
            if from_name not in config:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'You\'ve already completed some tasks, but some of them couldn\'t be loaded with this config: '
                    'name=' + from_name + ' is expected')
            found_labels = set(config[from_name]['labels'])
            extra_labels = list(expected_label_set - found_labels)
            if extra_labels:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'You\'ve already completed some tasks, but some of them couldn\'t be loaded with this config: '
                    'there are labels already created for "{from_name}":\n{extra_labels}'
                    .format(from_name=from_name, extra_labels=extra_labels))

    def tasks_from_json_file(self, path):
        print("in tasks_from_json_file")
        """ Prepare tasks from json

        :param path: path to json with list or dict
        :param tasks: main db instance of tasks
        :return: new task id
        def push_task(root):
            task_id = len(self.tasks) + 1
            print("push task")
            data = root['data'] if 'data' in root else root
            self.tasks[task_id] = {
                'id': task_id,
                'task_path': path,
                'data': data
            if 'predictions' in data:
                self.tasks[task_id]['predictions'] = data['predictions']
                self.tasks[task_id]['data'].pop('predictions', None)
            if 'predictions' in root:
                self.tasks[task_id]['predictions'] = root['predictions']

        logger.debug('Reading tasks from JSON file ' + path)
        with open(path) as f:
            json_body = orjson.loads(f.read())

            # multiple tasks in file
            if isinstance(json_body, list):
                print("reading tasks from JSON file")
                [push_task(data) for data in json_body]

            # one task in file
            elif isinstance(json_body, dict):

            # unsupported task type
                raise Exception('Unsupported task data:', path)

    def _init(self):
        label_config = LabelConfigParser(self.config['label_config'])

        if not os.path.exists(self.config['output_dir']):

        task_id = 0
        data_key = None

        input_data_tags = label_config.get_input_data_tags()

        # load at first start
        self.tasks = OrderedDict()

        # file
        if os.path.isfile(self.config['input_path']):
            files = [os.path.basename(self.config['input_path'])]
            root_dir = os.path.normpath(

        # directory
            root_dir = os.path.normpath(self.config['input_path'])
            files = [os.path.join(root, f) for root, _, files in os.walk(root_dir) for f in files \
                     if 'completion' not in f and 'completion' not in root]

        # walk over all the files
        for f in files:
            norm_f = os.path.normpath(f)
            path = os.path.join(
                root_dir, norm_f) if not norm_f.startswith(root_dir) else f

            # load tasks from json
            if f.endswith('.json'):

            # load tasks from txt: line by line, task by task
            elif self.is_text_annotation(input_data_tags, f):
                print("Text annotation")
                if data_key is None:
                    data_key = self._get_single_input_value(input_data_tags)
                with io.open(path) as fin:
                    for line in fin:
                        print("is text annotation")
                        task_id = len(self.tasks) + 1
                        self.tasks[task_id] = {
                            'id': task_id,
                            'task_path': path,
                            'data': {
                                data_key: line.strip()

            # load tasks from files: creating URI to local resources
            elif self.is_image_annotation(input_data_tags,
                                          f) or self.is_audio_annotation(
                                              input_data_tags, f):
                if data_key is None:
                    data_key = self._get_single_input_value(input_data_tags)
                task_id = len(self.tasks) + 1
                self.tasks[task_id] = self._create_task_with_local_uri(
                    f, data_key, task_id)
                logger.warning('Unrecognized file format for file ' + f)

        num_tasks_loaded = len(self.tasks)

        # make derived input schema
        if num_tasks_loaded > 0:
            for tag in input_data_tags:

        # for all already completed tasks we update derived output schema for further label config validation
        for task_id in self.get_task_ids():
            task_with_completions = self.get_task_with_completions(task_id)
            if task_with_completions and 'completions' in task_with_completions:
                completions = task_with_completions['completions']
                for completion in completions:

            str(len(self.tasks)) + ' tasks loaded from: ' +

    def get_tasks(self):
        print("in get tasks")
        """ Load tasks from JSON files in input_path directory

        :return: file list
        return self.tasks

    def delete_tasks(self):
        print("in delete tasks")
        Deletes all tasks & completions from filesystem, then reloads clean project
        with io.open(self.config['input_path'], mode='w') as f:
            json.dump([], f)

    def iter_tasks(self):
        print("in iter tasks")
        sampling = self.config.get('sampling', 'sequential')
        if sampling == 'sequential':
            return self.tasks.items()
        elif sampling == 'uniform':
            keys = list(self.tasks.keys())
            return ((k, self.tasks[k]) for k in keys)
            raise NotImplementedError('Unknown sampling method ' + sampling)

    def get_task_ids(self):
        print("in get task ids")
        """ Get task ids only

        :return: list of task ids
        return list(self.tasks.keys())

    def get_task(self, task_id):
        print("in get task")
        """ Get one task

        :param task_id:
        :return: task
            task_id = int(task_id)
        except ValueError:
            return None
        return self.tasks.get(task_id)

    def get_completions_ids(self):
        print("in get completitons ids")
        """ List completion ids from output_dir directory

