Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, outputSlot, roiIterator, totalVolume=None, batchSize=2, allowParallelResults=False):

        :param outputSlot: The slot to request data from.
        :param roiIterator: An iterator providing new rois.
        :param totalVolume: The total volume to be processed.
                            Used to provide the progress reporting signal.
                            If not provided, then no intermediate progress will be signaled.
        :param batchSize: The maximum number of requests to launch in parallel.
        :param allowParallelResults: If False, The resultSignal will not be called in parallel.
                                     In that case, your handler function has no need for locks.
        self._resultSignal = OrderedSignal()
        self._progressSignal = OrderedSignal()

        assert isinstance(
            outputSlot.stype, lazyflow.stype.ArrayLike
        ), "Only Array-like slots supported."  # Because progress reporting depends on the roi shape
        self._outputSlot = outputSlot
        self._roiIter = roiIterator
        self._batchSize = batchSize
        self._allowParallelResults = allowParallelResults

        self._condition = SimpleRequestCondition()

        self._activated_count = 0
        self._completed_count = 0

        self._failure_excinfo = None

        # Progress bookkeeping
        self._totalVolume = totalVolume
        self._processedVolume = 0
Exemple #2
    def __init__( self, outputSlot, roiIterator, totalVolume=None, batchSize=2, allowParallelResults=False ):

        :param outputSlot: The slot to request data from.
        :param roiIterator: An iterator providing new rois.
        :param totalVolume: The total volume to be processed.  
                            Used to provide the progress reporting signal. 
                            If not provided, then no intermediate progress will be signaled.
        :param batchSize: The maximum number of requests to launch in parallel.
        :param allowParallelResults: If True, The resultSignal will not be called in parallel.
                                     In that case, your handler function has no need for locks.
        self._resultSignal = OrderedSignal()
        self._progressSignal = OrderedSignal()

        assert isinstance(outputSlot.stype, lazyflow.stype.ArrayLike), \
            "Only Array-like slots supported." # Because progress reporting depends on the roi shape
        self._outputSlot = outputSlot
        self._roiIter = roiIterator
        self._batchSize = batchSize
        self._allowParallelResults = allowParallelResults
        self._condition = SimpleRequestCondition()

        self._activated_count = 0
        self._completed_count = 0

        # Progress bookkeeping
        self._totalVolume = totalVolume
        self._processedVolume = 0
Exemple #3
    def testBasic(self):
        Test the SimpleRequestCondition, which is like threading.Condition, but with a subset of the functionality.
        (See the docs for details.)
        # num_workers = Request.global_thread_pool.num_workers
        # Request.reset_thread_pool(num_workers=1)
        N_ELEMENTS = 100

        # It's tempting to simply use threading.Condition here,
        #  but that doesn't quite work if the thread calling wait() is also a worker thread.
        # (threading.Condition uses threading.Lock() as it's 'waiter' lock, which blocks the entire worker.)
        # cond = threading.Condition( RequestLock() )
        cond = SimpleRequestCondition()

        produced = []
        consumed = []

        def wait_for_all():
            def f(i):
                time.sleep(0.2 * random.random())
                with cond:

            reqs = []
            for i in range(N_ELEMENTS):
                req = Request(partial(f, i))

            for req in reqs:

            _consumed = consumed
            with cond:
                while len(_consumed) < N_ELEMENTS:
                    while len(_consumed) == len(produced):
                    logger.debug("copying {} elements".format(
                        len(produced) - len(consumed)))
                    _consumed += produced[len(_consumed):]

        # Force the request to run in a worker thread.
        # This should catch failures that can occur if the Condition's "waiter" lock isn't a request lock.
        req = Request(wait_for_all)

        # Now block for completion

        logger.debug("produced: {}".format(produced))
        logger.debug("consumed: {}".format(consumed))
        assert set(consumed) == set(
        ), "Expected set(range(N_ELEMENTS)), got {}".format(consumed)
Exemple #4
class RoiRequestBatch(object):
    A simple utility for requesting a list of rois from an output slot.
    The number of rois requested in parallel is throttled by the batch size given to the constructor.
    The result of each requested roi is provided as a signal, which the user should subscribe() to.

