Exemple #1
def test_laminator_gencon1():
    '''Check returns a geometry string in General Convention; converts 'S'.'''
    case = ut.laminator(['400-0-400S'])
    for case_ in case.values():
        for LM in case_.LMs:
            actual = ut.get_special_geometry(LM.LMFrame)
            ##expected = '400-[0]-800'                       # pre to_gen_convention()
            expected = '400.0-[0.0]-800.0'
            nt.assert_equal(actual, expected)
Exemple #2
def test_getspecialgeo1():
    '''Check strings are extracted from a special laminate Frame, nplies <= 4.'''
    case = ut.laminator(['400-200-0'])
    for case_ in case.values():
        for LM in case_.LMs:
            actual = ut.get_special_geometry(LM.LMFrame)
            ##expected = '400-[200]-0'                       # pre to_gen_convention()
            expected = '400.0-[200.0]-0.0'
            nt.assert_equal(actual, expected)
Exemple #3
def extract_dataframe(df):
    """Parse corrected DataFrame from a csv file; legacy, automated or custom."""
    df_expected = df.copy()

    # Mild cleanup
    if "d(mm)" in df_expected.columns:
        df_expected["d(m)"] = df_expected["d(mm)"] / 1000.0
        del df_expected["d(mm)"]

    if "t(um)" not in df_expected.columns:  # for custom controls from legacy scripts
        df_expected["t(um)"] = df_expected["h(m)"] / 1e-6
        # Assign Nan to layer thickness of the discontinuity row
        df_expected.loc[df_expected["label"] == "discont.", "t(um)"] = np.nan
        # Twice the h in the middle
        df_expected.loc[df_expected["type"] == "middle", "t(um)"] = (
            df_expected.loc[df_expected["type"] == "middle", "h(m)"].multiply(2) / 1e-6

    # Parse data mainly for the Case
    nplies = len(df_expected["layer"].unique())
    p = df_expected.groupby("layer").size().iloc[0]
    t_total = df_expected.iloc[-1]["d(m)"]  # (in m)

    # Get a geometry string to feed the API
    if nplies < 5:
        geometry = ut.get_special_geometry(df_expected)
    elif nplies >= 5:
        geometry = ut.get_multi_geometry(df_expected)
    elif nplies < 1:
        raise Exception("Number of plies < 1.  No plies detected.")
    # print(geometry)

    # Plugin holes; overwrite placeholder Nans at discontinuities
    # Primarily for custom controls
    geo = geometry.split("-")
    # print(geo)
    outer = float(geo[0])
    if "[" in geo[1]:
        inners = geo[1][1:-1].split(",")
        """Why is float needed here and not int?"""
        """Getting 200L error for float."""
        # print(inners)
        inner_i = [float(t) for t in inners]
        inner_i = float(geo[1])
    # print(inner_i)
    df_expected.loc[(df_expected["label"] == "discont.") & (df_expected["type"] == "outer"), "t(um)"] = outer
    if ("discont." in df_expected["label"].values) and ("inner" in df_expected["type"].values):
        df_expected = fix_discontinuities(df_expected, inner_i)

    return df_expected, geometry, nplies, p, t_total
Exemple #4
def test_getspecialgeo2():
    '''Check error is raised if not special, nplies > 4.'''
    case = ut.laminator(['400-200-800'])
    for case_ in case.values():
        for LM in case_.LMs:
            actual = ut.get_special_geometry(LM.LMFrame)
Exemple #5
def extract_dataframe(df):
    '''Parse corrected DataFrame from a csv file; legacy, automated or custom.'''
    df_expected = df.copy()

    # Mild cleanup
    if 'd(mm)' in df_expected.columns:
        df_expected['d(m)'] = df_expected['d(mm)'] / 1000.
        del df_expected['d(mm)']

    if 't(um)' not in df_expected.columns:                 # for custom controls from legacy scripts
        df_expected['t(um)'] = df_expected['h(m)'] / 1e-6
        # Assign Nan to layer thickness of the discontinuity row
            df_expected['label'] == 'discont.', 't(um)'
        ] = np.nan
        # Twice the h in the middle
            df_expected['type'] == 'middle', 't(um)'] = df_expected.loc[
            df_expected['type'] == 'middle', 'h(m)'
        ].multiply(2) / 1e-6

    # Parse data mainly for the Case
    nplies = len(df_expected['layer'].unique())
    p = df_expected.groupby('layer').size().iloc[0]
    t_total = df_expected.iloc[-1]['d(m)']                 # (in m)

    # Get a geometry string to feed the API
    if nplies < 5:
        geometry = ut.get_special_geometry(df_expected)
    elif nplies >= 5:
        geometry = ut.get_multi_geometry(df_expected)
    elif nplies < 1:
        raise Exception('Number of plies < 1.  No plies detected.')

    # Plugin holes; overwrite placeholder Nans at discontinuities
    # Primarily for custom controls
    geo = geometry.split('-')

    #### Look closely at affects of this commit 6f5f518fa42099fcbda37c1a15986a88a04e38c5
    #### Check that files are not influenced; reverting should be commenting _to_gen_convention get_..._geometry
    # TODO: Refactor; this section is not needed with _to_gen_convention in get_multi_geometry and get_special_geometry
    outer = float(geo[0])
    if '[' in geo[1]:
        inners = geo[1][1:-1].split(',')
        '''Why is float needed here and not int?'''
        '''Getting 200L error for float.'''
        inner_i = [float(t) for t in inners]
        inner_i = float(geo[1])

        (df_expected['label'] == 'discont.') & (df_expected['type'] == 'outer'),
        't(um)'] = outer
    if ('discont.' in df_expected['label'].values) and ('inner' in df_expected['type'].values):
        df_expected = fix_discontinuities(df_expected, inner_i)

    return df_expected, geometry, nplies, p, t_total