        :return: filenames without extensions and directories
        root_dir = self.config['output_dir']
        os.mkdir(root_dir) if not os.path.exists(root_dir) else ()
        files = os.listdir(root_dir)
        completions = [
            int(os.path.splitext(f)[0]) for f in files if f.endswith('.json')
        logger.debug('{num} completions found in {output_dir}'.format(
            num=len(completions), output_dir=self.config["output_dir"]))
        return sorted(completions)

    def get_completions_user(self):
        print("in get completions user")
        user_dict = {}
        all_ids = self.get_completions_ids()
        for i in all_ids:
            data = self.get_task_with_completions(i)
            if (data['completions'][0]['user']):
                user_dict[i] = data['completions'][0]['user']
                user_dict[i] = ''
        return user_dict

    def get_completed_at(self, task_ids):
        print("in get completed at")
        """ Get completed time for list of task ids

        :param task_ids: list of task ids
        :return: list of string with formatted datetime
        root_dir = self.config['output_dir']
        existing_completions = set(self.get_completions_ids())
        ids = existing_completions.intersection(task_ids)
        times = {
            i: os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(root_dir,
                                             str(i) + '.json'))
            for i in ids
        times = {
            i: datetime.fromtimestamp(t).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            for i, t in times.items()
        return times

    def get_task_with_completions(self, task_id):
        print("in get task with completions")
        """ Get task with completions

        :param task_id: task ids
        :return: json dict with completion
            task_id = int(
            )  # check task_id is int (disallow to escape from output_dir)
        except ValueError:
            return None

        filename = os.path.join(self.config['output_dir'],
                                str(task_id) + '.json')

        if os.path.exists(filename):
            data = json.load(open(filename))
            # tasks can hold the newest version of predictions, so task it from tasks
            data['predictions'] = self.tasks[task_id].get('predictions', [])
            data = None
        return data

    def save_completion(self, task_id, completion, user_id):
        print("in save completion")
        """ Save completion

        :param task_id: task id
        :param completion: json data from label (editor)

        # try to get completions with task first
        task = self.get_task_with_completions(task_id)

        # init task if completions with task not exists
        if not task:
            task = self.get_task(task_id)
            task['completions'] = []

        # update old completion
        updated = False
        if 'id' in completion:
            for i, item in enumerate(task['completions']):
                if item['id'] == completion['id']:
                    completion['user'] = user_id
                    updated = True

        # write new completion
        if not updated:
            completion['id'] = task['id'] * 1000 + len(task['completions']) + 1
            completion['user'] = user_id


        # write task + completions to file
        filename = os.path.join(self.config['output_dir'],
                                str(task_id) + '.json')
        os.mkdir(self.config['output_dir']) if not os.path.exists(
            self.config['output_dir']) else ()
        json.dump(task, open(filename, 'w'), indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return [completion['id'], completion['user']]

    def delete_completion(self, task_id):
        print("in delete completion")
        """ Delete completion from disk

        :param task_id: task id
        filename = os.path.join(self.config['output_dir'],
                                str(task_id) + '.json')

    def reload(self):
        print("in reload")
        self.tasks = None
        self.derived_input_schema = []
        self.derived_output_schema = {
            'from_name_to_name_type': set(),
            'labels': defaultdict(set)


        self.label_config_full = config_comments_free(
        self.label_config_line = config_line_stripped(self.label_config_full)

        collect_analytics = os.getenv('collect_analytics')
        if collect_analytics is None:
            collect_analytics = self.config.get('collect_analytics', True)
        if self.analytics is None:
            self.analytics = Analytics(self.label_config_line,
                                       collect_analytics, self.name,
                                       collect_analytics, self.name,

        # configure project
        self.project_obj = ProjectObj(label_config=self.label_config_line,

        # configure machine learning backend
        if self.ml_backend is None:
            ml_backend_params = self.config.get('ml_backend')
            if ml_backend_params:
                ml_backend = MLBackend.from_params(ml_backend_params)

        self.converter = Converter(self.label_config_full)

    def get_project_dir(cls, project_name, args):
        return os.path.join(args.root_dir, project_name)

    def create_project_dir(cls, project_name, args):
        print("in create project dir")
        Create project directory in args.root_dir/project_name, and initialize there all required files
        If some files are missed, restore them from defaults.
        If config files are specified by args, copy them in project directory
        :param project_name:
        :param args:
        dir = cls.get_project_dir(project_name, args)
        os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True)
        label_config_name = 'config.xml'
        output_dir_name = 'completions'
        input_path_name = 'tasks.json'
        default_config_file = os.path.join(dir, 'config.json')
        default_label_config_file = os.path.join(dir, label_config_name)
        default_output_dir = os.path.join(dir, output_dir_name)
        default_input_path = os.path.join(dir, input_path_name)

        if hasattr(args, 'config_path') and args.config_path:
            copy2(args.config_path, default_config_file)
        if hasattr(args, 'input_path') and args.input_path:
            copy2(args.input_path, default_input_path)
        if hasattr(args, 'output_dir') and args.output_dir:
            if os.path.exists(args.output_dir):
                copy2(args.output_dir, default_output_dir)
        if hasattr(args, 'label_config') and args.label_config:
            copy2(args.label_config, default_label_config_file)

        default_config = {
            'title': 'Label Studio',
            'port': 8200,
            'debug': False,
            'label_config': label_config_name,
            'input_path': input_path_name,
            'output_dir': output_dir_name,
            'instruction': 'Type some <b>hypertext</b> for label experts!',
            'allow_delete_completions': True,
            'templates_dir': 'examples',
            'editor': {
                'debug': False
            '!ml_backend': {
                'url': 'http://localhost:9090',
                'model_name': 'my_super_model'
            'sampling': 'uniform'