    Example usage:

    >>> import sys
    >>> import vigra
    >>> from lazyflow.graph import Graph
    >>> from lazyflow.operators import OpBlockedArrayCache

    >>> # Example data
    >>> data = numpy.indices( (100,100) ).sum(0)
    >>> data = vigra.taggedView( data, vigra.defaultAxistags('xy') )

    >>> op = OpBlockedArrayCache( graph=Graph() )
    >>> op.Input.setValue( data )

    >>> # Create a list of rois to iterate through.
    >>> # Typically you'll want to automate this
    >>> #  with e.g. lazyflow.roi.getIntersectingBlocks
    >>> rois = []
    >>> rois.append( ( (0, 0), (10,10) ) )
    >>> rois.append( ( (0,10), (10,20) ) )
    >>> rois.append( ( (0,20), (10,30) ) )
    >>> rois.append( ( (0,30), (10,40) ) )
    >>> rois.append( ( (0,40), (10,50) ) )

    >>> # Init with our output slot and list of rois to request.
    >>> # `batchSize` indicates the number of requests to spawn in parallel.
    >>> # Provide `totalVolume` if you want progress reporting.
    >>> batch_requester = RoiRequestBatch( op.Output, iter(rois), totalVolume=500, batchSize=2 )

    >>> # Use a callback to handle sub-results one at a time.
    >>> result_count = [0]
    >>> result_total_sum = [0]
    >>> def handle_block_result(roi, result):
    ...     # No need for locking here if allowParallelResults=True.
    ...     result_count[0] += 1
    ...     result_total_sum[0] += result.sum()
    >>> batch_requester.resultSignal.subscribe( handle_block_result )

    >>> # Optional: Subscribe to progress updates
    >>> def handle_progress(progress):
    ...     if progress == 0:
    ...         sys.stdout.write("Progress:")
    ...     sys.stdout.write(f" {progress}")
    >>> batch_requester.progressSignal.subscribe( handle_progress )

    >>> # Execute the batch of requests, and block for the result.
    >>> batch_requester.execute()
    Progress: 0 20 40 60 80 100 100
    >>> print(f"Processed {result_count[0]} result blocks with a total sum of: {result_total_sum[0]}")
    Processed 5 result blocks with a total sum of: 14500

    def __init__(self, outputSlot, roiIterator, totalVolume=None, batchSize=2, allowParallelResults=False):

        :param outputSlot: The slot to request data from.
        :param roiIterator: An iterator providing new rois.
        :param totalVolume: The total volume to be processed.
                            Used to provide the progress reporting signal.
                            If not provided, then no intermediate progress will be signaled.
        :param batchSize: The maximum number of requests to launch in parallel.
        :param allowParallelResults: If False, The resultSignal will not be called in parallel.
                                     In that case, your handler function has no need for locks.
        self._resultSignal = OrderedSignal()
        self._progressSignal = OrderedSignal()

        assert isinstance(
            outputSlot.stype, lazyflow.stype.ArrayLike
        ), "Only Array-like slots supported."  # Because progress reporting depends on the roi shape
        self._outputSlot = outputSlot
        self._roiIter = roiIterator
        self._batchSize = batchSize
        self._allowParallelResults = allowParallelResults

        self._condition = SimpleRequestCondition()

        self._activated_count = 0
        self._completed_count = 0

        self._failure_excinfo = None

        # Progress bookkeeping
        self._totalVolume = totalVolume
        self._processedVolume = 0

    def resultSignal(self):
        Results signal. Signature: ``f(roi, result)``.
        Guaranteed not to be called from multiple threads in parallel.
        return self._resultSignal

    def progressSignal(self):
        Progress Signal Signature: ``f(progress_percent)``
        return self._progressSignal

    def execute(self):
        Execute the batch of requests and wait for all of them to complete.
        A batch of N requests is launched, and subsequent requests are
        launched one-by-one as the earlier requests complete.  Thus, there
        will be N requests executing in parallel at all times.