        # create input_path (tasks.json)
        if not os.path.exists(default_input_path):
            with io.open(default_input_path, mode='w') as fout:
                json.dump([], fout, indent=2)
            print(default_input_path + ' input path has been created.')
            print(default_input_path + ' input path already exists.')

        # create config file (config.json)
        if not os.path.exists(default_config_file):
            with io.open(default_config_file, mode='w') as fout:
                json.dump(default_config, fout, indent=2)
            print(default_config_file + ' config file has been created.')
            print(default_config_file + ' config file already exists.')

        # create label config (config.xml)
        if not os.path.exists(default_label_config_file):
            path = find_file('examples/image_polygons/config.xml')
            default_label_config = open(path).read()

            with io.open(default_label_config_file, mode='w') as fout:
            print(default_label_config_file +
                  ' label config file has been created.')
            print(default_label_config_file +
                  ' label config file already exists.')

        # create output dir (completions)
        if not os.path.exists(default_output_dir):
            print(default_output_dir + ' output directory has been created.')
            print(default_output_dir + ' output directory already exists.')

            'Label Studio has been successfully initialized. Check project states in '
            + dir)
        print('Start the server: label-studio start ' + dir)
        return dir

    def _get_config(cls, project_dir, args):
        print("in get config")
        Get config path from input args Namespace acquired by Argparser
        :param args:
        :param args:
        # if config is explicitly specified, just return it
        if args.config_path:
            config_path = args.config_path
            # check if project directory exists
            if not os.path.exists(project_dir):
                raise FileNotFoundError(
                    'Couldn\'t find directory ' + project_dir +
                    ', maybe you\'ve missed appending "--init" option:\nlabel-studio start '
                    + args.project_name + ' --init')

            # check config.json exists in directory
            config_path = os.path.join(project_dir, 'config.json')
            if not os.path.exists(config_path):
                raise FileNotFoundError(
                    'Couldn\'t find config file ' + config_path +
                    ' in project directory ' + project_dir +
                    ', maybe you\'ve missed appending "--init" option:\nlabel-studio start '
                    + args.project_name + ' --init')

        config_path = os.path.abspath(config_path)
        with io.open(config_path) as c:
            config = json.load(c)

        if args.port:
            config['port'] = args.port

        if args.label_config:
            config['label_config'] = args.label_config

        if args.input_path:
            config['input_path'] = args.input_path

        if args.output_dir:
            config['output_dir'] = args.output_dir

        if args.debug is not None:
            config['debug'] = args.debug

        if args.ml_backend_url:
            if 'ml_backend' not in config:
                config['ml_backend'] = {}
            config['ml_backend']['url'] = args.ml_backend_url

        if args.ml_backend_name:
            if 'ml_backend' not in config:
                config['ml_backend'] = {}
            config['ml_backend']['name'] = args.ml_backend_name

        # absolutize paths relative to config.json
        config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_path)
        config['label_config'] = os.path.join(config_dir,
        config['input_path'] = os.path.join(config_dir, config['input_path'])
        config['output_dir'] = os.path.join(config_dir, config['output_dir'])
        config['config_path'] = config_path

        return config

    def _load_from_dir(cls, project_dir, project_name, args, context):
        config = cls._get_config(project_dir, args)
        return cls(config, project_name, context)

    def get(cls, project_name, args, context):

        # If project stored in memory, just return it
        if project_name in cls._storage:
            return cls._storage[project_name]

        # If project directory exists, load project from directory and update in-memory storage
        project_dir = cls.get_project_dir(project_name, args)
        if os.path.exists(project_dir):
            project = cls._load_from_dir(project_dir, project_name, args,
            cls._storage[project_name] = project

        raise KeyError('Project {p} doesn\'t exist'.format(p=project_name))

    def create(cls, project_name, args, context):
        # "create" method differs from "get" as it can create new directory with project resources
        project_dir = cls.create_project_dir(project_name, args)
        project = cls._load_from_dir(project_dir, project_name, args, context)
        cls._storage[project_name] = project
        return project

    def get_or_create(cls, project_name, args, context):
            project = cls.get(project_name, args, context)
            logger.info('Get project "' + project_name + '".')
        except KeyError:
            project = cls.create(project_name, args, context)
            logger.info('Project "' + project_name + '" created.')
        return project

    def update_on_boarding_state(self):
        self.on_boarding['setup'] = self.config.get('label_config_updated',
        self.on_boarding['import'] = len(self.tasks) > 0
        self.on_boarding['labeled'] = len(os.listdir(
            self.config['output_dir'])) > 0
        return self.on_boarding