        This method returns ``None``.  All results must be handled via the

        ## In the lines below, we acquire/release self._condition with high frequency,
        ## to allow finishing requests to be handled in _handleCompletedRequest as soon as possible,
        ## instead of forcing them to wait for the entire batch to be launched before the first
        ## finished request can be handled and discarded.

            # Start by activating a batch of N requests
            for _ in range(self._batchSize):
                with self._condition:
                    self._activated_count += 1

            # Loop until StopIteration
            while True:
                # Wait for at least one active request to finish
                with self._condition:
                    while (
                        not self._failure_excinfo and (self._activated_count - self._completed_count) == self._batchSize

                if self._failure_excinfo:
                    exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = self._failure_excinfo
                    raise_with_traceback(exc_type(exc_value), exc_tb)

                # Launch new requests until we have the correct number of active requests
                while not self._failure_excinfo and self._activated_count - self._completed_count < self._batchSize:
                    with self._condition:
                        self._activateNewRequest()  # Eventually raises StopIteration
                        self._activated_count += 1

                if self._failure_excinfo:
                    exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = self._failure_excinfo
                    raise_with_traceback(exc_type(exc_value), exc_tb)

        except StopIteration:
            # We've run out of requests to launch.
            # Wait for the remaining active requests to finish.
            with self._condition:
                while not self._failure_excinfo and self._completed_count < self._activated_count:

            if self._failure_excinfo:
                exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = self._failure_excinfo
                raise_with_traceback(exc_type(exc_value), exc_tb)


    def _activateNewRequest(self):
        Creates and activates a new request if there are more rois to process.
        Otherwise, raises StopIteration
        # This could raise StopIteration
        roi = next(self._roiIter)
        req = self._outputSlot(roi[0], roi[1])

        # We have to make sure that we didn't get a so-called "ValueRequest"
        # because those don't work the same way.
        # (This can happen if array data was given to a slot via setValue().)
        assert isinstance(req, Request), "Can't use RoiRequestBatch with non-standard requests.  See comment above."

        req.notify_finished(partial(self._handleCompletedRequest, roi))
        req.notify_failed(partial(self._handleFailedRequest, roi))
        req.notify_cancelled(partial(self._handleCancelledRequest, roi))

    def _handleCompletedRequest(self, roi, result):
            if self._allowParallelResults:
                # Signal the user with the result before the critical section
                self.resultSignal(roi, result)
        except Exception:
            # Always notify.
            with self._condition:
                self._failure_excinfo = sys.exc_info()

        with self._condition:
                if not self._allowParallelResults:
                    # Signal here, inside the critical section.
                    self.resultSignal(roi, result)

                # Report progress (if possible)
                if self._totalVolume is not None:
                    self._processedVolume += numpy.prod(numpy.subtract(roi[1], roi[0]))
                    progress = 100 * self._processedVolume // self._totalVolume

                logger.debug("Request completed for roi: {}".format(roi))
                self._completed_count += 1
                # Always notify in this finally section,
                #  even if the client result/progress handler raised.

    def _handleFailedRequest(self, roi, exc, exc_info):
        with self._condition:
            msg = "Encountered exception while processing roi: {}".format(roi)
            log_exception(logger, msg, exc_info)
            self._failure_excinfo = exc_info

    def _handleCancelledRequest(self, roi):
        # I can't think of a use-case for cancelling our child requests independent of our
        assert Request.current_request_is_cancelled(), (
            "You can cancel the parent request of this batch request action,"
            " but you can't cancel the child requests independently."
        with self._condition:
Exemple #5
class RoiRequestBatch( object ):
    A simple utility for requesting a list of rois from an output slot.
    The number of rois requested in parallel is throttled by the batch size given to the constructor.
    The result of each requested roi is provided as a signal, which the user should subscribe() to.

    Example usage:
    >>> import sys
    >>> import vigra
    >>> from lazyflow.graph import Graph
    >>> from lazyflow.operators.operators import OpArrayCache

    >>> # Example data
    >>> data = numpy.indices( (100,100) ).sum(0)
    >>> data = vigra.taggedView( data, vigra.defaultAxistags('xy') )

    >>> op = OpArrayCache( graph=Graph() )
    >>> op.Input.setValue( data )

    >>> # Create a list of rois to iterate through.
    >>> # Typically you'll want to automate this
    >>> #  with e.g. lazyflow.roi.getIntersectingBlocks
    >>> rois = []
    >>> rois.append( ( (0, 0), (10,10) ) )
    >>> rois.append( ( (0,10), (10,20) ) )
    >>> rois.append( ( (0,20), (10,30) ) )
    >>> rois.append( ( (0,30), (10,40) ) )
    >>> rois.append( ( (0,40), (10,50) ) )

    >>> # Init with our output slot and list of rois to request.
    >>> # `batchSize` indicates the number of requests to spawn in parallel.
    >>> # Provide `totalVolume` if you want progress reporting.
    >>> batch_requester = RoiRequestBatch( op.Output, iter(rois), totalVolume=500, batchSize=2 )

    >>> # Use a callback to handle sub-results one at a time.
    >>> result_count = [0]
    >>> result_total_sum = [0]
    >>> def handle_block_result(roi, result):
    ...     # No need for locking here if allowParallelResults=True.
    ...     result_count[0] += 1
    ...     result_total_sum[0] += result.sum()
    >>> batch_requester.resultSignal.subscribe( handle_block_result )

    >>> # Optional: Subscribe to progress updates
    >>> def handle_progress(progress):
    ...     if progress == 0:
    ...         sys.stdout.write("Progress: ")
    ...     sys.stdout.write( "{} ".format( progress ) )
    >>> batch_requester.progressSignal.subscribe( handle_progress )

    >>> # Execute the batch of requests, and block for the result.
    >>> batch_requester.execute()
    Progress: 0 20 40 60 80 100 100 
    >>> print "Processed {} result blocks with a total sum of: {}".format( result_count[0], result_total_sum[0] )
    Processed 5 result blocks with a total sum of: 14500
    def __init__( self, outputSlot, roiIterator, totalVolume=None, batchSize=2, allowParallelResults=False ):

        :param outputSlot: The slot to request data from.
        :param roiIterator: An iterator providing new rois.
        :param totalVolume: The total volume to be processed.  
                            Used to provide the progress reporting signal. 
                            If not provided, then no intermediate progress will be signaled.
        :param batchSize: The maximum number of requests to launch in parallel.
        :param allowParallelResults: If True, The resultSignal will not be called in parallel.
                                     In that case, your handler function has no need for locks.
        self._resultSignal = OrderedSignal()
        self._progressSignal = OrderedSignal()

        assert isinstance(outputSlot.stype, lazyflow.stype.ArrayLike), \
            "Only Array-like slots supported." # Because progress reporting depends on the roi shape
        self._outputSlot = outputSlot
        self._roiIter = roiIterator
        self._batchSize = batchSize
        self._allowParallelResults = allowParallelResults
        self._condition = SimpleRequestCondition()

        self._activated_count = 0
        self._completed_count = 0

        # Progress bookkeeping
        self._totalVolume = totalVolume
        self._processedVolume = 0
    def resultSignal(self):
        Results signal. Signature: ``f(roi, result)``.
        Guaranteed not to be called from multiple threads in parallel.
        return self._resultSignal
    def progressSignal(self):
        Progress Signal Signature: ``f(progress_percent)``
        return self._progressSignal
    def execute(self):
        Execute the batch of requests and wait for all of them to complete.
        A batch of N requests is launched, and subsequent requests are 
        launched one-by-one as the earlier requests complete.  Thus, there 
        will be N requests executing in parallel at all times.

        This method returns ``None``.  All results must be handled via the 
        self.progressSignal( 0 )

        ## In the lines below, we acquire/release self._condition with high frequency,
        ## to allow finishing requests to be handled in _handleCompletedRequest as soon as possible,
        ## instead of forcing them to wait for the entire batch to be launched before the first 
        ## finished request can be handled and discarded.

            # Start by activating a batch of N requests
            for _ in range(self._batchSize):
                with self._condition:
                    self._activated_count += 1

            # Loop until StopIteration
            while True:
                # Wait for at least one active request to finish
                with self._condition:
                    while (self._activated_count - self._completed_count) == self._batchSize:

                # Launch new requests until we have the correct number of active requests
                while self._activated_count - self._completed_count < self._batchSize:
                    with self._condition:
                        self._activateNewRequest() # Eventually raises StopIteration
                        self._activated_count += 1
        except StopIteration:
            # We've run out of requests to launch.
            # Wait for the remaining active requests to finish.
            with self._condition:
                while self._completed_count < self._activated_count:

        self.progressSignal( 100 )

    def _activateNewRequest(self):
        Creates and activates a new request if there are more rois to process.
        Otherwise, raises StopIteration
        # This could raise StopIteration
        roi = self._roiIter.next()
        req = self._outputSlot( roi[0], roi[1] )
        # We have to make sure that we didn't get a so-called "ValueRequest"
        # because those don't work the same way.
        # (This can happen if array data was given to a slot via setValue().)
        assert isinstance( req, Request ), \
            "Can't use RoiRequestBatch with non-standard requests.  See comment above."
        req.notify_finished( partial( self._handleCompletedRequest, roi ) )

    def _handleCompletedRequest(self, roi, result):
        if self._allowParallelResults:
            # Signal the user with the result before the critical section
            self.resultSignal(roi, result)

        with self._condition:
            if not self._allowParallelResults:
                # Signal here, inside the critical section.
                self.resultSignal(roi, result)

            # Report progress (if possible)
            if self._totalVolume is not None:
                self._processedVolume += numpy.prod( numpy.subtract(roi[1], roi[0]) )
                progress = 100 * self._processedVolume / self._totalVolume
                self.progressSignal( progress )
            self._completed_count += 1
class RoiRequestBatch( object ):
    A simple utility for requesting a list of rois from an output slot.
    The number of rois requested in parallel is throttled by the batch size given to the constructor.
    The result of each requested roi is provided as a signal, which the user should subscribe() to.

    Example usage:
    >>> import sys
    >>> import vigra
    >>> from lazyflow.graph import Graph
    >>> from lazyflow.operators.operators import OpArrayCache

    >>> # Example data
    >>> data = numpy.indices( (100,100) ).sum(0)
    >>> data = vigra.taggedView( data, vigra.defaultAxistags('xy') )

    >>> op = OpArrayCache( graph=Graph() )
    >>> op.Input.setValue( data )

    >>> # Create a list of rois to iterate through.
    >>> # Typically you'll want to automate this
    >>> #  with e.g. lazyflow.roi.getIntersectingBlocks
    >>> rois = []
    >>> rois.append( ( (0, 0), (10,10) ) )
    >>> rois.append( ( (0,10), (10,20) ) )
    >>> rois.append( ( (0,20), (10,30) ) )
    >>> rois.append( ( (0,30), (10,40) ) )
    >>> rois.append( ( (0,40), (10,50) ) )

    >>> # Init with our output slot and list of rois to request.
    >>> # `batchSize` indicates the number of requests to spawn in parallel.
    >>> # Provide `totalVolume` if you want progress reporting.
    >>> batch_requester = RoiRequestBatch( op.Output, iter(rois), totalVolume=500, batchSize=2 )

    >>> # Use a callback to handle sub-results one at a time.
    >>> result_count = [0]
    >>> result_total_sum = [0]
    >>> def handle_block_result(roi, result):
    ...     # No need for locking here.
    ...     result_count[0] += 1
    ...     result_total_sum[0] += result.sum()
    >>> batch_requester.resultSignal.subscribe( handle_block_result )

    >>> # Optional: Subscribe to progress updates
    >>> def handle_progress(progress):
    ...     if progress == 0:
    ...         sys.stdout.write("Progress: ")
    ...     sys.stdout.write( "{} ".format( progress ) )
    >>> batch_requester.progressSignal.subscribe( handle_progress )

    >>> # Execute the batch of requests, and block for the result.
    >>> batch_requester.execute()
    Progress: 0 20 40 60 80 100 100 
    >>> print "Processed {} result blocks with a total sum of: {}".format( result_count[0], result_total_sum[0] )
    Processed 5 result blocks with a total sum of: 14500
    def __init__( self, outputSlot, roiIterator, totalVolume=None, batchSize=2 ):

        :param outputSlot: The slot to request data from.
        :param roiIterator: An iterator providing new rois.
        :param totalVolume: The total volume to be processed.  
                            Used to provide the progress reporting signal. 
                            If not provided, then no intermediate progress will be signaled.
        :param batchSize: The maximum number of requests to launch in parallel.
        self._resultSignal = OrderedSignal()
        self._progressSignal = OrderedSignal()

        assert isinstance(outputSlot.stype, lazyflow.stype.ArrayLike), \
            "Only Array-like slots supported." # Because progress reporting depends on the roi shape
        self._outputSlot = outputSlot
        self._roiIter = roiIterator
        self._batchSize = batchSize
        self._condition = SimpleRequestCondition()

        self._activated_count = 0
        self._completed_count = 0

        # Progress bookkeeping
        self._totalVolume = totalVolume
        self._processedVolume = 0
    def resultSignal(self):
        Results signal. Signature: ``f(roi, result)``.
        Guaranteed not to be called from multiple threads in parallel.
        return self._resultSignal
    def progressSignal(self):
        Progress Signal Signature: ``f(progress_percent)``
        return self._progressSignal
    def execute(self):
        Execute the batch of requests and wait for all of them to complete.
        A batch of N requests is launched, and subsequent requests are 
        launched one-by-one as the earlier requests complete.  Thus, there 
        will be N requests executing in parallel at all times.

        This method returns ``None``.  All results must be handled via the 
        self.progressSignal( 0 )

        with self._condition:
            # Start by activating a batch of N requests
            for _ in range(self._batchSize):
                self._activated_count += 1

                # Loop until StopIteration
                while True:
                    # Wait for at least one active request to finish
                    while (self._activated_count - self._completed_count) == self._batchSize:

                    # Launch new requests until we have the correct number of active requests
                    while self._activated_count - self._completed_count < self._batchSize:
                        self._activateNewRequest() # Eventually raises StopIteration
                        self._activated_count += 1
            except StopIteration:
                # We've run out of requests to launch.
                # Wait for the remaining active requests to finish.
                while self._completed_count < self._activated_count:

        self.progressSignal( 100 )

    def _activateNewRequest(self):
        Creates and activates a new request if there are more rois to process.
        Otherwise, raises StopIteration
        # This could raise StopIteration
        roi = self._roiIter.next()
        req = self._outputSlot( roi[0], roi[1] )
        # We have to make sure that we didn't get a so-called "ValueRequest"
        # because those don't work the same way.
        # (This can happen if array data was given to a slot via setValue().)
        assert isinstance( req, Request ), \
            "Can't use RoiRequestBatch with non-standard requests.  See comment above."
        req.notify_finished( partial( self._handleCompletedRequest, roi ) )

    def _handleCompletedRequest(self, roi, result):
        with self._condition:
            # Signal the user with the result
            self.resultSignal(roi, result)
            # Report progress (if possible)
            if self._totalVolume is not None:
                self._processedVolume += numpy.prod( numpy.subtract(roi[1], roi[0]) )
                progress = 100 * self._processedVolume / self._totalVolume
                self.progressSignal( progress )

            self._completed_count += 1